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Posts Tagged ‘Jerusalem’

Why Israel and Jerusalem And Nowhere Else!

by WrathofG-d ( 96 Comments › )
Filed under Israel at May 11th, 2010 - 1:00 pm

I came across this fantastic article at Israel Matzav. It perfectly expresses the feelings of millions of Jews, and expresses why Israel and Jerusalem.

Imagine for a moment that Israel was established in Uganda in 1948. Far from those who seek its destruction, Israel would grow and prosper. Resources would be diverted toward the sciences rather than defensive measures, and Israeli innovations would benefit the entire human race without ever being questioned. Israelis would walk the streets freely without fear and would sleep soundly through the night. And Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) would be celebrated in its full glory, without the sad preface of Yom HaZikaron (the Day of Remembrance) – there would be no need to cry for the tens of thousands of lives that were sacrificed for our homeland because no such sacrifices would have been made. Israel would just be, and this homeland would serve as a true safe haven for the Jewish people.

Still, that Ugandan utopia just wouldn’t do.

When a Jew prays outside of Israel, he is told to orient himself towards Israel. When a Jew prays within Israel, he is told to face Jerusalem. Why? Because Jerusalem is ground zero for Jewish spirituality and culture, and the biblical and historical home base of our nation. It is the eternal focus of Jewish life. Thus, if Israel were to exist in Uganda, a Jew would always be facing out of his land during prayer. He would gaze longingly toward the City of Gold singing “If I forget thee O Jerusalem” and wondering why he hadn’t fought to keep it.

Indeed, the only Israel that could ever truly be the homeland for the Jewish people is one that not only has the potential to include Jerusalem, but actually does. It is for this reason that we celebrate Yom Yerushalaim (Jerusalem Day) as much as Yom Ha’Atzmaut – it marks the day when our acquisition of the real Israel became complete Jerusalem was once again in our hands.

So, was it all worth it? Was it worth reestablishing Israel amongst those who seek our destruction just to have Jerusalem? Is the symbolic heart of the Jewish people worth the thousands of actual hearts that were silenced on her behalf?

Trembling and teary-eyed we must answer in the affirmative.

Like Carl, I’m not too sure Uganda would have been utopia either. Almost by definition, because any day that Jerusalem and Tzion are not in the hands of the Jewish people, it is another day that the Nation of Israel must try to live without its heart and soul.

In other Israel news….about those so-called “loyal” Israeli-Arab/Muslims.

Two ‘Israeli Arabs’ charged with spying for Hezbullah

For Jerusalem

by goddessoftheclassroom ( 24 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Israel, Judaism at April 17th, 2010 - 1:30 pm


Heart of Our Hearts [Daniel Foster]

Nobel Prize-winning author and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel today took out a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal, in the form an open letter to President Obama, with whom Wiesel visited the Buchenwald death camp last year.

The text of the letter.

For Jerusalem

It was inevitable: Jerusalem once again is at the center of political debates and international storms. New and old tensions surface at a disturbing pace. Seventeen times destroyed and seventeen times rebuilt, it is still in the middle of diplomatic confrontations that could lead to armed conflict. Neither Athens nor Rome has aroused that many passions.

For me, the Jew that I am, Jerusalem is above politics. It is mentioned more than six hundred times in Scripture-and not a single time in the Koran. Its presence in Jewish history is overwhelming. There is no more moving prayer in Jewish history than the one expressing our yearning to return to Jerusalem. To many theologians, it IS Jewish history, to many poets, a source of inspiration. It belongs to the Jewish people and is much more than a city, it is what binds one Jew to another in a way that remains hard to explain. When a Jew visits Jerusalem for the first time, it is not the first time; it is a homecoming. The first song I heard was my mother’s lullaby about and for Jerusalem. Its sadness and its joy are part of our collective memory.

Since King David took Jerusalem as his capital, Jews have dwelled inside its walls with only two interruptions; when Roman invaders forbade them access to the city and again, when under Jordanian occupation. Jews, regardless of nationality, were refused entry into the old Jewish quarter to meditate and pray at the Wall, the last vestige of Solomon’s temple. It is important to remember: had Jordan not joined Egypt and Syria in the 1967 war against Israel, the old city of Jerusalem would still be Arab. Clearly, while Jews were ready to die for Jerusalem they would not kill for Jerusalem.

Today, for the first time in history, Jews, Christians and Muslims all may freely worship at their shrines. And, contrary to certain media reports, Jews, Christians and Muslims ARE allowed to build their homes anywhere in the city. The anguish over Jerusalem is not about real estate but about memory.

What is the solution? Pressure will not produce a solution. Is there a solution? There must be, there will be. Why tackle the most complex and sensitive problem prematurely? Why not first take steps which will allow the Israeli and Palestinian communities to find ways to live together in an atmosphere of security. Why not leave the most difficult, the most sensitive issue, for such a time?

Jerusalem must remain the world’s Jewish spiritual capital, not a symbol of anguish and bitterness, but a symbol of trust and hope. As the Hasidic master Rebbe Nahman of Bratslav said, “Everything in this world has a heart; the heart itself has its own heart.”

