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Posts Tagged ‘Marxism’

Glenn Beck Explains What Is Politically Rightwing and Leftwing

by Phantom Ace ( 53 Comments › )
Filed under Politics, Progressives at March 3rd, 2010 - 11:00 am

The Progressives keep associating Nazism and Fascism with the Rightwing. This myth has been destroyed by Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism and Glenn Beck’s Revolutionary Holocaust Special. All Totalitarian State based ideologies are of the Left. They have been inspired by the French Revolution and Karl Marx. These ideologies believe in the concept of perfected men, such as the Nazis’ Master Race and the Communists’ New Man. These beliefs have led to race based and class based genocide in the 20th century which has resulted in the death of Millions.

As Beck explains, the further to the Right one goes politically, the more Individualistic it gets. The net result is Anarchism, hence the need for some Government. The further to the Left one gets, the more Collectivist and the end result is a Totalitarian government. Hence Nazism, Communism, Fascism, Socialism and Maoism are all Progressive Ideologies. They all believe in control of the masses by an elite and the reshaping of society via class or racial grounds. Progressive Ideologies are anti-human at the core and history has proven this.

Never a better time to be a Communist in America

by Phantom Ace ( 293 Comments › )
Filed under Communism, Progressives at November 24th, 2009 - 5:00 am

Communism is back and I’m not exaggerating. Obama is surrounded by admirers of Mao and American society accepts him as legitimate philosopher. Hugo Chavez is admired by the American left and a movie will be made about him. There was no big anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, in fact it was rarely mentioned. Che Guevara shirts are big fashion accessories, even though he was a mass murderer. Obama himself said he associated with Marxist Professors and sympathizes with their causes. This evil Totalitarian Progressive Ideology is now mainstream in ways that it never was 20 or even 10 years ago.

American Communist

NEW DELHI: The three-day international conference of communist and workers’ parties began on Friday amidst a call to intensify popular struggles and expand solidarities in the wake of the current world capitalist crisis.

So confident are communist leaders of the solution they can offer to current crisis in capitalism that even the leader of Communist Party of USA, Scott Marshall, said, “There could not have been a better time to be a communist in USA than this.”

Read the rest.

This would be laughable but it’s not funny. Communism is a Progressive Ideology that is responsible for the deaths of close to 100 Million people. Yet now, people treat it with a respect it doesn’t deserve. The Progressives, through control of the education system and culture have legitimized this genocidal branch of their ideology. This is really disgusting and dishonors the American service people who served and died during the Cold War. American progressives are clearly collaborators and it’s plain for all to see.

(Hat Tip: Urban Infidel)

AMA opposes Government Health Plan

by Phantom Ace ( 50 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Economy, Healthcare, Liberal Fascism at June 11th, 2009 - 6:34 am

The American Medical Association is opposing the idea of a government insurance plan. They are opposed to this because a government will lead to a collapse of private plans which will actually increase costs as taxpayers will absorb the blow.

Doctors’ Group Opposes Public Insurance Plan

WASHINGTON — As the health care debate heats up, the American Medical Association is letting Congress know that it will oppose creation of a government-sponsored insurance plan, which President Obama and many other Democrats see as an essential element of legislation to remake the health care system.

The opposition, which comes as Mr. Obama prepares to address the powerful doctors’ group on Monday in Chicago, could be a major hurdle for advocates of a public insurance plan. The A.M.A., with about 250,000 members, is America’s largest physician organization.

If the AMA opposes this plan, we should listen. These are doctors who work in the Health Care field, not in Washington that live in a theoretical world. The government will drive out doctors and nurses with this plan, thus leading us to have a 3rd World health-care industry.

Is health-care too expensive? Yes, absolutely, and reform is needed, but this is not the solution. I oppose it because if Obama wrecks the system, this will destroy the last industry in America where wages are still good and that gives people a middle class lifestyle. Then again, this might be the progressive-fascists real agenda. Destroy an industry so more people rely on government assistance. The march to Feudalism continues!

Obama’s fake job numbers claims

by Phantom Ace ( 31 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Economy, Liberal Fascism at June 9th, 2009 - 6:57 am

Obama is claiming that he has saved 150,000 jobs. There is no hard proof of this, however, the progressive-fascist media is reporting it as a fact. This article rips apart the propaganda.

The Media Fall for Phony ‘Jobs’ Claims

Mr. Fratto was a colleague of mine in the Bush administration, and as a senior member of the White House communications shop, he knows just how difficult it can be to deal with a press corps skeptical about presidential economic claims. It now appears, however, that Mr. Fratto’s problem was that he simply lacked the magic words — jobs “saved or created.”

“Saved or created” has become the signature phrase for Barack Obama as he describes what his stimulus is doing for American jobs. His latest invocation came yesterday, when the president declared that the stimulus had already saved or created at least 150,000 American jobs — and announced he was ramping up some of the stimulus spending so he could “save or create” an additional 600,000 jobs this summer. These numbers come in the context of an earlier Obama promise that his recovery plan will “save or create three to four million jobs over the next two years.”

The truth doesn’t matter anymore in our new progressive-fascist era. Whatever Maobama and his cronies say will be taken at face value. The leader of the regime can claim we went to Mars, and the media would back his assertion. I never thought I would see this day in America. One man with all this power. It is really sad.

Meanwhile our debt is increasing, just like what happens in 3rd World progressive-fascist regimes. When the hyper-inflation hits Americans will wake up.