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Posts Tagged ‘J Street’

“East Jerusalem” and Progressive Antisemitism

by Delectable ( 292 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Israel, Judaism, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Progressives at March 23rd, 2010 - 8:00 am

Please read this.

Rabbi Eric Yoffie, who has previously been the keynote speaker at ISNA (the Islamic Society of North America, an unindicted co-conspirator of the Holy Land Trial Foundation), said that Obama is right to call for the building freeze in ‘East Jerusalem.’ This is nothing less than a war on the good from someone who has previously shown his willingness to collaborate with Israel’s (and the U.S.’s) enemies, ala J Street. Actually, Rabbi Yoffie was a featured speaker at J Street’s “Annual Gala.” (quite the coincidence, no?) He spoke alongside the open jihadist, Salam al-Marayati, as well as Iran’s lobbyist, Trita Parsi. And of course, J Street 100% agrees with Rabbi Yoffie that Israel should stop building (for Jews only, of course) in “East Jerusalem,” obviously with the ultimate intent on giving up that land (and thus cleansing 700,000 Jews from their homes) for a future ‘Palestinian state.’

But I digress.

Israel is simply building homes, and in response the jihadists of Fatah and Hamas are building rockets and indoctrinating their people to hate – and yet, according to these progressives, it is Israel that should be capitulating. This point has been rammed home yet again by Hillary Clinton, when she equated building homes in Israel’s holiest city (and capitol!) with hate indoctrination and terrorism in her AIPAC speech yesterday. (big shock here – J Street applauded Hillary’s speech)

Three points on this are often unacknowledged.

1. Ramat Shlomo – the housing units at issue (which caused the diplomatic ‘crisis’) – are in North Jerusalem, not East Jerusalem. Thus, this is saying that Jews have no right to build anywhere in Jerusalem. (and implicitly, anywhere in Israel?)

2. Technically, Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital are in “East Jerusalem.” Should those institutions be dismantled? Why not, according to progressive reasoning? There is a false myth that all of ‘East Jerusalem’ was Arab in 1949. Totally untrue, as evidenced by the existence of Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital! Moreover, the 1949 borders of Israel are literally the lines where the fighting stopped. That’s it. I would like ‘Rabbi’ Eric Yoffie and J Street to explain why and how those particular lines are sacrosanct.

3. Arabs are able to build anywhere they want in Jerusalem, and do. The Israeli ‘building inspectors’ have dedicated themselves to tearing down Jewish, not Arab, illegal building. Source.

I reject the implicitly racist/antisemitic notion that Jews are not allowed to build in their holiest city, but Arabs can live anywhere they want.

Iran, J Street, and Obama

by Delectable ( 147 Comments › )
Filed under Ahmadinejad, Barack Obama, Iran, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Progressives, Tranzis at December 28th, 2009 - 3:00 pm

Firstly, I want to again write about Love and Licenses, playing at 45 Bleecker Street Theatre, New York, NY on January 6 at 8 pm! I know I am a hound, but I really believe in this production, and I would like to see it a success! Contact me at florenced2000 at gmail dot com for discounted tickets and to let me know if you are coming. We can have a Netizen party after the production!

Now onto the reason I am writing this post. I have been disturbed, for quite some time, about Trita Parsi. I have covered him and his connection to J Street, the Iranian regime, and Obama, numerous times. Just check out post one and two, for starters.

Trita Parsi is linked to both J Street and Obama. As I have previously shown, he spoke at J Street’s “Annual Gala.” In addition, NIAC, the organization Parsi is the president of (and which is considered a lobbying arm of the Iranian regime – which I documented in the two above articles), has a board member, John Limbert, who now is the “chief negotiator” with Iran, in Obama’s State Department. I also just found this well-researched article, in the Washington Times, which gives a background on the NIAC, and the extent to which it is a lobbying group of the Iranian regime. It is a must-read about the power-politics behind Trita Parsi and NIAC’s backroom diplomacy. It seems they actually modeled themselves after the very AIPAC they condemn!

Now that I have refreshed your recollection of what Parsi and NIAC is about, I have a new whopper for you, courtesy of Planet Iran, and which I previously missed somehow.


Please read the whole article. Here is an excerpt.

Mr. Parsi, head of NIAC, stated that the policy of engagement was meant to further cooperation between the U.S. and Iran and further human rights as well as resolve the nuclear issue. Mr. Parsi specifically addressed the nuclear issue and claimed that there is a bright line between nuclear use of energy for civilian use and the issue of nuclear weapons. In addition, he asserted that the policy of the Obama administration to engage with Iran, even though it has failed for the past 8 weeks, needs more time.

