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Posts Tagged ‘Blogosphere’

Who Owns the Media – and What Can We Do?

by 1389AD ( 19 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Free Speech, Media, Special Report, UK at July 19th, 2011 - 7:30 pm

Alarmed smiley reading newspaper

There is much more to the story behind the widely-hyped coverage of the Murdoch/News of the World phone-hacking scandal.

The real story is all about who owns the gatekeepers to the world of information: the excessive concentration of ownership of the major media and entertainment outlets, even the supposedly “conservative” ones. It’s also about what YOU can do to make an end-run around those self-ordained gatekeepers to get your message across.

Animated Sherlock Holmes smiley

Short Little Rebel: Who Is Rupert Murdoch & Who Controls The News?

I began this article to address the growing scandal in England over media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World Newspaper. This English tabloid, its managers, reporters, private investigators & even the London Police have been embroiled in a phone tapping scandal that began in 2006 when police investigations discovered that Prince William’s private phone messages had been hacked by the newspaper. One editor & one private investigator were convicted in 2007 and jailed in the incident. But the allegations & investigation are far from over. Only days ago, new allegations against the paper claim that it also tapped into two murder victims’ home phone messages (deleting some) in 2002, the private home messages of victims of London’s 7/7 attacks and even the home messages of dead soldiers’ families’ home messages.

This is news in and of itself. However, as I investigated the matter further, I couldn’t help but come across Rupert Murdoch’s larger story – the story of a multi-billionaire who ‘owns’ one of the largest news organizations (including Fox & its affiliates) in the world:News Corp.Sources have it that Murdoch’s News Corp. reaches about 1/4 of the earth’s population. Allegations, some of which is confirmed by Murdoch himself, say that he uses his organizations to reflect his own personal political agendas.In some years, he has supported Hillary Clinton & Barak Obama in the United States and Tony Blair in England – all leftist politicians. Other years, he has supported conservative individuals such as Bush and David Cameron of England. The Sun, one of Murdoch’s English papers, crowed its success in swinging a critical election in England. Murdoch himself is on tape bragging about how he ‘tried’ to affect certain elections and failed.

I disagree with Short Little Rebel on this one matter: GWB (and, indeed, the entire Bush family) and David Cameron are not conservative, but center-left.

Many political figures of today represent themselves as conservatives, but any reporter from 1910 would have recognized them all as flat-out Bolsheviks, as do I. (If you have any doubts, please review the list of recommended policies in the Communist Manifesto.)

Astounded that one man could control so much information, I was led to wonder, “Who owns the rest of the news media?”There are six top news media outlets:  GE who owns NBC, MSNBC & TeleMundo; News Corp which owns FOX, the Wall Street Journal & the N.Y. Post; Walt Disney (again, who knew?) which owns ABC; Viacom, whose only news venture appears to the an Indian media company, Global Broadcast; CBS; and finally, Time Warner which owns CNN. I researched the stock market to see who owned them. While each has individuals, like Rupert Murdoch, who own large stakes, it is the institutions which own the lion’s share. As I looked through these institutions, I saw an eerie pattern of ownership emerge. I have provided links for your information. Do you see the same pattern I saw?

Seeing the patterns, I decided to create a series of charts which would track what news outlets each of these institutions controlled.
The results left me speechless. ALL of the news media are PRIVATELY owned by six or so families and/or groups: the oldest & the richest of all people. Both the liberal & conservative press belongs to them. They share ownership equally. The scheme they have used to purchase ALL the news media outlets is disgusting, people of America. While it took me an entire day of intensive research through the stock exchanges, it wasn’t that difficult to re-engineer the information and backtrack the ownership to a tiny number of people. When I looked at my final charts, I wasn’t sure what disgusted me more – the fact that they don’t even bother to really hide the information or the information itself…

Read the rest and view the charts!

No, Fox News is not a conservative news network!

