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Posts Tagged ‘Jimmy Carter’

Move over Jimmy Carter, you will soon be joined by another terrible president that the press touts as our greatest ex-president

by Flyovercountry ( 243 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Progressives at August 30th, 2012 - 3:00 pm

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

Bill Whittle sums it up beautifully in this edition of Afterburner. It is the tale of two campaigns and their corresponding messages. An unfair fight really, between an actual heavyweight with intellectual gravitas and a lifetime of actual accomplishment versus a petty little man who really has zero business in the arena inhabited by adults. That is as diplomatic a description as I could have given to the campaign of 2012. Barack Obama won the election in 2008 due in large part to the ability of the press to keep hidden from the American people his core principles, beliefs, origins, associations, philosophical direction, campaign tactics, and what this person actually was. Now in 2012, as Americans have gotten to know him more intimately, they, about 55% of them anyhow, have had enough. Democrat party stalwarts who have not turned completely against him have taken to beating land speed records in their attempts to clear distance betwixt he and they.

I remember watching ABC news’ Nightline one day during the spring of 1988 and watching a glowing report of Jimmy Carter’s activities as an Ex-President. No matter what you believed about his job performance while in office, I was told, He was a stand out as one of our greatest former Presidents. A fitting tribute indeed, praising him for activities that had no real consequence, except as a good will ambassador shining his famous smile for various charitable photo ops, while actual decisions which needed to be made were left for the adults in the room. I can think of no better job for the Obama family. Traveling the country far and wide getting their picture taken in soup kitchens, where more than half of the people standing in line are there as a direct result of an Obama policy decision, and then leaving as the real business of feeding the hungry is attended to by people who really care enough to put forth an effort.

As the convention reaches its final day today, and we look forward to Mitt Romney’s acceptance as the top of the GOP ticket, I implore all of us to put aside our admittedly well deserved differences and get behind the necessary effort to remove this petty little man, the destructive force that he has turned out to be, from the highest office in the land. We need to put our nation first, because four more years of a Zero Presidency will see damage done to our nation that will take decades to reverse, possibly longer. Many of us, myself included wanted another candidate to emerge victorious from the primary fights earlier during the spring. Mitt Romney, for better or worse is what we have. The attempts of a very small minority to replace him with their respective candidates during a floor fight at the convention have failed as well.

Yes, Mitt Romney comes from the liberal wing of the party, and yes he has shown those colors vividly in the past. He has also kept his language strictly in line with free market economics since winning the nomination, and has not taken that all familiar turn to the left, as have many Republican Presidential nominees before him, (Nixon, Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain.) He, even without saying this is for the Tea Party, has picked one of our own for the number two spot on the ticket. What’s even more important about that pick, is that it was not a blind pander to the conservative base that makes up the bulk of those who regularly vote for Republicans, but rather the result of his well established management style. He chose someone he felt was capable of doing the top job, but that would also serve as a compliment to his strengths and views. He picked Ryan precisely so that he would always have a more conservative argument and view point present during the decision making process, someone who will have the strength to stand up to him when disagreement inevitably does arise.

Compare, just for the moment, the differences between these two men and their management styles. Barack Obama chose Joe Biden, the only man in America capable of making Barack Obama seem serious by comparison. Biden is one of the very few people in this country who Barack Obama can surround himself with and not feel threatened that his abilities will overshadow those of Obama. Mitt Romney chose someone precisely because he wished to surround himself with people who are the most capable around. He is not threatened by the capabilities of others, he actively seeks them out and offers them jobs.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Evil anti-Semitic bigot Jimmy Carter to address the Democratic National Convention

by 1389AD ( 116 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Barack Obama, Bigotry, Democratic Party, Dhimmitude, Elections 2012, Israel, Leftist-Islamic Alliance at August 8th, 2012 - 5:00 pm

The Democrats have abandoned America’s Jewish voters.

It’s as simple as that. Not only Barack Hussein Obama, but also the entire Democratic Party, have sold out to anti-Israel and pro-Muslim-Brotherhood interests.

Here’s the message to all American voters who are Jewish, and to all who support Israel’s right to exist:

  • The Democrats don’t need your help with their campaigns.
  • The Democrats don’t need your contributions.
  • The Democrats don’t need your votes.
  • In short, the Democrats have written you off.

