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Posts Tagged ‘Ted Cruz’

Harry Reid luanches nasty attack on Ted Cruz

by Phantom Ace ( 6 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Headlines, Progressives, Republican Party at October 18th, 2013 - 8:16 pm

It’s one thing for some on the Right to criticize Ted Cruz for launching this fight on Obamacare/The budget, it’s another matter what John McCain did by verbally going after him and siding with the Democrats. McCain gave the Democrats talking point to go after Cruz. Angry scold and nasty man Harry Reid launches a vile personal attack on Ted Cruz.

Harry Reid is certainly not the first politician to take a shot at Ted Cruz, but his attack might be the most personal.

“Ted Cruz, well, he proved he has a great fundraising operation,” Reid dismissively told the Huffington Post. “But you don’t have to have Harry Reid criticizing him. Republicans criticized him.”

“He is a laughingstock to everybody but him,” Reid continued.

Reid was no less caustic when discussing Cruz’s presidential ambitions, saying, “What has he accomplished other than raising some money for president? And if this man can get the nomination to be the Republican nominee for president, I pity the Republican Party.”

I for the life of me do not understand why Republicans don’t go after Harry Reid and paint him as the face of the Democrats.

Thanks to their terrible messaging skills, Obama Romneyizes the Republican Party

by Mojambo ( 206 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Elections 2012, Media, Mitt Romney, Republican Party, Tea Parties at October 18th, 2013 - 7:00 am

I have always maintained  that the Republicans have failed to learn the lessons of 2008 and the new information age that we are in. In many ways they are so stuck in a 1980’s mindset.

by Daniel Henninger

One of the more compelling finds in the opinion-polling swamps is that most people would like to see the entire Congress replaced. A more modest proposal: Let’s replace all the Republicans in Congress with their children or grandchildren. Bring in the 15-year-olds. How could it get worse?

From the House to the Senate, the Republicans look dazed and confused. Three weeks ago, Ted Cruz stood in the Senate chamber for nearly a day, looking like a hero. Today, with the GOP brand in a vertical dive, he looks like a Bozo balloon.

What do children know that the Republicans in Congress don’t know? The kids know, because it is the mother’s milk of their battery-powered lives, that if you don’t recognize shifts in the mighty flows of information, you will be swept aside, abandoned. You will be BlackBerry.

For all the changes in information delivery, not much ever changes for the GOP’s messaging skills.

Wind back to the 2012 presidential election. Recall how after it was over, the GOP promised that it would duplicate the incredible modern messaging machine the Obama team created across every available new-information platform. That delivery system was why across four years Barack Obama kept hammering “the 1%” and “the wealthiest.” He was feeding the machine that was emailing, texting and tweeting this propaganda to targeted audiences.

Now suddenly comes a marketing ploy from the GOP’s backbenches: “Defund ObamaCare.” This idea was supposed to rally the nation against the Affordable Care Act. So if you were to ask students in marketing at the local community college what they thought of “Defund ObamaCare,” what do you guess they might say? […….]Defund ObamaCare is now the Republicans’ New Coke.

Want a look at how a pro is spinning the Washington mess? Punch into Twitter.com and type “Barack Obama” into the search window. Click on “Barack Obama,” next to the “End This Now” logo. The Obama tweets the past week have been fairly amazing. As in the presidential campaign against Mitt Romney, the Twitter feeds going out in the name of the president of the United States are virtually wall-to-wall propaganda.


Everyone recalls the 2012 campaign’s carpet bombing of “the wealthiest,” even after they’d been shelled with a tax increase. Barack Obama has found—actually, it was handed to him—a scapegoat analogous to “the wealthiest” and “the banks” for his campaign to suppress votes for GOP candidates in the 2014 elections. It’s “tea party Republicans.”

Barack Obama: “Tea Party Republicans are threatening an economic shutdown. Tell them to #EndThisNow.”


Wednesday’s first Obama tweet: “Day 16 of the #TeaPartyShutdown. This can’t continue—Congress needs to #EndThisNow.”

This isn’t routine partisan noise. The Obama Twitter account lists 38,258,000 followers. Unless some of these are fake, that’s nearly 30% of the total popular vote in 2012. All through the week, this number rose as the site poured forth boiling oil.

