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Posts Tagged ‘Smackdown’

Essential VDH

by Iron Fist ( 87 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Politics at March 17th, 2011 - 6:30 pm

Victor Davis Hanson is always essential reading. In this article, he again knocks it out of the park. President Hamlet:

March 17, 2011 12:00 A.M.

President Hamlet
Thinking out every possible side of a question can mean never acting on any of them.

More than 400 years ago, William Shakespeare wrote a riveting tragedy about a young, charismatic Danish prince who vowed to do the right thing in avenging his murdered father. That soon proved easier said than done. As a result, Hamlet couldn’t quite ever act in time — given all the ambiguities that such a sensitive prince first had to sort out. In the meantime, a lot of bodies piled up through his indecision and hesitancy.

President Obama wanted to give us all universal health care. But then he discovered that the country was broke and that most people did not like his massive federal takeover. So we got both his health care and, so far, more than 1,000 exemptions from his landmark plan for unions, corporations, and entire states.

The president wished to please his liberal supporters with more government redistributive programs and higher taxes on the wealthy. But such entitlements cost lots of money — more than $4 trillion in new borrowing in just three years – and scare to death the job-creating private sector. So the president not only borrows at record levels, but also sets up a commission to warn us that his borrowing will soon bankrupt the country. He damns the “fat-cat bankers” and the rich who “at some point” have made enough money, even as he courts them for campaign donations and begs their companies to start hiring new employees.

Obama warned us that we could not drill our way out of the ongoing gas crisis and needed instead to develop new green energy. As proof, he borrowed billions to promote wind and solar power, and stopped most new leases for fossil-fuel exploration in Alaska, the west, and offshore. But it turned out that we still need lots of oil as gas nears $4 a gallon. So the president brags that America is now pumping more oil under his green administration than ever before — but neglects to mention that this is true only because Presidents Clinton and Bush long ago approved the sort of oil leases that Obama had rejected.

And it goes on. Read the rest because it is, as always, good. As he says, Hamlets are dangerous, especially in these days when an unrelenting enemy is ever-watchful for signs of American weakness. Obama has given these in spades, and we will no doubt be paying the cost of them for years and decades to come.

For those in the Los Angeles area
(or within distance to get there):

The LA Community invites you to a Community Memorial Service for the victims of the massacre in Itamar.
Join in a community-wide memorial service for the five members of the Fogel family z”l who were brutally murdered this past Shabbat while asleep in their home.


Connecting The Dots: Google, Obama, Egypt, and the Muslim Brotherhood

by 1389AD ( 130 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Breaking News, Censorship, Egypt, Jihad, Koran, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Muslim Brotherhood at February 8th, 2011 - 2:00 pm

I have already blogged about some of the ties between the Obama administration and the anti-Mubarak uprising in Egypt (see Obama Supports Islamist Takeover Of Egypt). The Muslim Brotherhood is waiting to take over the government in Egypt as soon as the opportunity presents itself. (See Egypt: “Populist Revolt” or Muslim Brotherhood?.)

The Jawa Report has figured out that Google has a connection with Obama, the anti-Mubarak uprising in Egypt, and the Muslim Brotherhood.

That is no surprise. I have discussed issues with Google Blogger here and here. Suffice it to say that Google Blogger has repeatedly deleted or restricted access to legitimate counterjihad blogs. In addition, despite the notable successes of the SMACKDOWN Corps, Google’s YouTube continues to be a favorite spot for hosting jihadi videos.

From The Jawa Report:

February 07, 2011

Connecting the dots: Googles former Google CEO Eric Schmidt Obi Ones Tech Czar

In 2008 Schmidt stated he would not serve as technology czar in Barack Obama’s administration if he was asked.

In 2009 Obi One names him as one of the tech czars

In Jan 2010 Schmidt resigns as CEO of Google. He will still continue “as the executive chairman of the company and act as an advisor to co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin”

In 2010 State Dept lifts ban & issues visa to Tariq Ramadan Tariq Ramadan’s grandfather founded the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

In Jan 2010 Googles ME exec Wael Ghonim went missing in Egypt. He was detained by Egypt gov and was released today

More than a week after his mysterious disappearance in Egypt, Google executive and political activist Wael Ghonim has been released from government detention on Monday, the State Department told the Wall Street Journal[…]

It remains unclear what role, if any, Ghonim played in organizing the Jan. 25 protest movement itself, the largest Egypt has seen in more than 30 years. However, he played a prominent role in online activism in the months ahead of the historic protests.

Last year, Ghonim was one of four administrators running the first of the major Facebook pages that became a virtual headquarters for the protest movement, according to a collaborator in the political opposition, and also according to an Internet activist familiar with the situation. Mr. Ghonim also set up the official campaign website for opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei and volunteered as a tech consultant for other opposition groups, according to Ziad Al-Alimi, a senior aide to Mr. ElBaradei.

Mohamed ElBaradei has Muslim Brotherhoods support.

Obama stated in his interview with O’Reilly ‘some factions strains of the MB ideology are against the US:

“The Muslim Brotherhood is one faction in Egypt. They don’t have majority support in Egypt, but they are well organized and there are “strains of their ideology that are against the U.S., there’s no doubt about it,”

MB is against the US, democracy and all things Western. They want the Islamic Caliphate to rule the world and make no bones about it on their website.

“Allah is our objective; the Quran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations.”

Read it all.

Originally published on 1389 Blog.