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Posts Tagged ‘blogging’

Caturday: The Crazy Edition

by 1389AD ( 161 Comments › )
Filed under Caturday, Golden Age of Television, Open thread at July 30th, 2011 - 7:30 pm

Lolcat at computer: 'I are not a crazy'

PJM: Tips for Not Appearing Crazy on the Internet

…In a recent column, I touched on the topic of conspiracy theories, which of course brought in lots of crazy people to the comments section. As I looked through the responses, I noticed how easy it was to scan them or just read the first sentence and say, “Well, this one is a crazy person.” And lots of people scan like this, because crazy people have this habit of self-identifying on the internet that allows sane people to skip over what they have to say before even getting to the crazy point. Thus crazy people never even get heard.
Now, I’m not going to try to tell people how not to be crazy anymore. That’s a long, involved process of correctly identifying the internal things making them angry in their own psyches that they instead project onto external things. And it sounds hella boring. Instead, I’m only going to tell you how to conceal your craziness. I’m going to teach you how to take your freak flag and fold it up and put it in your back pocket. If you’re successful, people are going to have to really read your points before understanding that you’re crazy. They might even miss your crazy entirely and really consider what you have to say (e.g., “This guy makes some interesting points; maybe I should find out more about this ‘Ron Paul’ person”). Doesn’t that sound great, you social outcasts and conspiracy nuts?

I see some crazed nodding. Let’s get started.
i can haz proper grammar?

Here’s another pretty basic one: no lolcats speak. Write actual English sentences using real words and proper grammar. Capitalize the first word of each sentence. Use punctuation. there is no reason ur comment 2 a blog or column shud look lik ur a n00b at texting. You’re not writing these things from a old cellphone with just a number pad that lacks auto-complete; there is a big keyboard in front of you.

You save like 0.1 seconds writing “u” instead of “you” at the cost of making yourself look like an absolute idiot. Is there any reason you’re trying to shave off this time? Are there wild dogs bearing down on you as you write why we need another look at Obama’s birth certificate? If so, run from the wild dogs and write your comment later. Your whole sentence shouldn’t scream, “I’m a useless idiot with nothing important to say.” You should never write like that unless you actually are a cat expressing your desire for a cheeseburger.

No Long Screeds
[And no manifestos, either! – 1389]

On the other end of the spectrum from the lolcats speak is the guy who apparently has hours to spare writing pages of response as the 200th comment to some blog post. There are people who have long things to say, and they do it by writing columns or writing in their own blogs. But if you can’t get your column published and no one reads your blog, maybe you’re thinking you’ll get exposure by putting the long screed in the comments section of something people actually will read.


Sane people know that the only people who have hours to spend writing pages of text in a comments section are crazy people. And that’s why no will read what they write except other crazy people with way too much time on their hands. So keep it short. Pick one point, and write no more than a couple of sentences. Keeping it short also helps you police your crazy. I’ve seen comments where I’ve read the first paragraph and thought maybe the person was just a little over-enthusiastic, and then I started the second paragraph and realized, “Oh, this is a super crazy person.” So keep it pithy, and avoid the crazy.
Respond to an Actual Point and Not Just Something That’s Been Mentioned

Ever watch a paid partisan shill who, no matter what is said, will go to his couple of talking points? Now that has less to do with being stupid or crazy than just being soulless, but lots of crazy people are the same way, going back to the crazy stuff they really want to talk about no matter what subject people are actually on. And often crazy people will just read until they see a word or phrase that sets them off and then go off on a big, crazy rant before even reading the whole thing they’re reacting to. Often, then, they’re completely missing the point or missing that something is satire and taking it seriously.

Now, I know when people have crazy in their brains, it is really impatient to be let out. Still, you need to teach your crazy to wait and make sure you are actually listening to and understanding what you’re responding to. Like if someone mentions when Hanukkah is this year and you respond with a rant about Jews controlling the banks, you’re not actually having a sane person conversation. You’re just reacting to words someone is saying, which, despite the similarity, is leagues different.

Now, this is really advanced hiding-the-crazy. In fact, it’s at the borderline of trying not to look crazy and actually not being crazy. If you can actually read and understand what non-crazy people are saying and still keep your own crazy, that’s a really advanced state of crazy you’ve achieved. Be proud.
More tips here.

Anyone old enough to remember Krazy Kat?

Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse at the circus (1916)

Rodeo Dough (Krazy Kat) 1931 Columbia Cartoon

Weenie Roast [1931 Krazy Kat Cartoon [Columbia]

CPAC 2011: At the Blog Bash

by 1389AD ( 201 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Egypt, Elections 2010, Elections 2012, Islam, Middle East, Open thread, Republican Party, Tea Parties at February 16th, 2011 - 8:30 pm

Listen, make up your own mind, and post your comments!

All American Interviews: 2011 CPAC Blogger of the Year, Javier Manjarres

Rep. Allen West talks to bloggers at CPAC 2011

CPAC 2011: Herman Cain Crashes the Blog Bash

Herman Cain

Georgia businessman, talk radio host, and Tea Party activist Herman Cain speaks at CPAC 2011. Yes, it’s a long video, but it is both entertaining and inspirational.

