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Posts Tagged ‘Mainstream Media’

Requiem for the Mainstream Media, All hail the New Media.

by Phantom Ace ( 52 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Guest Post, Media, Progressives at November 11th, 2012 - 12:09 am

Blogmocracy in Action

Guest Blogger: Doriangrey

The Mainstream Media is dead, it committed suicide. It did not do it on purpose, it was entirely accidental. But it most assuredly did commit suicide. The Mainstream Media would love nothing more than for you to believe that it is still alive, well, healthy and in control of your life, but that simply is not the case. It is at this very moment in time, the walking dead.

Yes, I can tell you both how and why it committed suicide. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened or why. When I worked in the Aerospace industry building exotic spacecraft and communications satellites we used to have a inside tongue in cheek joke about the processes we used to build spacecraft and satellites, we used to joke that, hey, it’s not that damned complicated, it’s not rocket science. The punchline of course, was that, yes, it actually was rocket science. It was just, that we did what we did every day of the week all year long. Ever hear the old adage, familiarity breeds contempt?

Well,the truth is, as in my case, you don’t actually have to be a rocket scientist to build a rocket, or spacecraft or satellite. You just have to know how to do part of the assembly process. Again in my case, it was how to do carbon-fiber lay-up and how to use various machines. Well, the same principal applies here. I don’t have to have an advanced degree in journalism or business administration to know how and why the Mainstream Media committed suicide to know how and why the Mainstream Media committed suicide.

The how and why as I said is really rather simple. Once upon a time, in a world not all that long ago or far away their was only one way to get news or information on what was going on in the world outside of your immediate vision. That was to turn to the Mainstream Media, whether it be newspapers, magazines, radio or television. That was how you learned what was going on outside of your immediate community.

Starting with Gutenberg and his movable type press those who compiled the news or information became the gatekeepers of information. They became by virtue of the medium they controlled, the lords of information. They made the decisions as to what information, what news, what ideas, were propagated amongst the masses. Because they made those decisions they became incredibly powerful, they shaped public opinion by controlling what people knew.

Just as familiarity breeds contempt, so power breed corruption. The greater the power, the greater the corruption. This is how the Mainstream Media committed suicide, their power led to corruption, it led to arrogance and it led to narcissism. Most importantly it led to them falling victim to the false belief that their source of power and authority was unassailable. As they grew in they grew in their arrogance and narcissism they began to believe that the power and authority they wielded was theirs by what amounted to divine right, not divine right ass in conferred by God, but as conferred by their superior intelligence and educations.

Their role as gatekeeper became their license to dictate what the average person knew or learned. They ceased to inform and began to indoctrinate, engaging in the propagation of ideological propaganda rather than the dissemination of information. Which is not to suggest that the Mainstream Media ever existed as a genuinely unbiased source of information, because it did not. The difference is that for hundreds of years those who engaged in the mass exchange of and dissemination of information did so without making any attempt to conceal their true ideological biases. They made their biases know up front and in a openly competitive market place.

Back in the early 1920′s Marxist began it’s infiltration of the American Mainstream Media. It was a slow methodical infiltration that began in academia, that influenced America’s various schools of journalism and brought with it the idea that it was the journalist’s obligation to not simple inform the general public, but to actively shape public opinion through the inclusion or exclusion of ideological based opinion and the manipulation of factual information. There are two types of lies, one is the outright lie where you knowingly and willingly present false information, the other is through omission where you knowingly and willingly omit factual information.

Well, things were going along just wonderfully for the Mainstream Media until a little noticed or understood event took place in 1874. German scientist Karl Ferdinand Braun discovered the “unilateral conduction” of crystals. With Braun’s invention of the “rectifier” which would later go on to be renamed the diode the information age was born. From the diode eventually came the very invention allowing you to read this article, the internet.

In the previous paragraphs I have described why the Mainstream Media committed suicide, now we get to the how. Braun’s invention of the diode led directly to things like the telegraph and radio communications, radio and telegraph produced something known as the teletype. The Mainstream Media grasped the importance and significance of the telegraph, teletype, radio and television nearly at once. Those things provided them an unparalleled ability to bring information from around the world to a centralized location with near real time speed for the dissemination to a public that was hungry for information.

