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Posts Tagged ‘Pat Caddell’

Pat Caddell rips the GOP’s Corrupt Consultant Class

by Phantom Ace ( 71 Comments › )
Filed under Conservatism, Elections 2012, Republican Party, The Political Right at March 15th, 2013 - 11:00 am


The Republican Corrupt Consultant Class pulled off one of the largest money making schemes in political history. Led by that loser, Karl Rove they convinced Republican politicians and donors that the election was a slam dunk. They kept assuring people that the polls were lying and that Romney had the election in the bag. The Consultant Class along with Fox News and Conservative blogs created a bubble based not on reality for Conservatives. If anyone on the Right tried to speak the truth, they were called defeatist and pessimist.

Pat Caddell was warning Republicans they were going to lose. He complained about Romney not fighting back and the tone deaf nature of the Romney campaign. Caddell also warned about OFA and said Republicans were not even on the same level. He was right and at CPAC yesterday he went after the Republican Corrupt Consultant Class. He accurately described them as scam artists who took people for their money.

Pat Caddell, the Fox News Contributor and Democrat pollster who engineered Jimmy Carter’s 1976 Presidential victory, blew the lid off CPAC on Wednesday with a blistering attack on “racketeering” Republican consultants who play wealthy donors like “marks.”

“I blame the donors who allow themselves to be played for marks. I blame the people in the grassroots for allowing themselves to be played for suckers….It’s time to stop being marks. It’s time to stop being suckers. It’s time for you people to get real,” he told the audience that included two top Republican consultants.

Caddell stole the show as a panelist in the breakout session titled “Should We Shoot All the Consultants Now?” He spoke with a fire and passion that electrified the room. When the session began the large room was half filled, but as word spread of the fireworks going on inside, the audience streamed in. By the end, it was standing room only.


When you have the Chief of Staff of the Republican National Committee and the political director of the Romney campaign, and their two companies get $150 million at the end of the campaign for the ‘fantastic’ get-out-the-vote program…some of this borders on RICO [the 1970 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act] violations,” Caddell told the crowd. “It’s all self dealing going on. I think it works on the RICO thing. They’re in the business of lining their pockets.”

“The Republican Party,” Caddell continued, “is in the grips of what I call the CLEC–the consultant, lobbyist, and establishment complex.” Caddell described CLEC as a self serving interconnected network of individuals and organizations interested in preserving their own power far more than they’re interested in winning elections.

“Just follow the money,” Caddell told a rapt audience. “It’s all there in the newspaper. The way it works is this–ever since we centralized politics in Washington, the House campaign committee and the Senate campaign committee,  they decide who they think should run. You hire these people on the accredited list [they say to candidates] otherwise we won’t give you money. You hire my friend or else.”

Financial corruption is a key component of the current process, according to Caddell. “There’s money passing under the table on both parties. Don’t kid yourself…If you can’t see racketeering in front of you, God save you.”

As a Democrat, Caddell said he could tell the truth about the failings of the Republicans 2012 campaign efforts since “I have no interest in the Republican Party.” He compared Republicans unfavorably to Democrats. “In my party we play to win. We play for life and death. You people play for a different kind of agenda…Your party has no problem playing the Washington Generals to the Harlem Globetrotters.”

The 2012 election was  was the biggest money making scheme since Obama’s Stimulus grand larceny. The Corrupt Consultant class scammed donors of their money to enrich themselves. They lied to Republican candidates and told them to ignore the polls. This election revealed a very startling truth. Democrat Consultants believe in their cause and will do all they can to win. Republican Consultants only care about making money and getting invites to the right parties.

Pat Caddell is speaking the truth and it is time the political Right listens to him and not scam artists like Karl Rove.

