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Posts Tagged ‘Sonia Sotomayor’

Why winning matters

by Mojambo ( 143 Comments › )
Filed under SCOTUS at April 24th, 2014 - 7:00 am

Does any one want Hillary Clinton to be appointing Supreme Court judges? If you do not, then cut the crap out with your moronic purity tests and heresy hunts and start winning elections.

by Jonathan S. Tobin

In recent years discourse between various wings of the Republican Party has descended into a fight between people who largely view each other as stereotypes rather than allies. Given the stakes involved, the antagonism between Tea Party activists on the one hand and the so-called establishment on the other is understandable and disagreements about tactics are inevitable. These disputes are rooted in part in philosophical differences that are driven in no small measure by the despair that some on the right feel about the future of the nation that seems to mandate that the normal give and take of politics should be superseded by an apocalyptic crusade in which all but true believers must be wiped out. When establishment types attempt to answer such demands with pragmatic sermons about the need to temper absolutism by remembering that the prime objective is to win general elections rather than to conduct ideological purity tests, they are dismissed as temporizing trimmers.

But yesterday’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Michigan affirmative action case should act as a reminder to even the most hard-core conservatives that not winning elections could have far more catastrophic consequences for the nation than the indignity of making common cause with the GOP establishment. While conservatives were somewhat satisfied with the failure of yet another liberal attempt to defend racial quotas, the refusal of three of the conservative majority on the court to address the core issue points out just how close liberals are to remaking America should they be able to appoint another two or three justices over the course of the next decade. Conservative commentators were united in their contempt for what several called the “Orwellian” reasoning of Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s dissent in the case that was lionized in both a New York Times news article and an editorial on the case. But unless Republicans nominate someone in 2016 that can beat Hillary Clinton, Sotomayor may firmly be in the majority by the time the former first lady finishes her second term 11 years from now.

As both our Peter Wehner wrote here and John Podhoretz also noted in the New York Post today, the result of yesterday’s decision was largely positive. The court upheld the right of Michigan’s voters to ban the use of so-called affirmative action in admissions in public universities by a 6-2 vote with Justice Elena Kagan recusing herself from the case. Both Peter and John rightly lauded the concurring opinion of Justice Antonin Scalia (joined by Justice Clarence Thomas) that would have ruled all racial quotas unconstitutional. By pointing out that the plurality opinion written by Justice Anthony Kennedy (and joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito) did not go far enough in striking down the efforts of the federal appeals courts to deem the referendum on affirmative action an act of prejudice, Scalia went to the heart of the matter.

As National Review noted in a cogent editorial, it was more like “half a win” than something to celebrate.  [……..]

But in addition to lauding Scalia’s brilliant logic, the opinion of Sotomayor merits our attention. The willingness of Sotomayor and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who concurred with her dissent, to embrace a radical stance that would trash the constitutional protections of equal protection in order to enshrine what would amount to permanent racial quotas so as to redress past acts of discrimination is alarming in its own right. But conservatives who think making common cause with less ideological Republicans is counter-productive should ponder what would happen if the next president gets the chance to replace any of the five conservatives on the court with justices who might embrace Sotomayor’s opinions.

At the moment, the justice most likely to be replaced is Ginsburg who is 81 and not in the best of health. Some on the left are calling for her to resign now while President Obama can replace her with a fellow liberal rather than taking the chance that a Republican successor would be presented with the choice.  […..]

At the moment, three of the conservatives (Roberts, 59; Alito, 64; and Thomas, 65) seem young enough to wait out even two more terms of a Democratic president after Obama. But are even Tea Partiers willing to bet the Constitution on the health of the 78-year-old Scalia or even the weathervane 77-year-old Kennedy holding out until 2025?

Winning elections is not the only purpose of politics. Ideology matters and Republican politicians must be held accountable for behavior that undermines the basic principles of limited government. But unless they want to wake up in an America in which the Sotomayors can twist the Constitution into a pretzel to preserve every variety of liberal legal atrocity, right-wingers need to get over their hostility to more moderate Republicans and work to build an electoral majority rather than a purist schismatic faction.

Read the rest – SCOTUS roulette: Why winning matters

LGF defends Sonia Sotomayor

by Phantom Ace ( 110 Comments › )
Filed under LGF at May 27th, 2009 - 4:49 pm

Former jazz musician Charles “Icarus” Johnson comes out swinging in his defense of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor.  He goes after Rush Limbaugh in his latest post because Rush wants Sotomayor to fail. I am not a Rush Limbaugh fan, but I agree with his sentiment when it comes to wanting Obama and Sotomayor to fail.

Limbaugh Stuck on Fail

Politics | Wed, May 27, 2009 at 1:54:02 pm PDT

Because it was so successful last time around, Rush Limbaugh’s doubling down on that “failure” meme that has won him so much praise, and converted so many fence-sitters to the conservative cause. (Not.)

Now he wants Sonia Sotomayor to fail too.

“Do I want her to fail? Yeah. Do I want her to fail to get on the court? Yes. She’d be a disaster on the court,” he said. “Do I still want to Obama to fail as president? Yeah. … He’s going to fail anyway, but the sooner the better here so that as little damage can be done to the country.”

I don’t really understand why Rush Limbaugh and social conservatives like Mike Huckabee are so opposed to Sotomayor; you’d think they would be pleased by rulings like this:


In Center for Reproductive Law and Policy v. Bush, Sotomayor upheld the Bush administration’s implementation of the Mexico City Policy which requires foreign organizations receiving U.S. funds to “neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations”. Sotomayor held that the policy did not constitute a violation of equal protection, as the government “is free to favor the anti-abortion position over the pro-choice position, and can do so with public funds”.

So now the rules are that the Right can’t attack a SC nominee that they don’t agree with.  Icarus is part of the Progressive attack machine.

Charles Icarus even defends Obama.   He lies by stating Obama never did negative campaigning.

61 Charles 5/27/09 2:09:58 pm reply quote

re: #52SpartanWoman

Certainly helped the dems when they criticized Bush non-stop, pronounced the war a failure, and talked down the economy (while busily passing legislation to make it worse CRA). They swept to victory. Not exactly a disaster for them was it?

Barack Obama ran on a platform of sheer positive messages. Not once did he wish for the other side to fail. You’re just wrong to claim that negativity is winning strategy. One of the big reasons why Obama won was because he did NOT go negative — ever.

Obama was positive?  All he did was attack the Republicans without mercy. Clearly Icarus supports Maobama and keeps exposing his Progressive ideology. Charles Johnson is a Leftist hack.

Update: Charles gets taken to task for his claim that Obama never went negative.

135 Kenneth 5/27/09 2:23:53 pm reply quote

I don’t know Charles, maybe I watched a different election than you did…

Will Kenneth be banned for exposing Charles as a liar?

Update 2: Ace of Spades also exposes Charles’ hypocrisy on this subject.

Sympathy for Empathy?

by Kafir ( 82 Comments › )
Filed under Politics at May 26th, 2009 - 7:51 am

Obama Selects Sotomayor for Court

WASHINGTON — President Obama has decided to nominate the federal appeals judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, choosing a daughter of Puerto Rican parents raised in Bronx public housing projects to become the nation’s first Hispanic justice, officials said Tuesday.

Sotomayor’s Selective Empathy



Update by Rodan: Here is a blatant racist comment by Sotomayor.

A Judge’s View of Judging Is on the Record

I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” said Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees.