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Posts Tagged ‘Global Warming’

Golobal Warming is MIA for Halloween weekend!

by Phantom Ace ( 112 Comments › )
Filed under Environmentalism, Progressives at October 30th, 2011 - 8:00 pm

An early blizzard has struck New England. This should not be news except that it happened before Halloween! That’s right, it’s not even November and already people have lost power and  more than a foot has landed in some parts of New England This makes me ponder a very important question. Where’s Global Warming?

SOUTH WINDSOR, Conn. (AP) — Millions of people from Maine to Maryland were without power as an unseasonably early nor’easter dumped heavy, wet snow over the weekend on a region more used to gaping at leaves in October than shoveling snow.

The snow was due to stop falling in New England late Sunday, but Halloween will likely come and go before many of the more than 3 million without electricity see it restored, officials warned. Several referred to the combination of the storm’s early arrival and its ferocity as historic, yet another unwelcome superlative for weather-weary Northeasterners.

“You had this storm, you had Hurricane Irene, you had the flooding last spring and you had the nasty storms last winter,” Tom Jacobsen said Sunday while getting coffee at a convenience store in Hamilton Township, N.J.

“I’m starting to think we really ticked off Mother Nature somehow because we’ve been getting spanked by her for about a year now.”

Read the Rest: Snow Smacks Northeast; Power Could Be Out for Days

Al Gore and Charles Johnson are not available for comment. The AGW apologists will claim that Global Warming means colder and snowier weather. Reality doesn’t matter to people like Gore or Charles Johnson.

Update: Treat this as an Open Thread.

Essential VDH: Global Warming – RIP

by Iron Fist ( 53 Comments › )
Filed under Climate, Science at October 27th, 2011 - 5:00 pm

Another home run by VDH, this time about one of our favorite topics, the Global Warming Hoax:

Not long ago, candidate Obama promised to cool the planet and lower the rising seas. Indeed, he campaigned on passing “cap-and-trade” legislation, a radical, costly effort to reduce America’s traditional carbon energy use.

The theory was that new taxes and greater regulations would make Americans pay more for fossil-fuel energy — a good thing if it reduced our burning of coal, oil and gas. Obama was not shy in admitting that under his green plans, electricity prices would “necessarily skyrocket.” His energy secretary, Steven Chu, at one point had even said, “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe” — that is, about $8-$10 per gallon. Fairly or not, the warming movement seemed to cast a tiny elite imposing costs on a poorer and supposedly less informed middle class.

But despite a Democrat-controlled House and Senate in 2009-2010, President Obama never passed into law any global warming legislation. Now the issue is deader than a doornail — despite the efforts of the Environmental Protection Agency to enact new regulations that would never pass Congress.

So what happened to the global warming craze?

What happened? People woke up to the fact that the Democrats (and some quisling RINOs) were going to tax their asses off! Worse, they were going to do things that might cut into the availability of things like television. But let VDH tell it:

Corruption within the climate-change industry explains some of the sudden turnoff. “Climategate” — the unauthorized 2009 release of private emails from the Climatic Research Unit in the United Kingdom — revealed that many of the world’s top climate scientists were knee-deep in manipulating scientific evidence to support preconceived conclusions and personal agendas. Shrill warnings about everything from melting Himalayan glaciers to shrinking polar bear populations turned out not always to be supported by scientific facts.

Unfortunately, “green” during the last three years has also become synonymous with Solyndra-style crony capitalism. Common-sense ideas like more windmills, solar panels, retrofitted houses and electric cars have all been in the news lately. But the common themes were depressingly similar: few jobs created and little competitively priced energy produced, but plenty of political donors who landed hundreds of millions of dollars in low-interest loans from the government.

Yes, all that hurt, but I still think that when people understood that their power bill was going to quintuple, they made the simple economic decision that maybe destroying the Western Industrial System wasn’t the wave of the future. But I digress:

But even without the corruption and hypocrisy, sincere advocates of man-made global warming themselves overreached. At news that the planet had not heated up at all during the last 10 years, “global warming” gave way to “climate change” — as if to warn the public that unseasonable cold or wet weather was just as man-caused as were the old specters of drought and scorching temperatures.

Then, when “climate change” was not still enough to frighten the public into action, yet a third term followed: “climate chaos.” Suddenly some “green experts” claimed that even more terrifying disasters — from periodic hurricanes and tornadoes to volcanoes and earthquakes — could for the first time be attributed to the burning of fossil fuels. At that point, serially changing the name of the problem suggested to many that there might not be such a problem after all.