Fox News has never even claimed to be conservative. Of course, I can see why Fox News might seem conservative, compared to the hard-left “alphabet” networks, New York Times, Washington Post, and the supposedly “independent” wire services. But then, the vulgar propaganda/infotainment spewed by the mainstream networks belongs in the same category with the Soviet-era Pravda, or perhaps the English-language version of al-Jazeera. It doesn’t take much to seem “conservative” compared to that.

And Fox News certainly isn’t getting any better these days. While Glenn Beck was right about many things, he was completely mistaken about a few other things (which I won’t go into here). He certainly wasn’t perfect, though, on the whole, he did much more good than harm, and I certainly miss his presence on Fox News. He was spot on with regard to George Soros and with regard to the Caliphate.

At this point, conservatives looking for network news coverage do not yet have anywhere else to go besides Fox News. Arguably, it’s better than nothing, but not by much!

It would not be going too far to say that Fox News has lost whatever punch it once had, simply because it has become the target of outright blackmail:

PJM: The MSM’s ‘Media Matters’ Blackout

The MSM is enjoying a very quiet laugh at the expense of one of their competitors: the Fox News Channel. They’re not saying a word about the all-encompassing, possibly illegal abuse Fox News is experiencing at the hands of the George Soros-funded (to the tune of $1M) Media Matters for America.

Media Matters was co-founded by current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, something which she proudly proclaims. Her fellow founder is David Brock, the fallen conservative journalist who thereafter drifted leftward. Media Matters is an alleged media “monitor,” describing itself on its website thusly:

Launched in May 2004, Media Matters for America put in place, for the first time, the means to systematically monitor a cross section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media outlets for conservative misinformation (emphasis mine).

Around March of this year, Brock announced Media Matters was dramatically diminishing said “cross section” by openly declaring “war on Fox.” (The official announcement came just after Soros’ $1M check cleared.) The above link is to the only mainstream outlet I could find that mentions this story.

Brock says Media Matters will hound Fox News with “guerrilla warfare and sabotage.” For instance:

Media Matters, Brock said, is assembling opposition research files not only on Fox’s top executives but on a series of midlevel officials. It has hired an activist who has led a successful campaign to press advertisers to avoid Glenn Beck’s show. The group is assembling a legal team to help people who have clashed with Fox to file lawsuits for defamation, invasion of privacy, or other causes. And it has hired two experienced reporters, Joe Strupp and Alexander Zaitchik, to dig into Fox’s operation to help assemble a book on the network, due out in 2012 from Vintage/Anchor.

This isn’t “media analysis.” This is a multi-million dollar leftist PR hit squad. Brock is doing all of this because he claims Fox News has become the titular head of the Republican Party.

And herein lies a legal problem for Media Matters.

Media Matters is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 organization. Esteemed attorney C. Boyden Grey explains what that means

More here.

The sad part is that Fox News has apparently capitulated to this pressure by swinging more and more to the left. Instead, they should be going after Media Matters, and everyone associated with it, with everything they’ve got. But considering their ownership, it is easy to see why they are capitulating.

Oh, and by the way, Fox Detroit seems to have capitulated to the leftist powers-that-be in much the same way: Big Journalism: Fox Detroit Apologizes for Exposing Big Labor.

What about the blogosphere and other “alternative media”?

Well, that depends. As with Fox News, the problem with many of the “bigger” non-liberal blogs, websites, and news forums is that after awhile, the people who run them tend to lose their moxie. They become afraid of losing advertisers; no longer being invited to meet prominent figures; antagonizing stockholders, owners, or financial backers (especially those with Islamic or other foreign ties); or being censored in other ways. Some people are also, by nature, afraid of confrontation, especially when it involves expressing disagreement with their friends and colleagues, or with associates whom they thought were friends.

