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Posts Tagged ‘The Free Jahar Movement’

Jahar now on the cover of Rolling Stone

by Phantom Ace ( 72 Comments › )
Filed under Hipsters, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Progressives, Tranzis at July 17th, 2013 - 7:00 am

The Free Jahar movement has gained some traction due to the fact Jahar Tsarnaev has the appearance of a Hipster. The infamous picture of him in an Armani shirt and the Hipster pose has made him a hero to segments of the Hipster movement. In the further advancement of Jahar becoming a cultural phenomenon, Rolling Stone magazine now features him on the cover.


 This Rolling Stone cover is just another aspect to the influence Hipsters have on the popular culture. 12 Years after 9/11, an Islamic terrorist has become a icon of hipness due to his appearance. It speaks volumes about Hipsters and the Left that North Miami thug Trayvon Martin


and Chechen terrorist Jahar Tsarnaev have become cultural icons.

The Hipster movement is a cancer in America and its time the Right stops underestimating their influence.

Attention Latino Community, Half Of You Are No Longer Thems, But Now Officially Members Of The Us Gang. Update: Nancy’s Grace bigoted rant

by Flyovercountry ( 133 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Communism, Democratic Party, Hipsters, Liberal Fascism, Marxism, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Progressives, Socialism, Tranzis at July 16th, 2013 - 7:00 am

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

The George Zimmerman murder trial was another one of those, “how did we get here,” moments that have become all to familiar in our nation of late. That’s another of the tragedies, not nearly so important as the ostensible reason for the trial, the death of a troubled teen kid who still had time to get his act together, which unfortunately found its way into the bag of chaos which made Mr. Zimmerman an unwilling person of fame. This tale has a start that dates back a couple of centuries. when our Founding Fathers built the framework for our fledgling nation, they made some mistakes. They weren’t perfect, just a collection of ordinary guys, who wanted to create a society free from tyranny. One of their mistakes, a real doozy by the way, was to establish a nation based upon the principles of freedom in which not everyone would be free.

For that particular mistake, a terrible price was exacted and paid by our nation. That price was called the American Civil War, and to put the scope of that price in perspective, chew on this. The casualties suffered during the American Civil War are still greater than the casualties of every war American has been involved with before or since, including all participants, combined. The secondary price of that particular mistake, is that it continues to be a bludgeon which is used to perpetuate a permanent victim class, one that is used as a guilt building machine who’s only purpose to its self appointed advocates is to affect the wealth redistribution schemes and power grabs that the advocate class desires.

Make no mistake about it, those who seek power by promising to protect the down trodden and such, need a permanent supply of down trodden and such. Identity politics is nothing new, and we will probably be afflicted with the snake oil selling miscreants for as long as we band together in societies. What the Zimmerman trial became, what it was from its earliest possible inception was a criminal trial in which America’s white male middle class served as a defendant being accused of racism. Very early on, and without any actual fanfare, the local police and prosecutorial authorities decided that sufficient evidence did not exist to even present this to a Grand Jury. Grand Juries remember, are rather famous for their ability to bring back indictments against, “ham sandwiches.” What this means in a nut shell, if a prosecutor can not convince a Grand Jury, the case is a piece of excrement. There was absolutely zero evidence to suggest that George Zimmerman’s description of events was inaccurate. There were several eye witnesses, a call to 911, physical pieces of evidence, and a bloodied George Zimmerman. (Anyone who buys into the tripe that getting your head slammed into cement even once would not be perceived as life threatening, clearly has not ever had their head slammed into cement, even once.)

A few weeks after the event however, a local race hustler in Florida contacted his crowd of usual suspect fellow snake oil salesmen from more media friendly places. None other than Al Sharpton took to the cameras and announced that yet again, the African American youths of America were being hunted by vicious racist mobs in the old style lynchings of the days of yore. George Zimmerman was chosen, as the, “great white defendant.” This was perfect for the rabidly anti-Semitic Sharpton, not only was poor little Trayvon not allowed to rest in peace, but his assailant was a, “creepy ass cracka,” with a last name that sounded like he may be one of those nefarious jooooooooooooos.