Yes, they caught the lying liars at their lying, and people who were paying attention came to understand that “Global Warming” was a hoax, pepetrated by Luddites who want to take us back to the pre-industrial age. I say “us”, but I mean America and, to a lesser extent, Europe. No one is pushing China to drop her indurtrialization, and more than they get incensed about nuclear power in Iran.

Current hard times also explain the demise of global warming advocacy. With high unemployment and near nonexistent economic growth, Americans do not want to shut down generating plants or pay new surcharges on their power bills. Most people worry first about having any car that runs — not whether it’s a more expensive green hybrid model.

Over the last half-century, Americans have agreed that smoky plants and polluting industries needed to be cleaned up. But when the green movement began to classify clean-burning heat as a pollutant, it began to lose the cash-strapped public.

While the Obama administration was subsidizing failed or inefficient green industries, radical breakthroughs in domestic fossil-fuel exploration and recovery — especially horizontal drilling and fracking — have vastly increased the known American reserves of gas and oil. Modern efficient engines have meant that both can be consumed with little, if any, pollution — at a time when a struggling U.S. economy is paying nearly half a trillion dollars for imported fossil fuels. The public apparently would prefer developing more of our own gas, oil, shale, tar sands and coal as an alternative to going broke by either importing more fuels from abroad or subsidizing more inefficient windmills and solar panels at home.

Crony Socialism (is there really any other kind) explains some of the demise of Global Warming. VDH is right about this. His summation of the problem is pretty good. I am not, however, thrilled with his closing statement:

We simply don’t know positively whether recent human activity has caused the planet to warm up to dangerous levels. But we do know that those who insist it does are sometimes disingenuous, often profit-minded, and nearly always impractical.

Um, the planet hasn’t warmed up to “dangerous levels”, sir. We don’t know that human activity has caused the planet to warm any, nor do we know that such warming is actually harmful. Thirty years ago these same anti-industrial Luddites were warning of an impending Ice Age. If anthropogenic Global Warming is staving that off, I’d call it a win.

Greens diss Al Gore’s latest Climate Rant

by Phantom Ace ( 120 Comments › )
Filed under Entertainment, Environmentalism, Humor, Progressives at September 17th, 2011 - 4:50 pm

Al Gore seems to have gone too far even for the Environmentalists. His 24 hour climate change reality show is getting negative feedback from the Climate Change crowd. They describe the special is as an apocalyptic rant. Gore even takes on a messianic image as some global savior.

Former Vice President Al Gore 24 hour climate “reality” show is surprisingly facing strongly negative reviews from Gore’s fellow global warming activists and environmental allies. In addition, two German scientists ridiculed Gore for his “apocalyptic” tone and his “promise of salvation.”

Climate activist Bob Ward was tepid about Gore’s show. “One could complain that some of the presentations overstated the certainty and wrongly implied that individual weather events could be attributed to climate change,” lamented Ward. Ward is the Policy Director, for the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Mike Shanahan, of the International Institute for Environment and Development, bragged that he purposefully avoided watching Gore’s climate telethon.

“I actually avoided the Goreathon, and I guess that says something in itself,” Shanahan wrote. He added that a journalist sent him a text declaring: “Gore gets gold for most boring and least galvanizing talk on climate, ever…That, and possibly damaging.”

Shanahan was blunt in his opinion of Gore: “Climate Change needs a Gandhi or a Martin Luther King or a Mandela, and Al Gore is none of those.”

Read the rest: Gore’s climate ‘reality’ show faces strongly negative reviews from his fellow global warming activists

Al Gore has lost the Green crowd. He is now an object of ridicule, even on his own side. I’m sure Prince Charles and Charles Johnson loved AL Gore’s special.

And Another Nail In The Coffin Of Man Made Global Warming Is Driven Home.

by Flyovercountry ( 70 Comments › )
Filed under Politics, Science at August 26th, 2011 - 8:30 am

It’s not that I am actively rooting for theory to be proven wrong, but I am actually looking forward to its proponents being chased from town by threat of torches, pitchforks, tar and feathers. Eco terrorists have for about 4 decades now delighted in their destruction of our national economy and social fabric by creation of hysteria over many phenomena which quite simply are being slowly proven false. As it turns out, the very most recent experiment conducted at the World’s most famous super collider has shown the man made global warming theory to be the farce many of us have known it to be all along.

