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Posts Tagged ‘Washington Post’

Does the #Occupy Movement Speak for You?

by 1389AD ( 117 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Barack Obama, CAIR, Communism, Democratic Party, Economy, Elections 2012, Media, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazism, Socialism, unemployment, Unions at October 26th, 2011 - 8:30 am

Lech Walesa
Lech Walesa rejects OWS

Some of the #Occupy movement signs and slogans seem to resonate with many onlookers. Maybe it’s because they’ve stolen a few talking points (but very little else) from the Tea Party. Maybe it’s because the sympathetic mainstream media carefully edits out what they don’t want you to see.

Let’s take a closer look.

Is this you?

Are you frustrated and angry about unemployment, inflation, the decreasing economic opportunities, the burden of debt, and the declining standard of living in North America, much of Europe, and elsewhere? Are you worried about the sovereign debt problems that bedevil the international financial system?

So am I.

Do you empathize with those struggling to make ends meet in low-paid, part-time jobs? Do you consider bailouts to be unconstitutional, politically and economically unwise, and morally wrong? Do you believe that the Federal Reserve system puts too much power into the hands of too few people who are not accountable to the voters and taxpayers?

So do I.

The Occupy movement blames our predicament on “billionaires”, “rich corporations”, and “Wall Street bankers”. They offer no basis for their accusations, but merely pander to the temptations of envy, sloth, and greed to which all of us are prone.

I agree with Herman Cain in placing most of the blame on Barack Obama and his failed policies. I also blame other public officials in the US and elsewhere whose policies brought about our financial downfall.

Whose side are they on?

Let’s see…the Occubaggers have got the commies, the socialists, the anarchists, the American Nazi Party, the George Soros front groups including the Open Society Institute, the Tides Foundation, and MoveOn.org, along with Code Pink and Michael Moore, the Muslim Brotherhood and its front group CAIR (more about CAIR and its connections here and here), the SEIU, the AFL-CIO, the leftist establishment media including the New York Times and the Washington Post, Frances Fox Piven, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Khamenei, Hugo Chavez, David Duke, and, of course, that architect of failure and scapegoater-in-chief, Barack Hussein Obama himself.

Along for the ride are the aging drugged-out hippies reliving Woodstock, the young drugged-out prep school and college kids looking for a place to fornicate al fresco, the paid shills, the student loan debtors with useless degrees, the trust-fund babies, the anti-Semites, the LGBT nudists, the race-card players, the outdoor urinators and defecators, the pro-abort feminazis, the tree-huggers, the vegans, and the mentally ill. (Many of these categories overlap.) Rounding out the rogue’s gallery are various drug dealers, crackheads, junkies, thieves, rapists, street bums and other lumpenproletariat, and felons hiding out from the law.

None of them speak for me.

Nor do they speak for Lech Walesa.

Former Polish President Won’t Attend #OccupyWallStreet After Citizen Journalists Expose Its Radical Roots

Lech Walesa, former president of Poland, champion in the fight against communism, and winner of the Liberty Medal and Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1989, has decided to not make a trip to New York in support of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Last week the AP reported that Walesa was backing the Occupy “movement” and considered traveling to New York in support of the growing nationwide mob activity that currently plagues the United States. However, when former Illinois gubernatorial candidate Adam Andrzejewski, (For the Good of Illinois) found out about this, he quickly reached out to his contacts in Poland to alert the former president to the truth behind this radical movement.

“We made the point that the political themes of Occupy Wall Street may have started out with some of the principles that we share, but OWS themes were rapidly being morphed into anti-freedom and anti-liberty messages. At the core is the want for a big, powerful central government to dominate the lives of individual citizens.” -Andrzejewski

In his write-up last night at BigGovernment.com, Andrzejewski stated that with the help of BigGoverment and other sources, he was able to convey an accurate picture of the Occupy movement, particularly that it is “…organized by anarchists, Code Pink, the American Communist movement, jihadists, anti-Israel, socialist, and anti- free enterprise interests.” After reviewing this information about the true nature of the demonstrations, Walesa and his team withdrew their support and will not be attending any Occupy protests.

We were overjoyed to learn that recent Rebel Pundit investigative reports and footage were able to play an an important role in Walesa’s decision. According to Andrzejewski:

“They appreciated the inside info- they weren’t getting that in Poland from the European media.”

Much more here.

Also see:

So…does the #Occupy movement speak for you? Unless you truly are a leftist, with all that this implies, the answer is no.

SMH smiley saying 'No'

Washington Post tipped off Al Awlaki

by Kafir ( 62 Comments › )
Filed under Islamic Supremacism, Islamic Terrorism, Media, Politics at May 26th, 2010 - 11:00 am

I came across this article on NewsRealBlog yesterday and it really made my blood boil. They link a page at Memri that was pretty interesting. Apparently Anwar Awlaki owes the Washington Post a debt of gratitude.

It starts off with this little gem:

Yemeni-American Jihadi Cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki in First Interview with Al-Qaeda Media Calls on Muslim U.S. Servicemen to Kill Fellow Soldiers and says: “My Message to the Muslims…is that we should Participate in this Jihad against America…”

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We know all about your “message”. I have a question though. The media and/or apologists for Islamic terrorism keep trying to convince people that jihad is simply an inner struggle that has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism. How do you participate in an “inner struggle” against an outside force?

Someone has some ‘splainin to do. Maybe there ARE jihadis that just want to kill the infidel.

Anyway, on down in the article we get this little bit of information…

“They shut down my website following Nidal Hasan’s operation. I had posted an article of mine in support of what Nidal Hasan did, and so, they shut down my website. Then I read in the Washington Post that they were monitoring my communications. So I was forced to stop these communications. I left that region, and then the American air strikes took place.

Tipped off by the Washington Post.