(Hat Tip: Eaglesoars)

Nixon, Obama and Bob Woodward

by Mojambo ( 131 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, History, Libya, Media, Patriotism, Republican Party at March 4th, 2013 - 7:00 am

Memo to Roger Ailes:  More Pat Caddell’s and less Karl Rove. Nixon was called an Imperial President by Kennedy court historian Arthur Schlesinger, yet Barack Obama can give the Kennedy’s lessons in royalty.  Another thing, for whatever their faults  JFK and Nixon were patriots. Obama not so much.

by Patrick Caddell

It is not without a bit of irony that, in the 40 years since the explosion of the Watergate story, Bob Woodward would again be under attack from the White House for trying to tell the truth. But this time the attack is coming from a Democrat.

While Barack Obama may not share the Nixon pedigree, he and his White House are the closest thing to the Nixon regime of any that we have seen since then — both in the extent of their paranoia and their willingness to suppress the truth and push the boundaries of law.

In my lifetime, in over 40 years in national politics, Mr. Obama is the only president who comes close to rivaling Richard Nixon for fundamental disingenuousness.


As the youngest person on Nixon’s enemies list in 1972, I am particularly sensitive to a White House where they have utter disregard for trampling on dissent and on the rights of individuals.

Since Benghazi, when I raised the alarm about a media that was not only willing to blatantly support one political party or one political a candidate but for the first time seemed willing to suppress or ignore the facts and truth as related to a disaster of American foreign policy, my fear has been that we are now on a slippery slope. Almost everything since then has helped to realize that fear. Chuck Hagel, the sequester, Mr. Obama’s speeches — all of these have revealed a mainstream press that has absolutely decided to wear its bias openly as outriders of the Obama administration.  [………]

What this Woodward, White House sequester battle highlights is the crisis in our democracy. Not so much for what it says about Mr. Obama and his administration but for what it says about the establishment press and all the members of my own party.

During Watergate, there were a number of Republicans who were willing to stand against the president of their party in defense of the United States of America.

Sadly, as as Democrat, I must confess, that today there is no Democratic Senator or member of the House who appears to be willing to publicly put the country ahead of Barack Obama’s White House.


During the Chuck Hagel confirmation fight, it was revealed that to this day, neither the public nor the Congress know the names of those who were evacuated out of Benghazi.  [……..]

The White House’s excuse, that this information cannot be revealed because of an FBI investigation, is eerily and frighteningly similar to Nixon telling H.R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman to “turn off” the Watergate investigation as it threatened national security.

Sadly, it now appears that Director Mueller and the FBI are willing to serve, once again, as an instrument of cover up for an administration — this time following a tragedy in which 4 Americans are now dead.

As much as I have always admired Bob Woodward and admire now him in the sequester fight and for his willingness to take on the White House, I cannot refrain from expressing my disappointment that this man, who did such a service for the country 40 years ago, has essentially taken himself off the boards of the Benghazi fiasco. I wish that if Woodward were to get in a fight, he would do it on an issue that really matters to the safety of the United States.

Read the rest –  Obama is the closest thing to Nixon we’ve seen  in 40 years.

Republicans are looking for new ways to lose – and finding them

by Mojambo ( 150 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Debt, Democratic Party, Economy, Elections 2012, History, Politics, taxation at December 5th, 2012 - 8:00 am

As I have mentioned many times,  protecting the wealthy (most of whom voted for Obama anyway) is not the political sword that the Republicans should fall on when they make their “Last Stand”. We need to come across as the party of Main Street not Wall Street, in a sense become what the Democrats were in the 1940’s, 50′ and early 60’s – the party of middle class working people.  Timothy Geithener’s attempt to circumvent the U.S. constitution by allowing the president to raise the debt limit by executive order is a pure hubristic attempt at a constitutional coup  and needs to be hammered home to the American public, as Caddell says  ” Republicans need to make their case to the people, not the Beltway..

by Pat Caddell

In the “fiscal cliff” negotiations, the Republicans are in desperate need of a game-changer. That is, the current dynamics in Washington DC are so bad right now for Republicans that they are likely to go off a political cliff. President Obama and the Democrats have always been looking to push the GOP into the abyss, of course, but lately, Republicans have volunteered to stand at the edge of the precipice and lean far over.

