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Posts Tagged ‘AFL-CIO’

Does the #Occupy Movement Speak for You?

by 1389AD ( 117 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Barack Obama, CAIR, Communism, Democratic Party, Economy, Elections 2012, Media, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazism, Socialism, unemployment, Unions at October 26th, 2011 - 8:30 am

Lech Walesa
Lech Walesa rejects OWS

Some of the #Occupy movement signs and slogans seem to resonate with many onlookers. Maybe it’s because they’ve stolen a few talking points (but very little else) from the Tea Party. Maybe it’s because the sympathetic mainstream media carefully edits out what they don’t want you to see.

Let’s take a closer look.

Is this you?

Are you frustrated and angry about unemployment, inflation, the decreasing economic opportunities, the burden of debt, and the declining standard of living in North America, much of Europe, and elsewhere? Are you worried about the sovereign debt problems that bedevil the international financial system?

So am I.

Do you empathize with those struggling to make ends meet in low-paid, part-time jobs? Do you consider bailouts to be unconstitutional, politically and economically unwise, and morally wrong? Do you believe that the Federal Reserve system puts too much power into the hands of too few people who are not accountable to the voters and taxpayers?

So do I.

The Occupy movement blames our predicament on “billionaires”, “rich corporations”, and “Wall Street bankers”. They offer no basis for their accusations, but merely pander to the temptations of envy, sloth, and greed to which all of us are prone.

I agree with Herman Cain in placing most of the blame on Barack Obama and his failed policies. I also blame other public officials in the US and elsewhere whose policies brought about our financial downfall.

Whose side are they on?

Let’s see…the Occubaggers have got the commies, the socialists, the anarchists, the American Nazi Party, the George Soros front groups including the Open Society Institute, the Tides Foundation, and MoveOn.org, along with Code Pink and Michael Moore, the Muslim Brotherhood and its front group CAIR (more about CAIR and its connections here and here), the SEIU, the AFL-CIO, the leftist establishment media including the New York Times and the Washington Post, Frances Fox Piven, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Khamenei, Hugo Chavez, David Duke, and, of course, that architect of failure and scapegoater-in-chief, Barack Hussein Obama himself.

Along for the ride are the aging drugged-out hippies reliving Woodstock, the young drugged-out prep school and college kids looking for a place to fornicate al fresco, the paid shills, the student loan debtors with useless degrees, the trust-fund babies, the anti-Semites, the LGBT nudists, the race-card players, the outdoor urinators and defecators, the pro-abort feminazis, the tree-huggers, the vegans, and the mentally ill. (Many of these categories overlap.) Rounding out the rogue’s gallery are various drug dealers, crackheads, junkies, thieves, rapists, street bums and other lumpenproletariat, and felons hiding out from the law.

None of them speak for me.

Nor do they speak for Lech Walesa.

Former Polish President Won’t Attend #OccupyWallStreet After Citizen Journalists Expose Its Radical Roots

Lech Walesa, former president of Poland, champion in the fight against communism, and winner of the Liberty Medal and Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1989, has decided to not make a trip to New York in support of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Last week the AP reported that Walesa was backing the Occupy “movement” and considered traveling to New York in support of the growing nationwide mob activity that currently plagues the United States. However, when former Illinois gubernatorial candidate Adam Andrzejewski, (For the Good of Illinois) found out about this, he quickly reached out to his contacts in Poland to alert the former president to the truth behind this radical movement.

“We made the point that the political themes of Occupy Wall Street may have started out with some of the principles that we share, but OWS themes were rapidly being morphed into anti-freedom and anti-liberty messages. At the core is the want for a big, powerful central government to dominate the lives of individual citizens.” -Andrzejewski

In his write-up last night at BigGovernment.com, Andrzejewski stated that with the help of BigGoverment and other sources, he was able to convey an accurate picture of the Occupy movement, particularly that it is “…organized by anarchists, Code Pink, the American Communist movement, jihadists, anti-Israel, socialist, and anti- free enterprise interests.” After reviewing this information about the true nature of the demonstrations, Walesa and his team withdrew their support and will not be attending any Occupy protests.

We were overjoyed to learn that recent Rebel Pundit investigative reports and footage were able to play an an important role in Walesa’s decision. According to Andrzejewski:

“They appreciated the inside info- they weren’t getting that in Poland from the European media.”

Much more here.

Also see:

So…does the #Occupy movement speak for you? Unless you truly are a leftist, with all that this implies, the answer is no.

SMH smiley saying 'No'

Jimmy Hoffa Jr. calls for taking out the Tea Party

by Phantom Ace ( 173 Comments › )
Filed under Business, Communism, Economy, Elections 2012, Progressives, unemployment at September 5th, 2011 - 8:00 pm

The media loves to claim the Right uses violent rhetoric. They remain silent when Leftists like Teamster leader Jimmy Hoffa Jr. use violent rhetoric against Conservatives. At a Labor day rally, Hoffa called for taking the Republicans out. He also called his follower’s Obama’s army.

This fits with a report Osprey linked and I made a thread on. The Obama Regime is resorting to Totalitarian Progressive/3rd World Liberation tactics to maintain power.

Next time the Left complains about Conservative Rhetoric, throw Hoffa’s words back at them. The Cold Civil War gets hotter.

Here’s a picture of AFL-CIO head Richard Trumka.