“But my family has always voted Democrat!”

It’s long past time to stop voting for your enemies. The Democrats have made it clear that you and your family are expendable. Don’t vote for Democrat candidates at any level. Not even for dog catcher!

The Daily Caller has the story:

(h/t: Kafir)

By Caroline May

The Democratic National Convention Committee and Obama for America announced Tuesday that former President Jimmy Carter will be addressing the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte via video cast.

The former president is expected to focus on Obama’s attributes as a “global leader,” according to the DNCC and the Obama campaign.

“President Carter is one of the greatest humanitarian leaders of our time and a champion of democracy around the globe,” said 2012 Democratic National Convention Chair Antonio Villaraigosa in a statement Tuesday.

“A lifelong champion of human rights and investments in education and energy to spur economic development, President Carter will provide unique insight into President Obama’s ability to move our country forward and why we need his vision and leadership for a second term. President Obama is fighting for the next steps in our nation’s economic recovery, to reclaim America’s promise on behalf of hard-workers, the strivers, the dreamers, who ask only for a fair shot and a fair shake.”

While Carter — who was was elected in 1976 and served one term before being defeated by President Ronald Reagan in 1980 — will not be attending personally, the former president has already asserted his firm support for Obama’s reelection.

“Rosalynn and I regret that we will be unable to be at the Democratic Convention this year in Charlotte,” Carter said in a statement. “However, we remain steadfast in our support for President Obama and the progress he will make in the next four years.”

The former president’s address will air at the Time Warner Cable Arena on Sept. 4 in primetime.

Carter left office with a job approval rating of 34 percent.

Follow Caroline on Twitter

The comments here are contentious indeed.

Why will Jimmy Carter speak via videocast, rather than in person?

Insane smiley in straitjacket
Has Carter become too demented to speak on his own in the convention hall? Might he go completely off the rails if he were to appear in a public venue full of noise and distractions?

Just askin’.

Also see:

2012 is not 1980 and what the Republican Party should do to adapt

by Phantom Ace ( 87 Comments › )
Filed under Anarcho-Capitalism, Barack Obama, Conservatism, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Mitt Romney, Progressives, Republican Party, Tea Parties, The Political Right at July 26th, 2012 - 8:00 am

Many Conservatives think this is 1980 all over again. I wish that was true, but I don’t think it is. Mitt Romney is not Ronald Reagan. He’s an Establishment Rockefeller Liberal Republican. He’s not charismatic and doesn’t unite the Right like Ronald Reagan does. Obama is nothing like Jimmy Carter. He has not faced a primary challenge. He is a charismatic demagogue who has a hold on a large segment of America. He is a symbol and a has the popular culture supporting him in a way Carter never had.  Too many Americans have their emotions invested in him, like he’s some god-king Pharoah from ancient Egypt.

America has also changed since 1980. There are more single people because of economic conditions and lifestyle choices. More Americans are dependent on the government. The Left has complete control over the popular culture due to the GOP’s dumb culture war they started in 1992. The suburbs, which were the bastions of the coalition that elected Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan have been in Democratic hands since 92, although the GOP made inroads in 2010.  There are different factors at play that should make Republicans on guard and not think this is 1980 all over again.

Republicans relish the tempting thought of history repeating itself: an incumbent Democratic president, widely perceived as a disappointment or a failure, heads into an election with seven out of every ten Americans believing the “country is in deep and serious trouble.” After dismissing his Republican challenger as an unserious joke, the hubristic incumbent loses the popular vote by a wide margin and the Electoral College by a landslide.

And just think, Republicans have been comparing Barack Obama to Jimmy Carter since 2008.

While Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign is sure to enjoy the comparisons of this year’s presidential election with the one 32 years ago, Republicans shouldn’t fool themselves about the difficulty of the task before them. While it’s possible that Romney could win big, any serious examination of this race should recognize several enormous changes that have taken place in our national political environment in the past three decades, shifts that work against a repeat of Reagan’s rout of Carter.


So if the racial demographic change amounts to only a small shift in favor of the Democrats, what societal trend has helped them? The declining number of married Americans. In 1980, about 65 percent of all American adults were married; today that figure is 51 percent. Among married Americans, Obama’s job approval is a low 38 percent; among those not married, it is 54 percent.

