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Another Example of Economic Elitism

by Phantom Ace ( 48 Comments › )
Filed under Economy at April 27th, 2009 - 8:25 am

If you want to see why the Right is in trouble, it is articles like this one. As is known the American IT industry has been decimated by India and China. Our companies no longer want high skilled American workers. Instead they want to outsource to India or enemies like China, or bring in more Indians and Chinese with the H-1B Visas. This has led to decreased wages and lower standard of living that has contributed to this economic crisis of course this Globalist/Free Trader doesn’t grasp this.

We Need an Immigration Stimulus

The pace of lower-skilled migration has slowed due to higher unemployment. This could make it less contentious to ease the path to legalization for the 12 million undocumented workers and their families in the U.S. It’s also a good time to ask why we turn away skilled workers, including the ones earning 60% of the advanced degrees in engineering at U.S. universities. It is worth pointing out the demographic shortfall: Immigrants are a smaller proportion of the U.S. population than in periods such as the late 1890s and 1910s, when immigrants gave the economy a jolt of growth.

Immigrants have had a disproportionate role in innovation and technology. Companies founded by immigrants include Yahoo, eBay and Google. Half of Silicon Valley start-ups were founded by immigrants, up from 25% a decade ago. Some 40% of patents in the U.S. are awarded to immigrants. A recent study by the Kauffman Foundation found that immigrants are 50% likelier to start businesses than natives. Immigrant-founded technology firms employ 450,000 workers in the U.S. And according to the National Venture Capital Association, immigrants have started one quarter of all U.S. venture-backed firms.

This is all BS. H-1 B visas lower wages and squeeze Native Born Americans out of Hi-Tech jobs. This leads to lack of native born which is dangerous. By doing this, this discourages Americans from getting involved in these industries.

I favor Immigration, but not the type that destroys the well being of Americans like the H-1B Visa program. Globalization has destroyed America, why keep going down a dead end path. We have plenty of talent here, let us use it!


Just for the record, I am NOT an Economic Conservative. I am Rightwing on National Security issues and Libertarian on Social Issues. I stand for the Traditional Judeo-Christian/Greco-Roman Culture of America/Europe/Latin America/Israel/Phillipines. However when it comes to economics, I stand with the Populist side of the economic debate. I support free markets but not Corporatism/Free Trade/Globalization. That is where I stand. I put National interests above Corporate interests.

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