Virtually every Obama tweet demonizes the tea party. Last week, within minutes of the collapse of the Obama-Boehner talks, the tweeting robot called “Barack Obama” had hung the collapse on the “tea party.”

Wednesday morning (with even the New York Post cover depicting Uncle Sam going over Niagara Falls on the “Brink of Disaster”), the machinery that runs @BarackObama rolled into view. It’s the former Obama re-election apparatus, which has shape-shifted into a 501(c)(4) group called Organizing for Action.


Republicans complain constantly that the media “lets him get away with it.” The media is floating down the electric river. No, they—the message-impoverished Republicans—let him get away with it. The Washington GOP is now a political Gulliver, tied down by tweets and twerps.

A month ago, before the congressional Republicans’ General Custer Caucus used “Defund ObamaCare” to vote themselves into their current, bullet-riddled fort, the Obama characterization of the entire GOP as “tea party Republicans” would have been a pathetic stretch. He was the one being laughed at by the whole world for his vanishing red lines in Syria and a foreign policy that even his own defense secretary described as “swinging from vine to vine.”

Not anymore. Barack Obama is Romneyizing the Republicans. He’s doing to Ted Cruz and the House Republicans what he did to Mitt Romney and the 1%. It may be voter brainwashing, but in the expanded media age in which we all marinate, it works.

Someone in the tea party outside the Beltway had better wake up and smell the smoke. The great nemesis has done it again: He’s turning them into political toast.

Read the rest – Obama Romneyizes the Republicans

Goldwaterite Comments:

One of the reasons I opposed this showdown was for the simple fact the Republicans have no message discipline. Besides having turncoats like John McCain back stabbing them, they never have a coherent argument. MacDuff made a very astute observation; Obama and the Democrats state what they are for. Republicans never say what they are for, just what they oppose.

Another factor in my reluctance for this showdown is the technological edge the Democrats have. Despite last years disastrous technology gap, this recent showdown proved the Democrats are light years again in using technology to get their message out. We may laugh at their animal hats, but the Tech savvy Hipsters ran circles against the “uptight” Republicans once again. I do not exaggerate when I say Hipsters are a danger. They once against proved they can outclass anything Republicans throw at them.

Finally once again the Republicans proved they have no tactics nor strategy. Instead of going after low hanging fruit like Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi, they went after Obama. Despite his lower approval ratings, many Americans have an emotional attachment to Obama. He’s more than a President, he’s a cultural symbol. Until the Right grasps this, Obama will chew them out for lunch time and time again.

The only way to defeat the Progressives is through asymmetrical guerrilla warfare. They have the advantage in technology, numbers and message discipline. Only a long term strategy of attrition and going after their weak points like Harry Reid will do them damage. These martyrdom suicidal stands like the recent budget showdown only play into the Democrat’s Party strength.  Sadly the current mentality among Conservatives is one that honors defeat, not one that strives for victory. It’s the honorable loser mentality why and why I have no political hope for the future of the Right. All I can advise people is to take care you of yours for the foreseeable future. Until the Right learns strategic long term thinking and message discipline, the Progressives will rule this nation.

Please read AZ Old Dog’s post on Data Mining.

Here is Politico’s behind the scenes anatomy of what happened during the showdown.

Friday with the ‘hammer: Republicans should have fought over the debt ceiling, not Obamacare funding

by Phantom Ace ( 113 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Republican Party at October 4th, 2013 - 12:00 pm

I know many disagree with my view that the Republicans by trying to defund Obamcare fell into Obama’s trap. For months Ted Cruz was telegraphing that he was going to rally Republicans for a showdown over Obamacare. This was the type of fight the Obama Regime and their Media cohorts wanted. The NSA spying scandal and his attempts to start a war in Syria, was doing him political damage. Now thanks to Government Shutdown Obama has the Republican Party as the perfect strawman to beat up on.

The fight the GOP should have had was the debt ceiling. The American public by a 2-1 margin were against raising the debt ceiling, without cuts. That is an issue the Republicans could have won on. Instead led by emotionalism, the Republican Party went right into the trap the Obama Regime and their media allies laid.

