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Posts Tagged ‘supreme court’

Obamacare Ruling Open Thread; Update: Mandate Upheld as Tax thanks to John Roberts

by Phantom Ace ( 395 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Healthcare, Progressives at June 28th, 2012 - 9:00 am

This is it people. Today’s ruling will determine our future. At 10:00 AM EST, the Supreme Court will rule if Obamacare is Constitutional. This is a ruling that will effect life or death for us. Obamacare is a step towards government control over people’s lives. A government panel will determine who can live or die. This opens up the door to eugenics and the Progressive dream of the perfect man.

Keep your fingers crossed people. I will update the thread when the ruling comes down.

Update: The mandate is upheld as a Tax. Thanks to Bush appointee John Roberts.

If anyone thinks that Liberal Republicans like Mitt Romney, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell will repeal this, you are dreaming. The Progressives have won. We need a Real Center-Right Party in America.

Our Constitutional Scholar President Gets His Tuchus Beaten Again By SCOTUS

by Flyovercountry ( 102 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Liberal Fascism, Progressives, Socialism, Tranzis at March 22nd, 2012 - 2:00 pm

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

It’s a bad day for a liberal President when even Justice Ginsburg rules against you.  Not only did the Obama Administration fail to convince the court’s only openly Marxist jurist serving on the bench, but they also have to live with the notion that she wrote the concurring opinion.  This case marks the second time during Administration that President Obama has had one of his policies lose in the Supreme Court.  While he is not the first President to find himself on the wrong side of the question of Constitutionality, he is still 0 for 2.  This is not the record we would have expected for a person who was marketed to the country as a, “Constitutional Scholar.”

His first smack down came in January of this year if you will remember, when a 9 to 0 decision said basically that Barack Obama, or any President does not have the authority to tell churches who they could and could not hire based on the religious leanings of the church.  In that case, a Lutheran Church ran a private school, and made the decision to hire as teachers, only those people that they felt would be good role models for passing on the Lutheran message as it pertains to all things educational.  In other words, they wanted their teachers to be Christians, and to pass those beliefs on to their students.  This is what the parents who sent their kids to a Lutheran school wanted, and this is what the owners of the school wanted.  President Obama disagreed.  In Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church Vs. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, the court decided that a President was not allowed to violate the First Amendment because his ultimate goal is to put an end to the practice of any religion other than Islam in America, nor for any other reason that he might have.

Yesterday’s loss, which makes him Zero for Two, came in the form of Sackett vs. The Environmental Protection Agency.  In this particular case, The EPA decided that they would prevent the Sackett’s from building a house on a piece of property that they owned.  The EPA decided that the property consisted of, or was located on wetlands in Idaho.  Here is where it gets dicey, they did not want to defend their position in court, and decided to dispense with the entire concept of due process.  They thought a good way to do this would be to tell the Sacketts that they thought it was possible that their property was inappropriate to build a house on, and therefore they should stop while the EPA took an indefinite amount of time to consider the matter.  They threatened to fine the Sacketts $35,000 per day for each day the Sacketts defied the order to stop building, and then further threatened to increase the fines to $70,000 per day if the Sacketts challenged them in court.  Nice!  So, for those of you keeping score at home, Little Barry read the Constitution and decided that the Fifth Amendment meant that he could circumvent Due Process by simply declaring that it was possible that a person was doing wrong without ever actually alleging it.  Since the allegation was never actually made, then a fair and speedy trial would never be warranted, regardless of the fact that deprivation of property was ongoing, permanent, and beyond redress.

The Supreme Court yesterday did not agree.  The decision was unanimous, not that the Sacketts could start building, but that due process must be granted.  For those who believe that this decision was limited in scope, and therefore not terribly important, I disagree.  It is a shot across the bow of a President who has been effectively creating law by executive fiat since he lost control of the Legislative Branch in January of 2011.  Things that Obama does are making their way to the Supreme Court in rapid fashion, and I do not believe that to be an accident either.  One other interesting thing to note here, he lost 9 to 0 on this one.  Putting aside any of the idiotic claims that this man is somehow a Constitutional Scholar, in his two trips to the Supreme Court so far, he has a combined score of 18 against, and 0 in favor of himself.  This does not exactly inspire confidence in his understanding of, or even his promise to uphold our founding document.  By writing a concurring opinion, Justice Ginsburg, the farthest left member of the court basically told the man child President that he has gone too far.  Removing Due Process prior to deprivation of Life, Liberty, or Property is the stuff that monarchs do to their subjects.  This is not something Presidents do to their fellow citizens.

