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Posts Tagged ‘Jerusalem’

The Goings on in Gilo, Jerusalem

by Delectable ( 228 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Barack Obama, Israel, Progressives, Tranzis at November 18th, 2009 - 1:33 pm

As many of you have probably already heard, the Obama administration has decided to make international waves about the decision of the Jerusalem municipality in Israel to approve an additional 900 housing units in Gilo, which is within Jerusalem city limits. Somehow, a municipal decision to approve housing units in the capitol of its country becomes an international incident. Only in Israel!


This is typical. I am going to not lay all the blame on Obama here, and it must be noted that Condi Rice had made similar such statements in the past. As is typical, J Street supported Obama, and is against the additional housing in Gilo. (shocka!)

The common theme is that somehow it is “anti-human rights” for Jews to build homes, kindergartens, and nurseries in their capitol city of Jerusalem, which is, lest we forget, the holiest city for Jews, and the city that every observant Jew prays to on a daily basis. (Can you imagine the USA telling Saudi Arabia that it cannot build more housing units for Muslims in Mecca? Enough said!)

But here is the little wrinkle to the story that the mainstream media usually leaves out: Arabs can buy land in Jewish areas. Not only can they buy land – they actually do buy land in Jewish neighborhoods.

Here are just two examples of Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem where Arabs feel free to buy and sell land as they see fit – Pisgat Ze’ev and French Hill. In fact, Arabs buy and sell land anywhere they want in Israel, including Tel Aviv!

Here is an article by reputed scholar Alex Safian about the ability of Arabs to buy and sell land in all parts of Israel, written in 1997. The restrictions to land purchase only have decreased, to the extent they existed in 1997, due to the liberal Supreme Court of Israel! Right now there are reports of Gulf Arabs buying of land in Israel located in the Galilee. This flies in the face of the supposedly ‘racist’ and ‘discriminatory’ land policies in Israel. Actually, the real racists are from Peace Now. They actually sued to prevent Jews from buying land in Jaffa, Israel, which is indisputably part of the 1967 borders of Israel. Arabs – they can buy land wherever they want (with the understanding that most land is state-owned, but I use the term “buy” and “long-term lease” interchangeably, as far as this goes). But according to Peace Now (a misnomer of a term if I ever heard it – they are anti-peace, as I previously discussed), Jews cannot buy land in Jaffa, because it is an Arab neighborhood, which must be ‘respected.’ (yet Jewish neighborhoods disrespected, of course – this is a one-way street!) Thankfully, Peace Now lost their case before the Israeli Supreme Court. Interesting, I came across this article, which clearly peddled the lame line that if Jews move into an Arab neighborhood of Jaffa, then it will “incite” violence. So Jews should not have the right to live there. This clearly follows the “noble savage” line of thinking – that somehow Arabs who live in Jaffa are not human beings, but rather are beasts, who are incapable of anything but violence, so you should not provoke the noble beasts! As I said – Peace Now, J Street and their ilk – they really are racist!

Meanwhile, we deal with the reality that if Arabs sell land to Jews, they could be slaughtered. I am not just making this up. There have been cases of Arabs being killed for selling land to Jews. And so this also colors land claims – of course Arabs will deny they sold land to Jews, because to do anything us puts their very lives in jeopardy! Also – in Jordan – and throughout the Mideast – it is against state law for a Jew to own land in the country. (yet no “human rights organizations” seem to have problems with this, of course!) Here is a CAMERA primer on the law concerning land purchase and use. It is a must-read to understand the basic law in the region!

What is the lesson to be learned about this all? I would say that it is racist for Obama (and previously, Condi Rice) to make an “international incident” over 900 homes in Gilo. As I have extensively shown, Arabs have the right to buy and sell land throughout all of Israel. It is clearly racist to tell Jews – and only Jews – that they must be ghettoized, and cannot enjoy such similar rights.

As I have outlined, Peace Now is tied in very closely (joined at the hip, if you will) to the progressive movement. They (and J Street, also, as I have outlined, a progressive organization) are thus supporting racism.

