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Posts Tagged ‘Roger Stone’

Florida Govenor Rick Scott to cave on Obamacare Medicaid Expansion

by Phantom Ace ( 151 Comments › )
Filed under Election 2014, Healthcare, Progressives, Republican Party at February 21st, 2013 - 3:00 pm


I was never a huge fan of Florida Governor Rick Scott. Although I voted for him in 2010, there was something shady about him. My instinct were correct about him. After seeing Obama win re-election by carrying Florida and with continues low approvals, Rick Scott has decided to shift Left. In an about face, Gov. Scott has agreed to expand the Florida’s Medicaid program under Obama care.

Florida Governor Rick Scott supports expanding Medicaid in his state under President Barack Obama’s health-care law, at least while the federal government pays for it, a reversal of the Republican’s previous position.

Scott said yesterday in Tallahassee that he’ll ask state lawmakers to back the expansion. After the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the law in June, Scott said he wouldn’t expand Medicaid, the health-care program for the poor, in Florida. Once Obama won re-election in November, Scott said he was open to it.


“It is not a white flag of surrender to government-run health care,” Scott said. The states split Medicaid costs with the federal government.

Until 2017, the state won’t pay any of the cost of covering people made newly eligible for the program. Thereafter, states don’t have to pay more than 10 percent of the extra cost. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the federal government’s bill for the expansion will be about $638 billion through 2023. The states will pay about $63 billion, according to the CBO.

Rick Scott has already caved to elements of the republican Party on allowing Casino based Destination resorts to be built in Florida. Allowing the Casinos would bring in tourism, jobs and added revenue to Florida. But no, an element in the Republican party killed the idea. Now Gov. Rick Scott aka Skeletor caves to Obama on Medicaid expansion.What use is a Republican if they do not believe in economic liberty and fiscal responsibility?

There is no use in voting for a Republicans if they are not economic or fiscally Conservatives. That is why in the 2014 Midterms I will vote for Libertarian Party candidate Roger Stone. He’s a former Republican who worked on the winning Presidential campaigns of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. He got tired of the growing Statist nature and losing attitude of today’s Republican Party. He stands for economic and personal liberty. I will gladly vote for Roger Stone over that fraudster Rick Scott. Many other Republican I have spoken with, will also vote for Roger Stone. I will still vote Republcian at the Federal level in 2014, but Libertarian at the local level.

Bye bye Skeletor, you will be a one term wonder.

Roger Stone leaves GOP and joins the Libertarians

by Phantom Ace ( 10 Comments › )
Filed under Anarcho-Capitalism, Headlines, Progressives, Republican Party at March 15th, 2012 - 12:38 am

Roger Stone comes from old school Republican roots. He comes from a time when the GOP believed in fiscal discipline, a cautious foreign policy and in an opportunity society. Realizing what many old school Republicans have, that an influx of ex-Democrats has ruined the GOP and turn it into a carbon copy of the old FDR era Democratic Party, Stone has left the party. He has joined the Libertarian Party, which despite some of its lunacy represents what the Eisenhower-Reagan era Republican Party stood for.

The Grand Old Party has lost Roger Stone. The once-golden (if wild) child of right-minded Republicans has broken ranks — and left his past behind.

“On Monday, I left the Republican Party changing my Florida voter registration to the Libertarian Party,” he wrote Wednesday on his “Stone Zone” blog. “. . .To put it bluntly the Republican Party is hopelessly [expletive] up.”

His withering assesment of the GOP extends to its top contenders for president: Mitt Romney “converted to conservatism” to run; Newt Gingrich is a “thrice married ego-maniac with delusions of grandeur”; Rick Santorum “a religious fanatic who would tell other people how to live.”

Harsh words — but not surprising for anyone who’s worked with the flashy political operative and self-described “GOP hitman.” Stone, 59, was one of the most sought-after party insiders back in the day: He worked for Richard Nixon’s Committee to Re-elect the President and administration (and has a tattoo of Nixon on his back), Ronald Reagan’s presidential campaign, teamed up with famed political consultant Lee Atwater and had a hand in the 2000 Florida recount circus. He is famous for his political aphorisms (“Stone’s Rules”): “Admit nothing, deny everything, launch counterattack.”

This is nothing that should be dismissed. Roger Stone comes from Old School Republican roots. He feels as I do, that the GOP has gone in a nanny state direction. It resembles the Democratic Party of FDR. Roger Stone didn’t leave the Republican Party. The Republican Party left him and many others feel the same.

The hypocrisy of Mitt Romney

by Phantom Ace ( 1 Comment › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Headlines, Mitt Romney, Progressives, Republican Party at September 28th, 2011 - 4:45 pm

Mitt Romney is the most despicable Republican running. He is at his heart, a Progressive Republican. His attempts to be a Conservative are laughable if it wasn’t dangerous. He is demagogue on the social security issue. He’s also using nativist language to demagogue the illegal issue. He is using the Bush blueprint of using red meat to whip up the base.

Roger Stone takes Mitt Romney to task for his hypocrisy.

This column is about hypocrisy. As a libertarian, I support marriage equality for gays and abortion rights although I admit I have struggled mightily with the latter and my views have changed after the birth of my grandchildren. I have always been and remain a Second Amendment man.

Mitt Romney once agreed with me. When running for the US Senate in 1994, Romney supported abortion on demand, gay marriage and gun control. That same year he attacked President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush saying “I don’t want to take us back to that, to Reagan-Bush.”

Now suddenly Mitt Romney wants us to believe he is not only a fiscal conservative but a social conservative who “has always been pro-life” and now opposes same sex marriage. Can you say chameleon?


1994: Romney backed federal funding of abortion and the codification of Roe v. Wade

1999: Romney said, “When I am asked if am I pro-choice or pro-life, I say I refuse to accept either label.”

2002: Running for Massachusetts Governor, Romney said he was “devoted” to the pro-choice position.

2005: Romney Considered Abortion-Rights Supporter By Pro-Life Groups – Aide Claimed His Position Had Not Changed.

2006: Romneycare provides taxpayer-funded abortions.

2006: Romneycare guarantees Planned Parenthood a seat at the table


Mitt Romney also has a record of supporting gun control and has supported anti-second amendment initiatives:

1994: Romney supported the Brady Bill and Assault Weapons Ban, bragging his stance was “not going to make me the hero of the NRA.” “[Romney] said he will take stands that put him at odds with some traditional ultra-conservative groups, and cited his support for the assault rifle ban and the Brady gun control law. ‘That’s not going to make me the hero of the NRA,’ he said. ‘I don’t line up with a lot of special interest groups.'” (Andrew Miga, “Mitt Rejects Right-Wing Aid,” Boston Herald, 9/23/94)

Mitt Romney must be defeated at all costs. He is a walking electoral disaster and a demagogue. He is a vile and evil human