Clearly he’s channeling his icon, Vladimir Lenin

Trumpka and Hoffa Jr Are Neo-Leninists Neo-Stalinists.

Update: Coldwarrior made a great observation. Trumka resembles Stalin!

(Update Hat Tip: Coldwarrior)

“AFL-CIO head: Labor to ditch Democrats” – A Split on the Left???

by coldwarrior ( 44 Comments › )
Filed under Business, Economy, government, unemployment, Unions at August 26th, 2011 - 11:30 am

We have been hearing for moths now that the Right is split and and full of rancor and dis-unity. Well, now it turns out that the Left is having the same trouble. Trumka and the AFL-CIO are ditching the Democrats and heading out on their own. his is going to put a massive hole in the Democrat Party coffers and severely limit their manpower on the street.


The growing rift between labor and their Democratic allies was on full display Thursday, as AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka told reporters that labor groups are planning to scale back their involvement with the Democratic Party in advance of the 2012 elections.

Going forward, Trumka said, the labor movement will build up its own political structures and organizations rather than contribute to and depend on the Democratic Party’s political operation.

“We’re going to use a lot of our money to build structures that work for working people” Trumka said. “You’re going to see us give less money to build structures for others, and more of our money will be used to build our own structure.”Trumka’s remarks follow the news that the AFL-CIO will set up a so-called super PAC, allowing the nation’s largest labor federation to spend unlimited amounts of money on political activity for next year’s elections and beyond. Trumka confirmed Thursday that the union is moving forward with plans to create the PAC.

Labor has traditionally been a major contributor to Democratic candidates and causes around the country. Trumka said that their outside effort will help keep union-backed candidates more accountable for promises made on the campaign trail.

“Let’s assume we spent $100 in the last election,” he said, explaining the union’s position.

“The day after Election Day, we were no stronger than we were the day before,” said Trumka. “If we had spent that [$100] on creating a structure for working people that would be there year round, then we are stronger.”

Oh yes, it gets better!

Speaking to reporters at a breakfast sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor, Trumka also said that many in the labor movement are weighing whether to skip the party’s 2012 convention.

“There are some of our affiliates that aren’t going to participate,” said Trumka. “We’re still talking about it.”

Relations between labor and the Obama administration have cooled over outstanding issues like the failure to pass a union-backed card check bill that would ease organizing, as well as the administration’s support for free-trade agreements with Colombia, South Korea and Panama.

Well, not really. The Card Check issues is the concern of the higher up leadership. Card Check  really doesn’t matter to the rank and file. The Free Trade agreements matter to the rank and file tho. And from what i am hearing through sources, many of the unions aren’t going to the dem convention NOT because they are on board with Trumka’s new PAC, but because they despise Obama.

The carpenters and joiners, electricians, plumbers etc. are out of work…and they are blaming Obama and the dems. They are also fed up with how far LEFT the Democrat party has gone in the past 10 years.

This might be the split where the rank and file of the union officially leaves the Democrat Party. They have seen the daylight, more work than they could take on under Bush, and now the night, unemployment under Obama.


Trumka articulated a broader critique of the Obama administration, telling reporters that the president has allowed Republicans to set the terms of debate — focusing on what he called a manufactured debt crisis instead of a jobs agenda.

So the Communist Trumka has finally gone all Trotsky on the Democrats and decided to take the fight into his own hands. That is fine with me. Any fractures on the Left make me smile!


Cause I’m The Tax Man….Yea, I’m The Tax Man…

by WrathofG-d ( 92 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Politics, Socialism at September 1st, 2009 - 3:02 pm

Let me tell you how it will be.  There’s one for you; nineteen for me…

View ImageAFL-CIO, Dems Push New Wall Street Tax

The nation’s largest labor union and some allied Democrats are pushing a new tax that would hit big investment firms such as Goldman Sachs reaping billions of dollars in profits while the rest of the economy sputters.

The AFL-CIO, one of the Democratic Party’s most powerful allies, would like to assess a small tax — about a tenth of a percent — on every stock transaction.

[Thea Lee, policy director at the AFL-CIO. said that] “The big disadvantage of most taxes is that they discourage some really productive activity,” she said. “This would discourage numerous financial transactions. People flip their assets several times in an hour or a day. They make money but does it really add to the productive base of the United States?

Lee said that taxing every stock transaction a tenth of a percent could raise between $50 billion and $100 billion per year, which could be used to pay for infrastructure projects and other spending priorities. She said the tax could be applied nationwide or internationally.

The AFL-CIO and some allied Democrats would like to cut down on the overall level of trading, or at least give the U.S. government a piece of the action, which would likely tamp down trading.

Democrats and labor officials would also like to take a bite out of Goldman’s profits. Liberals are angry the company, which immersed itself in the frenzy of speculation leading to last year’s financial collapse, is now making huge profits after accepting (and repaying) $10 billion in government aid. Goldman employees are on track to earn an average of more than $700,000 this year.

There is also a growing realization among Obama administration officials and lawmakers that tax increases may be necessary to curb the ballooning federal deficit.

{The Article}

Spreading the wealth around? Check! Attempting to control the free actions of the people? Check! Spending other people’s money? Check! Arrogant attitude about how much others should make? Check!  Check!  Internationalism?  Check!

Ah…this must be “Change We Can Believe In”.

…And your working for no one but me!


Let’s put this Congressional “generosity” in context:

–  Congress’ Travel On Taxpayer’s Dime Rises Tenfold