This is where the tale turns especially sad for those of you who are of Hispanic descent, unfortunate in that your skin pigmentation may not be sufficiently dark, and possess testicles as a part of your anatomy. You have been demoted from an, “us,” to a, “them.” Political expediency you see trumps all other considerations in the game of grabbing power, and nobody had the foresight to check to see if Mr. Zimmerman fit the narrative. He became the, “great white Hispanic defendant,” or the, “self proclaimed Hispanic defendant.” In his new role in our soon to be made for television prime time special as the latest super villain, “the great white Hispanic defendant,” George Zimmerman was granted a super evil power. (What super villain would be complete without one of those?) His superpower is relatively new in the world of victim mongering. It is the power to profile, as a wannabe cop.

This new super power has legs, and mark my words, we’ll see it again. Profiling, while it has been upheld about a dozen times by our Supreme Court as an acceptable law enforcement practice is not just evil when practiced by them anymore. We middle classed white men can do it now too, and that is a violation of the imaginary laws protecting the victim class dujour. Just wait for the soon to be filed discrimination law suits alleging racial profiling against employers scared stiff at the prospects of what Obama Care will do to their bottom lines.

The problem with a coalition of victims of course is that such a coalition can only ever be allowed to grow so big, and light skinned Hispanic males, you are one group too many. I know you don’t want to be in the, “them,” category, but that’s just hard cheese for you I guess. Mr. Zimmerman being attacked and having his life threatened coupled with the enormous laziness of Reverend Sharpton has taken that choice from you. Let me be the first to welcome you to the coalition of the damned. We really are not the ogres that we’ve been made out to be. Pretty much, we just want to live our lives free from the noses of others immersed in our business.

I have seen all sorts of post verdict analysis going on out there. How it breaks down is this, all people who are left of center are screaming foul. All those who are right of center are singing the praises of those who sat on that jury. I will disclose for those of you who have not guessed that I am on the side of the latter. Trayvon’s right to swing his arms freely ended at George’s nose. George will live the rest of his life feeling this guilt, and I do not envy him at all. By all accounts of those who know him, and there were plenty of those, he will suffer greatly from this experience.

This verdict does not mean that it is open season on Black Youths in America, nor does it mean that people of color are not free to walk the streets in the neighborhoods that make up our nation. It does mean that when they feel threatened by people who may be taking exception to seeing someone out of place in a neighborhood oft victimized by frequent robberies, attacking them and beating their heads against the ground repeatedly is not an acceptable course of action, and thanks to the Second Amendment, could actually result in tragedy.

Part of the narrative was that Trayvon needed to be portrayed as the innocent angelic youth just trying to make it home from the store. Not allowed at trial was any evidence that might disabuse the jurors of that carefully crafted myth. Kids are teens for six years, and during that time some fairly incredible physical growth is usually present. By the time a boy is seventeen, more often than not, he will possess adult size and strength, lacking only the intellect and wisdom to control those attributes. The marijuana found in Trayvon’s system during his autopsy probably did nothing to help with that lack of intellect or wisdom. There are many studies that have shown in fact that the aforementioned marijuana might have actually added to his paranoia, and lent momentum to impulsive acts, like attacking the guy that he perceived to be a threat to himself. Trayvon had been caught attempting to fence stolen property in his previous school, caught selling and smoking marijuana, had bragged on social media sites about his prowess as a thug, and had actually been kicked out of his former school, which is why he was living in Sanford in the first place. On that particular night, far from looking like a kid merely trying to find his way home, a stoned Trayvon was off of the sidewalks, peeping into the windows of his neighbors, and pretty much looking like someone of any color, who would arouse a reasonable suspicion as to what he was up to. I do not know what he was thinking at the time, but the decision to attack and beat George Zimmerman was the last he would ever make, and the wrong one.

Here’s a picture of Trayvon moments before his life tragically ended.


