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Posts Tagged ‘National Security’

National Security Pollsters ‘Come In From The Cold’

by 1389AD ( 141 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-Jihad, Censorship, Elections 2012, Europe, France, Iran, Israel, Military, Nuclear Weapons, Polls, Saudi Arabia, Terrorism, UK at February 14th, 2011 - 2:00 pm

This slideshow at CPAC 2011 shows just how opposed to the will of America’s citizenry are the government officials, think-tank pundits, media personalities, and foreign propagandists who have been guiding, or rather misguiding, America’s foreign policy. They have been not only ignoring, but deliberately flouting, the clearly expressed intentions of the voting public.

These two pollsters are leaving their role as spectators to participate more directly in the political scene by providing a venue where citizens can make themselves heard on the issue of national security.

Pollster John McLaughlin
Pollster John McLaughlin

Pollster Pat Caddell
Pollster Pat Caddell

BigPeace: Pollsters Launch Network to Inject National Security Issues Into the Public Dialog

By Alexander Marlow Feb 13th 2011 at 6:44 am

…When it comes to issues of national security and foreign policy, Democratic pollster and Fox News contributor Pat Caddell and GOP pollster John McLaughlin had grown tired of merely charting what Americans are thinking and decided to get into the business of empowering them to act.

…“There is a specter of decline about this county,” Caddell said in an exclusive interview for Big Peace, “the anxiety level is very great.” It was this sentiment that compelled the two gentlemen to launch SecureAmericaNow.org, a nonpartisan, grassroots effort to organize the American people to keep the pressure on the political class, which the founders of the network belive cannot be saved without increased citizen involvement.

…“We asked in a survey,” McLaughlin tells Big Peace, “‘Barack Obama is committed to a policy of outreach to the Muslim world, knowing this do you think the policy has increased or decreased the security of the United States?’ Fifty-one to 23 [percent of] the people say it has decreased versus increased. The people are way ahead of [Obama] when it comes to these issues.”

The network will feature polling data, research, op-eds, social networking, and other information that will help foster a greater national dialog on the security and foreign policy issues that are negligently ignored by our political class and mainstream media. They used a CPAC panel as a launchpad for SecureAmericaNow.org and to raise these issues. On the panel, Caddell expressed utter exasperation with the media and political class for not making the story of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day creator Molly Norris front and center on the national stage. Norris created the idea last year in response to Comedy Central refusing to air an image of Mohammed on the South Park (Comedy Central had allowed South Park to depict Mohammed in 2001). It was reported that Anwar al-Awlaki had put Norris on a hitlist, and, as we reported at Big Peace, Norris has since gone into the FBI equivalent to the witness-protection program. In other words, she no longer exists. Yet this outrageous tale was largely absent from the American conversation. “That absence tells you everything you need to know about what is wrong with the dialog,” Caddell said.

During the interview, McLaughlin and Caddell cited other examples of politicians and media elites failing to react to the will of the American populace. One of these issues is that over three quarters of the American people want to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weaponry and 80% believe Iran would give nukes to terrorists if they could. Americans want to act, yet the current administration has taken a passive approach to Iran. Also seemingly lost from the public discourse is that David Cameron, the leader of our closest ally, Great Britain, noted in a public address that multiculturalism has failed (not to mention that France’s Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany’s Angela Merkel agree), yet the American media and political class largely ignored this striking repudiation of a core liberal tenant. Cameron’s sentiment was simply not simpatico with the narrative the American media has created to support post-1960s liberalism.

But what is truly inspiring Caddell and McLaughlin to take up their virtual muskets is the endemic dearth of common sense that’s engulfed the media and our elected officials. Caddell cites the Ground Zero Mosque quagmire as evidence of that:

The prevailing ideology in this county is common sense. You had Hispanics, African-Americans, women more than men, a majority of Democrats opposing [the Ground Zero Mosque], and all the while being told they are bigots. The political class in this country—it’s outrageous—the whole country is ahead of them. War is too important to be left to generals; security is too important to be left to diplomats and the political class.

Indeed, and that’s why we’re pleased to welcome SecureAmericaNow.org to the neighborhood. Check out the website today, which is still under development and should be fully functional in about a month. Follow them on twitter and facebook, sign-up, and donating is easy. Caddell and McLaughlin expect meet-up groups to begin soon so that you’ll be able to organize your own grassroots activism from the SecureAmericaNow.org website.
Read it all.

Originally posted on 1389 Blog.

Poll shows Progressives not trusted on National Security

by Phantom Ace ( 104 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Politics, Progressives at March 9th, 2010 - 3:00 pm

Barack Hussein Obama and the Progressives promised that once in power they would make the world safe. Peace would break out and the temperatures would cool off. Well, they have kept one promise. Temperatures have fallen! Peace is far from breaking out. Imperialist acts of aggression continue and the barbaric hostile rhetoric to civilized nations like Israel have gotten worse.

Iranian Imperialist tyrant, Mahmoud Ahmedinjad, has not only called for the extermination of Israel, which a sovereign nation and American ally, he even denies his AL Qaeda brothers perpetrated 9/11. The 9/11 Trutherism is clearly intended to get Progressives and the Paulbots on his side. His popularity in Hollywood will increase.

Clearly, Obama’s outreach has failed. The American people see the truth of decline in this Nation’s standing.

A majority of Americans say the United States is less respected in the world than it was two years ago and think President Obama and other Democrats fall short of Republicans on the issue of national security, a new poll finds.

The Democracy Corps-Third Way survey released Monday finds that by a 10-point margin — 51 percent to 41 percent — Americans think the standing of the U.S. dropped during the first 13 months of Mr. Obama’s presidency.

“This is surprising, given the global acclaim and Nobel peace prize that flowed to the new president after he took office,” said pollsters for the liberal-leaning organizations.

Read it all here: Poll shows Obama, Dems losing ground

Barack Hussein Obama is carrying out his Leftist dream of creating a weak America. He views this nation as a Colonialist power. This attitude is due to his 3rd World Liberation Ideology. Conservatives need to hammer the Progressives and their weak foreign policy. The American people want a strong National Defense posture and they want to let our enemies know we mean business.

Mexican Zetas training in Texas Ranch

by Phantom Ace ( 37 Comments › )
Filed under Crime, Mexico, Military at May 20th, 2009 - 2:45 pm

The Mexican Drug Cartels are now operating a  training  camp on US soil.The Zetas are an arm of the Mexican Drug Cartels, many of the members are former Mexican Army members now on the Cartels pay. This is an armed foreign group operating on our soil! One word for this: Invasion!

FBI: Texas drug cell trains on own ranch

The FBI is advising law enforcement officers across the country that a Texas cell of Los Zetas — an increasingly powerful arm of the Mexican Gulf Cartel drug trafficking syndicate — has acquired a secluded ranch where it trains its members to “neutralize” competitors in the United States.

In order to ensure its share of the lucrative illegal drug trade, the cartel’s members reportedly are operating north of the border to collect debts and spy on competitors. They have also protected cocaine and heroin shipments that were bound for Houston, where they were repackaged and shipped on to Alabama, Delaware, Georgia and Michigan, according to the FBI.

The information, which was disseminated Monday to state, local and federal agencies, does not provide specifics, such as the location of the ranch, but includes a notation that the information came from reliable FBI contacts.

Trainees are reportedly taught about home invasions, firearms and ways to run vehicles off the road in order to kidnap occupants who owe drug debts.

This is beyond the FBI and Law enforcement’s scope. This is a military matter and needs to be handled as a National Security threat. Unfortunately we will not take this serious until a tragedy happens. This is a threat and we must watch these developments.