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Posts Tagged ‘David Brooks’

Comedy Gold: David Brooks claims that Obama is fiscally responsible!

by Phantom Ace ( 235 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Economy, Entertainment, Humor, Open thread at April 17th, 2012 - 5:00 pm

David Brooks, along with Peggy Noonan, Kathleen Parker, Chris Buckley, Colin Powell, JC Watts and Susan Eisenhower were called the Obamicans. These were Republicans who in 2008 voted and supported Obama. Most of those mentioned have now turned against the Pharaoh. David Brooks is still a die hard believer. He claims that Obama is a fiscally responsible Liberal. Yes, you read that correctly, Brooks believes Obama is fiscally responsible!

I’ve been critical of President Obama’s budgets. I’ve argued that while I like the way Obama preserves spending on things like scientific research and programs for the vulnerable, he doesn’t do enough to avoid a debt crisis.


Extremely senior members of the administration believe these sorts of criticisms are completely unfair and vastly underestimate their fiscal hawkishness. In this column, I thought it only fair that I provide you with a summary of their arguments.

First, their goals. They argue that it’s foolish to try to solve the debt problem with some drastic magic bullet all at once. It’s smarter to stabilize the debt while also looking after other needs, like protecting the vulnerable and investing in things that boost growth and mobility.

They argue that the president’s 2013 budget is a step toward fiscal stability that will also pave the way for bigger steps in the years ahead. They estimate that their budget would produce $5 trillion in budget savings over a decade. It would raise $1.5 trillion in new revenue by raising taxes on those making more than $250,000 a year.


Basically, what we’re looking at is a period of stability, administration officials say, which would soothe credit markets and give us time to make further adjustments. This, they conclude, is responsible prudence.

I’m not going to pass my own comprehensive judgment on this here. I’ll just say that my conversations reaffirm my conviction that Obama is a pragmatic liberal who cares about fiscal sustainability, who has been willing to compromise for its sake, but who has not offered anything close to a sufficient program to avoid a debt crisis.

But we have a campaign in front of us. If the president is truly committed to a strategy for progressive fiscal stability, as Bill Clinton was, he’ll make that the center of his campaign. He’ll earn a mandate. He’ll win over independents who want fiscal discipline but worry about the way Republicans get there.

David Brooks will vote for Obama. This clown is not a  Conservative, but a  Progressives masquerading as a Conservative like David Frum. His claim that the Pharaoh’s regime wants fiscal responsibility is just laughable. David Brooks is water carrier for the regime and he should not be taken serious. To him, Obama is our divine god-king who is leading America to a greater future. Brooks would be writing favorable of Stalin, Hitler or Mao is they were still ar0ound.

This is not a serious thread because David Brooks is not a serious commentator. He’s just a saner version of Charles Johnson.


David Brooks wants a late entry for Jeb Bush

by Phantom Ace ( 4 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Headlines, Progressives, Republican Party at December 17th, 2011 - 9:40 pm

There were reports of robocalls for Jeb Bush in New Hampshire. Now David Brooks, who’s a spokesman for he Republican Establishment is calling for Jeb Bush to enter.

Brooks was skeptical, saying Huntsman was “awkward” and lacked “crisp messaging,” “a theme,” and “a narrative.” Had his own long-shot prediction: a late entry of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush into the race.

“I’m not holding out hope, but I do think it’s a remote possibility,” Brooks said of a Jeb Bush candidacy. “I do think the Republican Party is not going to nominate Newt Gingrich. If he emerges from the primaries, the early primaries as the front-runner, someone’s going to step in.”

Something is up.

Vichy Republicans

by Mojambo ( 194 Comments › )
Filed under Media at July 20th, 2011 - 5:00 pm

In addition to David Brooks and Kathleen Parker, we can add David Frum, David Gergen, Christopher Buckley, David Brock, Arianna Huffington to the list of sell outs.  The thing abut David Brooks and Kathleen Parker is that they are not even good, analytical writers. William Safire was the only reason to ever look at The New York Times.

by Diana Banister and Craig Shirley

The news of Brooks being fired and then arrested came via e-mail. Conservatives across the country cheered in unison that justice had been finally served on David Brooks, The New York Times ersatz conservative and full-time insult-hurler.

Alas, it was Rebekah Brooks of the other tabloid, News of the World, on the other side of the pond to whom rough justice was being ladled out. The American right is still stuck with the window-dressing rightist that no one in the Republican Party considers a Republican and no one in the conservative movement considers a conservative.

Still, his kind — along with fellow Fifth Columnist Kathleen Parker — is not new to Sodom and Gomorrah, ahem, New York and Washington.

Garry Wills, whom Bill Buckley must have regarded as a great mistake, began his life as a writer for National Review and then upon his departure made a career of taking cheap shots at Ronald Reagan and conservatives.