Campaign messaging such as the Obama camp’s “Julia” ad indicates that the Democrats understand that single Americans, particularly single women, make up one of the most important groups of voters for their campaigns to mobilize. If being unmarried makes you more receptive to the Democratic party’s message, then Obama and his allies enjoy a bigger pool of persuadable voters than their counterparts did in 1980.

This is a different country than in 1980. The Democrats have realized this and instead of fighting, they have embraced it and used it to their advantage. Starting in the early 90’s Republicans have been fighting a losing culture war against trends that are outside the control of government. The result is whole swaths of voters and areas of the country that view Republicans in a negative light. Conservatives need to adapt to the times.

What The Republican Party should do.


It may be too late for this election but one of the reasons I am getting active in the GOP is try to change Republican culture. Family values are great and should always be part of Conservatism and the Republican message. But the Right needs to reach out to single people as well. This is where Libertarianism can come in. The core of Libertarianism is freedom and Capitalism. Most singles are attracted to images of money and greed. The GOP should run Libertarians (Not the Paulian types) and have commercials showing people with Lexuses and Yachts. At the end of the ads a voice should say: “vote Republican and you too may have this one day!” Have another commercial of a candidate vacationing in the Bahamas at a beach bar and say “If you vote for me I will help create conditions so that you can have the opportunity to make money and have a great time!” Take this Lexus commercial below.

Imagine a Republican campaign ad using this imagery. That would send a powerful message. Vote Republican so that the economic conditions give you the opportunity to drive a car like this or go to cool parties. This would attract many people who normally may not give the GOP a look.

Attracting married voters don’t need to contradict attracting single voters who are motivated by greed and a good time. In fact, both can complement each other. Family Value voters and money oriented single voters both can be sold on fiscal responsibility and economic freedom. A sound budget and good economy means families can plan for the future. It also means good job opportunities for single voters, which in turn means they will have money for nice cars and great vacations. In short the GOP should have a one two punch of Family Values Conservatism for families and Libertarianism for single people.

If the Republicans haven’t followed this 2 front approach, this could not be a repeat of 1980. It would be the Republican version of 1932 and the Democratic Party would be looking at a 20 year lockout of the White House, 80 House seats and 20 Senators.

I do think Obama will be defeated, but I don’t think it will be a slam dunk like many Conservatives think. We are dealing with a cultural phenomenon 20 years or more in the making. We are up against a symbol. Let’s not take this election for granted! Let’s do all we can to end the Pharaonic Regime!

Jimmy Carter’s Legacy: Part III, Iran

by Flyovercountry ( 21 Comments › )
Filed under Iran, Politics at May 13th, 2012 - 1:00 pm

As a young teen kid growing up in the mountains of West Virginia, I got to see a lot of political contradictions, and more importantly, a lot of the consequences of those contradictions. while in the 9th grade, Iran went through a revolution. I knew two people at that time who’s fathers were members of the Shah’s government. One was a child attending a private school in the area, who simply found himself abandoned in America once the revolution took place. The other was the daughter of a single mother, her father’s existence was simply a mystery to every one in town. As it turns out, Tiffany’s father was Ali Tabatabaei, the Shah’s ambassador to the United States. Those of us in our little circle of friends watched the nightly news every evening, as they reported about the young democrats and their brave struggle to over throw the thuggish oppressive regime of the Shah. The next day, our friends would vehemently oppose that meme so expertly amplified by a press corps more interested in pushing a political agenda than in reporting actual facts in any type of objective manner. The truth of the matter was that the Shah of Iran knew much better than did any member of the press what he was up against when dealing with the Islamists whom he had exiled 30 years previously. The Shah understood all too well, that in order to defeat an enemy that worshiped death over life and were willing to use their own children as bombs and human shields for instance, you would need to be every bit as brutal in your retaliation to their attacks. He also knew that in order to maintain that victory, he would need to remain every bit as hard when dealing with those still existent and very active enemies.

