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Posts Tagged ‘Compassionate Conservatives’

Rick Santorum attacks Libertarians and the Tea Party

by Phantom Ace ( 8 Comments › )
Filed under Headlines, Progressives, Republican Party, Theocratic Progressives at February 14th, 2012 - 10:58 pm

Richard (Dick) Santorum is becoming a hero to Conservatives. When its pointed out he is not a Conservative, but a Theocratic Progressive, too many give him a pass because of his stances on Social Issues. Mysteriously, Conservatives who claim to believe in Limited Government and Free Markets abandon all that for Santorum’s Culture Warrior crusade. Despite being played for suckers by Papa Bush and Baby Bush, who used Social issue to mask their Progressive economic agenda, Conservatives are falling in love with this Big Government Socialist. When his Progressive record is shown, the messenger is attacked. Funny, when Romney’s record is shown, many of the same Conservatives don’t give him a pass.

Here is the new savior of the Right saying what he thinks of Libertarians and the Tea Party

To Dick Santorum, Freedom is bad. Yet, this video will not change any-minds. He’s against Gay Marriage (as am I) and Abortions, so that’s good enough to get Conservative support nowadays. You can be a Big Government Progressive, but if you are Socially Conservative, you get a pass. Clearly many Conservatives don’t care about economic liberty, free markets or limited government. It’s all about Social stances.

For the record, I support many Conservatives who are Socially Conservative. Marco Rubio, Pat Toomey, Bobby Jindal and Allen West are examples. But these are people who believe in free markets, limited governments and fiscal responsibility. I oppose Big Government Progressives who are Socially Conservative like Papa Bush, Baby Bush, Mike Huckabee and Dick Santorum. These people use Social issues to get Conservative support for their Big Government agenda. When will Conservatives wake up to this scam? If Santorum is the nominee, don’t be surprise if many Libertarian-Conservatives and Economic Conservatives break ranks and go 3rd party. This Compassionate Conservative aka Religious Progressive act is wearing thin on many.

Mitt Romney is the Nelson Rockefeller of 2012

by Phantom Ace ( 84 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Progressives, Republican Party at September 14th, 2011 - 2:00 pm

Rockefeller Republicanism, which today is called Compassionate Conservatism  has it’s roots in Teddy Roosevelt’s Progressive Republicanism and has been the dominant faction of the GOP over the last century. Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, George HW Bush and George W Bush were Rockefeller Republicans. Failed candidate, John McCain, also comes from this wing of the GOP. Bob Dole, who lost to Bill Clinton in 1996, was not of this wing, He was an old school Bob Taft Conservative Republican. The only modern/Goldwater Conservative Republican to have won the nomination and win the Presidency was Ronald Reagan.

The Rockefeller Republicans have maintained their control over the GOP despite the Conservative nature of its base. Their favorite tactic is to use red meat social issues to whip up the base. Then once in power, they don’t do anything about these social issues. Instead they push a Liberal to Progressive economic agenda. They cut deals with Democrats and throw Conservatives under the bus. They look down on the base as wolves, whom they give red meat to keep them in line. For the record, I have no gripe with people who are concerned with social issues, even if I feel that economic/fiscal issues are the priority. My gripe is with Rockefeller Republicans who use these issues to get Social Con votes and then discard them after the election.

Now in the battle for the 2012 election, the representative of the Rockefeller Wing is Mitt Romney. The GOP elites are flocking to him to stop Rick Perry, who comes from the Goldwater/Reagan wing of the GOP. In typical fashion, Romney is trying to use a red meat issue, illegal immigration, to whip up the base against Perry. This coming from a man who hired illegal Guatemalan house keepers and did nothing about illegal Irish in Boston. The reality is that Romney is just using a playbook written by Nelson Rockefeller. Throw red meat to pursue a Liberal agenda.

RomneyCare, global warming stances casting candidate as Lord Voldemort of GOP race.

“Despite my affiliation with the Republican Party, I don’t think of myself as highly partisan.”
Mitt Romney in his book No Apology 


In the world of politics it was Nelson Rockefeller who had the misfortune to have all the political assets one could possibly imagine — looks, charm, brains, energy and literally all the money he could use. Yet with all of this Rockefeller was totally unable — if not stubbornly unwilling — to understand the significance of the conservative revolution that was swirling around him as his own career unfolded. And in not understanding, much less not leading that conservative revolution Rockefeller not only failed spectacularly as a presidential candidate but made himself into a defiant symbol of resistance. He transformed himself into a man so stubbornly enamored of the liberal status quo and its supporting Establishment that his very name attached to that of his party became not simply a descriptive to conservatives but an epithet:

“The Rockefeller Republican.”