And, just as the publishing industry had for hundreds of years prior, it continued to present them with a one way platform where they were the gatekeepers of information. They published and the general public at large had little to no avenue to dispute or question the veracity or concealed bias placed either through overt intent, or via intentional omission. As an example, New York times “Journalist” Walter Duranty,who reported on the Soviet Union between 1922 and 1932 won the highly coveted Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for his “so called” reporting. Duranty who it later was proven was a Marxist fellow traveler, or sympathizer if you will, wrote articles praising Joesph Stalin and the Soviet Marxist government, while knowingly, willfully and intentionally omitting how ruthlessly and brutally the Soviet government under Stalin treated it’s citizen. Duranty intentionally deceived by omission the American people about the fact that Joesph Stalin murdered somewhere between 30 and 50 million Soviet citizen in his quest to make the Soviet Union the world most powerful superpower.

Those who, in 1932 knew that Walter Duranty was intentionally deceiving the world were locked out of the conversation by the simple virtue of the fact that, the Mainstream Media was a one way street. The Mainstream Media presented their side on any story and that was it. What the editors decided to publish was what got published. There was no significant dialog between the general public and the gatekeepers. American writer Mark Twain once sardonically quipped, “Never pick a fight with a man who buys ink by the barrel”. It was both a stern warning and at the time an indisputable fact of life. From the 1700′s up until the end of the 20th century the men who bought their ink by the barrel were the bane and torment of King’s, Dictators and Presidents. Benjamin Franklin was a thorn in King Georges side that King George could not rid himself of just as Woodard and Bernstein proved the power of the gatekeepers ability to bring down the most powerful man on earth.

Karl Ferdinand Braun’s little invention however useful it was to the Mainstream Media was eventually to be the means by which the Mainstream Media committed suicide. With the invention of the internet something that the Mainstream Media had avoided for hundreds of years came to pass. The information exchange became a two way conversation. The gatekeepers ceased to have total control over what the general public learned. For the first time in human history the official media narrative could not only be fact checked in real time by any and everyone, but any and everyone could challenge the official media narrative. The human race found it’s voice.

In their narcissistic arrogance the Mainstream Media made and is still making every effort to retain their historical role as the sole gatekeeper of information, in short, they are and have refused to accept that they no longer have exclusive control over the narrative. In so doing, they committed suicide by refusing to change with the times. As the internet grew and continues to grow the general public’s ability to fact check and challenge the official media narrative has grown exponentially. As the general public becomes more and more aware that they are being lied to either outright through the dissemination of intentionally false information or through the intentional omission of factual information as filtered through no longer disguised or concealed ideological bias the general public simple ceases to rely on what has become an obviously corrupt Mainstream Media.

Faced with the indisputable evidence that the general public no longer considers them to be a reliable or trustworthy source of information the Mainstream Media, rather than adapt have chosen to double down on their biased dissemination of deceptive propaganda and disinformation. Grasping with all their might in an attempt to retain the power they once wielded, rather than retain that power, they push it ever further away at a constantly increasing speed. The general pubic is slowly but surely awaking to the fact that Dan Rather and “his fake but true” throbbing memo were not a exception to the rule, but in fact were the rule.

So, yes, the Mainstream Media is dead, they are the walking dead in not only the literal sense, but the figurative metaphorical zombie who desperately want’s to eat your brains sense as well. They committed suicide just like so many power crazed dictators who attempted to hold on to their subjective thrones at any cost. They committed suicide by ignoring that the times had changed and that they had lost their once iron grip on what the general public learned and knew, and with that what the general public thought.

Enter the New Media:

Like the birth of the information age when Karl Ferdinand Braun invented the diode, the internet was born in essentially obscurity. Originally invented and designed to allow physicist’s to share their research, and then as a research tool itself the internet came into existence with very little public fanfare. It started out as a collection of college and research based computers connected together for scientists. Picked up on by the military for it’s strategic value as a means of rapid dissemination of tactical information and then adopted by a general public with an insatiable hunger for technology that could both make their lives easier to manage and entertain them as well, the internet exploded with innovative idea’s all which were spawned from tools designed for research.

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, the internet is and always was designed to be the single most powerful research tool ever invented by man. More importantly, just because you can use it to buy shoes, a new computer, or even a used car. That you can facebook, twitter or blog doesn’t mean that it’s primary purpose has changed or is in any way shape of fashion altered, nor have any of those wonderful things that you can do on the internet come from anything less than, the basic research tools embedded in the structure of the internet. Facebook, twitter, blogging, online sales and even streaming video are all basic research tools. You may not think or realize that you are using them for research, but the reality is… You are.

