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Posts Tagged ‘Economic Conservatism’

Nobel Laureate Gary Becker Left An Ignored Legacy Well Worth Attention

by Flyovercountry ( 88 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Regulation at May 19th, 2014 - 2:00 pm

I’ve written many times on my blog that those societies which enact anti discrimination laws accomplish only one thing, and that is to reduce to zero, the costs associated with capricious behavior. It is one of the things which will send the political left into a tizzy, have them screaming racist from what ever roof top they can find, and more specifically, get them to spout off some of the most economically illiterate arguments concerning basic economics that I’ve ever heard. It may or may not interest everyone reading this that I did not just make that thought up from thin air. As it turns out, that very statement, and the research to prove it, won an economist named Gary Becker the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1992. That by the way was still a time when a Nobel Prize meant something more than just the prize for the person who did something noteworthy in the arena of leftist political advancement. Yes, there was more to Becker’s theory than that one statement, but that is the nub of it. He showed conclusively that fairness laws produce only the opposite result upon which they are sold to the public, that the free market price system is the greatest tool available to modern man which actually does end racial or any other type of societal discrimination. Unfortunately, the politicians who often get themselves elected by convincing Americans that they have some basic understanding of economics will more often than not simply pretend that Gary Becker never existed, and that is a real shame.

Gary Becker passed away this week, and one of his former students wrote a nice essay paying homage to his former teacher. It would be nice, if some time during our century old national discussion on race, we would actually allow for substantive debate to trump emotional demagoguery, but that’s just a pipe dream of mine. Becker’s theory you see wouldn’t allow for the professional race huxters, grievance pimps, shakedown artists, or political bosses to keep using America’s most profitable divide to stoke their own self centered agendas.

Here’s Thomas Sowell, who I believe deserves a Nobel Prize for Economics based upon his work with empirical analysis alone. He’s done more to follow up on Becker’s work than any other economist alive. In this video he discusses some of that research with William F. Buckley during an interview in 1983.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Paul Ryan’s selection a victory for the Tea Party/Economic Conservatives

by Phantom Ace ( 213 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Elections 2012, Mitt Romney, Republican Party at August 12th, 2012 - 2:30 pm

Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan has done something not seen this election. For the first time since 2010, the Tea Party and Base Conservatives are extremely energized. With the selection of Ryan, Romney has sent a big signal. For the first time since Ronald Reagan, the GOP has a Center-Right Fiscal/Economic Conservative ticket.

The Human Events 2011 Conservative of the Year, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), will be announced this morning as Mitt Romney’s vice presidential running mate, according to early reports.  Romney will formally announce his choice at a news conference this morning as early as 8:45 a.m.

Reaction from Republicans was swift — and enthusiastic.

“In choosing Paul Ryan, Gov. Romney is signaling he wants to change the course of government, not manage it.  This is the start of an aggressive, ideas campaign!”

So said California’s Republican State Chairman Tom Del Beccaro Friday night, shortly after television news reports strongly suggesting that Romney was planning to name House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) as his vice presidential running mate Saturday morning.  Del Beccaro was hosting a private party of fellow California GOP leaders in his suite at the Burbank Marriott here during the state Republican convention.  To a person, the other party activists were genuinely excited about the 42-year-old Ryan’s selection, and all echoed their chairman’s confidence that this was a first step in what would be a campaign grounded in conservative ideas and change.

“I’m as grassroots as you can get and I’m thrilled about Ryan!” Alameda County GOP Vice Chairman Hugh Busell told Human Events, “He had the courage to say why we needed to eventually change the nature of entitlements such as Medicare, and he could explain it.”

Mitt Romney has turned his back on the Rockefeller/Bush Wing of the Republican party and has embraced the Goldwater/Reagan/Tea Party/Economic Conservative wing of the Republican party. Welcome aboard Mitt to the side of the GOP that knows how to defeat the Progressives. Make no mistake, the selection of Paul Ryan is a victory for the Tea Party over the Establishment.

Compassionate Conservatism is dead and good riddance to that Progressive ideology.

Art Laffer endorses Newt Gingrich

by Phantom Ace ( 107 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Elections 2012, Energy, Progressives, Republican Party at December 29th, 2011 - 8:30 am

One of the architects of the 1980’s Reagan boom has made an endorsement. Art Laffer, who invented the Laffer curve (which explains how tax rates increase or decrease revenue), has come out in support of Newt Gingrich. This gives Newt a huge boost among Economic Conservatives at a time he’s under assault from the Rockefeller Progressive Wing of the GOP and the Ron Paul cult. He praises Newt’s economic and fiscal stewardship during hos Speaker-ship. The truth is that the Newt Gingrich Congress was the most economically and fiscally Conservative congress since the 1920’s. Laffer gives Newt his blessing.