Herman Cain to Obama at CPAC: “U.S. Will Not Become U.S. of Europe on our Watch”

National Security Pollsters ‘Come In From The Cold’

by 1389AD ( 141 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-Jihad, Censorship, Elections 2012, Europe, France, Iran, Israel, Military, Nuclear Weapons, Polls, Saudi Arabia, Terrorism, UK at February 14th, 2011 - 2:00 pm

This slideshow at CPAC 2011 shows just how opposed to the will of America’s citizenry are the government officials, think-tank pundits, media personalities, and foreign propagandists who have been guiding, or rather misguiding, America’s foreign policy. They have been not only ignoring, but deliberately flouting, the clearly expressed intentions of the voting public.

These two pollsters are leaving their role as spectators to participate more directly in the political scene by providing a venue where citizens can make themselves heard on the issue of national security.

Pollster John McLaughlin
Pollster John McLaughlin

Pollster Pat Caddell
Pollster Pat Caddell

BigPeace: Pollsters Launch Network to Inject National Security Issues Into the Public Dialog

By Alexander Marlow Feb 13th 2011 at 6:44 am

…When it comes to issues of national security and foreign policy, Democratic pollster and Fox News contributor Pat Caddell and GOP pollster John McLaughlin had grown tired of merely charting what Americans are thinking and decided to get into the business of empowering them to act.

…“There is a specter of decline about this county,” Caddell said in an exclusive interview for Big Peace, “the anxiety level is very great.” It was this sentiment that compelled the two gentlemen to launch SecureAmericaNow.org, a nonpartisan, grassroots effort to organize the American people to keep the pressure on the political class, which the founders of the network belive cannot be saved without increased citizen involvement.

…“We asked in a survey,” McLaughlin tells Big Peace, “‘Barack Obama is committed to a policy of outreach to the Muslim world, knowing this do you think the policy has increased or decreased the security of the United States?’ Fifty-one to 23 [percent of] the people say it has decreased versus increased. The people are way ahead of [Obama] when it comes to these issues.”

The network will feature polling data, research, op-eds, social networking, and other information that will help foster a greater national dialog on the security and foreign policy issues that are negligently ignored by our political class and mainstream media. They used a CPAC panel as a launchpad for SecureAmericaNow.org and to raise these issues. On the panel, Caddell expressed utter exasperation with the media and political class for not making the story of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day creator Molly Norris front and center on the national stage. Norris created the idea last year in response to Comedy Central refusing to air an image of Mohammed on the South Park (Comedy Central had allowed South Park to depict Mohammed in 2001). It was reported that Anwar al-Awlaki had put Norris on a hitlist, and, as we reported at Big Peace, Norris has since gone into the FBI equivalent to the witness-protection program. In other words, she no longer exists. Yet this outrageous tale was largely absent from the American conversation. “That absence tells you everything you need to know about what is wrong with the dialog,” Caddell said.

During the interview, McLaughlin and Caddell cited other examples of politicians and media elites failing to react to the will of the American populace. One of these issues is that over three quarters of the American people want to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weaponry and 80% believe Iran would give nukes to terrorists if they could. Americans want to act, yet the current administration has taken a passive approach to Iran. Also seemingly lost from the public discourse is that David Cameron, the leader of our closest ally, Great Britain, noted in a public address that multiculturalism has failed (not to mention that France’s Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany’s Angela Merkel agree), yet the American media and political class largely ignored this striking repudiation of a core liberal tenant. Cameron’s sentiment was simply not simpatico with the narrative the American media has created to support post-1960s liberalism.

But what is truly inspiring Caddell and McLaughlin to take up their virtual muskets is the endemic dearth of common sense that’s engulfed the media and our elected officials. Caddell cites the Ground Zero Mosque quagmire as evidence of that:

The prevailing ideology in this county is common sense. You had Hispanics, African-Americans, women more than men, a majority of Democrats opposing [the Ground Zero Mosque], and all the while being told they are bigots. The political class in this country—it’s outrageous—the whole country is ahead of them. War is too important to be left to generals; security is too important to be left to diplomats and the political class.

Indeed, and that’s why we’re pleased to welcome SecureAmericaNow.org to the neighborhood. Check out the website today, which is still under development and should be fully functional in about a month. Follow them on twitter and facebook, sign-up, and donating is easy. Caddell and McLaughlin expect meet-up groups to begin soon so that you’ll be able to organize your own grassroots activism from the SecureAmericaNow.org website.
Read it all.

Originally posted on 1389 Blog.

JDL Chanukah Party To Support Blazingcatfur

by 1389AD ( 37 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-Jihad, Canada, Free Speech, Hate Speech, Judaism, Political Correctness at November 29th, 2010 - 9:00 pm

Canadian counterjihad blogger Blazing Cat Fur is the latest blogger to be victimized by litigation jihad. This is a fundraising event for Blazing Cat Fur’s legal defense fund:

From Blazing Cat Fur:

Aw shucks guys;)  Why do I support the JDL? Because they’re the ones who take it to the streets.

JDL Chanukah Party to support Blogger Blazing Cat Fur

“It’s time to reflect, eat some good food and support our friends. Many times, the mainstream media outlets refuse to post pro Israel information. And thank G-d we have many pro Israel bloggers on our side. And when they stand with us, we also must stand with them. It shouldn’t surprise you that Richard Warman is now suing Arnie for $500,000.

“Blazingcatfur needs our support. And the JDL will help him.”

JDL Chanukah Party to support Blazing Cat Fur
When: Wednesday December 1, 7:00 pm
Where: Toronto Zionist Center 788 Marlee Avenue

For more information call 416-736-7000

Heh;) Thanks again to all who have supported our fight!