The New Media is the inescapable evolution of information sharing and research. It’s future shape is anything but certain, but it’s continued presences is all but assured, and it’s growing influence akin to the irresistible force. What was in doubt for many years, and is the old media’s only remaining claim to legitimacy, is the New Media’s ability to financially support the individuals who engage in the physical gathering of information. In the old media these individuals were called “Reporters” or “Journalists” and they were financially supported by a combination of advertising revenue and the physical sales of printed material.

Andrew Breitbart may well have been one of if not the first true New Media reporter, just as it can hardly be doubted or questioned that Matt Drudge is the New Media’s first Managing Editor. Charles Johnson of “Little Green Footballs” (who tragically suffered some form of mental breakdown and destroyed in a Pyrrhic fire his Blog), is arguably the New Media’s first Editorial columnist. While the honor of creating the first digital Newspaper is a little more difficult to identify, one can be rather certain that Andrew Breitbart/Arianna Huffington, Markos Moulitsas Zúniga and Michelle Malkin were among the first to prove that it could be both done, and done profitably.

Is this an exhaustive listing, no of course not, it may not even be accurate as a basic time line indicator of who did what first. It serves only as a general indicator of how the internet inevitably gave birth to the New Media. All of these individuals demonstrated three simple irrefutable facts. The general public no longer put their trust in the old media, and that it was possible to not only challenge the old media’s narrative successfully, but to build a functional profitable business model on doing so and that anyone could do so. No longer was the man who purchased ink by the barrel the tyrant exclusively in charge of the information the general public had access to, and he no longer has the power to utterly and completely shut down anyone who challenges him.

When I was younger I used to read the syndicated columnists Andy Rooney and Cal Thomas on a fairly regular basis. They were not journalists or reporters in the strict sense, they offered insightful opinions on current events. It is the syndicated columnist’s of the New Media, like Michelle Malkin and Thomas Sowell, that I as a humble and insignificant Blogger, aspire to emulate for it is the Michelle Malkin’s and Thomas Sowell’s of the New Media that are the Andy Rooney’s and Cal Thomas’ of the New Media.

Yes, the old Fifth Column Treasonous Media is dead, it is the walking dead, hungry to eat your brains like a zombie, unaware even that they are dead or a plague on humanity, the Old Media is dead… Long live the New Media.

(Cross Posted at The Wilderness of Mirrors)

LA Times Won’t Let You See the Video of Barack Obama with Rabid Anti-Semite Terror Supporter Rashid Khalidi

by 1389AD ( 113 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Barack Obama, Election 2008, Elections 2012, Islam, Israel, Media, Palestinians, Terrorism at January 24th, 2012 - 3:00 pm

Smiley digging a hole

The Mainstream Media Buries Every Negative Story about Barack Hussein Obama:

They’ll bury it and they’ll keep it buried, even when they have all of the proof on video. Under the US Constitution, our free press has the right (and, arguably, the duty) to expose public as well as private wrongdoing. Instead, our mainstream media organizations have become consolidated into a small, closed, wealthy clique that opposes and flouts the beliefs and values of most of its audience. They support and protect hard-left/pro-jihadi/radical-environmental (“red-green-green”) politicians and causes – especially Obama and his policies – while trying its hardest to clear the GOP field of any conservative strong enough to unseat him.

What story is being buried? It’s Barack and Michelle Obama’s longtime association and close friendship with former PLO operative and rabid anti-Semite, Rashid Khalidi.

American Thinker: A GOP Candidate’s Bitter Ex-Wife Receives More Coverage Than a Video of Obama Dining with Terrorist-Supporters

(h/t: Diane)

By Lauri B. Regan
However, of greater importance in my view is the silence, save for a few journalists and pundits on the right, regarding exposing a videotape recorded in 2003 of Barack Obama at the farewell dinner for terrorist-supporting Palestinian Rashid Khalidi. News of the videotape’s existence came to light while Obama was a candidate, and the free pass given to him by the mainstream media was only just beginning to come to light when the enamored Chris Matthews’ shared news of the tingle up his leg.
But there is a videotape sitting in the vaults of the Los Angeles Times, and every American should be screaming from the rooftops for its release. In light of the Arab Spring, Obama’s endless attempts to bully Israel into succumbing to all sorts of unprecedented and unsafe demands in the hopes that he would go down in history as the POTUS who made peace between the Israelis and Palestinians, and the administration’s ineptness in addressing Iran’s nuclear program and military threats, exposing this videotape is of utmost importance.

