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Bizarre, The Only Adjective That Fits The Democrats’ Big Party.

by Flyovercountry ( 50 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Republican Party at September 6th, 2012 - 1:12 pm

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Yesterday I wrote about the strange optics of the DNC, and today, I realize that I didn’t really do it justice. It is tough to describe in words just really how bizarre the entire spectacle is. I will concede that Former President, (and thank God we are able to use the description former in this phrase,) Bill Clinton knows how to whip up a crowd and engage his audience while speechifying. The only problem for the Obama campaign is that the fact checkers will have a field day with the whoppers told by Clinton during his incredibly long, self aggrandizing, ultimately back stabbing speech which was ostensibly given to promote the current occupant of the Oval Office. This capping of the day’s events of course followed a line up that has a resume thinner then that of Barack Obama himself, which is something I would have thought impossible.

For years, we have been told by the media and by the Democrats that bigotry against everyone, including puppies and grannies, resided solely in the Republican Party. This, despite the fact that a former grand whatever in the Ku Klux Klan served as a Democrat Senator from West Virginia for over 60 years. When the Democrats released their platform this year, something funny happened, they came right out with language that screamed, we officially hate Jews, and we hate their little homeland too. When a very small group of media types became curious, (Fox News,) and began asking questions, the Democrats spent a whole day claiming the whole thing was simply a mistake, oversight, no big deal really, and then decided to correct the whole thing with an amendment to the platform. Here is what happened.

What you heard, was what I believe to be a full 50% of the delegates in attendance of one of our two major parties’ conventions, affirm that they indeed hate Jews and their little homeland too.

After this, we got a speaking lineup, which usually consists of people who are leaders within the party, or who’s accomplishments place them in the category of up and comers. Barack Obama became a key note speaker in 2004, after having accomplished nothing in his life to that point, and now, 8 years later, his one term in office will always be equated with Clint Eastwood speaking to an empty chair at the RNC. Not wishing to miss that magic, Sandra Fluke was penciled in for a prime time slot. Her only accomplishment to date is becoming famous as a third year law student who can not afford the $9 per month for her contraception. In a statement made in a press conference held by Nancy Pelosi, another of the night’s speakers, staged as a fake congressional hearing, Fluke told the nation’s press that she feels having me pay for her birth control is a basic human right. In the same time slot at the RNC, Niki Haley spoke, she is the Governor of the State of South Carolina. Somehow, according to Sandra, if I fail to cough up the Ten Spot every month so that she can enjoy a consequence free social life, that some how interferes with her, “reproductive rights.” So, to Sandra I have two things to say, use all of the birth control you wish, please, just leave me out of it, which means don’t expect me to pay, which should be my right as a citizen. Next, after seeing your moronic boyfriend on his youtube channel, Georgetown includes a vision plan as a part of their insurance package. Get a pair of glasses, and then when you are able to see him clearly, that will more than suffice as adequate birth control.

Next we got a dose of Cecile Richards, who told us that somehow, being a woman is a pre-existing condition, and that women in general are not treated medically due to insurance companies engaging in some sort of a conspiracy to kill off half of our population, which includes by the way, mothers, daughters, wives, and half of the friends of the insurance executives themselves. Planned Parenthood is one of the great money laundering scams of all time. They claim to provide women’s health services, which by the way they do not. They do not do cancer screenings, mammograms, pap smears, or any medical procedure or test outside of performing abortions. They claim that less than 2% of their funding comes from the federal government, and yet when that funding is threatened, the screams could wake the dead babies which resulted from their operations. Cecile Richards herself receives a Million Bones a year to provide zero services and claim that they do it all. I say, let them exist as a true 501c(3) organization, and live within the letter of that particular section of tax code, which precludes public funding in any form. That way, when Michael Moore and Barack Obama wish to donate to charity, they will have their worthy target. I won’t be forced to donate against my will. During the RNC’s corresponding time slot, Suzanne Martinez, the Governor of the State of New Mexico, spoke to Republican delegates.

Then we got Barney Frank, the man who bears the largest portion of blame for the mortgage meltdown and the housing crisis. He told us how his signature and thankfully last legislative achievement, will prevent banks from engaging in the very activities that he forced them to engage in, in the first place. What he failed to mention was the simple fact that the law exempts the two major culprits, Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac, forced a major consolidation of existing banks to eliminate competition and create even larger versions of the, “too big to fail,” monsters, and did nothing to reign in the disastrous consequences of the Community Reinvestment Act. He also failed to mention that he held continual public hearings to thwart every effort of President Bush when he did attempt to put an end to the farce that indeed caused the crisis. During this time slot at the RNC, Marco Rubio, Senator from Florida gave a rousing speech that was truly inspirational.

Want to be even more scared? The GSE’s like I told you before, still exist in exactly the same form and capability as before the crisis.

Let’s not forget Elizabeth Warren, who’s shtick we’ve heard before. She is a flat out Marxist with such a skewed view of reality that she believes that her having high cheekbones qualifies her as a minority, (one 32nd Cherokee to be precise.) The statement of, “you didn’t build that,’ which has caused every member of the Obama Team to scream you took the Bamster’s statement out of context, originated with a viral speech delivered by Warren earlier this year. It started out as the anthem of liberals everywhere, and was touted in almost every forum, until it was so thoroughly rebutted, about a day later, that it quickly lost steam. With Team Obama contorting their position on this so as to remain Socialists, while at the same time back tracking from this lunacy, it was perplexing to me that they would include Fauxcahontas as a prime time speaker, knowing that she would triple down on this statement. Her speech truly defined bizarre, as she claimed to love success, just that she hated successful people. Class warfare was most prevalent in her speech, which of course is always a winner at the events populated by today’s Democrat Party.

Then we got Bill Clinton, in the spot usually reserved for the Vice Presidential Candidate. He gave a rousing speech which reminisced about his 8 years in office in a manner that would have been great, if only it were a true description of events. Lost in his speech were the small facts that his personal additions to the Community Reinvestment Act were the most damaging and put the teeth into the law that gave Barney Frank the green light to single handedly destroy our economy. He neglected to discuss how his raiding of the Strategic Petroleum Reserves helped to create a particularly bad recession which began just as George Bush took the oath of office in January of 2001. During his glowing recollection of how well the capital markets and investment performed during his 8 years on office, he forgot to mention that much of that investment was made possible by allowing his friends at Goldman Sachs and others to mostly ignore the anti-fraud laws on the books that led up to the dotcom collapse, the Enron collapse, the Worldcom collapse, the Adelphia collapse, and others. This highlights another problem with overbearing regulation, in that those regulations are so inconsistently applied, and there is nothing to suggest that the laws of our land will ever be applied consistently. The speech spanned 51 minutes, and true to Clinton form, contained some real whoppers. Clinton claimed that Democrat Administrations over the last 50 years have produced double the amount of job creation when compared to their Republican counterparts, which is simply too funny to ponder. Jimmy Carter’s term alone would be enough to scuttle that fib, and we still have the economic chaos of the Johnson and Obama Administrations to throw into the mix. The claim that things would have been worse without the heroic leadership of Barack Obama is simply moronic on its face. Enjoy this graph from the Minneapolis Federal Reserve, as a counter to that statement.

By the way, there has been only one mention of climate change so far, out of 80 speeches. In case you have forgotten, the mythical man made climate change has for years been sold to us as the reason we should purposefully destroy our national economy and do away with the free market system that has served us so well for 236 years. (I know that the current meme du jour is that the free market system was responsible for the latest collapse, even though anyone paying attention knows full well that it was our deviation from that system that did the damage.)

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

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