I show this picture not because I want to see conclusions drawn, only to show that the picture painted by the mob of those who wish to lynch George Zimmerman was manifestly false. This picture you see was considered off limits as evidence at George Zimmerman’s trial. It would have made it impossible to paint Trayvon as the smaller weaker child you see, and would have worked counter to the narrative that George Zimmerman could not possibly have feared for his life with poor little Trayvon on top of him bashing his head into the cement.

How zealous were the politicos in their efforts to turn this into a trial about America’s racism? The State’s Attorney who headed up the case now faces the specter of being a criminal defendant herself, for not only failing to disclose the entirety of the evidence obtained by the State in their investigation, most particularly those pieces of evidence that had anything to do with what kind of a kid Trayvon actually was, but she took the precaution of firing one such employee who did blow the whistle and followed the law. I will agree with one sentiment however, and that is this one. We do need a national discussion on race, with one exception. We need the next such discussion to be brutally honest.

We can begin by rounding up the race hucksters who’s living depends on ginning up division and extorting half of our citizenry based on those lines of hatred. The Al Sharptons, Jesse Jacksons, Van Joneses, Melissa Harris Perrys, Marion Barrys, of the world need to be heard from never again. Yes our Founding Fathers were not perfect men, but just because they failed to include everyone in their original dalliance with personal freedom does not mean that personal freedom itself is a bad idea.

I fervently believe that all of our society would be better served by no longer needing a permanent victim class upon who’s shoulders the sellers of snake oil can forever derive their power and wealth. The lens of history has been absolutely cyrstal clear, those societies that have been the most free both socially and economically have created the best living standards for the greatest numbers of their citizens. Those societies that have been the most controlled by central planners have enjoyed the worst living standards and greatest separations of such standards for their citizens. The great mistake made at our founding was not the concept of freedom itself, but in not including everyone in it.

The perpetuation of a permanent class of victims has been the greatest deterrent to the rectification of that mistake since the abolition of Slavery some 150 years ago. Leaders who derive their power from being protectors of the victims need an endless supply of victims in order to maintain that power. That is the real problem with racial relations today. As insulting as that may sound, it happens to be true.

Consider this. We elected Barack Obama in part to assuage our guilt over the racism inherent in our nation’s founding, and if anything, the racial divisions have only deepened since January of 2009. How is that possible?

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Update: Nancy Grace makes a bigoted Taco Bell statement directed at George Zimmerman

Nancy Grace is a Progressive and will suffer no consequences.

(Hat Tip: Weasel Zippers)

On another note, the Justice for Trayvon movement is composed of a Far-Left coalition. It is an alliance between Aging White Marxists, Occupy Wall Street, Hipsters, Ghetto Blacks, The Free Jahar crowd, the Free Mumia cult, Militant LGT activists and Black Block Anarchists. They are all using the Trayvon Martin incident to push their Marxist agenda.



Tamerlan Tsarnaev is now an Icon of the Gun Control Movement

by Phantom Ace ( 155 Comments › )
Filed under Chechnya, Democratic Party, Dhimmitude, Islam, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Progressives, Republican Party, Terrorism, Tranzis at June 19th, 2013 - 5:00 pm

The Tsarnaev Brothers are now Progressive Icons


I am still on sabbatical on doing political posts since quite frankly, I could care less about the Republican vs. Democrat show. Both parties are Dhimmis and beholden to Islamic interests. Both are in the business of dividing Americans against each other for the benefits of their Arab Islamic paymasters. The Republican and Democrat Parties are collaborators for their Islamic overlords whom they obey like the good Dhimmis they are. Like the Hezbollah vs. al-Qaeda fight in Syria, I would love for both parties to lose. Sadly Americans are stuck in the 2 Party paradigm and are in denial of the Islamic overlords that pull the strings of both parties. I doubt the majority of Americans will ever wake up to the Republican-Democrat con job.