In April 2010, Roger L. Simon published an article on PajamasMedia entitled, “Why is the L.A. Times Burying the Obama/Khalidi Tape?” Of further consequence is why the media — and Americans — are not demanding that the L.A. Times immediately release the tape. Simon wrote:

The Khalidi tape could be of tremendous significance in revealing the provenance of Obama’s views on the Middle East and the degree to which the public was misled on those views during the presidential campaign[.] …

So what are we to think? We have an administration that not only ascribes most of the Middle East blame to Israel, but also has banned “Islamism” and all related words, even “Islam” and “jihad” from our national security documents. They’re completely gone. Indeed, even the Fort Hood massacre, so clearly inspired by Islamic extremism, has now been shifted into the comfortable category of the lone, angry killer. Rashid Khalidi should be happy. And, in fact, he is.

Sometimes I want to yell and scream. What is wrong with the Los Angeles Times? Are they a news organization or the propaganda wing of some leftover unit of the IWW? No wonder subscribers are deserting them in droves.

While I am sure that Simon’s questions were rhetorical, I will answer the obvious. Of course the paper is a propaganda tool. Were it not for the internet and cable television, true news organizations would no longer exist. It was recently reported that Jerusalem Post editor Steve Linde quoted Bibi Netanyahu calling The New York Times and Haaretz Israel’s two main enemies because “they set the agenda for an anti-Israel campaign all over the world.” Netanyahu denies making this exact statement, but there is no question that both papers’ reporting reflects a bias that can be characterized only as anti-Israel propaganda. Taken a step further, there is no question that the mainstream media as a whole has become completely entrenched in propaganda, bias, anti-Israel and anti-American sentiment, and indoctrination based on liberal, progressive values that are completely out of the “mainstream.”

The public will never understand that the Islamists taking over the Mideast are not moderate, will not promote democracy, are not friends of the United States, and wish the ultimate destruction of the West if the public reads and relies upon only The New York Times, L.A. Times, MSNBC, or similar tools of the left for its “news” and information. Americans will not understand the implications of four more years of a pro-Islamist president if they do not understand what Islamism is all about. And they will not know who is sitting in the White House making policy decisions based on personal biases if the media continues to promote Obama’s agenda rather than investigate and report.

So why is the videotape of such paramount importance? Simon quotes from an article published in the L.A.Times discussing the tape and its contents:

[A] young Palestinian American recited a poem accusing the Israeli government of terrorism in its treatment of Palestinians and sharply criticizing U.S. support of Israel. If Palestinians cannot secure their own land, she said, “then you will never see a day of peace.”

One speaker likened “Zionist settlers on the West Bank” to Osama bin Laden, saying both had been “blinded by ideology.”

Furthermore, rumors abound regarding additional messages that may or may not have been openly shared at the dinner in Obama’s presence. Ted Belman reported at Israpundit that he has a reliable source that “the audio tape clearly picks up the toast ‘death to Israel’.” Did Obama drink to the death of an American ally that he has been actively intimidating, browbeating, and dissing since he phoned Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on his first day in office? Does Obama liken Israelis living in the West Bank to Osama bin Laden, whose death he claims as his greatest foreign policy accomplishment?

Simon concluded his article with a request that readers send in suggestions on how to make the contents of the tape public. Apparently Donald Trump missed this request when he wasted the media’s energy pushing for the release of Obama’s birth certificate — something with which Obama is still having fun as he mocked the birthers at the Golden Globe awards last week.

But I highly doubt that the POTUS, who had his worldview formed while sitting in the pews of Israel-bashing Jeremiah Wright and at the dinner table of anti-Semite Khalidi, will be mocking people who care enough to properly vet his credentials by urging the release of the tape. And I venture a guess that if the videotape is released, Barack Obama will be packing his bags at the end of this year. But that is a big “if” because until the media stops obsessing over the infidelities of the GOP candidates and starts doing its job, Barack Obama’s chances of a second term continue to scare the living daylights out of those who understand its implications.

Read it all here.

