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Posts Tagged ‘Intelligent Design’

Like a Phoenix, Irreducible Complexity Rises Again

by tqcincinnatus ( 35 Comments › )
Filed under Evolution, Science at September 15th, 2009 - 7:03 pm

A couple of weeks ago, etihwelppA selrahC at LGF 1.0 posted about an article that appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) entitled “The Reducible Complexity of a Mitochondrial Molecular Machine.” As is usual for selrahC – who is not a scientist, and does not evince any actual knowledge of any scientific field – there was a whole lot of crowing about irreducible complexity “going down in flames.” Yet, this “evidence” for evolution was anything but. And today, Michael Behe, who pioneered irreducible complexity in the microbiological/biochemical fields, observes why this and other articles fail in this regard,

 Recently a paper appeared online in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, entitled “The reducible complexity of a mitochondrial molecular machine” As you might expect, I was very interested in reading what the authors had to say. Unfortunately, as is all too common on this topic, the claims made in the paper far surpassed the data, and distinctions between such basic ideas as “reducible” versus “irreducible” and “Darwinian” versus “non-Darwinian” were pretty much ignored.

Since PNAS publishes letters to the editor on its website, I wrote in. Alas, it seems that polite comments by a person whose work is the clear target of the paper are not as welcome as one might suppose from reading the journal’s letters-policy announcement (“We wish to provide readers with an opportunity to constructively address a difference of opinion with authors of recent papers. Readers are encouraged to point out potential flaws or discrepancies or to comment on exceptional studies published in the journal. Replication and refutation are cornerstones of scientific progress, and we welcome your comments.”) My letter received a brusque rejection. Below I reproduce the letter for anyone interested in my reaction to the paper. (By the way, it’s not just me. Other scientists whose work is targeted sometimes get the run around on letters to the editor, too. For an amusing / astounding example, see here.)

Call me paranoid, but it seems to me that some top-notch journals are real anxious to be rid of the idea of irreducible complexity. Recall that last year Genetics published a paper purportedly refuting the difficulty of getting multiple required mutations by showing it’s quick and easy in a computer – if one of the mutations is neutral (rather than harmful) and first spreads in the population. Not long before that, PNAS published a paper supposedly refuting irreducible complexity by postulating that the entire flagellum could evolve from a single remarkable prodigy-gene. Not long before that, Science published a paper allegedly refuting irreducible complexity by showing that if an investigator altered a couple amino acid residues in a steroid hormone receptor, the receptor would bind steroids more weakly than the unmutated form. (That one also made the New York Times!) For my responses, see here, here, here, and here. So, arguably picayune, question-begging, and just plain wrong results disputing IC find their way into front-line journals with surprising frequency. Meanwhile, in actual laboratory evolution experiments, genes are broken right and left as bacteria try to outgrow each other.

 Well, at least it’s nice to know that my work gives some authors a hook on which to hang results that otherwise would be publishable only in journals with impact factors of -3 or less. But if these are the best “refutations” that leading journals such as PNAS and Science can produce in more than a decade, then the concept of irreducible complexity is in very fine shape indeed.


This is pretty typical, really. Since evolutionism is not science, but is a philosophical predilection, it is very difficult for those who have had their whistles whetted by the thought that finally, this time around, they’ve refuted them doggone creationists to have to backtrack and admit that maybe they were a bit hasty. For them, doing so is, in a sense, a lot like having to recant a dearly held religious doctrine. Remember, this happened with Ida. The supposedly rock-solid evidence of proto-human evolution turned out to be an extinct lemur or some such. The MSM loudly trumped it, and were mimicked by non-science types like selrahC, even as the scientists were quietly backing away from the initial claims as it became apparent that there were too many problems with the data for Ida to retain celebrity status.

