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Posts Tagged ‘WTF’

Хрущев сказал, “КУКУРУЗЫ! Ешь!”

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 373 Comments › )
Filed under Cold War, Communism, Golden Age of Television, History, Humor, Media, Open thread, Politics, Russia, World at June 24th, 2011 - 11:00 pm


Как известно одним из достоинств советского телевидения было полное отсутствие надоедливой рекламы! Но все же иногда у партийного руководства возникала надобность донести до советских граждан политику партии. Одна из самых ярких рекламных компаний Хрущевского СССР, это продвижение кукурузы. Шедевр советской рекламы – кукурузная оперетта.

Если хочешь быть здоровым,
Жить до сотни лет,
Обращайся с добрым словом,
к ресторанам и столовым,
получай обед.

Подождите, посидите, не спешите..

– Вы откуда?
– мы с Кубани,
Мы росли в Азейбарджане,
в южной теплой стороне.
На казахской целине.
– Ясно, что же вы хотите?
– Мы хотим попасть в меню!
– Нет уж, братцы, извините, я вас вовсе не гоню!
Но меню не изменю!
И салаты, и супы из маисовой крупы,
а из сахарного сорта каши пудинги и торты,
и закуска, и гарнир, словом, пир на весь мир!
Что за блюда – просто чудо!
Каждый день готовить буду.
И скажу вам без утайки,
эти блюда без труда
у любой домохозяйки
получаются всегда – хоть куда!

И есть все, что вы можете съесть Здесь, на
Поздняя ночь открыт Тема.

An Exotic Snack Bar

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 98 Comments › )
Filed under Asia, Food and Drink, Humor, Open thread, World at June 4th, 2011 - 11:00 pm

[More snacks here.]

“If you don’t eat yer snails, you can’t have any urchins! How can you have any urchins if you don’t eat yer snails?!”

I’m not too squeamish, but some foods require blinders for us westerners. I’ve heard that the rule of thumb when dining in Asia is never ask what it is, just eat it. (Also remember that “Asian food” is just called “food” by the locals.)

Of course it works both ways.  There are a lot of people who are repulsed by fermented and clotted mammalian lactations, yet they’ll drool at a plate of stir-fried rat feet dipped in squid ink with wood grubs.

So as we all sit here sifting our memories for the most disgusting stuff we’ve ever introduced to our gastrointestinal tracts, let’s pass around a big ‘ol honkin’ platter of deep fried WTF on The Overnight Open Thread.

This is called a WTF bone.

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 60 Comments › )
Filed under Art, History, Humor, Open thread, Weapons, World at May 24th, 2011 - 11:00 pm

[From Wiki] In Greenlandic Inuit (Kalaallit) traditions, a tupilaq […] was an avenging monster fabricated by a practitioner of witchcraft or shamanism by using various objects such as animal parts (bone, skin, hair, sinew, etc.) and even parts taken from the corpses of children. The creature was given life by ritualistic chants. It was then placed into the sea to seek and destroy a specific enemy.

The use of a tupilaq was risky, however, because if it was sent to destroy someone who had greater magical powers than the one who had formed it, it could be sent back to kill its maker instead, although the maker of tupilaq could escape by public confession of her or his own deed.

You really don’t want to know how the tupilaq is given its magical powers, but now that I said it, that Wiki article is getting an unusual amount of hits from lurking Blogmockrateers, because we like to be knowledgeable, informed and prepared for The Overnight Open Thread.

Serious WTF On A Tricycle Is Serious

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 106 Comments › )
Filed under Art, Humor, Open thread at February 21st, 2011 - 11:00 pm

Someone put a lot of thought and effort into this creation, and it probably has some hidden emotional or socio-political message, but hell if I can suss it.

Maybe it serves to house bats, and at dusk each night a swarm spirals out of its “mouth” for an insect feeding frenzy. Or it’s a trash receptacle/composter. Could be a poorly camouflaged audio speaker system that sends odd and mildly disturbing tones throughout the neighborhood.  I like the patina on the copper clad tricycle, though.

Someone suggested that we get a matching pair for The Blogmocracy Rec Room to add to the ambiance — perhaps  take up a collection to commission the sculptor and close the bar for a month to help pay for it.

Close the bar? NEVER. Not on The Overnight Open Thread.