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Posts Tagged ‘.gif animation’

The Overnight Open Thread

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 151 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, OOT, Open thread at February 18th, 2017 - 7:00 pm

That’s one of those images that you can mentally reverse, like this one:

The technical term for the illusion is “The Twirling Little Naked Vixen Effect.”
Here’s another:

If you reverse it quickly several times it gets kinda Freudian and you’ll have to go to confession for having those impure thoughts. Speaking of impure thoughts (now that you’re already guilty as hell for having them) you might as well have some more on this edition of The Overnight Open Thread.

Dog Pwnd: “Bitch stole my car.”

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 36 Comments › )
Filed under Uncategorized at January 4th, 2015 - 10:30 pm

Dog Pwnd 2

He’s a retriever who works for a repo-man. What did you expect it to do? Note that he drives off with his head out the window, just like we do on
The Overnight Open Thread.

Firefighters and Ammunition Caches: Not as dangerous as you might think.

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 165 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, Weapons at March 31st, 2014 - 2:00 pm

Q: What happens if a fire breaks out where firearms ammunition is stored? Are firefighters and civilians in danger?
A: Not much.

These demonstrations are contradictory to intuition (promulgated by Hollywood) that a fully engulfed fire in an ammunition cache creates serious danger to fire fighters. In these circumstances, unless a bullet or shell is chambered in a weapon, their velocity is significantly reduced – the energy contained within the shell, between the casing and the projectile, blows out in an infinite number of  directions in addition to front to back, and in rare instances sends a piece of shrapnel through a single layer of 5/8-inch gypsum board.

That means that if you were living in an apartment adjacent to someone who had an ammunition stockpile next to the demising wall, and a fire broke out in the adjacent apartment, the exploding ammunition couldn’t wound you, let alone kill you. (The fire and smoke can, so get out anyway.)

My interest in the vid was not so much in weaponry as in fire protection, and I found it interesting that the most dangerous part of a shotgun shell in a fire is neither the shot nor the gunpowder, but the plastic casing.

I also like to see things bein’ done blowed up with trollfaces and stuff.

Splodey Troll

Too Many Possible Captions + Little Debbie

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 31 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, Links, OOT, Open thread at January 29th, 2014 - 11:02 pm




Okay, first guy’s a funny, but chimps, toddlers and even Little Debbie Wasserman-Schultz can do it. 2nd guy & girl are awesome, especially because the guy talked blondie into mopping the hoops court with her hair while doing The Beast With Two Backs wrong.  Escalator Planking Girl wins for her strong abs, doing it solo, and being willing to risk losing her entire scalp on the escalator handrail just for The Utoobage lulz [via].

BTW, for those of you who think that The BlogMock has little influence, Google “Debbie Wasserman-Schultz .gif” and see what image comes up first and from where. For those of you strapped for time and too busy to click the link, let’s all jump into a big steaming pile of The Overnight Open Thread.