The bad news for President Obama is that this is not going to be his last trip to the Supreme Court.  On Monday, he gets to go again, and this one will be a dozy.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Impartial Cheerleader Open Thread

by Deplorable Macker ( 1 Comment › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Healthcare, Open thread, Progressives at November 26th, 2011 - 10:35 am

Seen over at Conservative Byte:
Um…shouldn’t both of her pompoms be blue?

Conflict of Interest!

by Flyovercountry ( 136 Comments › )
Filed under Healthcare, SCOTUS at May 20th, 2011 - 3:00 pm

Please Note, this piece is an opinion. In it I refer to felonies having been committed by Elena Kagan and Barack Obama. As neither of these individuals have been prosecuted by officers of our judicial system, nor convicted in the same, this remains solely my opinion.

You can always tell what Democrats are up to by listening to what they accuse Republicans of doing. We’ll use some examples of this statement for context. During the height of spontaneous outrage over the Obamacare legislation which occurred all over America in the summer of 2009, Nancy Pelosi went to the nearest bank of microphones and cameras and told us it was just AstroTurf. Perplexed, a reporter asked Nancy to define the term. She told us of the little known practice of faking buzz and interest in an issue or candidate. This is accomplished by loading buses filled with professional protesters, and taking them to where the epicenter of the issue is. Mass mailings of editorial letters to every newspaper in the country claiming that they all were written by local citizen. Packing town hall meetings with professional protesters again to give the appearance of dissent stronger than what the dissent may actually be. to date, the GOP instances of astro turfing verified is still at zero. To date, the instances of Democrat AstroTurf, to numerous to estimate. Politically motivated firings by executive privilege. The left went nuts when George Bush fired 3 Federal Prosecutors. Even though, these people serve at the pleasure of the President, and he was able to produce letters written by each of them in which they stated that they had no intentions of performing their duties to the standards set forth by their boss, the President, it was called cynical. On his first day in office, Bill Clinton fired every federal prosecutor, and issued a statement that essentially called them all crooked. I am still waiting for any sort of a comment or even a blurb to be reported on this.

About 6 months ago, I started noticing stories about the wife of Justice Clearance Thomas.  She is a career woman who works for the Heritage Foundation.  The Heritage Foundation is a political and economic think tank with a conservative bent.  They also pride themselves on the accuracy of their facts.  They researched the Obamacare Law, and reported on some factual discrepancies.  They also editorialized against it.  On this flimsy basis,  Democrats began screaming about Justice Thomas’ possible role in the SCOTUS decision regarding the eventual Obamacare arguments in front of the court.  After all, if his wife works for people who are against it, how could he possibly remain impartial?  Something happened two days ago which made this preposterous stance all too clear.

As it turns out, there is real evidence now that Elena Kagan, the newest member of the court, was the person responsible for developing the White House’s legal defense for this Law.  Some points of interest here.  Kagan was asked about this very thing while giving testimony during her confirmation hearings.  She flat out lied about it.  Elena Kagan is not supposed to be a politician who lies with such ease and the low expectations that come with being a professional campaigner.  She is supposed to be representative of the highest court in the land, and an example of unimpeachable integrity.  Kagan also stated that she would not recuse herself from the case, when it eventually makes its inevitable trip to the court. 

That this Law would eventually be headed, as it is, to the Supreme Court was never in doubt.  Obama had the chance to pick a vote which would go his way, regardless of all other factors.  He had the chance to pick the very person for the court who wrote the argument she will now listen to and adjudicate.  This is beyond cynical, it is outright criminal.  Lying to Congress is also a criminal act.  I am still waiting for the slightest reaction from the main stream media on these facts.  When elected, President Obama promised, “to pick people for the court who would use their empathy to determine social justice as well as legal justice. ”  It is a shame he refused to use actual knowledge of the Constitution or a personal integrity standard for his criteria.  An officer of the highest court in the land is now a felon, as is the President of the United States.  (Obama is also included in the felons club for his role in Pigford.)

Crossposted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.