Jerusalem is the heart of our heart, the soul of our soul.

— Elie Wiesel

“East Jerusalem” and Progressive Antisemitism

by Delectable ( 292 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Israel, Judaism, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Progressives at March 23rd, 2010 - 8:00 am

Please read this.

Rabbi Eric Yoffie, who has previously been the keynote speaker at ISNA (the Islamic Society of North America, an unindicted co-conspirator of the Holy Land Trial Foundation), said that Obama is right to call for the building freeze in ‘East Jerusalem.’ This is nothing less than a war on the good from someone who has previously shown his willingness to collaborate with Israel’s (and the U.S.’s) enemies, ala J Street. Actually, Rabbi Yoffie was a featured speaker at J Street’s “Annual Gala.” (quite the coincidence, no?) He spoke alongside the open jihadist, Salam al-Marayati, as well as Iran’s lobbyist, Trita Parsi. And of course, J Street 100% agrees with Rabbi Yoffie that Israel should stop building (for Jews only, of course) in “East Jerusalem,” obviously with the ultimate intent on giving up that land (and thus cleansing 700,000 Jews from their homes) for a future ‘Palestinian state.’

But I digress.

Israel is simply building homes, and in response the jihadists of Fatah and Hamas are building rockets and indoctrinating their people to hate – and yet, according to these progressives, it is Israel that should be capitulating. This point has been rammed home yet again by Hillary Clinton, when she equated building homes in Israel’s holiest city (and capitol!) with hate indoctrination and terrorism in her AIPAC speech yesterday. (big shock here – J Street applauded Hillary’s speech)

Three points on this are often unacknowledged.

1. Ramat Shlomo – the housing units at issue (which caused the diplomatic ‘crisis’) – are in North Jerusalem, not East Jerusalem. Thus, this is saying that Jews have no right to build anywhere in Jerusalem. (and implicitly, anywhere in Israel?)

2. Technically, Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital are in “East Jerusalem.” Should those institutions be dismantled? Why not, according to progressive reasoning? There is a false myth that all of ‘East Jerusalem’ was Arab in 1949. Totally untrue, as evidenced by the existence of Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital! Moreover, the 1949 borders of Israel are literally the lines where the fighting stopped. That’s it. I would like ‘Rabbi’ Eric Yoffie and J Street to explain why and how those particular lines are sacrosanct.

3. Arabs are able to build anywhere they want in Jerusalem, and do. The Israeli ‘building inspectors’ have dedicated themselves to tearing down Jewish, not Arab, illegal building. Source.

I reject the implicitly racist/antisemitic notion that Jews are not allowed to build in their holiest city, but Arabs can live anywhere they want.

Pogroms in Jerusalem

by Phantom Ace ( 96 Comments › )
Filed under Islamic Invasion, Islamic Supremacism, Israel, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Liberal Fascism, Sharia (Islamic Law) at December 2nd, 2009 - 2:00 pm

Yes, you are reading this headline correctly! There are right now as we speak, Pogroms against Jews in Jerusalem. Islamo-Imperialist and foreign Progressive Collaborators have been attacking Jewish families who are moving into the eastern parts of Jerusalem. Can you imagine if Progressives and Imperialist were attacking Americans moving into parts of New York? Well that is what is occurring in Israel!

A “welcoming” committee of Arabs and foreign anti-Israel activists, including those from the United States and Sweden, attacked Jews with clubs and stones Tuesday as a new family moved into a home in eastern Jerusalem. Police stopped the attack but not before blood was streaming down the face of a Jewish guard at the site.

The clash came as Sweden plans to present a proposal to the European Union that it recognize eastern Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian Authority, a step that would give the PA de facto status as a state and weaken Israeli sovereignty over the city.

Read the rest.

Sweden which is beloved by Progressives is a collaborationist state. I call on all Blogmocracy Netizens to boycott products from that Progressive hell hole. As for the Americans involved, it comes as no surprise. Anti-Semitism is rising under the guise of anti-Zionism. It is open season on Jews in their own homeland! It is no coincidence it is open season on Christians in America as well.

These events are not a coincidence in my opinion. There is a Global Progressive-Imperialist war on Christians and Jews. What is sad is that Jerusalem was built by King David, who was Jewish. The Israeli government should protect it’s citizens from Collaborationist Progressive and Islamo-Imperialist aggression, that is their job! Is that not the reason Israel exists as being a Jewish homeland?

(Hat Tip – Wrath of G_D)

This is Wrath’s comment on this disturbing event!

–This is how the “peace process” according to the U.S. and the International community works.  It was seen in the 2005 Expulsion of innocent Jews from their homes in order to please the Muslim terrorists, and is playing itself out again now.  The World insists that Jews be allauded inferior to no rights, and insist that parts of the World be Judenrein.  This is Anti-Semitism at play, whether people recognize it or not.  What was the crime of this family? – only being Jewish.

Wrath, I could not agree more!