On a very serious note, Tamarelan Tsarnave is now joining his brother in becoming a Progressive icon. NY’s Muslim Brotherhood supporting Mayor Mike Bloomberg has a Gun Control organization called Mayors Against Illegal Guns. They organized a rally in Concord New Hampshire to protest Sen. Kelly Ayote’s vote against the Toomey-Manchin bill. They were  counter protested by Gun Owners and there was even an altercation. A member of the  anti-Gun group then began to read the list of victims from “gun violence” killed since the Sandyhook massacre. One of the names mentioned, was Chechen terrorist Tamarlan Tsarnaev.

The event had people supporting the Mayors Against Illegal Guns movement, founded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, reading the names of those “killed with guns” since the Dec. 14 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary outside their “No More Names” bus.


The presence of the national gun control group in front of the state Capitol Tuesday night prompted numerous shouts from gun rights supporters. While there were about 40 No More Names supporters, there were at least 60 gun rights supporters at the rally.

“I think this is a joke,” said Tony Mayfield of Hillsborough, who brought his AR-15 rifle and Sig Sauer T39 handgun to the rally. “We have, for all intents and purposes, a corporation from out of state doing this little publicity stunt here.”

Rally organizers, whose bus had Texas license plates, refused to speak to a New Hampshire Union Leader reporter and referred him to the organization’s national headquarters.

Some of the loudest shouts came when a reader spoke the name of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects who was killed by police during a gunfight.

“He’s a terrorist,” several protesters shouted.

Its bad enough that Jahar Tsarnaev has become a icon for the Hipster movement, but now his brother has become a “victim” for the Gun Control Fascists. This example shows the dishonesty of the supporters of Gun Control. Many of the “victims” of gun violence, are in fact criminals killed by law abiding gun owners. They use these criminals to inflate their stats of “victims” to manipulate public opinion.

It is disgusting that 2 months after the Boston Marathon bombings that Progressives have embraced the Tsarnaev brothers as heroes. Sadly I fully expect a Tsarnaev Brothers movie in a few years showing them as heroic and T-Shirts with their faces on it.

As a Libertarian with a Nationalist bent I have ideological differences with today’s Conservative movement, but I do not doubt their patriotism and love of Country. Progressives for the most part hate America and are actively seeking to destroy it and remold it into some Neo-Feudal Totalitarian state. Their embrace of the Tsarnaev brothers shows how Progressives are  treasonous filth. Sadly their worldview is considered “Hip.”

Dzhokhar (Jahar)’s nurses admit they feel sorry for him

by Phantom Ace ( 137 Comments › )
Filed under Al Qaeda, Chechnya, Islamists, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Progressives at May 20th, 2013 - 11:30 am

Dzhokhar (Jahar) Tsarnaev has become an icon to the Hipster set. The Free Jahar movement continues to grow like a cancerous tumor in the popular culture. Young women are expressing their desires to bear his kid. He has become the Che of a new generation and a cause celeb. This infatuation with Jahar has even reached his nurses. Some of them admit feeling sorry for him and have a hard time not calling him “hon.”

Nurses treating Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev say their natural inclination toward compassion makes it difficult to see the 19-year-old as a possible terrorist. And they have to make concerted effort — and buddy-system pacts — to keep from referring to him with terms of endearment such as “hon.”

One 29-year-old nurse said on Gawker: “When you’re in the room, it’s just a patient. You’re here to … make sure they’re feeling better. When you step away, you take it in. I am compassionate, that’s what we do. But should I be? The rest of the world hates him right now.”


“You see a hurt 19-year-old and you can’t help but feel sorry for him,” the nurse said, as Gawker reported.

I really wish more was done to confront this Free Jahar movement. People need to show the picture of the 8 year old kid murdered by this Islamic coward. It should be socially unacceptable for anyone to sympathize with this demonic Chechen scumbag. Instead the Free Jahar movement is treated with kids gloves and not many are calling out these people for what they are. The Free Jahar movement are traitors to America and terror enablers. It is time to confront and destroy this evil vile movement on.