It is because I reject racism and support equality and human rights that I support Israel and reject the progressive view of the world that ghettoizes the Jew, and turns Arabs “noble savages.” I expect more for humanity and the world!

~Open Thread: Friday Evening “Jerusalem & Temple Mount” Edition~

by WrathofG-d ( 348 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Islamists, Israel, Judaism, Middle East, Open thread, Palestinians, Religion, World at November 13th, 2009 - 3:28 pm

Shabbat starts very early these days, and I have way too much work before then to put together the regular Shabbat/Friday Evening post.

Instead, I present you with this informative and yet still spiritual article regarding The Temple Mount, and the Arab onslaught to erase the Jewish people’s historical connection to it.  This is definitely worth saving for future use as Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount are bound to become the topic in the future.

In his 1925 autobiography, Mein Kampf, Adolph Hitler wrote that people would assume that an outrageous lie must be true because no one would have the audacity to have made it up. Later, that propaganda technique evolved into: If a big lie is repeated enough times it will become widely accepted as truth.

This bit of Nazi propaganda is being used today by the Palestinians. Their Big Lie is preached from the pulpits of the mosques and in the classrooms of their madrasas — and more and more of the untutored masses are believing it.

What is the Palestinian Big Lie? Palestinian Authority Mufti Ikrama Sabri was quoted in the Palestinian daily Al-Ayyam (November 22, 1997) as saying that the Western Wall is part of the Al-Aksa Mosque and the Jews have no connection with it. The same newspaper (July 18, 1997) reported that Hamad Yusef, head of the Institution for the Rejuvenation of the Palestinian Heritage, referred to the “false historical claim of the Jews in the holy city, a claim which they were unable to prove in all of the (archaeological) excavations conducted by foreign groups for the past hundred years.”

In other words, the Jewish people have no historical connection with the Temple Mount, including the Western Wall, or with any part of old Jerusalem. No archaeological evidence has ever shown otherwise. So they claim.

{The Rest of The Article}

And for a little inspiration “A Taste of Heaven

U.S. Consulate In Jerusalem Exclusively Caters To The P.A.

by WrathofG-d ( 343 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Israel, Judaism, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Middle East, Palestinians, Politics, Republican Party at October 2nd, 2009 - 11:29 am

Back in August of this year, it was noticed that the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, instead of being a connection between the U.S., and the County it is in -Israel, was instead acting as a de facto Embassy to the Palestinian Authority (“P.A.”).

When an irate American wrote to the American Consul-General in Jerusalem on August 14 expressing outrage that the Consulate’s website “did not mention Israel, projects in Israel, the people of Israel or the modern state of Israel, but did predominantly mention the numerous projects the U.S. has with the Palestinians, he received the following response confirming that this ignoring of Israel was not on accident:

“Thank you for your feedback on the U.S. Consulate General Jerusalem’s Website. Just to clarify, the Consulate General in Jerusalem is the principal representation to the Palestinian Authority. We also provide services to American citizens in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza.

“The U.S. embassy to Israel is in Tel Aviv and is focused on the bilateral relationship with Israel. Their website is
http://usembassy-israel.org.il/. The American Center in Jerusalem also provides information about the United States to the Israeli public. Their website is http://usembassy-israel.org.il/ac/ .

“Jerusalem is a final status issue. Israel and the Palestinians have agreed to resolve its status during negotiations. We will support their efforts to reach agreements on all final status issues.”

{The Article}

This response from the U.S. would make sense but for one major issue that the above article points out – “the current seat of the PA government is in Ramallah” not Jerusalem; as Israel’s is. The article goes on to point out the significance of this conscious choice by the U.S.

[T]he United States government appears to already recognize the Palestinian Authority’s claim to Jerusalem.


We also cannot ignore the fact that at the same time, successive American governments have failed to officially recognize Israel’s declaration of the city as its capital since 1948, and although they are legally required to – per the 1995 “Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act” – continue to refuse to move the U.S. Embassy to Israel to Israel’s Capitol -Jerusalem.

