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Posts Tagged ‘Gates of Vienna’

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff: Statement Issued to the Media

by 1389AD Comments Off on Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff: Statement Issued to the Media
Filed under Crime, Europe, Headlines at July 26th, 2011 - 3:02 pm

Originally posted on Gates of Vienna

Elisabeth's Voice banner
Our Austrian correspondent Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, whom regular readers know well, has been pulled into the controversy over the recent atrocities in Norway. In response to numerous media requests, Elisabeth has decided to make the following statement, which will be her only one.

Below is her own translation into English. The original German is below the translation.

In English:

APA Aussendung
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, M.A.


I condemn in the strongest possible terms the terror attacks that took place in Oslo and on Utøya island on July 23, 2011. There are no excuses for this wicked atrocity, nor can it be relativized. I extend my sympathies to the Norwegian people and especially to the relatives and friends of the dead. I mourn with the survivors.

I very much regret that this psychopathic killer believed he had to make reference to my beliefs in his 1,500-page manifesto. I can hardly defend myself against such wrongful exploitation, but those who know me and hear what I say in my public appearances know very well that I reject any form of violence.

However, if well-founded criticism is blamed for those attacks, aren’t the critics of Olof Palme to blame for his murder?

Did Mahatma Gandhi’s critics kill him, or did the killer himself bear individual responsibility?

Were the critics of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy to blame for the murder of the crown prince, and consequently responsible for the outbreak of World War I?

I am a woman of words, and I have nothing to do with violence, which I categorically reject.

In addition, I reject all worldviews that justify the use of violence. In this rejection, I do not care whether the ideology commands its power with the help of guns or swords.

Auf Deutsch:

APA Aussendung
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, M.A.


Ich verurteile aufs Schärfste die Terroranschläge von Oslo und auf ein Jugendcamp auf der Insel Utöya vom 23. Juli. Es gibt keinerlei Entschuldigung oder Relativierung für dieses infame Verbrechen. Meine Anteilnahme gilt dem norwegischen Volk und besonders den Angehörigen. Ich trauere mit den Hinterbliebenen.

Ich bedaure es sehr, dass der psychopathische Attentäter glaubte, sich in seinem 1.500-Seiten Pamphlet auch auf meine Ansichten beziehen zu müssen. Ich kann mich gegen solche falschen Vereinnahmungen leider nicht wehren, denn wer mich und meine Vorträge kennt, der weiß, dass ich jede Form von Gewalt anlehne.
Wenn fundierte Kritik Schuld an Attentaten ist, sind beispielsweise dann die Kritiker Olof Palmes für den Mord an ihn verantwortlich?

Haben die Kritiker Mahatma Gandhis ihn ermordet oder war es der Attentäter selbst in individueller Verantwortung?

Waren die Kritiker der Monarchie schuld am Attentat auf den Thronfolger und daher auch schuld am Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs?

Ich bin eine Frau der Worte, habe mit Gewalt nichts zu tun und lehne diese kategorisch ab.

Ich lehne alle Weltbilder ab, die Gewalt rechtfertigen. Bei dieser Ablehnung ist es mir gleich, ob laut der Ideologie die Macht aus den Läufen von Gewehren kommt oder ob diese mit dem Schwert verbreitet wird.

Fjordman: Notes to the Media

by 1389AD Comments Off on Fjordman: Notes to the Media
Filed under Crime, Europe, Headlines at July 26th, 2011 - 2:49 pm

Originally Published on Gates of Vienna:

The Fjordman Report

For a complete Fjordman blogography, see The Fjordman Files. There is also a multi-index listing here.

Note: Fjordman has included both English and Norwegian versions of the text.

In English:

I am still getting many emails from journalists. Yes, if you send emails to this website I do normally get them. I may choose to answer a few journalists directly and have already done so, but some others will be answered indirectly via this website. I hope you understand that I do not want to make my email address public.

I was not involved in these senseless murders in any way, and have nothing to hide, but I am so swamped right now that I cannot promise that I will answer everybody. It’s beyond my personal capacity to do so. I will answer as many as I can in English or in Norwegian, the only languages I know well enough to write in.

I would like to thank those who sent me so many support emails, from Australia to Israel. I greatly appreciate it, and I am sorry that I cannot thank all of you directly. I hope we can eventually return to doing what this website normally does, which is to post essays on important subjects, some of them controversial, others not so much. But for right now the attention focused on this website is so unusual that we have to deal with that issue first.

Comments [on Gates of Vienna] will still be closed for the time being. We apologize to regular readers for this, but hope you understand the situation.

I want to emphasize a few important points. According to what has been reported in the mass media, Anders Behring Breivik started planning his barbaric attacks as far back as 2002. That was before Robert Spencer had started his website Jihad Watch.