So these high-profile bloggers and admins begin to pull their punches:

  • They practice self-censorship about acceptable topics for news coverage, and how those topics should be addressed – especially when it comes to the counterjihad.
  • In place of hard news and controversy, they draw traffic with eye candy and “fluff”.
  • They may continue to copy and paste relevant material from, or publish links to, various news sources, but they refuse to draw the obvious conclusions from those news stories, or to allow their commenters to draw any conclusions that might make someone uncomfortable.
  • They avoid everything that might draw unwanted attention from some governmental body, pressure group, or even other bloggers and commenters.

Animated sleeping smiley 'I'm SO Bored'

Self-censorship is boooooring…

If you really want to see the full range of topics for news coverage and debate, you’ll have to visit some of the “smaller” blogs too. Yes, you’ll have to use your own judgment about the quality of news and the validity of opinion on each blog, but then, you should be doing that with ALL sources of information!

Get involved!

“Alternative media” is INTERACTIVE media. You don’t have to just sit there and listen and be spoon-fed. It’s YOUR job to help report the facts as you see them, wherever you happen to be. You can start your own blog if you like, but you can also comment on existing websites or blogs, or you can join a team blog or forum. You can also use other social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, as well as face-to-face contacts, to promote worthwhile blog posts and news articles to everyone you know.

On 1389 Blog, the admins, team members, contributors, and commenters are all volunteers. We abide by certain rules (stated in the comment policy) so it isn’t a free-for-all, but we cover stories and views that the bigger blogs won’t talk about. Most of us blog and comment under our screen names – it isn’t about promoting ourselves, it’s all about the message. And at this point, we don’t sell ads, and we have no plans to do so in the future, so we don’t have to worry about losing a source of revenue. Comments are moderated, but we make a point of putting comments through in a timely manner.

Much the same is true of 2.0: The Blogmocracy, which is a team blog/forum. I’m one of the contributors there also. You’ll have to register to comment there, but registration is free, it is ALWAYS OPEN, and takes just a minute. Comments are posted immediately. Guest bloggers are welcome. There’s also a regular call-in radio show. Consider this an invitation!

There are many other good “smaller” and/or noncommercial blogs like these – which is why 1389 Blog posts so many links in the sidebar.

Also see:

  • PJM: How Network News Helped Bring About the Crash

    When we seek out the causes and culprits of our current economic crisis, there is one area in need of reform that should not be overlooked: the mainstream news media. It is not too much to say that the people in the NBC, ABC and CBS news operations were major contributing factors to the crash of 2008 and are helping to pave the way to future economic troubles now.

    In the book Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon, authors Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner tell how, in the early nineties, faulty or skewed studies by ACORN and other groups fed the idea that there was pervasive racial bias by mortgage lenders, with blacks and Hispanics being unfairly rejected for loans. “The findings lit up the media, confirming many people’s suspicions about banks’ lending practices,” the authors write of one such study. In fact, properly interpreted, the data suggested that banks were making their loans not on the basis of race but on the basis of credit-worthiness. But as the misinformation confirmed left-wing ideas, the media pressure was on for a government fix…

  • PJM: Alternative Media is Today’s Free Press

    On their own initiative, Americans are cutting through the trivia and the propaganda
    Rather than acting as an agent of protection against an intrusive government, today’s mainstream media — or big media, as I call it — seeks at best merely to entertain us. At worst, it has become an unofficial agent of the state, acting almost exclusively on its behalf.

    Whether or not big media intends to promote the government is irrelevant, for the net effect exists regardless. The point is that it has defied the system as it was designed, begetting a serious problem.