And yet amazingly, in the meantime, just last week, Republicans were handed a possible game-changer—and they did nothing with it. They just ignored it, so the Democrats will keep pushing.  If the GOP doesn’t get a clue as to the real nature of the fiscal cliff negotiations, they will lose.

In a nutshell, Republicans need to understand that the real struggle is not with the Obama administration; instead, the real struggle is for American political opinion, including the broad middle that preferred Obama to Romney, but nevertheless feels no great trust or affection for the re-elected 44th President.

If Obama is seen as a fellow who wants to move the economy to a better place by raising taxes on the Koch Brothers, he will win. But if Obama is seen as an arrogant and unconstitutional power-grabber, he will lose. By that logic, then, Republicans should shift their perceived focus, from defending the low tax rates of billionaires to defending the US Constitution against executive Caesarism.

On Thursday, November 28, amidst delicate negotiations over the “fiscal cliff” on Capitol Hill, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner presented Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner with a radical proposal: the Legislative Branch should cede over to the Executive Branch the power to raise the debt ceiling by executive fiat. If this cession of fiscal authority were ever to happen—if Congress were to lose its right to vote “yea” or “nay” on debt-limit increases—that would be an epochal political power shift. It would mean that for the first time in US history, the President would have complete dominance on spending issues. And that’s a kind of dominance that no president should be trusted with, let alone Obama.

Yet one can’t blame Geithner for asking on behalf of his boss. Obama has hardly been the first big spender in US history, but he has certifiably been the biggest spender ever, so he needs that debt-ceiling increase.  Yet interestingly, in his first term, Obama showed that he understood the political risk of big spending; in the run-up to the 2012 election, we might recall, the President was afraid to ask for an increase in the debt ceiling, for fear that the resulting political backlash could hurt his re-election chances.

But now, of course, Obama is liberated—liberated to be as hubristic as he wants to be. And if that means spending more money to build his “legacy,” then so be it. As we have seen over the last month, he certainly isn’t interested in spending reductions.

Today, the national debt is $16.330 trillion, and it’s rising fast; the debt appears destined to hit the current debt-ceiling limit of $16.394 trillion in January.

Of course, for the nation as a whole, the deficit and the debt ceiling are major political and economic issues. If the Republicans in Congress wish to have any impact on federal spending levels, the requirement for a specific vote on a higher debt ceiling is perhaps the best lever that they possess.

Thus there was little chance that Congress would go along with Geithner’s suggestion that it emasculate itself. Even Democrats on the Hill would be leery of that sort of surrender of their power.


Thus the Republican duo simply laughed off Geithner’s suggestion, and McConnell’s press aides evidently shared the “laughter” anecdote with friendly reporters, such as Barnes. Meanwhile, most of the media simply ignored the story; neither The Washington Post nor The New York Times took note of McConnell’s mirthful moment. Within hours of Geithner’s exchange, the media caravan had moved on.

And that was a big mistake. A huge missed opportunity. Once again, the issue is not wheeling and dealing with Geithner and the Democrats, which is obviously the sort of inside game that McConnell and Boehner feel most comfortable playing. Instead, the real issue—the real opportunity—is playing the outside game. That is, the game that includes the American people.

As an aside, Grover Norquist was right when he said on Sunday’s “Meet the Press” that all fiscal cliff negotiations should be on C-SPAN. Norquist knows that Republicans can’t win if they go behind closed doors; they will only have a chance of winning if the American people can see, for themselves, what the Democrats are trying to do. And my suggestion here is in the same spirit; the Republicans must make their case to the people, not to the Beltway.

The Republican leadership thought that Geithner’s suggestion was ridiculous, and so they just laughed it off. But they should have done far more than that. After all, spending and over-spending are important issues to most Americans. Even many Democrats, including this Democrat, are worried about too much federal spending. Thus, for the Obamans to try to pull a fast one so that they can spend more—well, that is a serious matter.

