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Posts Tagged ‘Russian’

Sometimes One Detail Makes All The Difference.

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 83 Comments › )
Filed under Art, History, Humor, Open thread at May 8th, 2011 - 11:00 pm

That billboard was kinda cool on its own, but when some Russian wags added the missing detail it became very cool.  Then I wondered about the origin of the ubiquitous Trollface.

Trollface first appeared in 2008 on the website DeviantArt. Although the internet icon is sometimes called “coolface,” its creator, “Whynne” said:

“It’s trollface, not coolface. Eat a dick.”

And the late great Jim Varney (aka Ernest P. Worrell) shows how it’s done:

So now you know. Fun facts to know and tell, courtesy of The Blogmocracy via The Overnight Open Thread.

The Russians Understand the Problem Here

by coldwarrior ( 216 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Economy, Politics, Republican Party, Russia at January 18th, 2011 - 4:30 pm

The Russian immigrant community understands the problem here in the U.S.; while we natural born citizens, well at least 52% of we citizens don’t understand the problem that the United States is facing and the perils of the path that we are on. I have a feeling that the Cubans in Florida and other immigrants from former communist countries that live all around America understand the problem here in the U.S. while we slide toward Socialism:

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Many Russian immigrants to the “red borough” of Staten Island are flocking to the Republican Party, saying that the national Democrats’ “socialistic” policies remind them too much of the top-down oligarchy they fled in their native land.

With many of the borough’s Russian arrivees already owning businesses and active in civic organizations, their muscle could help the Island GOP solidify electoral gains made this year, when the party took back congressional and Assembly seats.

Businessman Arkadiy Fridman said that the newly formed Citizens Magazine Business Club, a confederation of more than 50 Russian-owned businesses here and in Brooklyn, has aligned itself with the Molinari Republican Club (MRC) in an effort to increase the Russian community’s political and economic clout…Fridman said that the Democrats “are going in an absolutely different direction,” focusing on “income redistribution” and rich-versus-poor “class war.”

The Citizens Club, formed earlier this month, looks to support and grow local businesses here; introduce Russian firms to the borough’s existing business and political communities, and promote Russian community representatives to serve in elected office.

MRC president Robert Scamardella has actively been courting members of the Russian community this year.

“One of the main initiatives I have pursued has been to expand the base of the party by reaching out to diverse potential constituencies and securing their support and involvement,” said Scamardella, an attorney.

“This decision by leaders of the local Russian community illustrates the effectiveness of this approach. We will continue to reach out to other communities and seek their association with the Republican Party.”

Former Borough President Guy Molinari, the MRC’s namesake, said he’d noticed over the years that Russian immigrants here tended to register Republican.

Molinari called the affiliation with MRC “a natural marriage.”

“They want to be involved, be part of the community,” Molinari said. “They come from a country where they weren’t able to express themselves, didn’t have the right to organize or vote. They appreciate it more than some of us who were born here.”

Brooklyn attorney David Storovin said that the fact that the MRC is made up of business professionals “who are successful in their own right,” also made the match an attractive one.

He said that he and other Russian immigrants are also drawn to the GOP’s traditional veneration of flag and country.

Reflecting the American Dream ideal that has drawn immigrants here since the county’s founding, Storovin said that many Russians are “grateful” for the religious, business and travel freedoms the United States provide, and want to show it.

“We do feel patriotic,” Storovin said.

Yevgeniy Lvovskiy, of the ZHL Group development firm, said that many Russians here also are looking to break ethnic stereotypes that paint Russia as being all about “Siberia, beer and vodka.”

“We are looking for an opportunity to prove ourselves,” said Lvovskiy, who came to the United States in 1999. “If you work hard, and do the right thing, you get rewarded. We want to show people we are normal.”

It’s that self-starting stance, he said, that makes Russians here more in line with GOP orthodoxy.

I would like everyone to compare the above attitudes with the attitudes that people who represent La Raza, CAIR,  and the like. In this case, the group want to become productive Americans wants to assimilate and wants the U.S. not to slide into the very Socialism from which they escaped. And yet, some our very own citizens and many of our elected officials just refuse to understand what is happening:

State Sen. Diane Savino (D-North Shore/Brooklyn) said she understands the Russian aversion to anything that looks like big government, but thinks the criticism of the Democratic Party is off-base.

“You can’t ignore the fact that the Russian population here came of age during the Soviet era,” said Ms. Savino, who counts many Russians among her Brooklyn constituents.

“They have different thoughts on what communism and socialism mean. They are a little more sensitive to it.

“But, that being said,” she added, “you can’t compare the policies of the Democratic Party with communism. It’s absurd.”

Tell me, State Senator, why is comparing what the Democratic Party stands for and does every day with the old Communists an absurdity?

“PHWEEET! Everybody Out of the Pool!”

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 251 Comments › )
Filed under Climate, Economy, Environmentalism, Healthcare, Humor, Open thread, Russia, Socialism at May 25th, 2010 - 10:00 pm

Russian single-occupant jacuzzi comes furnished with its own life guard. We won’t EVEN speculate on how it’s heated, where the water jets are, or why it bubbles occasionally. You’re on your own with this one, folks, which means it’s time for another Overnight Open Thread.

[Originally posted here.]