Arthur Laffer, the architect of Ronald Reagan’s economic plan, announced today that he is endorsing Newt Gingrich for president.

“Newt has the best plan for jobs and economic growth of any candidate in the field,” said Laffer, the renowned economist who is the father of The Laffer Curve and supply-side economics.

“Like Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts and pro-growth policies, Newt’s low individual and corporate tax rates, deregulation. and strong dollar monetary policies will create a boom of new investment and economic growth leading to the creation of tens of millions of new jobs over the next decade,” Laffer declared. “Plus, Newt’s record of helping Ronald Reagan pass the Kemp Roth tax cuts and enacting the largest capital gains tax cut in history as speaker of the House shows he can get this plan passed and put it into action.”

Read the rest: Economist Laffer Endorses Gingrich

What amzes me is that except for Ronald Reagan, the GOP has not nominated an Economic/Fiscal Conservative. Every GOP candidate has been been an economic and fiscal Progressive. For Economic/Fiscal Conservatives Art Laffer is practically a Saint. He help engineer one of the greatest booms in American history. The Reagan boom help laid the foundation for the great economic growth and prosperity that lasted until 2000. We really need something approaching that today.

Another notable Economist endorsing Newt Gingrich is Thomas Sowell.

There are no guarantees, no matter whom the Republicans vote for in the primaries. Why not vote for the candidate who has shown the best track record of accomplishments, both in office and in the debates? That is Newt Gingrich. With all his shortcomings, his record shows that he knows how to get the job done in Washington.

Mitt Romney, who the Establishment is pushing at costs, is a Progressive. He supports Occupy Wall Street and a Euro-Socialist VAT tax. If he is the nominee, 2012 will be the 7th Presidential election in which Economic and Fiscal Conservatives are not represented. We need to stop that, for the sake of our country.

The case for Jon Huntsman

by Phantom Ace ( 103 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Republican Party at December 22nd, 2011 - 2:00 pm

I first heard of Jon Huntsman in 2009 when former Charles Johnson online groupie, Sharmuta, kept claiming he was the future of the GOP. I laughed since the individual promoting him was not a great thinker. Then the False Messiah hired Huntsman as his ambassador to China. That alone made me dislike the guy. When Huntsman quit and decided to run for President my first though was that we already have a Progressive like Mitt Romney running, do we really need another? The GOP establishment, for whatever reason, is adamant about getting Mitt Romney as the nominee. What I don’t get is why don’t they push Jon Huntsman? Well the answer is very simple. Jon Huntsman is actually a Conservative!

That’s right everyone, Jon Huntsman is to the Right of Mitt Romney and the last 4 establishment anointed candidates.. His economic and fiscal record in Utah was fantastic.

As governor of Utah, Huntsman won awards from anti-tax groups for enacting $225 million in tax-cuts during the 2007 session. 

Huntsman lowered the top tax rate from 7 percent to a flat rate of 5 percent and eliminated market-distorting tax credits. He cut the sales tax on food from 4.75 percent to 1.25 percent, and lowered the overall sales tax a tenth of a percent. 

The libertarian CATO Institute named Utah #1 in Tax Policy in 2008. 

Overall Huntsman cut $400 million in Utah taxes.

Jon Huntsman is a solid Economic/Fiscal Conservative. The one drawback is that he favors government subsides to Green Companies. Our Financial expert, Flyovercountry would have given Huntsman’s Economic plans an A if not for that green nonsense. But still, leaving that aside, he clearly believes in a Free Market.

On the 2nd Amendment, Jon Huntsman as Iron Fist has noted, is very solid.

While serving as the Governor of Utah, Huntsman endorsed and signed Senate Bill 78 (the right to lawfully transport and store firearms in privately-owned, locked motor vehicles) and House Bill 357 (allowing the presence of a concealed firearm in their own residence, on their own property, or in their place of business without a concealed carry permit).

NRA’s chief lobbyist, Chris W. Cox, commented, “NRA would like to thank Governor Huntsman and the lead sponsors … for their continued support for the Second Amendment.”
April 11, 2009, National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action.

Clearly Jon Huntsman is not the Rockefeller Republican many of us thought he was. Now why did we get that impression? Jon Huntsman uses Liberal/Moderate talking points. Hence he creates a perception of not being a  Conservative. The reality is that his record as Governor of Utah was Conservative. Due to his centrist rhetoric, you would think the GOP establishment would go all in for this guy. But they don’t and the answer is clear. Jon Huntsman is a Conservative and the GOP elites are Progressives.

I am not backing Jon Huntsman. I am just trying to throw out an establishment alternative to Mitt Romney. I have to give credit where credit is due and Sharmuta was right about this guy!