    Fortunately, even those who torment us cannot defy the natural order of things, so again we find the rules of cause and effect at work. As man, in his natural state, seeks to be free and resists the authoritarian nature of the state, inevitably alternative media was born…

  • Blogmocracy: The Saudi Money at News Corp/Fox News Speaks Up

    Just wondering out loud…It would be interesting to know if the Saudis have any control on what goes on in the US arm of News Corp/Fox News…

  • Review of “Page One: Inside the New York Times”
    (h/t: Blazing Cat Fur) 

    In the weeks before the release of the documentary Page One, New York Times columnist David Carr, the film’s unofficial star, attracted a bit of publicity by appearing on Bill Maher’s HBO talk show, where he called the residents of America’s “middle places” – the “red” states, and Kansas and Missouri in particular – participants in what he called “the dance of the low sloping foreheads.” He was responding to Maher’s assertion that these are not America’s “smart states,” and allowed himself a bemused, self-satisfied smile as he basked in audience approval after his observation, doubling down on the gibe by coyly adding “Did I just say that aloud?”…

Another one bites the dust…

by 1389AD ( 33 Comments › )
Filed under Europe, Holocaust, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, LGF, Media, Nazism at June 24th, 2011 - 11:30 am

Austrian Independent: “Anger as WWII ‘killer’ dies in Austria”

(h/t: Sparta)

Deceased Nazi Milivoj Asner

Austria has been branded as a “paradise for Nazis” after it emerged that an alleged war criminal deceased in a care home in Carinthia.

A spokesman for a Caritas retirement centre in Klagenfurt confirmed newspaper reports claiming that Milivoj Asner passed away today (Mon). He said the Croat perished aged 98 in the institution last week.

Asner is suspected of being behind the deportation of hundreds of Serbs, Roma and members of the Jewish community in Croatia’s Ustasa movement during World War Two (WWII). Asner changed his name to Georg Aschner after fleeing to Austria when the Communists took over his homeland in 1945. He received the Austrian citizenship the next year.

Asner lived in Carinthian capital Klagenfurt to his death. Austrian prosecutors opened a case against him due to occurrences in WWII in 2004 before Croatia demanded his extradition one year later. However, Asner was spared a trial due to his mental condition.

Juridical decision-makers in Austria asked a German expert to examine the suspected war criminal in 2009 after they were accused of having acted biased as several expert opinions established by Austrian doctors suggested Asner was not fit for legal procedures.

The debate over how to handle the issue intensified in 2008 when British journalists claimed Asner – who allegedly suffered from dementia – must be strong enough to go to court after spotting him at a fan zone in Klagenfurt during the European Football Championship.

Now Efraim Zuroff, the director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s office in Jerusalem, Israel, has claimed Austria was a “paradise for Nazis.”

“His decisive role in the killing of hundreds of Jewish people, Serbians and Roma in the Slavonian city of Prozega is evident,” the historian said today (Mon) after being informed that Asner has died.

More here.

Who are the REAL Nazis?

Journalists these days stretch a very long way to confront conservative and counterjihadist European politicians with far-fetched accusations of somehow being soft on Nazism (e.g., see Strache – Le Pen meeting hit by Hitler controversy).

Left-wing bloggers do the same. To put it bluntly, they go out and look for some flimsy excuse to call anybody a “Nazi” who doesn’t agree with them. In the blogosphere, this type of logical fallacy has been given its own name: Reductio ad Hitlerium. As a reaction to the tiresome frequency of such arguments, Godwin’s Law holds that “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1 (100%).”

The now-infamous Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs used that technique to backstab the entire counterjihad movement, which he once pretended to support, and he still uses it against conservative politicians and commentators, counterjihadists, and Tea Party spokesmen in the US. (See Charles Johnson hits bottom, digs, Charles Johnson hits bottom, digs (Part 2), and The Return of the Vlaams Belang.)

…and who were their victims?

But what have those journalists and bloggers to say when an actual Nazi comes to light – a Nazi from the days when the Third Reich made common cause with Muslims in persecuting and slaughtering Jews, Roma, and Christian Serbs?

From those Europeans who live nearby, or who could safely visit places where I cannot: How about a retrospective on the victims? How about showing the places where they once lived, and telling us whatever is still known about their lives that were so tragically interrupted?

Just askin’.