The very first post I ever wrote under the name Fjordman was in February 2005. It is still available online on my old blog and can be easily verified by anybody who wants to. This also means that this horrible man had been planning mass murder for years before he had read even a single word I had ever written.

I’d just like to point that out.

I would also like to point out that hundreds of thousands of people from Canada to India have read my essays over the years, and to my knowledge not a single one of them has killed so much as a sparrow as a result of doing so.

I have read about the unspeakable things Anders Behring Breivik did at Utøya. Any person doing such a thing is a monster. He murdered dozens of people in cold blood and injured countless others, mentally or physically. That’s bad enough, and it will take years for those wounds to heal, if they ever do.

It is irresponsible in this situation to try to expand his list of victims even further, from hundreds to hundreds of millions of people, by exploiting this atrocity to shut down vital political debates about immigration, Multiculturalism, or Islam in multiple countries. It cannot be allowed to happen.

That monster has already executed many people. He should not be allowed to execute political freedom in the Western world as well.

På norsk:

Jeg får fremdeles mange eposter fra journalister. Ja, his dere sender eposter til denne nettsiden vil jeg som regel motta dem. Kanskje kan dere merke dem med noe på engelsk, for eksempel “Questions from Norwegian journalist” pluss navn. Jeg vil sannsynligvis velge å svare noen journalister direkte mens andre vil bli svart indirekte via denne nettsiden. Jeg håper dere skjønner at jeg ikke ønsker å gjøre min epostadresse offentlig på det nåværende tidspunkt.

Jeg var ikke involvert overhodet i de sanseløse massemordene og har ingenting å skjule, men jeg er såpass overveldet akkurat nå at jeg ikke kan love at jeg vil svare alle. Det er rett og slett mer enn jeg har personlig kapasitet til å gjøre.

Jeg har mottatt en forespørsel fra NRK Dagsrevyen om å gjøre et intervju med kamera. Det velger jeg dessverre å takke nei til på dette tidspunktet. Jeg er blitt spurt om det samme fra TV2 og sa nei også da, men sa ja til et intervju per epost. Dersom NRK vil ha dette vil jeg sannsynligvis akseptere. Jeg har også akseptert intervju per epost fra Adresseavisen og VG. Av utenlandske journalister har jeg takket ja til et engelskspråklig intervju med Der Spiegel.

Jeg vil gjerne benytte anledningen til å takke for alle støtteepostene jeg mottar, fra Australia til Israel. Det setter jeg stor pris på, og jeg er lei for at jeg ikke kan takke alle direkte. Jeg håper vi kan før eller siden gå tilbake til å gjøre det denne nettsiden vanligvis gjør, nemlig å poste essayer om viktige temaer, noen av dem kontroversielle, andre mindre så. Men akkurat nå er fokuset såpass uvanlig at vi må håndtere det først.

Kommentarer vil derfor være stengt inntil videre. Vi ber om unnskyldning til faste lesere for dette men håper at de forstår situasjonen.

Jeg vil legge vekt på noen viktige momenter. Ut ifra det som er blitt rapportert i massemediene startet Behring Breivik planleggingen av sine barbariske angrep så langt tilbake som i 2002. Dette var før Robert Spencer hadde startet sin nettside Jihad Watch.

Den absolutt første posten jeg gjorde under navnet Fjordman var i februar 2005. Den er fremdeles tilgjengelig online på min gamle blogg og kan enkelt verifiseres av hvem som helst. Dette betyr også at denne forferdelige mannen hadde planlagt massemord i årevis før han hadde lest ett eneste ord jeg noensinne hadde skrevet.

Jeg vil bare poengtere dette.

Jeg vil også gjerne påpeke at hundre tusenvis av mennesker fra Canada til India har lest mine tekster i løpet av årene. Så vidt meg bekjent har ingen av dem drept så mye som en spurv på grunn av det.

Jeg har lest om de unevnelige tingene som Behring Breivik gjorde på Utøya. En person som gjør noe slikt er et monster. Han myrdet dusinvis av mennesker med kaldt blod og skadet talløse andre, mentalt eller fysisk. Det er ille nok, og det vil ta mange år for disse sårene til å leges, om de noen gang gjør det.

Det er uansvarlig i denne situasjonen å forsøke å gjøre hans liste over ofre enda lengre, fra hundrevis til millioner av mennesker, ved å utnytte disse grusomhetene til å stenge av nødvendige debatter omkring innvandring, multikulturalisme og islam i ulike land. Det kan ikke tillates å skje.

Det monsteret har allerede henrettet mange mennesker. Han bør ikke få lov til å henrette politisk frihet i den vestlige verden også.


