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Posts Tagged ‘Cap and Trade’

The Trojan Horse in Cap-and-Trade

by savage ( 200 Comments › )
Filed under Science at November 13th, 2009 - 11:29 am

Guest Post by snork

As the details of the Cap-and-Trade (a.k.a. Cap-and-Tax) bill start to filter out, there’s a very, very, very pernicious bomb hidden in the language. Let me explain:

There’s an emergency clause provision in the bill that both grants the president emergency powers and requires the president to act if the concentration of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere exceeds 450 ppmv. Currently, it’s around 385. So 450 should be way, way, off in the distant future, and if we ever reach that, it would constitute extraordinary circumstances, right?

If you think so, you’re mistaken. The reason for this is that elsewhere in the bill, in complete contradiction to everything we know about how mixtures of gasses absorb radiation, they have defined this concentration to be ppmv CO2 equivalent. What you may ask is ppmv CO2 equivalent?

Because there are gasses other than CO2 that also absorb IR radiation, they decide that methane, CFCs, etc. all have an equivalence to CO2; that it for example with methane, the global warming potential is 72. This means, according to the calculations that are directed to be made by the EPA, a cubic foot of methane causes as much warming as 72 cubic feet of CO2.

So the ppmv equivalent is the amount of actual CO2, plus the amounts of the other gasses times their GWPs. In this piece, Senator Vitter (R-La) asked the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (of the DoE) what the current and projected ppmve is and is projected to be.

The cap-and-trade bill — both the Senate version that passed the Environment and Public Works committee and the version that already passed the House — effectively declares a climate emergency if world greenhouse gas levels climb above 450 parts per million. (The number appears to have been chosen arbitrarily.) According to the Pacific Northwest National lab, which wrote in response to Vitter’s inquiries, the world’s air will hit that level of greenhouse gases next year, in 2010, if undeveloped nations do not accept carbon limits.

The number was chosen arbitrarily, my butt.

What this all means is, that if this monstrosity passes in its current form, effective in a year, the President will be required by statute to offset every extra pound of CO2 or other regulated greenhouse gas emitted anywhere in the world – by China, by India, by Russia, by Brazil, it won’t matter who – with a reduction of one pound in the United States. This won’t be optional for the President.

This will put the machinery in place to deny any and all construction permits, ration gas, ration home heating fuel, shut down businesses, whatever the EPA and the rest of the federal bureaucracy deems necessary to offset any increase in consumption anywhere in the world. And no, there are no magical windmill and solar panel and unicorn ways out of this.

This is the mother of all monkeywrenches thrown into the US economy. And it’s not an error. It’s not a whoops. This is what butt naked environmental Malthusianism looks like. These people want unemployment. They want people unable to heat their homes. This is who they are. This is what they are. Take a good look.

Extra bonus feature:

If you have a half hour, and don’t mind switching back between subtitles and listening to Mr. McIntyre and Dr. Lindzen speaking in English, this is as good a summary of the state of the science, weak links and all, as I’ve seen. It was produced in Finland, and is in Finnish, but subtitled in English. There are a few items in there that are still a little controversial, but this is largely correct, and to the point.

The Cap and Trade Scam will cost Americans $1,761 a year

by Phantom Ace ( 198 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Communism, Economy, Liberal Fascism, Progressives at September 16th, 2009 - 4:11 pm

The Radical Progressive plan of Cap and Trade is nothing but a stealth tax increase. For months, critics have pointed out that it will raise the cost of living on Average Americans. The Obama Administration along with their Progressive minions have denied this was the case. However, now they are admitting that it will cost the average American $1,761 a year.

The Obama administration has privately concluded that a cap and trade law would cost American taxpayers up to $200 billion a year, the equivalent of hiking personal income taxes by about 15 percent.

A previously unreleased analysis prepared by the U.S. Department of Treasury says the total in new taxes would be between $100 billion to $200 billion a year. At the upper end of the administration’s estimate, the cost per American household would be an extra $1,761 a year.

A second memorandum, which was prepared for Obama’s transition team after the November election, says this about climate change policies: “Economic costs will likely be on the order of 1 percent of GDP, making them equal in scale to all existing environmental regulation.”

Read the rest.

Obama caught in another lie, this is not surprising. What is shocking is the admission of  the Administration, that it will raise the cost of living.  This does nothing to benefit the environment, all it does is enrich Traitor organizations like GE and Elites like Al Gore.

Cap and Trade is just another example of the Neo-Feudalist mindset of Progressives. They could care less about the effects of their plans, it’s all about imposing their vision on society. Cap and Trade must be defeated!