It was — and in some quarters remains to this day — a short-hand, derisive description for Republicans now labeled as a “RINO” — Republican In Name Only. The Rockefeller Republican became immutably identified as someone whose philosophical moorings and political instincts lay not in the Constitution but rather with the American progressive movement and the liberal Establishment that movement had become. Or, as Rockefeller’s longtime intra-party rival Ronald Reagan once described the problem to Time magazine:

“I think the division of the Republican Party grew from pragmatism on the part of some, the Republicans who said, ‘Look what the Democrats are doing and they’re staying in power. The only way for us, if we want to have any impact at all, is somehow to copy them.’ This was where the split began to grow, because there were other people saying, ‘Wait a minute. There is great danger in following this path toward Government intervention.'”

Reagan never left any doubt as to the fact that in his use of the word “some” he was decidedly including Nelson Rockefeller.

So as the 2012 Republican campaign to take the presidential chair begins, the obvious question that more and more conservatives are asking, however they phrase it, is this:

Is Mitt Romney the new Nelson Rockefeller?


ROCKEFELLER WAS IN OFFICE only a matter of days before a pattern was established. There was Rockefeller rhetoric — and Rockefeller in action as chief executive.

His rhetoric (and this at the height of the Cold War) would be, today, considered almost Reaganesque. There were the stark flourishes about living in “a fatal testing time for free men and freedom itself — everywhere.” Americans, he said, “have seen the tyrant — first Fascist, then Communist — strike down free nations, shackle free peoples, and dare free men everywhere to prove they can survive.” He waxed philosophical, defining the challenges in America as a struggle “between those who believe in the essential equality of peoples of all nations and races and creeds — and those whose only creed is their own ruthless race for power.” To hear Nelson Rockefeller, the grandson of one of the century’s most famous oil entrepreneurs, talk about what conservatives today would call “economic growth” would bring tears to the eyes of budding entrepreneurs and small businessmen and women everywhere.

The problem came — and it came in abundance — with his actions. 

Nelson Rockefeller was not just a follower of the Establishment line — as a Rockefeller he was a card carrying member of that Establishment. His hand was literally no sooner off the swearing-in bible than he was enthusing about the need for this long range planning group and that future-oriented commission. He wanted to pour endless amounts of money into education. Life in New York was at peril if the state didn’t immediately expand all manner of state institutions while creating new ones. There had to be a state-funded arts council, studies of this problem and that problem and, well, a list of problems that was almost endless. And sometimes was.

Read the rest: Is Mitt Romney the New Nelson Rockefeller?

Make no mistake about it, although Romney would be slightly better than Obama as President, he would be a one termer if he can even beat Obama to begin with. Both Economic and Social Conservatives are tired of this dog and pony show by the Rockefeller Republicans. The American public are tired of fraudsters who say one thing and do another. They already have that in President Hussein, why would they want it in a President Romney? They don’t.

Romney’s flip flops, his actions at Bain Capital and with Romneycare show he is a typical elitist who is out for himself and doesn’t care about the consequences. The GOP elites want a Romney-Pawlenty ticket because they don’t want a Southerner (Perry) running the show. In no way am I saying Perry is perfect, but he understands what is going in in America. Romney doesn’t. He has a tin ear and thinks that by feeding red meat he will trick Conservatives into supporting him. He has no intention of fixing the US economy. He just wants to be President so the GOP elites can have power.

In 2012, Conservatives must unite and defeat Mitt Romney and the GOP elites. It’s time they take a back seat and let us run the show. A Rick Perry-Marco Rubio ticket would be the death knell to Progressive control of the Republican Party. It would also be a formidable ticket against the Democratic Party and could realign the Hispanic vote to the GOP. The Rockefeller Republicans know this and will do all they can to stop it. They will even use “Conservative” surrogates to sabotage the GOP in 2012, unless Romney is at the top of the ticket.

Let’s make this 1980 all over again. I want a Conservative Republican victory!

A lesson of the harms of ‘compassionate conservatism’

by Delectable ( 111 Comments › )
Filed under Hezballah, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Palestinians at April 9th, 2010 - 12:00 pm

Certain leftist bloggers pretend that because George Shultz (former Secretary of State under Reagan) apparently is happy with Obama’s call for the USA to unilaterally disarm at a time when the Islamic Republic of Iran is seeking nukes, that Reagan would have agreed with Shultz. This is taken as ipso facto evidence that Reagan would have been seen as some wild-eyed liberal by today’s standards. I believe it is important to understand how fallacious that way of thinking really is, as it serves as a lesson of the harms of compassionate conservatism.


Just because George Shultz says something does not mean Reagan would have agreed. And even if Reagan would have agreed (which we have no idea about), it doesn’t make it right. I don’t worship at the alter of Reagan. Moreover, in any case, Shultz was responsible for sending in the U.S. Marines into Lebanon during the 1980s, and it was not to help Israel finish the job, but rather to PREVENT Israel from finishing the job. He literally sent in the U.S. Marines to “protect” the armed ‘Palestinian’ terror camps in Lebanon. And it was also Shultz that opened up a “dialogue” (and legitimization) of the terror group, the PLO. Source. This is Shultz’s legacy and what he remains most famous for.

It is ultimately impossible to know what Reagan would have believed vis-a-vis unilateral disarmament, as practiced under Obama. And certainly there is no reason to think Shultz’s opinion in 2010 is reflective of what Reagan’s opinion would have been in 2010. After all, Frank Gaffney was responsible for Reagan’s nuclear policy, and he has an exactly opposite opinion than George Schultz.