Indeed, according to Article One of the Constitution, the Congress has the power of the purse, including the power “to borrow money on the credit of the United States.” And for Obama to propose that the Congress simply turn over that precious power to his Executive Branch is not just an insult to the 112th Congress. It is also an insult to all other Congresses, past and future, and to the sacred document of the Constitution itself.

McConnell and Boehner should have recognized that Geithner’s suggestion was really an unconstitutional power play, and they should have called him out.

More precisely, here’s what Republicans should have done: on Thursday, as soon as Geithner made his silly suggestion, the GOPers should have asked Geithner to repeat himself, so that there could be no doubt as to what exactly the Treasury man had said. And if Geithner had committed that suggestion to paper, they should have scooped that up, too, for future use.

Then McConnell and Boehner should have politely ended the meeting and walked out into the Capitol hallway, where reporters were milling around, waiting for some news, and he should then have given then some news—spectacular news. Leaving Geithner behind, McConnell and Boehner, between them, should have laid out their case before the American people, invoking a famous past example of presidential overreach, FDR’s “court-packing” plan, which we will examine in a moment:

Ladies and gentlemen of the media, we are speaking now, not only to you, but to the people of the United States. Folks, we have just heard a serious proposal from Treasury Secretary Geithner that is so outrageous, so ludicrous, so insulting, so unconstitutional that we have to report it to all of you.


We might note that just six years ago, when Barack Obama was himself a US Senator in 2006, he declared that raising the debt ceiling above $9 trillion was a “leadership failure.”  Well, now that national debt has nearly doubled, to more than $16 trillion. And now Secretary Geithner has the unconstitutional gall and gumption to suggest that the Congress, the first branch of government whose powers are enumerated in the constitution, give up a vital check against reckless overspending of the type we have seen over the last four years.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are truly astonished. But we are more than astonished, we are alarmed.  Therefore, we are issuing this warning to the administration and this pledge to the America people and their sacred Constitution: in the House, Speaker Boehner will immediately put Secretary Geithner’s radical suggestion to a vote, where we have no doubt that every Republican—and more than a few debt- and deficit-averse Democrats—will vote “no” on this big-spending, budget-packing power grab.

And in the Senate, Leader McConnell will seek to attach an amendment so that Republicans and likeminded Democrats can also vote “no” on this big-spending, budget-packing, power-grabbing proposal from the Obama administration. In addition, Leader McConnell pledges to use the filibuster and all his other parliamentary powers to stop the business of the US Senate until Secretary Geithner retracts and renounces his unconstitutional suggestion.

And we call upon the American people—who care about the Constitution as much as we do—to join us in demanding that this presidential “budget-packing” power grab be thwarted immediately, and forever.

Such words from McConnell and Boehner would have caused a sensation. They would have led the political news that night on all the networks—even MSNBC.


All re-elected presidents face the danger of hubris in their second term. The classic cautionary tale is Franklin D. Roosevelt’s infamous 1937 proposal to expand the nine-member Supreme Court with six of his own new appointees—the notorious “court-packing” plan. FDR’s proposal came on the heels of his 1936 landslide re-election, in which he not only won 46 of 48 states but also reduced Republican numbers in the House to just 76 and in the Senate to just 16. The Republican Party was thus on the edge of extinction when it found its salvation in opposing to the court-packing plan. In 1937-38, the hardy few Republicans joined with Jeffersonian Southern Democrats to oppose the increasingly imperial FDR—and they won.

In 1938, the GOP won a huge comeback victory in the midterm elections; among the Republicans elected to the Senate that year was a future GOP superstar, Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio. And, for all practical purposes, the forward motion of the peacetime New Deal came to a halt in FDR’s second term.

Indeed, it’s fair to say that the 1938 midterms preserved the viability of the two-party system in the US.