When I saw the post at LGF 1.0, the first thing I did was to go to PNAS’ website and print off the actual paper, figuring that the claims being made were not supported by the actual data. I was not disappointed. The data in Lithgow et al. does NOT support the wild-eyed ravings about refuting irreducible complexity. Not even close. I was going to go through the actual science involved and provide a precise demonstration of why the paper in question is scientific junk, but I just noticed that Casey Luskin at the Discovery Institute already did so. Go there and read the details. When I call Lithgow et al. “scientific junk,” I’m not just being pejorative. It actually IS junk. The whole paper is full of speculation, argument from (loose) analogy, and argument using assertions that have not been proven (and hence cannot, by the strict rules of logic, be used as support for their arguments) but are merely assumed a priori. At one point, the authors even say that they are engaging in speculation (their word, not mine) about a key point needed to sustain their argument.

As an aside, I also appreciate the point that Luskin makes that the authors of this paper are forced, once again, to rely upon the use of teleological language in their discussion. No matter how hard evolutionists try to get around it, it seems as if purpose and design keep intruding. This is a point I’ve consistently made for quite a while now – evolutionism can’t get anywhere without making evolution (a process) act teleologically (which presumes an intelligence directing the process to a definite, purposeful end). You see it all the time when evolutionists talk about evolution “designing more complex eyes” and whatnot.

Anywise, back to the article. Essentially, the logic behind this paper can be boiled down to a four-point syllogism:

1) The molecular machines that transport proteins through the mitochondrial membranes are made up of one complex of proteins.

2) In certain species of alpha-proteobacteria (which are assumed, but never demonstrated, to be evolutionary precursors to mitochondria, which were then “captured” by other cells, and became mitochondria), there are proteins with similar structures.

3) The genome that codes for these proteins could possibly have mutated to start coding for the proteins we see in mitochondria, which then could have adopted a new function (i.e. the mitochondrial transmembrane protein transport).

4) Therefore, they did.

That’s it. Behe and Luskin are right – the logic is spurious, and so is the PNAS article. There’s no demonstration that any of the presumptions in the article actually happened. No exhibition of data or evidence that would suggest that these speculations were anything more than that – mere speculations. Similarity of protein structure, I hate to tell them, does not prove, or even necessarily suggest, common descent or origin. They certainly haven’t provided anything to suggest otherwise in this case.

Melanie Phillips answers Charles Johnson over his attacks on her

by Phantom Ace ( 84 Comments › )
Filed under Blogwars, LGF, Liberal Fascism at May 4th, 2009 - 5:03 pm

Melanie Phillips answer back Charles from LGF. She wonders why he is so obsessed with people’s views on the origin of man. She is just another victim of his recent attacks on former allies.

The secular inquisition

The response to my post below on Intelligent Design has provided illuminating and revealing evidence of the ignorance, confusion, distortions, irrationality and malice that characterise this debate. For those who appear to assume I am part of some cosmic Christian conspiracy to destroy science and deny the laws of nature, let me first of all gently enlighten you: I am an agnostic if traditionally-minded Jew; not a scientist, not a philosopher, not a subscriber to any kind of -ology but a mere journalist who has always gone wherever the evidence has led and, trying not to make too many mistakes, has formed her conclusions and her opinions from that process.

I hold no particular brief for ID, but am intrigued by the ideas it raises and want it to be given a fair crack of the whip to see where the argument will lead. What I have also seen, however, is an attempt to shut down that argument by distorting and misrepresenting ID and defaming and intimidating its proponents.

One way of doing so is to conflate ID with Creationism. I wrote below that this is wrong, since ID comes out of science and creationism comes out of Biblical literalism. This provoked Charles Johnson on LGF to accuse me of being either duped or dishonest. Johnson – who has become unhealthily obsessed with ID and Creationism in recent months — says I am wrong to say that ID is based on science rather than on religion, and wrong to say that it is different from Creationism.

Charles Johnson is an Intellectual midget compared to Melanie. She actually debates and defends her views. Charles keep it up, your enemies list is growing. You are not someone to be trusted and a backstabber. If you disagree with Melanie, challenge her to a debate? Or Charles are you really nothing more than an Intellectual Coward? I think we all know the answer. This is another case of how his Radical Darwinist ideology has consumed his thinking.