Wills plowed the field for Vichy Republicans like the Parkers and Brookses of the world.

What purpose do these folks serve, other than furthering their own careers by co-operating and cheering for the opposition?

Brooks and Parker never met a Republican they liked, unless maybe it was Lowell Weicker, the irritating left-winger from Connecticut who even provoked the normally pacific Reagan into calling him a “schmuck” and a “pompous, no good fathead.”


More to the point, Brooks, Parker and the establishment they represent never met a conservative or Tea Party member they liked. Of course, neither genre is likely to be found at a Georgetown or Manhattan cocktail party. The sophisticates who presume to speak for the right simply couldn’t be more wrong.

They are in the liberal establishment to serve as window dressing, for entertainment purposes; but not to be taken seriously by their captors and certainly not by anybody on the right. They can’t stand the idea that there might be a party of the commentariat to which they are not invited.

After all, Mr. Brooks fell in love with Obama after he was impressed by the crease in Obama’s pants. He used last week’s column to trash Republicans for hanging tough on preventing tax increases. In it, he claims to be speaking for a group of people who agree with him. He suggests in parentheses, “You might call us conservatives.” You might, but not with a straight face.

Today’s column by Mr. Brooks continues in a long and boring, uninteresting and anti-intellectual line of his usual vapidness issued from his holier-than-though perch. He trashes conservative leaders for their principles; he trashes conservative talk show hosts for their principles; he trashes conservative candidates for their principles.


Mrs. Parker’s role began by bashing Sarah Palin. More recently, she’s spent most of her time defending Obama, as befits any good insider. On Sunday, Parker wrote about the president’s prevarications in describing his mother’s so-called problems with health insurance. “It’s likely that the president will be forgiven this exaggeration in the service of a greater truth.” Beg pardon?

No real conservative believes the truth can ever be served with a lie.


Read the rest – With friends like these


The Republican Civil War

by Phantom Ace ( 46 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Elections 2010, George W. Bush, Liberal Fascism, Politics, Progressives, Republican Party, Tranzis at April 23rd, 2010 - 7:00 pm

After the election of Barack Hussein Obama many pundits declared Conservatism was over. They claimed that in the elections of 2006 and 2008, Americans rejected Conservative policies in favor of Progressive ones. Leading the chorus were Rockefeller Republicans like David Brook, Chris Buckley and David Frum. They wanted the Republicans to emulate the Progressive-Conservatism of David Cameron’s Tories. Well in the UK, the Tories have blown a 15 point lead and are now slightly behind or tied with the Far Left Liberal Democrats. This clearly is not a path to imitate here in the United States.

Since the election of Obama, the Republicans have won elections in Virginia, Massachusetts and New Jersey. The Tea Parties have lead a resurgence of Libertarian-Conservative principles. The Republicans are leading in the polls for the Congressional elections because of this Authentic Rightwing resurgence. What the voters rejected in 2006 and 2008 was The Leftist Compassionate Conservatism. Now all throughout America, Conservatives are rising up and taking the Republican Party back from the Progressives. This is leading to a necessary Civil War to remove the Leftist elementsfrom the GOP. The Battle in Florida between Marco Rubio and Charlie Crist is ground Zero in this struggle.

Marco Rubio appeared on a Sunday talk show this month to say something remarkable. The Republican running for Florida’s Senate seat suggested we reform Social Security by raising the retirement age for younger workers. Florida is home to 2.4 million senior citizens who like to vote. The blogs declared Mr. Rubio politically suicidal.


The response from Mr. Rubio’s primary competitor, Gov. Charlie Crist, was not remarkable. His campaign slammed Mr. Rubio’s idea as “cruel, unusual and unfair to seniors living on a fixed income.” Mr. Crist’s plan for $17.5 trillion in unfunded Social Security liabilities? Easy! He’ll root out “fraud” and “waste.”


Let’s talk Republican “civil war.” Not the one the media is hawking, that pits supposed tea party fanatics like Mr. Rubio against supposed “moderates” like Mr. Crist. The Republican Party is split. But the real divide is between reformers like Mr. Rubio and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, who are running on principles and tough issues, and a GOP old guard that still finds it politically expedient to duck or demagogue issues. As Republicans look for a way out of the wilderness, this is the rift that matters.

Read the rest: The Real Republican Civil War

The era of Big Government Progressive Compassionate Conservatism is over. It is now time for Libertarians and Conservatives to put a nail in the coffin of this failed Ideology. In order to defeat the Tranzi Totalitarian Progressive Democrats, we must offer a clear alternative. The likes of Leftists like David Frum or David Brooks, who is lamenting the fall of Obama’s popularity need to be relegated towards the path. Like The Rockefellers of old, they no longer fit with the GOP. Let them come out the closet and join the Democrats. We don’t need them and we will defeat them!