Do You Want America’s Future Decided by the MSM or by The People?

by 1389AD ( 110 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Free Speech, Media, Mitt Romney, Polls, Republican Party at August 14th, 2011 - 3:30 pm

Smiley typing on laptop

Zilla explains why a healthy and independent blogosphere is so vital to our liberty, and what YOU can do to empower it!

We must fight for accurate information and ignore a media with an activist, propagandist agenda.  It has gotten down to that: the media vs. the people. 

The above quote is from Pamela Geller’s article at Human Events, The Next President. It is now more important than ever to support those who fight to bring truthful information to the People, information that the media and most of our political class do not want you to know.

Consider Iowa leading up to the Ames Debate. Here is an excerpt from DaTechguy about the fact  Robert Stacy McCain has provided far better coverage of all the GOP Presidential candidates in Iowa than anyone else:

But it is his post on his site that clinches my argument

So far in Iowa, I’ve been to events for Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum. If they get a couple of local TV stations and two or three newspaper reporters to an event, that’s “good coverage.” But at today’s Romney event — held at the home of a local businessman — it was a totally different level of coverage: The Philadelphia Inquirer, the San Francisco Chronicle, Gwen Ifill, Charlie Cook, Al Hunt, Carl Cameron of Fox News, etc. I counted no fewer than 12 TV or video cameras recording Romney’s speech.

That is the power of the MSM. It decides who the GOP front-runner is (and who they want it to be) and allocates coverage accordingly. Stacy McCain has covered Mitt Romney, but he has not limited his coverage to him. He has covered Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty.

This more than anything else highlights the importance of bloggers and social media, they are the best way to bypass the elites determination to convert convention wisdom into fact.  RTWT

If you watched the Ames debate on Fox News, you may have noticed that the moderators tried to make it pretty much the Romney/Gingrich/Pawlenty/Paul show, giving little time to (my first choice) Rick Santorum, or Herman Cain (and they mods were basically asses to Michelle Bachmann). They also gave a lot of attention to former Obama operative Jon Huntsman. Their coverage of the debate on the morning show Fox and Friends was even worse. Neither the hosts nor their guests even mentioned Rick Santorum from what I saw, despite the fact that he did really well in the debate. Fox, like the rest of the MSM has an agenda, and that agenda is not to report events, but to engineer their outcomes. DaTechguy further illustrates this point at the Conservatory with his great piece about Why Robert Stacy McCain Is Invaluable

Click HERE to read the rest and comment!

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Where’s Fjordman?

by 1389AD ( 143 Comments › )
Filed under Crime, Free Speech, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Liberal Fascism, Media, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness at August 7th, 2011 - 4:00 pm

Fjordman header

Gates of Vienna: The Forced Resignation of Fjordman

Our regular readers know the writings of Fjordman, and are familiar with what has happened to him in the two weeks since Anders Behring Breivik murdered seventy-six people in Oslo and on the island of Utøya.

Our thousands of new readers also know who Fjordman is — or at least they know the media construct labeled “Fjordman”, which has little or nothing to do with the reality of the man who chose that pseudonym when writing about the ongoing destruction of European civilization.

Yesterday, after receiving legal advice, Fjordman chose to visit the police, reveal his identity, and answer any questions they posed. Contrary to media reports, the police did not “discover” him.

For the record: The Norwegian authorities had no idea who Fjordman was until he decided to reveal himself, of his own free will.

After his discussions with the police, he gave an interview to a media outlet, and then retired once again from public view.

An account of the police interview was published here. Then, later on this morning, the interview with Fjordman was published at VG (English version here). The same information was later published in Denmark. Almost immediately his real name was added to his Wikipedia entry, which had already been in existence for a number of years.

It’s no surprise to learn that he has gone into hiding — we’ve all seen what the “anti-fascists” do to people who hold opinions like ours, and Fjordman has to be one of their high-priority targets.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
Fjordman began posting essays at Gates of Vienna in the spring of 2006. I first met him in person about a year later during my trip to Copenhagen. We have encountered each other again over the years during some of my visits to Europe. In the process we became good friends, and remained in correspondence until he made his momentous decision the other day to visit the police.

Now his “brand” has been forcibly retired. But this doesn’t mean that Fjordman’s work will come to an end. As his long-time readers know, Fjordman is completely dedicated to the cause of reclaiming and upholding European civilization — not through murder and destruction, as his supposed admirer Anders Behring Breivik chose to do, but rather by honest discussion and legitimate peaceful action through the political process.