Julia Gorin on Investigative Journalism Gone Wrong in the Blogosphere

by 1389AD ( 92 Comments › )
Filed under Albania, Blogwars, Germany, Islamic Terrorism, Kosovo, Media, Political Correctness, Serbia at March 9th, 2011 - 8:30 am

Investigative Journalism at Pundit Press: Albania has One of the Largest Kosovan Populations on Earth!

Posted by Julia Gorin on Republican Riot March 7, 2011 03:49:52 PM, reprinted with permission

The only encouraging aspect about the Frankfurt incident is the way it was reported. Mainstream news people made no bones about using words not only such as “Muslim” and “Allahu Akbar,” but even “Albanian Muslim”; “from Kosovo” and “Kosovo citizen.” It’s possible that our media are getting a clearer sense of what’s where, and who’s where, and who’s what. Which means that eventually the American public might figure out whom they were fighting for and against in 1999. Which happened to be our most recent pre-9/11 war that everyone seems to have forgotten and treats like ancient history.

In other words, the recent flurry of news concerning Albanian activity is going to help Americans sort out who’s who and what’s what from the Balkans, at least as it relates to us, which is probably as much as can be hoped for. Only then might there be any kind of public embarrassment of our policymakers who stubbornly refuse to change track. The past few months alone have provided quite an education on the region: murder-for-organs, rigged elections, witness-killing, high-level government people on trial in Kosovo and here, the would-be terrorist in Maryland, the Frankfurt shooter, plus the guy flooding the prison in Greenwich, the Michigan rapists, the Trafalgar Square brawl and the theft of this woman’s toilet.

But trying to sort out who’s what on its own for now is a blog called Pundit Press — which made a cute little attempt last week. The bloggers thought they may have scooped the world and found the shooter’s Facebook page (it ended up being the wrong Uka), but look at the reasoning used by these poor souls trying to play Balkan sleuths, struggling to put two and two together:

…Through investigative journalism, Pundit Press now believes that it may have found his Facebook page…Of course, if this in not him, we apologize, but there are three reasons why this could be his profile. First, and least convincing, is that the man in his profile picture seems to be about the age of 21.

Second, Uka was identified as Kosovan. Albania has one of the largest Kosovan populations on earth.


Now look closely at the necklace around Uka’s neck.

It is that of the Albanian flag.

Third, Uka’s profile says that he is using Facebook in “Shqip.” That is the language of “Albanian,” one that many Kosovans speak natively.

That is, someone with an Albanian flag around his neck could be a Kosovan (imagine that!). Because, in case you didn’t know, Albania has ONE of the largest KOSOVAN POPULATIONS on EARTH!


Let me see if I can stop laughing long enough to explain something to the “investigative journalists” at Pundit Press.

Aside from the fact that there is no ethnic or national identity as “Kosovan” (that’s why they wave the Albanan flag and not the Kosovan flag except to occasionally oblige their international overseers) — it’s not Albania that has Kosovans, but Kosovo that has Albanians. That’s what Kosovans are: Albanians. Albanians crossed into Serbia illegally over the course of a couple centuries, and claimed this Albania-adjacent Serbian land as their own.

But one does wonder where the ‘other’ large Kosovan population centers on earth are? I’m assuming they know that one of them is Kosovo? In fact, that would be the only one.

As for Albanian being a language that “many Kosovans speak natively,” it is in fact the language that ALL Kosovans speak, since they are Albanian. (Technicalities about the fast disappearing non-Albanian residents of Kosovo aside, which include Serbs, Roma, Gorani and others.)

And there’s nothing native about the language, since these foreigners cleansed most of the natives, known as Serbs. The native tongue, now all but illegal, is called Serbian.

Now, considering that this information has been widely available to Americans since at least 12 years ago, when the “Kosovans”/Albanians/non-natives first got onto our yahoo-level radars, this part of the ‘investigation’ shouldn’t have proven so difficult to get right.