Question who will Charles turn on next? Is there anyone left to turn on?

Update: Charles now plays the victime role.

138 Charles 5/04/09 3:30:25 pm reply quote

Melanie Phillips says I’m “unhealthily obsessed with ID and creationism,” then proceeds to write more than 2,000 words explaining … well, nothing, really. She’s deeply confused about the meaning of “science,” and equates the acceptance of evolution with “intellectual fascism.”

[Link: www.spectator.co.uk…]

Looks like I hit a nerve.

(And of course, the stalkers are already showing up in the comments.)

If you criticize Charles, he calls you a stalker! Well Chucky, maybe you shouldn’t have made many enemies by backstabbing people.

Strange Bedfellows: Communism & Evolution

by WrathofG-d ( 37 Comments › )
Filed under Evolution, LGF at February 4th, 2009 - 3:20 pm

While defending their position in the ongoing evolution and creation debate, those advocating the theory of evolution often falsely compare those who believe in the theory of creation to Islamists.  They base their argument on the fact that Islamists and those who advocate the theory of creation share the belief that G-d created the heavens and Earth, and dispute the theory of evolution.

I wonder then how these evolution theory-only types would respond to the fact that the theory of evolution is a core tenant of the Communist Party U.S.A.


From “Revolution” Magazine – “Voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party U.S.A.”:


Part 1: Introducing The “Science of Evolution” Series.  “We all need to know at least the basic scientific facts about evolution and understand also how the religious fundamentalists who want to keep people ignorant and confused about evolution are driven by a reactionary social and political agenda…. This series will also discuss why evolution is under relentless assault by Christian fundamentalists and refute the antiscientific claims of “creationism” and “intelligent design” about the origin and development of life on the planet.” (Quote From Revolutionary Worker, May 12, 2002) (Revolutionary Worker #1157, June 30, 2002)

Part 7(e): Creationism’s New Wrapper Won’t Fool Us: Intelligent Design Theory Is Still Just Religion –It Is Not Science –And Its Still Wrong.  (Revolutionary Worker #1220, November 23, 2003)

Part 7(b)Snake Oil Salesmen and Charlatans At Court. (Revolutionary Worker #1216, October 19, 2003) “In the modern world, many Christian and other religious authorities and believers are willing to adapt their religious beliefs to encompass modern scientific understanding.  But traditional Creationists will have none of that, particularly (although not only) when it comes to the scientific fact of evolution: to them the Bible is the Word of God and everything in it must therefore be literally true, so there is no possible way evolution could be true. Still, in today’s world they realize that many people are not satisfied by blind faith any more and want some scientific evidence for things. So many of these traditional Creationists have tried to wrap their non-scientific–and even anti -scientific–views in what they like to call “Creation-science.” They have even created so-called “research institutes” and creation-science “museums” (the San Diego-based Institute for Creation Research and its associated Museum being probably the most well-known) and they publish numerous books, pamphlets, web sites, etc., etc. But do they do any legitimate scientific research that gets published in any serious scientific journals under the supervision and critical review of the established scientific communities? NO.”


The above publication is only one example of the collusion between the Revolutionary Communist Party, U.S.A., and those who argue for the theory of evolution.  There are many, many more

Following are a few statements from the Revolutionary Communist Party, U.S.A. that might sound familiar to some of you:

Intelligent Design: Stealth War on ScienceRevolution #201, November 6, 2005, posted at revcom.us.”  It then goes on to quote and discuss “Wedge Theory”.

Defend Science, Darwin, and The BiologistsRevolution #155, February 8, 2009. [Discussing an Evolution Conference in January 2009]  “We learned a great deal: About important new organizations and efforts to popularize science; about the fierce struggle biologists are waging against creationist attacks on evolution, and in some cases just to teach evolution; and about what scientists and others can do to fight for science now—especially around Darwin Day and Darwin Year.”  It then goes on to discuss the Revolutionary Communist Party, U.S.A.’s push beginning in 2009 to fight against “creationists”.