Eight decades later, contemporary Republicans could have done the same thing. Just as anti-FDR Republicans found that they had new allies among restive Southern Democrats, so McConnell and the Republicans would have found that they had allies in a “budget-packing” fight among Democrats. There’s no way, for example, that Democratic Senators such as Mary Landrieu and Mark Prior, to name just two, wouldn’t have felt obligated to side with McConnell against imperious Washington. Their respective re-election imperatives, in the Jeffersonian states of Louisiana and Arkansas, would have demanded their opposition.

So yes, Obama seems to be in more danger than previous presidents of second-term hubris and overreach, and that overreach could yet save the Republicans, in spite of themselves.

History tells us that even in the midst of seeming defeat, it’s possible to reclaim victory. The key to such a turnaround is to see the strategic situation clearly, even amidst all the confusion, and then to reach for the winning counter-stroke. In the Battle of the Marne in 1914, the French were reeling under the German onslaught, and so they did the one thing the Germans weren’t expecting; they counterattacked. The Kaiser’s overconfident army was shocked and fell back in confusion. This was the “Miracle of the Marne”; Paris was saved, and with the help of the British and the Americans, the French ultimately won World War One.

The key, now, for the Republicans is to have their own “Marne Moment” of clarity. They need to see that the time has come to stop negotiating with Obama. It’s his economy now, he wants to do everything his way, so he now owns it.

Instead, Republicans must realize that the larger battle—the greater war—is Obama’s attempt not only to win a big political victory and break the Republicans, but also to transform the American constitutional system permanently. That’s a fight worth fighting.

Indeed, if Republicans take up that fight, they will gain allies in perhaps unexpected places. But first they must change the focus of definition of the fight—from mere tax rates to the the grander question of the future of American constitutional liberty. If the current crop of Republican leaders has a hard time seeing the immediate struggle in those terms, well, that’s a loss for them, to be sure, but it’s a bigger loss for the rest of us and for our country.

So once again, the key for Republicans is putting the Geithner Grab in context, so as to start building a new narrative for Obama’s second term. A new narrative, that is, that shows that Obama is wildly exaggerating his mandate and dangerously seeking to concentrate power in the Presidency.

Here are two more examples of Obama overreach that feed into the same negative narrative:

First, Obama is evidently serious about trying to jam through Susan Rice as his Secretary of State. She is, of course, discredited on the basis of her Benghazi deception, as well as for other blemishes on her record. In addition, she also obviously lacks the measured personality needed for effective diplomacy. As Rice said recently, “People know not to mess with me. And if they haven’t learned, and they try, then they will learn.” Such is not the preferred tone and meter of, say, Talleyrand or Metternich.

Second, Politico reports that Obama is already planning for his Versailles-like presidential library. Its projected cost—wait for it—is $500 million. That’s right: The economy is still in doldrums, and we could be going into a double dip, and yet Obama will be taking time away from his duties to schmooze fatcats, here and around the world. Is this what the hard-pressed middle class voted for last month? A president who will be cultivating the same moneyed class that he was supposedly railing against during the campaign?


So is too late to revive the issue of Obama’s debt-ceiling power grab? We shall see; we will have to find if Geithner continues to make it a key part of his bargaining agenda.

Yet it’s definitely never too late to make an issue of Obama’s second-term hubris; that’s a guaranteed constant over the next four years.

Unfortunately, in the meantime, even as Obama overreaches, Republicans are looking for new ways to lose—and finding them.

In the next installment, we will see just how McConnell and Boehner are finding those new ways  of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Read the rest – Obama’s Arrogant Overreach—and the Republican Opportunity



National Security Pollsters ‘Come In From The Cold’

by 1389AD ( 141 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-Jihad, Censorship, Elections 2012, Europe, France, Iran, Israel, Military, Nuclear Weapons, Polls, Saudi Arabia, Terrorism, UK at February 14th, 2011 - 2:00 pm

This slideshow at CPAC 2011 shows just how opposed to the will of America’s citizenry are the government officials, think-tank pundits, media personalities, and foreign propagandists who have been guiding, or rather misguiding, America’s foreign policy. They have been not only ignoring, but deliberately flouting, the clearly expressed intentions of the voting public.