Fjordman will not be taking any more questions from journalists until further notice.

Fjordman Speaks Out

by 1389AD ( 285 Comments › )
Filed under Breaking News, Crime, Europe, LGF at July 23rd, 2011 - 7:27 pm

Originally published on Gates of Vienna Saturday July 23, 2011.
Reprinted with permission.

The Fjordman Report
I notice that certain bloggers such as Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs keep spreading the utterly false rumor that I am the evil shooter from Utøya, the island just outside of Oslo.

I have absolutely no idea who planted that rumor or for what reason, but they obviously don’t wish me well. For the record, I was live-blogging about these horrible events the entire Friday evening, which can be confirmed by nearly a dozen different individuals.

I didn’t respond to these rumors earlier because I was too emotionally exhausted from yesterday’s events. It was hard to pay attention to such things, but now I feel that I must. Some people really do want to smear me that badly.

Daedalus Note:

Charles continues to link Fjordman to the shooting. He’s now claiming that he inspired the shooter.

One of Chuck’s minions hopes Fjordman gets arrested.



We’re Still Fighting WW2

by 1389AD ( 71 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Cold War, Communism, Multiculturalism, Nazism, Nuclear Weapons, Political Correctness, World War II at July 18th, 2011 - 8:30 am


by Hesperado

Someone recently remarked, in a comment at the Gates of Vienna blog:

“There is no more need of the UN – WW2 finished over 60 years ago.”

That got me thinking.

WW2 may have ended over 60 years ago — but the PC MC West (particularly in Europe) is still fighting WW2: that’s why we can’t begin to fight WW4.

Did I leave out WW3, my reader might ask at this point? No: WW3 was admittedly an unusual war where, although it did have its share of regional proxy battles, such as various guerilla conflicts in Latin America, Africa, and of course the gold standard of proxy wars (the Vietnam War), as a “Cold War”, no general military assaults and invasions took place. Nonetheless, it was a global conflict with the potential for horrific casualties using nuclear weapons.

However, PC MC in its revisionist history, stuck in a framework of perpetuating the WW2 paradigm — and enjoying mainstream dominance throughout the West in the post-WW2 decades up to the present — has ruled the entire Cold War a paranoid delusion pursued by excessively Communist-phobic right-wingers.

PC MC’s persistent WW2 paradigm thus has tended to undercut and airbrush out of existence our protracted victory in WW3, which began with the entirely legitimate activities of Joe McCarthy and the HUAAC in the 50s and ended with the policies of Reagan in the 80s.

Indeed, the PC MC mentality that derides the seriousness of (or even vilifies those who took seriously) Anti-Communism during the Cold War, is the very same mentality that now derides the seriousness of our concern about Islam. In fact, I have found that PC MC types often explicitly draw this exact comparison: “You’re paranoid about Muslims just like in the 50s we thought there was a Communist under every bed!”

Principally (and more acutely in Europe and the UK), the PC MC WW2 paradigm is based upon preventing “another Hitler”. I have no problems with trying to prevent another Hitler. The problem is how we define what this “new Hitler” will be. According to PC MC, it will have to be a white racist who hates Ethnic People.

The PC MC paradigm, stuck in WW2 mode, is thus directly preventing us from seeing the danger of Muslims, because by that paradigm the New Hitler cannot possibly be an Ethnic People (which is how PC MCs think of Muslims). Even to begin to go down that slippery slope toward thinking such bad things about Muslims is to end up becoming precisely the monster we hope to prevent: “another Hitler” — for the “next Hitler”, according to that paradigm still seeing the world through World War 2, would have to be a white racist “right-wing” Western demagogue, and his followers white racists (who, naturally, are assumed to be potentially a far greater danger than are Muslims). No other possibility is permitted within the Ideological Box of PC MC.

And if you try to point out the mountains of data indicating otherwise (i.e., Muslims all over the world publishing and vociferating militant hate speech — including the worst most chilling sort of brazen Jew hatred — when they are not invading, slaughtering and torturing non-Muslims or insufficiently “pure” Muslims out of supremacist motivations), then you yourself become suspect as an enabler of the specter of a “new Hitler”. And your concern, if voiced or published, threatens to be categorized as the thought crimes of “hate speech” which must be nipped in the bud — in order to prevent “another Hitler”.


Thus, the bitter irony and bizarre paradox: Our dominant and mainstream paradigm throughout the West, whose raison d’être is to prevent a new Hitler is — precisely by doing so in the way it does so — positively enabling the next Hitler to rise up and eventually wreak as much, if not more, havoc as the original one did.

Further Reading:

For a more detailed analysis, see my older essay:

The Four World Wars: An Interesting Dynamic