When a student in the class pressured Mr. Parsi to explain this approach, she stated the following: “When it comes to the nuclear issue, there is not a bright line between nuclear weapons and civilian nuclear use. These two issues are parallel as the fissile waste gained from peaceful nuclear sites can be used to make a dirty bomb. Additionally, the steps to enrich uranium from which it is able to be used for civilian use to that which can be used for weapons is very small. So given that the civilian use of nuclear weapons grants a de facto eventual use of military capabilities, we (as in the United States and the International community) don’t have the luxury of time. In addition, Iran has been behaving in a North Korea style of agreeing to certain conditions and then later retreating, threatening to remove themselves from the NPT while buying the time needed to go ahead and eventually create a nuclear weapon anyway. So, the policy of engagement with the regime is a futile one given Iran’s present actions and past dealings. Essentially, the U.S. and the World doesn’t have the luxury of time when dealing with Iran and is risking delegitimizing the freedom movement in Iran by engaging with Ahmadeinjad, whom the people of Iran count as illegitimate. The Green Movement for democracy has spoken out against Ahmadenijad and by the United States engaging with the Iranian regime, it is legitimizing the government in power in complete disregard of the will of the Iranian people while gaining nothing in regards to the nuclear issue. The Iranian people themselves called out to Obama in the November 4thdemonstrations when they said “Obama ya ba mah ya ba una” <Obama either you’re with us or against us>. It is a failing policy that will gain nothing for the U.S. in terms of the nuclear issue and will only end up hurting the Iranian people and Green Movement.”

Then here is the juicy part:

At this point, the student noted that there will be a panel in which Mr. Akbar Atri [Delectable note: Atri is a true Iranian freedom fighter] himself will be speaking on a panel at Georgetown on Sunday and if Mr. Parsi would like to defend his position, which is in complete opposition to that of those who lead the Green Movement, that Mr. Parsi was more than welcome to come put his position forward. Mr. Parsi said he would be unable to attend and had no further comment on the issue.

In other words, Parsi essentially conceded that he is wrong!

The Iranian regime lobbyist cannot even defend what he is paid to defend!

This is all very important background, in light of Speranza’s coverage of the Iranian protests ongoing. It appears Iran is exploding again, and journalist Heather Robinson reports that Iran could go nuclear within a few weeks. Read this yourself.

Iraqi parliamentarian Mithal al-Alusi is warning that Iran is much closer to attaining nuclear capability than most sources, including the International Atomic Energy Agency and the US State Department, believe. In fact, he predicts the Iranians could have a nuclear capability – and may announce that they have it – as soon as next month.

“We are receiving information which says Iran is so close to producing an atom bomb,” Alusi said in an interview earlier this month, the latest in a series of interviews conducted since September. “All the international community, they don’t realize how close [the Iranians] are to the goal… The Iranians will surprise us one day [soon] and say, ‘We have it.'”

Conclusion: time is of the essence, and “sanctions,” which Obama (and J Street) have tried to block until recently, will thus have no effect. They will be too little, too late.

Obama just today issued a “statement” that “strongly condemned” the brutality ongoing in Iran. But this is far too little and far too late.

It certainly appears that the Trita Parsis and J Streets of the world have won, even as they cannot support their arguments in public. They have succeeded at inculcating themselves inside the Obama administration (including the “Antisemitism Czar” who is a J Street stoogie), and pushing back any serious talk of sanctions until it is too late. And now, the Iranian people are dying in the streets and no longer believe the USA supports them.

Assuming Heather Robinson’s source is right, Iran will be nuclear in a few months, as the USA dithers.

It is very dispiriting to live in these troubling times, but alas, I have not given up all hope. I still believe that a long-term change in culture is possible, and our only hope. And that is why I am so actively promoting Love and Licenses.

Responding to a J Streeter

by Delectable ( 115 Comments › )
Filed under IDF, Israel, Palestinians, Progressives at December 23rd, 2009 - 5:00 am

Greetings, netizens!

As I wrote before, I hope you see Love and Licenses on January 6th in NYC. However, I am writing this to discuss something else entirely.

I had a long back-and-forth communique with a progressive J Streeter, and I figured that you would appreciate my arguments, so that you may use my words in the future, should you come across similar such arguments.

It is important to note that there is a large swath of people who fit this category: they believe Israel has a right to exist, but they also believe Israel is a “colonizer” in Judea/Samaria (the “West Bank,” – we cannot cede language), and must go back to 1949 borders. This essay is meant to serve as a handy reference guide when you are faced with such people!


ARGUMENT ONE: Israel is in violation of UN resolutions by being in Judea/Samaria ILLEGALLY. In order to stop violating “international law,” Israel needs to leave Judea/Samaria.
Here is the bottom line. The UN is made up of the countries that make up the UN, and that consists of a majority of despotic regimes that are antisemitic in nature. See: UN Watch, Eye on the UN.

You claimed that one of the “proofs” that Israel is “illegally occupying” the “settlements” are the numerous UN resolutions against the State of Israel.