The mainstream media have been fairly unanimous in blaming the government shutdown on the GOP. Accordingly, House Republicans presented three bills to restore funding to national parks, veterans and the District of Columbia government. Democrats voted down all three. (For procedural reasons, the measures required a two-thirds majority.)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid won’t even consider these refunding measures. And the White House has promised a presidential veto.

The reason is obvious: to prolong the pain and thus add to the political advantage gained from a shutdown blamed on the GOP. They are confident the media will do a “GOP makes little Johnny weep at the closed gates of Yellowstone, film at 11” despite Republicans having just offered legislation to open them.


I don’t agree with current Republican tactics. I thought the defunding demand impossible and, therefore, foolish. I thought that if, nonetheless, the GOP insisted on making a stand, it should not be on shutting down the government, which voters oppose 5-to-1, but on the debt ceiling, which Americans favor 2-to-1 as a vehicle for restraining government.

The Republicans picked a fight on Obamacare funding the Obama Regime wanted over the debt ceiling, a fight they could have won. To make matters worse, John Boehner is now prepared to cave on the debt ceiling.

WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner has privately told Republican lawmakers anxious about fallout from the government shutdown that he would not allow a potentially more crippling federal default as the atmosphere on Capitol Hill turned increasingly tense on Thursday.

Mr. Boehner’s comments, recounted by multiple lawmakers, that he would use a combination of Republican and Democratic votes to increase the federal debt limit if necessary appeared aimed at reassuring his colleagues — and nervous financial markets — that he did not intend to let the economic crisis spiral further out of control.

Once again, Republican voters have been played. John Boehner goes along with a losing fight, over a fight they could have won. If this is not evidence the GOP is the stupid party that has no strategic thinking I don’t know what is. I know people will  view me as the bad guy or RINO for disagreeing with the Conservative conventional wisdom, that Republicans are winning on the showdown and this was brilliant of  Republicans. But it is my responsibility to tell the readers of this blog the truth of the political situation.

Now that the milk has been spilled, crying over it will change nothing. The Republican Party needs to hold firm. If it means keeping the governmnet shutdown for months so be it. They should not cave on the debt ceiling either. John Boehner needs to be read the riot act on this. The Republicans need to damage Obama as much as possible, so it becomes a draw, that is the only way out of this trap

Old And Busted – Standing On Principle, New Hotness – Faux Outrage

by Flyovercountry ( 49 Comments › )
Filed under Conservatism, Republican Party at September 30th, 2013 - 8:00 am

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Perhaps one of the most bizarre occurrences over this past week took place yesterday afternoon. While Ted Cruz was busy taking his show from the floor of the Senate, after 21 hours of marathon speechifying, to the Rush Limbaugh Show, the Democrat Response to his debate was delivered by John McCain (Rino), Arizona. John McCain did manage to stick with honesty for at least part of his response, in that he and his Senate colleagues did manage to put up an admirable fight for an entire year to keep this disaster from becoming law. I do remember that it should have been passed with greater ease, with the Democrats holding a super majority in the Senate, and a huge advantage in the House. So, yes the gang, including John McCain, did put up a valiant effort. We read on several occasions that the bill was dead, but as it turned out, that was only a ploy by Democrats to keep America from noticing what it was that they were up to. In the end, the Senate did manage to pass the legislation, and they did so using a piece of legislative underhandedness called budget reconciliation. That sentence will be important later on.

I also remember the anger of the American People being expressed via the 2010 Midterm Elections. Those elections were nothing short of a retraining order filed against the President and his team of cheats, crooks, and cronies. More importantly, it was also the voice of the American People saying loud and clear, we want the Obama Agenda stopped, and we want it stopped immediately. I also remember that a couple of weeks later, a lame duck session of Congress got together, with a Democrat super majority in the Senate and a huge Democrat majority still intact in the House, and passed some of the Obama wish list, all of which was blamed on the newly elected Republican majority, still unable to do anything to stop it.