In fact, the U.S. Marines’ presence in Lebanon helped to catapult Hizballah to the world stage. The ‘Palestinians’ were shooting at Shia Lebanese, and mass murdering them in the 1970s and 1980s. This is what brought about the rise of Amal, which was one of the predecessors of Hizballah – aka, ‘Palestinian’ violence against Shia Lebanese! The U.S. Marines came into Lebanon in order to protect the ‘Palestinians,’ and insodoing, ended up killing scores of Druze in the Schuf Mountains. Source. This was later used as justification for the Hizballah attack on the Marine barracks in 1983, which killed 241 U.S. Marines.

It is a travesty that the U.S. Marines were ever sent to Lebanon to begin with, which made them sitting ducks for jihadists. They were not sent in to protect the Maronite Christians, or to aid Israel in its fight against the PLO. At least that would be understandable, from an American interests perspective. The U.S. Marines were sent in to prevent Israel from finishing its war against Arafat and the PLO, who were harming not only Israel (lobbing rockets into the country), but also the Lebanese (mass murdering scores of Lebanese civilians), and Americans (American diplomats were killed by the PLO in Khartoum).

Lebanon is George Shultz’s primary legacy. The very State Department page on George Shultz literally goes into detail about Lebanon, more than anything else, as the legacy that he is known for.

George Shultz’s thinking is part of what is wrong with this country.

It is more critical than ever before to reject this “compassionate conservatism,” which Shultz represents so well, and to move towards a new policy which combines concern for human rights with a concern for what is in the best interests of America.

Political language is the key to defeating Progressives

by Phantom Ace ( 143 Comments › )
Filed under Elections, Liberal Fascism, Progressives, Republican Party, Tea Parties at November 27th, 2009 - 5:02 pm

The American Tea Party movement is still young and in it’s infancy. It still doesn’t have a cohesive disciplined message and that is to be expected. David Horowitz who in the 60’s helped organize the Radical Progressive movement but later became a Conservative gives advice to this New Rightwing movement. He argues that they need to view politics as war and language is the key. The Progressives must be demonized and made out to evil and a coherent message is needed.

A specter is haunting America – the specter of a people rising. All across the nation Americans are waking up to the threat of a leftist elite determined to fundamentally change America, push through a socialist agenda, and make every citizen dependent on the state. The Obama machine is spending trillions of tax-payer dollars to finance their takeover of the American workplace and stifle the independence of the American people. But America is resilient nation, built on the principles of private property and individual freedom, and the resistance to their socialist plans has already begun.

In May 2009, just five months into the Obama administration, the people of California launched a tax revolt in the biggest spending state in the nation. So reckless were the leftist Democrats who run California (and have done so for as long as anyone can remember) that its deficit alone was larger than the budgets of most other states in the Union and of many of the nations of the world. Leftwing politicians don’t cut budgets; they propose new taxes. And California’s leftwing legislature did just that. But thanks to a constitutional amendment put in place by the California electorate through the state Initiative process, California legislators can’t raise taxes without a two-thirds referendum of the people. So they were forced to hold a special election in May to appeal to the electorate to pass five new ballot Initiatives to raise taxes.

But when the votes were counted, all five tax-raising Initiatives had been defeated by 60% margins. Even in San Francisco. A sixth Initiative designed by tax opponents to punish legislators who do not balance the budget passed by a more than 70% margin. Even in San Francisco. If one of the most liberal states in the Union is saying no to the soak-the-public philosophy of leftwing legislators, Obama socialism is in big trouble.

The revolt in California quickly spread to the entire nation through the efforts of the Tea Parties movement, the most innovative, exciting and powerful grassroots force in the history of American conservatism. It is vital to the health of this country that the Tea Parties movement grow. More to the point: it is essential to American survival that the Tea Parties movement succeed. On the eve of the 2008 presidential election, Barack Obama said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming America.” The Tea Parties movement is the American people saying no to Obama’s plans for revolution.

Read the rest.

I agree with his analysis, a coherent message is needed. The issue is the inherent individualism of the Right sometimes prevents this. We must coordinate our message and demonize the Progressives. Horowitz learned this from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals which was a very effective plan the Left has used. Culture is the key, we need to control the culture and make the Left “uncool”. The Tea Parties/9-12 Movements need to follow Horowitz’s advice. He knows what he is talking about, after all he was once a Progressive.

There is a group within the Right that is preventing us from emulating the Left and believes in being nice. The elite Compassionate Conservatives of the GOP really view Democrats as their friends. Quislings like David Frum and Bruce Bartlett and their New Majority group attacks this new Rightwing movement more than they do Progressives. My word to them is get out the way or you will be run over too. If these people don’t like the tone of the Conservative/Libertarian alliance to paraphrase someone, go start your own party. We don’t need these so called Compassion Conservatives, they are Crypto-Progressives and they need to be defeated as well.