One of the hot topics, so to speak, in the global warming debate is allocating responsibility for 20th century warming between natural and man-made effects.  This is harder than one might imagine — after all, no one’s thermometer has two readings, one for “natural” and one for “man-made.”  This week, from CERN in Geneva, comes an important new study in this debate.
Global warming skeptics argue that only a portion, possibly a small portion, of recent warming is due to man-made CO2 and greenhouse gasses.  Climate alarmists have, in turn, argued that all of 20th century warming, and more, was due to anthropogenic effects  (if the “and more” is confusing, it means that some scientists believe that certain man-made and natural cooling effects actually reduced man-made warming below what it might have been.)

Much of the debate revolves around the role of the sun, and though holding opposing positions, both skeptics and alarmists have had good points in the debate. Skeptics have argued that it is absurd to downplay the role of the sun, as it is the energy source driving the entire climate system. Michael Mann notwithstanding, there is good evidence that unusually cold periods have been recorded in times of reduced solar activity, and that the warming of the second half of the 20th century has coincided with a series of unusually strong solar cycles.

Global warming advocates have responded, in turn, that while the sun has indeed been more active in the last half of the century, the actual percentage change in solar irradiance is tiny, and hardly seems large enough to explain measured increases in temperatures and ocean heat content.

And thus the debate stood, until a Danish scientist named Henrik Svensmark suggested something outrageous — that cosmic rays might seed cloud formation. The implications, if true, had potentially enormous implications for the debate about natural causes of warming.

When the sun is very active, it can be thought of as pushing away cosmic rays from the Earth, reducing their incidence. When the sun is less active, we see more cosmic rays. This is fairly well understood. But if Svensmark was correct, it would mean that periods of high solar output should coincide with reduced cloud formation (due to reduced cosmic ray incidence), which in turn would have a warming effect on the Earth, since less sunlight would be reflected back into space by clouds.

With each day now, another piece of the hysterical global warming argument is destroyed.  Yet, here we are, entertaining politicians who are telling us that we should accept their destruction of our economic well being based on saving something that hardly notices we are here, namely our planet.  We are spending ourselves into a debt riddled oblivion in order to subsidize the completely useless green jobs scam.  Thomas Edison’s invention has been made illegal, I can’t buy the toilet of my choice, coupled of course with the government’s bankrupting of the nation’s energy producers and pushing cars even my grandmother would find ridiculous, has all been made possible through wasteful subsidy programs designed to socially engineer our collective, (pun intended,) behavior.  The reason of course has almost nothing to do with any actual environmental concerns.  Like all useful idiots, the truly stupid liberal activists have found themselves in the all too familiar position of being used as tools by Socialists who view themselves as ruling class elites, who by the way know what is best for us, better than we.

So, what would the scientific community have to say about the results of the experiment with the full use of their professional ethics and superior integrity?

About a month ago, before the study results had been made public, the skeptic camp experienced a “dog that didn’t bark” moment when the director of CERN asked that his scientists (incredibly) refrain from drawing any public conclusions from the study, saying “I have asked the colleagues to present the results clearly, but not to interpret them.” Skeptics, including me, guessed that this meant the data was tending to support the Svensmark hypothesis. After all, the climate community has no problem drawing alarmist conclusions from the thinnest of data. Every climate scientist seems to have his or her own full-time PR agent. If they were explicitly avoiding public comment, and in fact telling scientists to effectively not do their job and draw no conclusions from the data, then the results must be threatening to the mainstream global warming community.

Get that? No need to let the public in on the fact that we just disproved the whole man made global warming thing, just keep that to yourselves fellows, and allow us to keep milking the suckers for more funding.

Just to put the exclamation on the point of the ecology movement being taken over by Socialists decades ago, enjoy Senator Rand Paul getting one of those Socialists, Ms. Hogan, an Obama appointee to the EPA, to publicly admit the Marxist agenda in the name of saving the planet. Money quote from Ms. Hogan, at 4:05 of the video, she has the audacity to instruct Senator Paul as to what he really wants, or more specifically what it is he should really want. For your information tootsie, I don’t just want light, I want light in the form of a 50 cent bulb rather than in the form of a $2.50 bulb. That $2.50 bulb by the way, requires a Hasmat Team for proper disposal should one break in your home. My children, between the 4 of them, must have broken about 3 dozen light bulbs over the years.

Like I said, torches, pitchforks, tar, and feathers.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.