This is what we all believe in here at Gates of Vienna. Our goal is to be outspoken enough to prevent what must otherwise surely come. If we who love our civilization and culture do not stand up now, then certain violence awaits us. Our enemies have declared this clearly over and over again, and we would be fools to disregard their stated intentions. By utilizing our current — and precarious — right to free speech, and by raising public awareness of what is being planned, we hope to avert the violence and degradation that the Islamization of the West will inevitably entail.

For the record: Fjordman is the best of us. He is not just a brilliant scholar and a fine writer, but also the most decent, gentle, and humane person I have ever met. He is a man of utmost integrity, and it shines through in his dealings with others as well as in the millions of words he has written.

His forced resignation from his position as “Fjordman” does not spell the end of his work.

Hat tips: Steen, Henrik and KGS.

Posted by Baron Bodissey at 8/05/2011 10:05:00 AM

Gates of Vienna: Fjordman: My Afternoon With The Police

The following message just came in from Fjordman, who adds that he intends to keep a low profile in the near future.

I am shocked by the hostile treatment I received at the hands of the police.

Lars Hedegaard heard my story and commented that he had never known of any witness who has been treated in this manner in any Western country, except for totalitarian societies such as the Third Reich.

My lawyer, who is experienced and has seen many tough cases before, did not expect anything like this to happen. He assumed this would be relatively easy, and even suggested that I might get by without a lawyer. I insisted on having one present just in case, which most likely helped a little bit. Things would have been even worse had that not been the case. My lawyer later said that in my case they operated at best at the very fringes of what could be considered legal.

I was never accused of doing anything criminal, obviously because I had nothing to do with the terror attacks and they know this. Yet without the slightest hint of proof of any lawbreaking, I was treated as a murder suspect.

To my total surprise I had to go to my flat, where for several hours half a dozen police officers went through all of my DVDs, searched through my old printed travel photographs from years back, searched through all of my (many) books, checked my kitchen equipment, went through all of my clothes, and confiscated a suitcase that contained nothing more than clothes and some books. They also confiscated several digital devices, including my camera and my laptop. It is quite clear that they wanted information about non-violent Islam-critical networks in Europe that they suspected might be contained in my PC, even though they denied this to me.

Please remember that the police and the Police Security Service (PST) apparently had no clue who I was until I literally knocked on their door of my own free will, even though I knew full well that I would have to give up my anonymity after doing so. I had very little information about Breivik since I have never met him, something which he himself has admitted, yet I still handed over what little information I had. I also answered their questions honestly, even though, technically speaking, I did not have to do so.

If you believe the mass media, the police were still not sure that I really was Fjordman until a couple of hours after I had turned up at the police station. As soon as they understood that this was indeed the case, they rushed through a quick decision to search my flat and confiscate my computer equipment immediately. They must have realized at this point that I had nothing at all to do with the terror attacks.

I personally suspect that this was mainly a political decision.

Posted by Baron Bodissey at 8/05/2011 05:51:00 PM

Gates of Vienna: Fjordman and Fairness? A Sick Joke…

Dr. Andrew Bostom writes:

Today my colleague, the perspicacious Norwegian essayist Fjordman (whose prolific writings can be read here), was compelled to surrender his anonymity after reluctantly granting an interview to Verdens Gang (published in English, here).

An hysterical, morally cretinous press and blogosphere — Norwegian, other European, and American — which had initially accused Fjordman, falsely and recklessly, of being the Breivik mass murderer, continues to persist that he was Breivik’s “main inspiration,” a charge akin to accusing the Beatles of “inspiring” Charles Manson, or Jody Foster “inspiring” John Hinckley.

Even the relatively fair and staid Verdens Gang interview labels the apolitical Fjordman as “far right.” When reading the interview, consider that the ongoing major “accusation” against Fjordman is that his reasoned critique of cultural relativism — echoed by mainstream Western European leaders Sarkozy, Cameron, and Merkel — “precipitated” the murderous insanity of Breivik. This is another absurd and slanderous allegation…

“Absurd and slanderous”? Indeed.

Maybe now that the far left extremist government mouthpiece press in Norway and Sweden will leave us alone. They have their scapegoat, even as they twist his story…

Read the rest of Dr. Bostom’s essay here.

Posted by Dymphna at 8/05/2011 07:46:00 PM