So the Washington Post let him know that his communications were being monitored and for some odd reason he stops those communications.


He continues…

“My message to the Muslims in general, and to those in the Arabian Peninsula in particular, is that we should participate in this Jihad against America. Today, America leads the global Crusader campaign against the Muslims. The America of today is the Pharaoh of the past. We should take part in it. We have a glimmer of hope in this small band of mujahideen in Afghanistan, in Iraq, and in Somalia, who have managed to bring the US army to its knees. Due to this Jihad, the US economy is reeling today. If that small band of mujahideen have managed to defeat America, imagine what would happen if the Islamic nation rose up. America cannot withstand this Islamic nation. It is too weak. America’s cunning is weaker than a spider web.”

Yeah, well my message to muslims in general- stop your crazies or we will.

Read the whole thing here: Yemeni-American Jihadi Cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki in First Interview with Al-Qaeda Media Calls on Muslim U.S. Servicemen to Kill Fellow Soldiers and says: “My Message to the Muslims…is that we should Participate in this Jihad against America…”

Washington Post Stands Up For Rashid Khalidi

by Phantom Ace ( 1 Comment › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Election 2008, Islamists at October 31st, 2008 - 10:49 am

An editorial in the Washington Post springs to the defense of former PLO spokesman Rashid Khalidi, dismissing Khalidi’s radicalism and ridiculing the McCain campaign for mentioning Barack Obama’s long association with him: An ‘Idiot Wind’.

If you need one more example of how the mainstream media are completely in the tank for Obama, this is it. The editorial repeats Obama campaign talking points and Khalidi’s evasions word for word.

WITH THE presidential campaign clock ticking down, Sen. John McCain has suddenly discovered a new boogeyman to link to Sen. Barack Obama: a sometimes controversial but widely respected Middle East scholar named Rashid Khalidi. In the past couple of days, Mr. McCain and his running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin, have likened Mr. Khalidi, the director of a Middle East institute at Columbia University, to neo-Nazis; called him “a PLO spokesman”; and suggested that the Los Angeles Times is hiding something sinister by refusing to release a videotape of a 2003 dinner in honor of Mr. Khalidi at which Mr. Obama spoke.

Saying that the McCain campaign “likened Khalidi to neo-Nazis” is a blatant distortion, of course. McCain raised a hypothetical case to illustrate the bias of the media, saying: “I’m not in the business about talking about media bias but what if there was a tape with John McCain with a neo-Nazi outfit being held by some media outlet. I think the treatment of the issue would be slightly different.” And sure enough, as if to prove McCain’s point, today the Washington Post is distorting the statement.

Is it surprising to see the Post deny and distort like this? Not really. They’ve had a serious problem telling terrorists and their shills from ordinary citizens for quite a long time. Here are just a few of the terrorists and/or terror apologists who’ve been granted access to the Washington Post’s op-ed pages recently:

Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah, spiritual leader of Hezbollah.
Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar.
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.
Deported Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook.

Also see:
Soccer Dad: Running interference for rashid.

(Hat tip:Nacy)

IPT: Washington Post Puts Target on Prosecutor’s Back

by Phantom Ace Comments Off on IPT: Washington Post Puts Target on Prosecutor’s Back
Filed under Terrorism at September 20th, 2008 - 3:17 pm

The Washington Post, once again, is on the wrong side of the battle to expose jihadis in the United States: Washington Post Reporter Puts Target on Prosecutor’s Back.

Many have chronicled the odd relationship between the Western media and the forces of radical Islam, perhaps the starkest incident being the refusal of almost the entire mainstream media to publish the Danish cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed, even as a wake of destruction and series of violent threats were unleashed by religiously motivated mobs as a result.

While fear of threats and reprisals were clearly a motivating factor in that case, there are other instances where the motivation is slightly harder to divine. A recent case in point is Washington Post reporter Jerry Markon. In an article titled “Relentless Terrorism Prosecutor Faces Accusations of His Own,” Markon has carelessly bought in to an Islamist propaganda campaign against one of America’s finest and bravest prosecutors, Assistant U.S. Attorney Gordon Kromberg of the Eastern District of Virginia.

Markon trots out the complaints of a convicted terrorist operative and a coterie of his defense lawyers that Kromberg’s actions are somehow driven by religious bias rather than a desire – and a duty – to hold criminals accountable for their actions. The result of Markon’s “reporting” is to put a target on Kromberg’s back and to scare off government lawyers from taking similar cases targeting criminal radical Islamists – lest reporters from major newspapers accuse them of religious bigotry and stymie future career prospects or higher government appointments.

Success breeds contempt, and Kromberg’s track record, which includes not just locking up Islamic terrorists, but other major criminals like FBI spy Robert Hanssen and United Way CEO William Aramony, speaks for itself. But let’s look at Markon’s vacuous treatment of one of the terrorism prosecutions:

“Kromberg’s highest-profile case since joining the office’s new terrorism unit after Sept. 11 was what prosecutors called the ‘Virginia jihad network,’ 11 Muslim men convicted on such charges as preparing for holy war by, among other things, playing paintball. Justice officials hailed it as a classic post-Sept. 11 case of prevention, but civil libertarians and some Muslims said it targeted Muslim men.”

Markon’s fixation on the paintball aspect is nothing more than an attempt to belittle the significance of what happened. Of the 11 defendants, six pled guilty and three were found guilty of terrorist related charges. Most had, in addition to, yes, training in Northern Virginia with paintball guns, also trained at Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) camps in Pakistan for the purpose of joining the Taliban to fight against U.S. forces in Afghanistan. LeT was designated by the U.S. government as a terrorist group in 2001 after its violent takeover of the Indian parliament.

Read the whole thing…

(Hat tip:Hat tip Nancy@LGF)