These two pollsters are leaving their role as spectators to participate more directly in the political scene by providing a venue where citizens can make themselves heard on the issue of national security.

Pollster John McLaughlin
Pollster John McLaughlin

Pollster Pat Caddell
Pollster Pat Caddell

BigPeace: Pollsters Launch Network to Inject National Security Issues Into the Public Dialog

By Alexander Marlow Feb 13th 2011 at 6:44 am

…When it comes to issues of national security and foreign policy, Democratic pollster and Fox News contributor Pat Caddell and GOP pollster John McLaughlin had grown tired of merely charting what Americans are thinking and decided to get into the business of empowering them to act.

…“There is a specter of decline about this county,” Caddell said in an exclusive interview for Big Peace, “the anxiety level is very great.” It was this sentiment that compelled the two gentlemen to launch SecureAmericaNow.org, a nonpartisan, grassroots effort to organize the American people to keep the pressure on the political class, which the founders of the network belive cannot be saved without increased citizen involvement.

…“We asked in a survey,” McLaughlin tells Big Peace, “‘Barack Obama is committed to a policy of outreach to the Muslim world, knowing this do you think the policy has increased or decreased the security of the United States?’ Fifty-one to 23 [percent of] the people say it has decreased versus increased. The people are way ahead of [Obama] when it comes to these issues.”

The network will feature polling data, research, op-eds, social networking, and other information that will help foster a greater national dialog on the security and foreign policy issues that are negligently ignored by our political class and mainstream media. They used a CPAC panel as a launchpad for SecureAmericaNow.org and to raise these issues. On the panel, Caddell expressed utter exasperation with the media and political class for not making the story of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day creator Molly Norris front and center on the national stage. Norris created the idea last year in response to Comedy Central refusing to air an image of Mohammed on the South Park (Comedy Central had allowed South Park to depict Mohammed in 2001). It was reported that Anwar al-Awlaki had put Norris on a hitlist, and, as we reported at Big Peace, Norris has since gone into the FBI equivalent to the witness-protection program. In other words, she no longer exists. Yet this outrageous tale was largely absent from the American conversation. “That absence tells you everything you need to know about what is wrong with the dialog,” Caddell said.

During the interview, McLaughlin and Caddell cited other examples of politicians and media elites failing to react to the will of the American populace. One of these issues is that over three quarters of the American people want to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weaponry and 80% believe Iran would give nukes to terrorists if they could. Americans want to act, yet the current administration has taken a passive approach to Iran. Also seemingly lost from the public discourse is that David Cameron, the leader of our closest ally, Great Britain, noted in a public address that multiculturalism has failed (not to mention that France’s Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany’s Angela Merkel agree), yet the American media and political class largely ignored this striking repudiation of a core liberal tenant. Cameron’s sentiment was simply not simpatico with the narrative the American media has created to support post-1960s liberalism.

But what is truly inspiring Caddell and McLaughlin to take up their virtual muskets is the endemic dearth of common sense that’s engulfed the media and our elected officials. Caddell cites the Ground Zero Mosque quagmire as evidence of that:

The prevailing ideology in this county is common sense. You had Hispanics, African-Americans, women more than men, a majority of Democrats opposing [the Ground Zero Mosque], and all the while being told they are bigots. The political class in this country—it’s outrageous—the whole country is ahead of them. War is too important to be left to generals; security is too important to be left to diplomats and the political class.

Indeed, and that’s why we’re pleased to welcome SecureAmericaNow.org to the neighborhood. Check out the website today, which is still under development and should be fully functional in about a month. Follow them on twitter and facebook, sign-up, and donating is easy. Caddell and McLaughlin expect meet-up groups to begin soon so that you’ll be able to organize your own grassroots activism from the SecureAmericaNow.org website.
Read it all.

Originally posted on 1389 Blog.