This sort of treatment of Israel by the U.S. State Department is systemic.  This past September The U.S. State Department  issued Ramadan, etc. greetings to Muslims while completely ignoring the Jewish High Holidays.

Both Jews and Muslims celebrated holidays in September 2009.  However, the United States Consulate in Jerusalem – America’s representative in Israel’s capital – chose to focus entirely on Islam this year, while ignoring the Jewish holidays of Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur completely.

The Consulate’s website features Eid il-Fitr greetings from U.S. President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Consul General Daniel Rubinstein. Its staff was involved in Ramadan celebrations in Jenin and Shechem, and hosted a meal in Jericho for the Muslim holiday of Iftar.

Clinton’s greeting was published on September 19 – the first day of Rosh HaShana. However, no mention was made of the Jewish holiday.

{The Article}

This is how our Government treats its greatest ally in The Middle East.  We should be ashamed!…

…Especially if we do nothing about it!

To contact the Department of State to express your outrage, go here.

Obama Administration Funding Projects “Towards The Establishment of Independent Palestinian State”

by WrathofG-d ( 76 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Israel, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Middle East, Palestinians, Politics, Religion at September 4th, 2009 - 10:52 am

Obama HeadscarfThe United States is funding a Palestinian Authority project to place non-Hebrew road signs throughout Judea and Samaria.  The PA plans to implement it in exclusively Israeli-controlled areas as well.

The project is part of American aid “towards the establishment of an independent Palestinian state,” as a top official of USAID (United States Agency for International Development) in the PA, Howard Sumka, told the Al-Hayat Arabic daily.

The project was announced by PA transportation minister Dr. Saadi Alkaranz. Correspondent Haggai Huberman reports that it is the first of its kind since Jordan lost control of the area when it attacked Israel during the 1967 Six Day War.  All roads and localities will appear in Arabic and English on the new signs; Hebrew will not appear.

Minister Alkaranz said, “This project is included in the government’s plans to lay the foundations for the establishment of a Palestinian state whose capital is Jerusalem.” He explained that the signs will not include the names of any Jewish locations in the region.

{The Article}

Although the writing on roadsigns might sound like a non-issue, it has become a very contentious issue in the Arab/Israel conflict recently.  Not too long ago, Israeli Transportation Minister, Yisrael Katz  suggested that although all the roadsigns in Israel will continue to be in Hebrew, and Arabic (and English), they will use the Hebrew names for Israeli cities.  Thus, instead of now where the signs refer to Jerusalem as “Jerusalem” in English, “Yerusahlaim” in Hebrew, and “Al-Quds” in Arabic, they will all read “Yerusalaim” but be written in all three languages.   This caused an outpouring of all hell from the Israeli-Arabs,  and Muslim/Arab world with claims of racism, ethnic cleansing, etc.  Dispite this, the PLO/PA plan, funded by the U.S. (ie: your tax dollars) is to only use Arabic!

We also should not ignore the scope, message, and impact of this plan.  The project will effect EVERY area of Judea & Samaria, creates facts on the ground, impact the daily lives of the Arabs in Judea & Samaria, and interfere directly with Israeli sovereignty.  This is all without getting into how it is premature, and in violation of the principles, requirements we have insisted upon before such actions could be taken.  (see Road Map, Annapolis, Oslo, Camp David…)  As we all know, this hasn’t stopped the Obama administration from holding Israel to the previous agreements. (ie: removing roadblocks, giving the PLO soverignty, and “settlements”)

Hopefully it is accidental, but the Obama Administration is participating in history revisionism, racism, and ethnic cleansing.  The Obama administration seems to be making the same mistakes as the Bush administration did with the “Disengagement”, and supporting an outcome that is inherently Anti-Semitic.   By creating these “Arab only” facts on the ground, the Obama administration is wiping the historic Jewish connection to Judea & Samaria out of the history books, and supporting the forced exclusion of Jews from a future Palestine, and bolstering the Arab claim that a future Palestine shoudl be Judenrein.