So far Obama a failure and Israel is alone

by Phantom Ace ( 85 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Communism, Dhimmitude, Economy, Iran, Islamic Supremacism, Israel, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Liberal Fascism, Progressives at September 15th, 2009 - 6:45 am

Good morning Blogmocracy Citizens! I hope everyone slept well and is ready for good day. As always, I am the bearer of bad new.

In Politico today, they have a review of Obama’s first 9 months in office and conclude that he is failing. In their view, Obama is failing because he has been unable to push his agenda through Congress. In reality he is a failure because his Progressive Ideology is a failed belief system. Progressivism has been tried in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Castro Cuba and in Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela. All it resulted was misery for its people.

When he ran for president, George W. Bush promised to be a modest reformer at home and a humble representative of the United States on the world stage. The Al Qaeda-organized-and-funded terrorist attacks of eight years ago changed all that. During his presidency, Bush created massive new government bureaucracies, sent troops into two wars and threatened more as part of America’s war on terror.

Barack Obama’s initial approach to the office of the presidency has been as grandiose as Bush’s was restrained. It’s not hard to recall that he ran as a transformative candidate, promising sweeping, though somewhat fuzzy, “change” during the campaign.

For the first several months of his presidency, Obama has labored to deliver on that pledge. He pushed a controversial stimulus bill through Congress to help rev up the economy, turned Bush’s reluctant bailout of Chrysler and General Motors into a giant government auto buyout and appointed a record number of “czars” to help regulate bureaucracies in both public and formerly private sectors.

Read the rest.

Our Community Organizer in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, is a radical ideologue. He wants to reshape America to fit the Progressive vision of people being controlled by elites. So far he has not been able to implement all of his agenda, because of the resistance of many Americans. However, he will not give up and will continue to try impose his Totalitarianism on us.

America is not the only nation effected by President Barack Hussein Obama. Israel is also feeling the Obama effect. Iran is continuing its Nuclear development and it’s stated aim is to exterminate Israel. Obama is allowing Iran to build its Nukes and really doesn’t care if Israel survives. As a Progressive, his hatred of Israel is part of the Ideology of that movement.

Events are fast pushing Israel toward a pre-emptive military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, probably by next spring. That strike could well fail. Or it could succeed at the price of oil at $300 a barrel, a Middle East war, and American servicemen caught in between. So why is the Obama administration doing everything it can to speed the war process along?

What’s an American president to do in the face of this nonstarter of a document? What else, but pretend it isn’t a nonstarter. Talks begin Oct. 1.

At July’s G-8 summit in Italy, Iran was given a September deadline to start negotiations over its nuclear programs. Last week, Iran gave its answer: No.

Instead, what Tehran offered was a five-page document that was the diplomatic equivalent of a giant kiss-off. It begins by lamenting the “ungodly ways of thinking prevailing in global relations” and proceeds to offer comprehensive talks on a variety of subjects: democracy, human rights, disarmament, terrorism, “respect for the rights of nations,” and other areas where Iran is a paragon. Conspicuously absent from the document is any mention of Iran’s nuclear program, now at the so-called breakout point, which both Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his boss Ali Khamenei insist is not up for discussion.

Read the rest.

Israel is alone and it must do what is needed to survive. Obama would not lift a finger to help Israel and more than likely would be glad at the result. It is a sad day in our history when an ideologue is abandoning one of our allies because of some world vision.

Obama and the Progressives don’t care about consequences of their actions. They feel superior to the average person and will do anything to impose their world view on us. They must be stopped and we must continue to expose these madmen.

(Hat Tip: Nevergiveup)

Sen. Boxer fear mongers on Climate Bill

by Phantom Ace ( 16 Comments › )
Filed under Liberal Fascism at July 13th, 2009 - 6:59 am

The Climate Cap and Trade Bill has already been exposed as a fraud. Realizing that it is stalled in the Senate and the public is not demanding it, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) is fear mongering. She is claiming if the bill doesn’t pass there will be an ecological disaster. This is Progressive fear mongering pure and simple designed to scare people. I really doubt it will work as this bill is a scam.

WASHINGTON — If the Senate doesn’t pass a bill to cut global warming, Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer says, there will be dire results: droughts, floods, fires, loss of species, damage to agriculture, worsening air pollution and more.

She says there’s a huge upside, however, if the Senate does act: millions of clean-energy jobs, reduced reliance on foreign oil and less pollution for the nation’s children.

Read the rest.

Like all totalitarians, they claim it is for the children.