(The whole thing reminds me of this poor Greenwich, CT reporter who together with local police listed the origin of the man who flooded the police station as “Kosovo, Albania” — all of which is in Serbia, apparently.)

More problematic but less entertaining than the comedy of Balkan errors by Pundit Press, however, was its word-for-word-predictable closing paragraph, as if lifted from the Handbook on How to Defend Albanians when One has Attacked us Again:

It must be noted that Albanians and Kosovars tend to be very pro-American…We cannot paint ethnic Albanians as extremists, especially considering their rejection of al Qaeda and radical Islam in the 1990s– even as Serbs attempted to wipe out their population in Kosovo.

Now, here is where a little more “investigation” — uncovering long-disclosed information — could have helped the poor souls at Pundit Press. I’ll assist with the investigation about all that rejection of al Qaeda and assorted mujahedeen, by providing the embedded links I’ve just provided. And here’s something to help get to the bottom of the truth of the Serbian attempt to “wipe out” the Kosovo population.

I’ll also trace back over my own steps to enlighten these indefatigable sleuths about the nature of the Albanian AND “Kosovar” pro-Americanism, which culminates in the following simple analogy: Say I wanted my neighbor’s house, and you killed him for me — I’d love you for at least a couple decades.

A note about this ubiquitous, repetitive warding-off of any potential temptation by Americans to malign Albanians in general every time another one of them does something bad: Notice there are no such moral dilemmas — and certainly no such pleas — on behalf of Serbs when they are unequivocally maligned — while *not* killing Americans. (I think we’ve just figured out what the Serbs have been doing wrong.)

Just like the determination by the 9/11 Commission that Bosnia was the catalyst which globalized jihad and al Qaeda led the Commission to conclude that the solution is we must do even more to help Bosnian Muslims. Similarly, the ‘thinking’ that went into our decision to help the KLA was that we had to help make sure they didn’t turn to Islamists for help. But the Islamists helped regardless (see links in relevant section above) — and they’re still “helping,” with very effective results. Given the current world trend, and increasing evidence, it seems all we did was merely put off the inevitable.

Meanwhile, don’t ask the PP sleuths to notice the striking coincidence that the side that’s been designated by their government as the enemy is the side that receives their unqualified contempt, with no care given to words used. While the side designated by their government as “friend” and “victim” is the side they’re defending and telling you not to offend when its members kill Americans.

The additional irony of course is that the Albanians they’re defending not only aren’t bothered by the universal demonization of Serbs and don’t say or write anything to qualify it, but they are in fact the originators of the falsehoods and blood libels against the Serbs. Yet they have the nerve to cry foul if someone should dare say or write something disparaging of them as a people — and this amid unflattering news.

Serbs have been coping in the face of worldwide hatred and enmity for two decades — manifested daily in newspapers regardless of what contrary realities assert themselves — but Albanians have a hard time coping with even one writer catching on to their game. One supposes it’s harder to take when there’s a grain (or more) of truth to it.

The 1389 Blog posted the following response to the PP people (links added):

…Serbs never attempted to wipe out the ethnic Albanian population in Kosovo….On the contrary, Kosovo was formerly majority Serb. That changed when the Albanian Muslims fought on the side of the Nazis. The Muslim incursion during the Third Reich and during the Communist Tito regime expropriated and displaced many Serbs. In fact, Serbs in Kosovo have been under attack from Albanian Muslims ever since that time. [Much earlier, actually.] While I would argue that Serbs should have the same right to defend their land and people as anybody else has, under the Tito regime and afterward, they were forbidden to do anything to protect their lives and property from attacks by Albanian Muslims or anyone else. As a result, many Serbs were forced to flee from Kosovo. By 1999, Serbs had been reduced to a small minority in Kosovo. The government of what was then Yugoslavia (now Serbia) did nothing to expel the Albanian Muslims from Kosovo.

