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Posts Tagged ‘cowards’

Republican Establishment backstabs Mitt Romney

by Phantom Ace ( 114 Comments › )
Filed under Al Qaeda, Barack Obama, Egypt, Elections 2012, Islamic Terrorism, Islamists, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Libya, Mitt Romney, Muslim Brotherhood, Progressives, Republican Party at September 13th, 2012 - 12:00 pm

I have always wondered why the Republican Establishment is so scared of Obama. I found my answer out yesterday. Mitt Romney rightfully condemned the US Embassy in Cairo for condemning a film that gave the Islamists a pretext to go crazy. Right away the Obama Regime took on the statement. Then the Media poured on and cried foul. Instead of standing by Mitt Romney the Republican Establishment ran away. Some in the McCain camp even attacked Mitt Romney. The GOP Establishment is afraid of Obama because they are scared of the media.

The murders of US diplomats in Libya and the attempted storming of the US Embassy in Cairo took place 56 days before the election of America’s next president.

Apparently, it is the view of much of the mainstream media and foreign-policy establishment that discussing these horrific events in the course of the presidential campaign is monstrous.


Cairo embassy personnel put out a problematic statement on Tuesday designed to mollify angry protesters upset by an anti-Islamic movie: “The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims — as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions.”

Nine hours later, the Romney campaign released a statement implicitly linking that apology to Obama’s larger foreign policy: “It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”

Plainly recognizing the political potency of this line, the White House quickly repudiated the Cairo statement.


Then, in the middle of the night, came word of just how horrific and deadly the killings in Benghazi had been. And also word that embassy staff had put up the Cairo statement before, not during, the attempted siege.

And so descended from On High the three horsemen of the Apocalypse, trying to bring about Foreign Policy Romneygeddon.

First were the uninhibitedly liberal media, starting with the Web site Talking Points Memo, which called Romney a liar for attacking the statement because he should’ve known about the timing of its release.

The GOP Establishment is scared of the media. This explains why Romney is timid in attacking Obama. When he goes on the attack they run away as the media condemns it. Mitt has no support from his own party’s apparatus! The Republican establishment are a bunch of cowards. I hope Romney keeps hammering Obama.
The American version of Caligula must be defeated!

Republican Party shows no spine against the false messiah

by Phantom Ace ( 127 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Elections 2012, Progressives, Republican Party at December 7th, 2011 - 8:30 am

The Progressives have developed the politics of personal destruction. They destroyed the Presidency of George Bush and other Republican figures. Rather than emulate this successful tactic the Republican Party thinks Politics is a civil game.

A memo has been sent from the RNC to their allies for them not to personally attack the false messiah. They have bought into the Obama as deity myth the Left has created. The GOP fails to realize that to defeat Obama you must take away his aura of deity. The only way to do this is to attack Obama the person and make him lose his cool. Then he will become a mortal politician and be vulnerable. Instead, the Progressive controlled RNC will play by civil rules.

Republicans on a private Republican National Committee conference call with allies warned Tuesday that party surrogates should refrain from personal attacks against President Barack Obama, because such a strategy is too hazardous for the GOP.

“We’re hesitant to jump on board with heavy attacks” personally against President Obama, Nicholas Thompson, the vice president of polling firm the Tarrance Group, said on the call. “There’s a lot of people who feel sorry for him.”


Voters “don’t think he’s an evil man who’s out to change the United States” for the worse–even though many of the same survey respondents agree that his policies have harmed the country, Thompson said. The upshot, Thompson stressed, is that Republicans should “exercise some caution” when talking about the president personally.

On the call–which Yahoo News was invited to attend because of a mistake by someone on the staff of the Republican National Committee–Ari Fleischer, the former press secretary for George W. Bush, encouraged Republicans to turn around Democratic attacks lobbed at the GOP presidential candidates (Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, for starters) for “flip-flopping.”

Read the rest: On private call, Republicans say attacking Obama personally is too dangerous

No wonder the Democrats eat the Republicans lunch. The GOP is a Party controlled by a bunch of spineless progressive cowards. If the GOP loses the election in 2012 because they refuse to fight the false messiah, Conservatives will need to find a new home.

Obama can be beaten. The way to do it is to destroy him personally. The politics of personal destruction works.

Update: Formercorpsman makes a great observation!

This comment was spot on! I will add, the GOP needs to hire a good PR firm as well.

Obama: A Weak president

by Phantom Ace ( 53 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama at June 25th, 2009 - 9:10 am

This is a good article that sums up Obama: He’s a wimp. He grew up sheltered and never experienced real life, other than his drug use. He is naive and thinks the world is all happiness and love. In reality what our enemies see is a weakling and like wolves surrounding their prey, they are ready. Is Obama ready to take them on? Nope, he’s too busy kissing up to them.

A Weak American President

President Obama has staked his reputation on being a human rights guru to people around the world. But his remarks at Tuesday’s news conference and behavior since taking office have instead exposed a different persona–that of human rights charlatan.

On June 15, three days after the phony Iranian elections and the same day that seven Iranian demonstrators were murdered, Obama’s UN Ambassador, Susan Rice, made a speech in Vienna promoting the Saint Obama vision: “The responsibility to protect is a duty that I feel deeply. … We must prepare for the likelihood that we will again face the worst impulses of human nature run riot, perhaps as soon as in days to come. And we must be ready. … We all know the greatest obstacle to swift action in the face of sudden atrocity is, ultimately, political will. … It requires above all the courage and compassion to act. Together, let us all help one other to have and to act upon the courage of our convictions.”

Obama is a sucker, pure and simple.

Update: The hero of the Progressives, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has attacked Obama. He has done what is a grave insult towards progressives, he has compared Obama to Bush

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad compared Obama on Thursday to former President George W. Bush.

Reacting to Obama’s comment Tuesday that he is “appalled and outraged” by crackdowns in Iran, Ahmadinejad said, “Mr Obama made a mistake to say those things … our question is why he fell into this trap and said things that previously Bush used to say.”


Charles “Nancy” Johnson is a coward

by Phantom Ace ( 39 Comments › )
Filed under LGF at April 17th, 2009 - 7:39 am

Charles “Nancy” Johnson is a coward. He never debates anyone and just bans those he disagrees with. Robert Spencer called him out and all Chuckles has was insults. Now Glenn Beck exposes him and the Cult Leader is upset and crying like the bitch he is. Charles also cries over teh mail he received.
Charles can end all this by debating Glenn Beck or Robert Spencer. Why doesn’t Charles do this, he is a coward. He is a bully who hides behind his blog with Minions like Killgore and Terror supporters like Medaura. He is a fake and I challenge him to debate me here on LGF2. He will not accept, he has no pride and is a yellow coward.

Charles you are a bitch ass! I bet Charles is an Islamists supporter and a traitor.