Unfortunately for the Shah, and the 90% of Iranians that were not hard line Islamists, 1976 saw America elect a President who ran on a platform of Hope and Change. For those of you who have not figured it out yet, Hope and Change boils down to Marxist economic theory and projecting American weakness abroad when the question of helping our allies is concerned, and projecting American might when the question of chastising our allies is concerned. The economic malaise of the Carter years is well known, but time has worked its magic to place those years beyond the memory of most. The Carter years also saw one of our only allies in the Middle East, Iran, turn into our bitter enemy and saw a soviet invasion of Afghanistan that lasted 20 years. You may have noticed that both countries have managed to make the news recently.

It is fruitless to discuss the situation in Iran or Afghanistan today without consideration of the Carter policies of 36 years ago. When Jimmy Carter announced that his foreign policy would focus on, “human rights,” the young teen age version of myself was thrilled. At last I thought, we, the bastion of freedom and justice for the world to see would help to free countless multitudes of oppressed people around the globe. I remember being thrilled when Jimmy Carter himself worked to see to it that the U.N. established a blue ribbon panel on Human Rights. The predecessor to the U.N.H.R.C. of course met with much fan fare, and found the tiny nation of Israel to be the only violator of Human Rights on the planet, besides Iran. The response from our President, that self proclaimed champion of human rights, was to praise the thoughtful and groundbreaking work of the U.N. panel. Thus began my transformation from liberal to conservative, which would take a few more years, but that is where it started.

The Shah lost his ability to control the Islamist militants bent on building their caliphate in Iran when Jimmy Carter effectively abandoned that nation. America’s change in policy was swift and sudden. Over night, Jimmy Carter basically told the Shah, and all who opposed him that the United States would not help him at all with any military support. The young Democrats, who like in so many other instances, were merely pawns used to be the shock troops of the revolution, were soon forgotten once the revolution itself was complete. There is a reason for that of course. They were the very first to be hunted down and executed by the Mullah’s once the revolution was completed. The Soviets called these types of people, “useful idiots,” when describing their well documented plans to take over our own nation. It seems that once the revolution was done, they were no longer useful. It was also apparent to the Mullahs that young democrats who would overthrow the Shah for being a thuggish brute would be even more disillusioned once they saw what the Islamists had in store for them. You don’t want young students who have already shown a knack for successful revolution to still be around for your shot at being an even more oppressive regime.

Iran went from being a staunch ally to a bitter enemy literally within one year’s time. In the 34 years since 1978, Iran has attacked our sovereign soil, (embassies are considered such,) held hundreds of Americans hostages, committed multiple terrorist attacks upon our interests and people, sponsored terrorist attacks to be committed by others, created Hezbollah and used it as a proxy to wage unending warfare against Israel, Usurped power in Lebanon, Assassinated political leaders in Lebanon and Syria that would not bend to their will, and all of this because of Jimmy Carter’s Hope and Change becoming U.S. foreign policy.

The direct result of the Carter Presidency upon the Middle East was that it forever became an even more dangerous place than it was before his Presidency. Every Administration since Carter has had to face a vastly more dangerous and aggressive form of militant Islam. What was once only a minor irritant for Americans had been transformed almost immediately into the most dangerous and aggressive enemy we had ever seen. While it is true that their current level of technology is no match for our own, they have something that we do not. This is an army completely unfettered by the basic human instinct of self preservation. They will not be burdened by the desire to protect their loved ones. They worship death and view martyrdom as the ultimate act of devotion for their God of darkness. When the Italians invaded Northern Africa, someone asked Irwin Rommel how an enemy armed with only rocks and sticks could hope to defeat the heavily armored Italian Army. He answered how can the Italians hope to defeat an enemy willing to fight their army with rocks and sticks. Eventually, the Italians had to ask Rommel for help in completing that conquest.

This part of the Carter legacy is pertinent today, because it is being played out all over again, exactly as it happened in 1978. The parallels between Iran and Egypt are stark. The reporting of the main stream media is exactly the same. A group of young doe eyed students effected a coup, and the hard liner Islamic Militants seized power once the useful idiots had completed their tasks. The useful idiots were among the first to be rounded up and executed as martyrs, and anyone who dares to dissent with the shift to Sharia Law will be dealt with brutally. The indigenous Christian population is scrambling to get out, and those who choose to remain live in constant fear of being slaughtered. Now it seems that the good people our President supports are just ducky with necrophilia. Hope and change has a strange consequence attached to it. But who could have seen it coming? Only 48% of the country who remembered Jimmy Carter, that’s who.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.