The mainstream media in the US and Europe, and the Clinton Administration, essentially blood-libeled the entire Serbian people as an excuse to go to war on behalf of the Muslims in the Balkans. Their reason for doing that was a failed effort to appease the Saudis and other Muslim oil interests, some of whom considered the First Gulf War to be an unacceptable intrusion of “infidels” into the Muslim ummah.

Considering the evils perpetrated by Albanian Muslims in Kosovo – everything from heroin and weapons smuggling, organizing terrorist attacks, trafficking in women and girls for brothel slavery, to kidnapping and butchering Serbs for their organs – it IS high time that all Muslims be expelled from Kosovo and sent back to their homes in Albania, whence they came. They DO have homes and families and tribes in Albania, and they have moved into Kosovo simply because Albania is a misgoverned and corrupt post-Communist cesspool. It is up to them to clean up the mess in Albania rather than spreading it into the historic homeland of the Serbian people.

So back to Frankfurt. What will be our response? More favors for Kosovo’s KLA leaders? More political protection for Kosovo? More stories about imaginary genocides by Serbs?

I’ll close with a letter from a Serb in Montenegro:

…Additionally perplexing to me is the fact that Albanians are repaying the United States by killing US soldiers, even after the US government has illegally waged war on their behalf against Serbia and is illegally occupying Kosovo to this day. You don’t see Serbs running around killing Americans, or anyone else for that matter.

Finally, what disgusts me more than anything else, is the complacency of the corporate media, which continue to satanize Christian Serbs to this day for invented and false crimes, while portraying all Serb enemies (Bosnian Muslims, Croat Neo-nazis and Albanian Muslims) as helpless victims.

Americans, be warned! There will be more Albanian Muslim attacks to come! [Yugoslavia] welcomed Albanians fleeing poverty and repression from Albania into Serbia’s southern Kosovo province. [They were] provided with free health care, free education and even education in their Albanian language in public schools. Once the Albanians established themselves in Kosovo, the Serbs were repaid by getting murdered, raped, terrorized in every possible way and finally completely expelled from Kosovo.

I empathize with the American people, and pray that the American people will smarten up and hold their corporate politicians and corporate media accountable for their self-serving treachery and treasonous actions. The sooner this happens, the sooner the world will become a better place and the occupation of Kosovo will end.

Note the rather charitable attitude toward Americans — even after all that U.S. foreign policy has rained down upon the Serbs. And see if you still find Albanian “pro-Americanism” more trustworthy.

So keep the atrocity porn coming about what the Serbs allegedly once did to their enemies, while those enemies stay busy now killing Americans.

Citizen Journalism Workshop at Blogworld

by Phantom Ace ( 10 Comments › )
Filed under Uncategorized at July 14th, 2008 - 2:55 pm

If you’re going to the Blogworld & New Media Expo next month, here’s an interesting workshop you might be interested in attending; they need to get some signups soon or the workshop may be canceled: Citizen Journalism Workshop.

The new journalism training certificate workshop AT BLOGWORLD & NEW MEDIA EXPO is for bloggers seeking to deepen and broaden their journalistic skills. This workshop focuses on tools and skills news and information bloggers can use to improve the quality, and impact of their blogs.

Bloggers and new media journalists will learn techniques of traditional journalists, including styles of opinion writing, investigative reporting techniques and fact-sourcing, avoiding legal pitfalls and tips on what makes a post most likely to get one quoted or cited by larger blogs, as well as the mainstream media.

Obviously I’m doing the “avoiding legal pitfalls” part, in a session called “Top 10 Ways to Blog Your Way Into a Lawsuit.” which I’ve billed as a fast paced romp through the legal risks that bloggers might face. As serious as this topic is – I think people’s fears cause them to not want to think about the risks – but actually looking at them makes them much easier to prevent. So I’ve tried to make this session fun and easy to handle.

Charles will be there!

Ha ha ha! Will Kilgore and his gang also be there?