I have the simplest answer in response. So what? Do you think I am unaware of the numerous resolutions against Israel, none of which are binding, but all of which simply prove the UN is a made up of antisemitic countries that punish the good guys?

The General Assembly resolutions are little more than suggestions, and are non-binding on an international level. The only binding “international law,” to the extent it even exists, are Security Council Resolutions. And Israel is not in violation of even a single Security Council resolution. The only resolution anyone points to is UN resolution 242, which was drafted by Eugene Rostow, undersecretary of State under Lyndon B. Johnson. And this resolution only calls for Israel to withdraw from “land for peace.” However – it does not call for Israel to withdraw from all land, and it only calls for Israel to withdraw from land in exchange for peace, not jihad.


The Goings on in Gilo, Jerusalem

by Delectable ( 228 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Barack Obama, Israel, Progressives, Tranzis at November 18th, 2009 - 1:33 pm

As many of you have probably already heard, the Obama administration has decided to make international waves about the decision of the Jerusalem municipality in Israel to approve an additional 900 housing units in Gilo, which is within Jerusalem city limits. Somehow, a municipal decision to approve housing units in the capitol of its country becomes an international incident. Only in Israel!


This is typical. I am going to not lay all the blame on Obama here, and it must be noted that Condi Rice had made similar such statements in the past. As is typical, J Street supported Obama, and is against the additional housing in Gilo. (shocka!)

The common theme is that somehow it is “anti-human rights” for Jews to build homes, kindergartens, and nurseries in their capitol city of Jerusalem, which is, lest we forget, the holiest city for Jews, and the city that every observant Jew prays to on a daily basis. (Can you imagine the USA telling Saudi Arabia that it cannot build more housing units for Muslims in Mecca? Enough said!)

But here is the little wrinkle to the story that the mainstream media usually leaves out: Arabs can buy land in Jewish areas. Not only can they buy land – they actually do buy land in Jewish neighborhoods.

Here are just two examples of Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem where Arabs feel free to buy and sell land as they see fit – Pisgat Ze’ev and French Hill. In fact, Arabs buy and sell land anywhere they want in Israel, including Tel Aviv!

Here is an article by reputed scholar Alex Safian about the ability of Arabs to buy and sell land in all parts of Israel, written in 1997. The restrictions to land purchase only have decreased, to the extent they existed in 1997, due to the liberal Supreme Court of Israel! Right now there are reports of Gulf Arabs buying of land in Israel located in the Galilee. This flies in the face of the supposedly ‘racist’ and ‘discriminatory’ land policies in Israel. Actually, the real racists are from Peace Now. They actually sued to prevent Jews from buying land in Jaffa, Israel, which is indisputably part of the 1967 borders of Israel. Arabs – they can buy land wherever they want (with the understanding that most land is state-owned, but I use the term “buy” and “long-term lease” interchangeably, as far as this goes). But according to Peace Now (a misnomer of a term if I ever heard it – they are anti-peace, as I previously discussed), Jews cannot buy land in Jaffa, because it is an Arab neighborhood, which must be ‘respected.’ (yet Jewish neighborhoods disrespected, of course – this is a one-way street!) Thankfully, Peace Now lost their case before the Israeli Supreme Court. Interesting, I came across this article, which clearly peddled the lame line that if Jews move into an Arab neighborhood of Jaffa, then it will “incite” violence. So Jews should not have the right to live there. This clearly follows the “noble savage” line of thinking – that somehow Arabs who live in Jaffa are not human beings, but rather are beasts, who are incapable of anything but violence, so you should not provoke the noble beasts! As I said – Peace Now, J Street and their ilk – they really are racist!

Meanwhile, we deal with the reality that if Arabs sell land to Jews, they could be slaughtered. I am not just making this up. There have been cases of Arabs being killed for selling land to Jews. And so this also colors land claims – of course Arabs will deny they sold land to Jews, because to do anything us puts their very lives in jeopardy! Also – in Jordan – and throughout the Mideast – it is against state law for a Jew to own land in the country. (yet no “human rights organizations” seem to have problems with this, of course!) Here is a CAMERA primer on the law concerning land purchase and use. It is a must-read to understand the basic law in the region!

What is the lesson to be learned about this all? I would say that it is racist for Obama (and previously, Condi Rice) to make an “international incident” over 900 homes in Gilo. As I have extensively shown, Arabs have the right to buy and sell land throughout all of Israel. It is clearly racist to tell Jews – and only Jews – that they must be ghettoized, and cannot enjoy such similar rights.

As I have outlined, Peace Now is tied in very closely (joined at the hip, if you will) to the progressive movement. They (and J Street, also, as I have outlined, a progressive organization) are thus supporting racism.

It is because I reject racism and support equality and human rights that I support Israel and reject the progressive view of the world that ghettoizes the Jew, and turns Arabs “noble savages.” I expect more for humanity and the world!