I also remember that the House passed bill after bill repealing Obamacare, and notice that they were reelected also, showing that the American People seem to be on board with that idea. Keep that in mind as you watch McCain’s passionately delivered Democrat response to Ted Cruz’s speech.


John McCain’s plea for capitulation as the answer to the voice of the people is at best moronic. I could almost see that as being the case if Obamacare had been mentioned at any level beyond in passing by anyone on Team Romney during the campaign. The fact of the matter is that since Obamacare was 100% a rip off of Romneycare in Massachusetts, and since the same dumb ass establishment that sold us John McCain as the only one who could win in 2008 got us as a group to bite on Mitt Romney for the same exact reason, we mostly took this stink hole of a law off of the campaign table. The vote in 2012 was in no way a referendum on Obamacare, nor did any of the members of the Republican brain trust attempt to make it one. If it had been, the result would have been different. Something else McCain seems to have missed, is the fact that Barack Obama was not the only person to win an election in 2012. Ted Cruz also won an election. He was elected to be the Senator from Texas, and his constituents elected him precisely because he promised to do exactly what he is doing. The Republicans won the House of Representatives, and they won explicitly on the promise to do exactly what they are doing. That, and the simple fact that the only reason that the Republicans currently have as many as 45 Senators is precisely because each and every one of them promised to govern somewhere to the right of Barry Goldwater, someone from Senator McCain’s very state by the way. This should clue the canvas kissing doddering old fool into the realization that while Cruz’s method of continuing this fight might not have been the best tactical method available to the GOP, he and his fellow establishment leaders provided zero alternative. His choice was between doing what he’s done so far, or to simply accept the surrender that he and those who voted for him refuse to accept. Last but not least, for Ted Cruz this fight is not about how best should the party proceed in order to win and maintain power. For Ted Cruz, this fight is about doing what’s best for the American People, and quite frankly, that is something that I personally would like to see a lot more of, from our national leaders. At any point during John McCain’s Democrat response to Ted Cruz, did it ever cross his mind that sometimes, politicians should just do what is right and not worry so much about how it is going to affect their base of power?

Something else struck me about the response to Senator Cruz yesterday, and that was the arguments refuting his 21 hours of debate added up to nothing more than ad hominems, non sequiturs, and straw man attacks. On the replays shown by most media outlets, they carefully edited his comments to appear as though he spent 21 hours reading a Dr. Seuss book and comparing his fellow Senators to Neville Chamberlain. After hearing this, John McCain of course took his comparison out of context, and inserted the Nazi’s as a suitable substitute for the comparison that Cruz actually meant to make. The problem with faux outrage you see is that sometimes, what is actually said or meant will simply not produce the same level of anger that the combatant wishes others to feel. The simple fact is that Senator Cruz did not mention the Nazis, nor did he mention their atrocities, nor did he compare in any way what was happening in the Senate to the Holocaust. John McCain and Chuck Schumer did that, and they did so in a way that you were supposed to believe that Ted Cruz did it. Both of these men should be ashamed of themselves. They should, but then again, I believe that both of them are pathologically prohibited from such feelings.

Just another point to make, and that is this. In a world where many previous U.S. Senators have resorted to reading the Washington D.C. White Pages as a means of keeping the floor, Ted Cruz’s reading of Dr. Seuss is a welcomed respite. A 21 hour speech, which by the way, his had a far higher percentage of actual cogent argumentation than most previous such endeavors, is a difficult thing to piece together. Schumer’s complaint that Dr. Seuss himself would disagree, when that clearly had nothing to do with any of the reasons for opposing this rotten Law is low brow at best. I notice that none of the Democrats will say anything positive about this law that they’ve passed without reading. Not a single one of them is willing to enter into the debate, nor were they while it was passed.

Think about that for a moment. This Law was passed without having been read or debated. It took a year, during which time not one person explained it, defended it, debated its merits, or even estimated its impact. It was passed finally by using budget reconciliation, which by the way opens it up for debate as a budgetary item. So, while Barack Obama stands on his podium, behind the Teleprompter Of The United States of America, and proclaims that he will not allow the Republicans to use the budget as a bargaining chip to blackmail America with respect to this law, it was passed specifically as a budgetary concern, through the budget reconciliation process.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.