Misrepresenting Working Scientists – A Favorite Creationist TacticRevolutionary Worker #1216, October 19, 2003.Creationists in general are famous for their shoddy and unprincipled methods. So-called “scientific Creationists” and the “Intelligent Design” Creationists can produce no actual scientific evidence for their theories. They have in fact never published a single scientific research paper in any peer-reviewed scientific journal (which publish articles only after they have been critically reviewed and assessed by multiple working scientists with established credentials and experience in relevant scientific arenas). Since Creationists can provide no scientific evidence whatsoever for their own theories, they focus instead on trying to tear down the opposition (the evolutionists) any way they can: they try to confuse people who don’t know much about science into thinking that the theory of evolution is wrong, that the evidence for evolution is not solid or that evolution is a “theory in crisis” as proven by the fact that evolutionists argue among themselves.”

Kansas School Board Enshrines Anti-Science”   Posted on revcom.us, November 12, 2005. “The Kansas State School Board announced their decision that in Kansas public schools the new state standards for the teaching of science call for attacking evolution in science classrooms in the state... The new science standards were forced by a faction on the school board that champions intelligent design, the latest form of creationism. The intelligent design movement is driven by Christian fundamentalists at its core – the attacks on science in Kansas are one part of the whole Christian fascist agenda which aims to make sweeping reactionary changes in every sphere of life in this country. “

An Urgent Call To Defend ScienceRevolution #78, February 11, 2007. “The signs of this are everywhere. The attacks are coming at an accelerating pace, and include frequent interventions by powerful forces, in and out of the Bush Administration, who seem all too willing to deny scientific truths, disrupt scientific investigations, block scientific progress, undermine scientific education, and sacrifice the very integrity of the scientific process itself–all in the pursuit of implementing their particular political agenda.”


Just to be clear, my intent is not to infer that those that advocate the theory of evolution are all communists (even if they so happen to walk, talk, and sound like just a Marx reading duck), but instead to show those who make the “Creationism” = Islamism argument how intellectually stunted they really are.

Intelligent Design?

by DJM ( 81 Comments › )
Filed under Evolution at November 25th, 2008 - 6:24 am

“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”
–Charles Darwin, Origin of Species

With this statement, Charles Darwin provided a criterion by which his theory of evolution could be falsified. The logic was simple: since evolution is a gradual process in which slight modifications produce advantages for survival, it cannot produce complex structures in a short amount of time. It’s a step-by-step process which may gradually build up and modify complex structures, but it cannot produce them suddenly.

Darwin, meet Michael Behe, biochemical researcher and professor at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania. Michale Behe claims to have shown exactly what Darwin claimed would destroy the theory of evolution, through a concept he calls “irreducible complexity.” In simple terms, this idea applies to any system of interacting parts in which the removal of any one part destroys the function of the entire system. An irreducibly complex system, then, requires each and every component to be in place before it will function.

As a simple example of irreducible complexity, Behe presents the humble mousetrap.
It contains five interdependent parts which allow it to catch mice: the wooden platform, the spring, the hammer (the bar which crushes the mouse against the wooden base), the holding bar, and a catch. Each of these components is absolutely essential for the function of the mousetrap. For instance, if you remove the catch, you cannot set the trap and it will never catch mice, no matter how long they may dance over the contraption. Remove the spring, and the hammer will flop uselessly back and forth-certainly not much of a threat to the little rodents. Of course, removal of the holding bar will ensure that the trap never catches anything because there will again be no way to arm the system.

Now, note what this implies: an irreducibly complex system cannot come about in a gradual manner. One cannot begin with a wooden platform and catch a few mice, then add a spring, catching a few more mice than before, etc. No, all the components must be in place before it functions at all. A step-by-step approach to constructing such a system will result in a useless system until all the components have been added. The system requires all the components to be added at the same time, in the right configuration, before it works at all.

(From Idea Center)

And the rebuttal: