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Posts Tagged ‘Revolution’

Raving Anti-Semite Oliver Stone Wants to Rehabilitate Hitler and Stalin

by Iron Fist ( 176 Comments › )
Filed under Academia, Barack Obama, History, Holocaust, Liberal Fascism, Progressives, Tranzis at July 26th, 2010 - 2:00 pm

We have been covering the Totalitarian leanings of the Tranzi-Progs for over a year here on Blogmocracy. Some would call us “fringe” because of that, but we are actually in the vangard of reporting on the Trazi-Progs real goals. Noted Tranzi Oliver Stone has taken part of that mask off for the world to see in his new series on Showtime, Secret History of America: which he bills as a “documentary”:

Director Oliver Stone belittled the Holocaust during a shocking interview with the Sunday Times today, claiming that America’s focus on the Jewish massacre was a product of the “Jewish domination of the media.”
The director also defended Hitler and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and railed against the “powerful lobby” of Jews in America.

Stone said that his upcoming Showtime documentary series “Secret History of America,” seeks to put Hitler and Communist dictator Joseph Stalin “in context.”

“Hitler was a Frankenstein but there was also a Dr Frankenstein. German industrialists, the Americans and the British. He had a lot of support,” Stone told Sunday Times’ reporter Camilla Long.

Hitler and Stalin were evil. There is no context that can make them good. They butchered millions of people in persuit of their Utopian goals. This is what is coming from the Tranzi-Progs in America. Stone wants to rehabilitate Hitler and Stalin to prepare the way for an American dictator of their magnitude. We see constantly little hints that the Tranzis really want a dictatorship. Some of them even openly wish that Obama were dictator, so he wouldn’t have to bother with that messy voting thing. If the public view of Hitler and Stalin were to be moderated, it would make an American dictator more palatible to the masses. They could then marginalize the resistance to such a dictator as “fringe” groups that should be ignored.

Or put into re-education and elimination camps. Remember William Ayers fantasized about murdering 25 million Americans to bring about his Socialist Utopia. This is not idle chit-chat. Ayers has the ear of the current Tranzi-Prog President of the United States. How much influence he has wielded over Obama’s political philosophical development is unknown, but that he was a major influence cannot be denied.

Iran Revolution: Day 19

by WrathofG-d ( 52 Comments › )
Filed under Ahmadinejad, Barack Obama, Iran, Islamists, Middle East, World at July 1st, 2009 - 1:57 pm

Iran hanging2

Ahmadinejad Is Hanging Mousavi Supporters

“I’ve made it clear that the United States respects the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran and is not interfering with Iran’s affairs.”

-U.S. President Barack Obama two days ago.

Congressional Black Caucas Praise Castro After Meeting With Him

by WrathofG-d ( 3 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Politics, Socialism at April 8th, 2009 - 10:58 am

It is news to me that Congressmen can legally meet with Fidel Castro, in Cuba none-the-less, but not surprising that they would.  The amount of praise they heap on Castro, and the terms they use to describe him however are alarming.  It reminds me of the Red Cross after they met with Jews in Teresenstadt during WW2 and then filed reports about how well they were being treated by the Nazis.  In his book, “The Case For Democracy”, Natan Sharansky describes this same phenomenon regarding the Western left, and their descriptions of Communism after meeting with State controlled handlers in The Soviet Union.


http://www.topnews.in/files/fidel-castro.jpgKey members of the Congressional Black Caucus are calling for an end to U.S. prohibition on travel to Cuba, just hours after a meeting with former Cuban president Fidel Castro in Havana.

[CBC Chairwoman Barbara Lee (D-Ca.)] and others heaped praise on Castro, calling him warm and receptive during their discussion. But the lawmakers disputed Castro’s later statement that members of the congressional delegation said American society is still racist.

“It was quite a moment to behold,” Lee said, recalling her moments with Castro.

“It was almost like listening to an old friend,” said Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Il.), adding that he found Castro’s home to be modest and Castro’s wife to be particularly hospitable.

“In my household I told Castro he is known as the ultimate survivor,” Rush said.

Rep. Laura Richardson (D-Ca.) said Castro was receptive to President Obama’s message of turning the page in American foreign policy.

“He listened. He said the exact same thing” about turning the page “as President Obama said,” said Richardson.

In a statement following the meeting today, Castro said that the delegation had expressed to him that a segment of American society “continues to be racist,” and is at least partly to blame for the travel restrictions.

But the delegation this evening said those remarks were not expressed in the meeting.

“That did not happen,” Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.), told reporters.
{The Rest of The Article}


I guess that when you are born and raised in the most open and free Country in the world, you cannot fully understand how deep a totalitarian Government can go, and how much control they can have over their message.

I wonder if they asked Mr. Castro about this quote of his “The universities are available only to those who share my revolutionary beliefs.”Fidel Castro

Viva La Revolucion!

Strange Bedfellows: Communism & Evolution

by WrathofG-d ( 37 Comments › )
Filed under Evolution, LGF at February 4th, 2009 - 3:20 pm

While defending their position in the ongoing evolution and creation debate, those advocating the theory of evolution often falsely compare those who believe in the theory of creation to Islamists.  They base their argument on the fact that Islamists and those who advocate the theory of creation share the belief that G-d created the heavens and Earth, and dispute the theory of evolution.

I wonder then how these evolution theory-only types would respond to the fact that the theory of evolution is a core tenant of the Communist Party U.S.A.


From “Revolution” Magazine – “Voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party U.S.A.”:


Part 1: Introducing The “Science of Evolution” Series.  “We all need to know at least the basic scientific facts about evolution and understand also how the religious fundamentalists who want to keep people ignorant and confused about evolution are driven by a reactionary social and political agenda…. This series will also discuss why evolution is under relentless assault by Christian fundamentalists and refute the antiscientific claims of “creationism” and “intelligent design” about the origin and development of life on the planet.” (Quote From Revolutionary Worker, May 12, 2002) (Revolutionary Worker #1157, June 30, 2002)

Part 7(e): Creationism’s New Wrapper Won’t Fool Us: Intelligent Design Theory Is Still Just Religion –It Is Not Science –And Its Still Wrong.  (Revolutionary Worker #1220, November 23, 2003)

Part 7(b)Snake Oil Salesmen and Charlatans At Court. (Revolutionary Worker #1216, October 19, 2003) “In the modern world, many Christian and other religious authorities and believers are willing to adapt their religious beliefs to encompass modern scientific understanding.  But traditional Creationists will have none of that, particularly (although not only) when it comes to the scientific fact of evolution: to them the Bible is the Word of God and everything in it must therefore be literally true, so there is no possible way evolution could be true. Still, in today’s world they realize that many people are not satisfied by blind faith any more and want some scientific evidence for things. So many of these traditional Creationists have tried to wrap their non-scientific–and even anti -scientific–views in what they like to call “Creation-science.” They have even created so-called “research institutes” and creation-science “museums” (the San Diego-based Institute for Creation Research and its associated Museum being probably the most well-known) and they publish numerous books, pamphlets, web sites, etc., etc. But do they do any legitimate scientific research that gets published in any serious scientific journals under the supervision and critical review of the established scientific communities? NO.”


The above publication is only one example of the collusion between the Revolutionary Communist Party, U.S.A., and those who argue for the theory of evolution.  There are many, many more

Following are a few statements from the Revolutionary Communist Party, U.S.A. that might sound familiar to some of you:

Intelligent Design: Stealth War on ScienceRevolution #201, November 6, 2005, posted at revcom.us.”  It then goes on to quote and discuss “Wedge Theory”.

Defend Science, Darwin, and The BiologistsRevolution #155, February 8, 2009. [Discussing an Evolution Conference in January 2009]  “We learned a great deal: About important new organizations and efforts to popularize science; about the fierce struggle biologists are waging against creationist attacks on evolution, and in some cases just to teach evolution; and about what scientists and others can do to fight for science now—especially around Darwin Day and Darwin Year.”  It then goes on to discuss the Revolutionary Communist Party, U.S.A.’s push beginning in 2009 to fight against “creationists”.

Misrepresenting Working Scientists – A Favorite Creationist TacticRevolutionary Worker #1216, October 19, 2003.Creationists in general are famous for their shoddy and unprincipled methods. So-called “scientific Creationists” and the “Intelligent Design” Creationists can produce no actual scientific evidence for their theories. They have in fact never published a single scientific research paper in any peer-reviewed scientific journal (which publish articles only after they have been critically reviewed and assessed by multiple working scientists with established credentials and experience in relevant scientific arenas). Since Creationists can provide no scientific evidence whatsoever for their own theories, they focus instead on trying to tear down the opposition (the evolutionists) any way they can: they try to confuse people who don’t know much about science into thinking that the theory of evolution is wrong, that the evidence for evolution is not solid or that evolution is a “theory in crisis” as proven by the fact that evolutionists argue among themselves.”

Kansas School Board Enshrines Anti-Science”   Posted on revcom.us, November 12, 2005. “The Kansas State School Board announced their decision that in Kansas public schools the new state standards for the teaching of science call for attacking evolution in science classrooms in the state... The new science standards were forced by a faction on the school board that champions intelligent design, the latest form of creationism. The intelligent design movement is driven by Christian fundamentalists at its core – the attacks on science in Kansas are one part of the whole Christian fascist agenda which aims to make sweeping reactionary changes in every sphere of life in this country. “

An Urgent Call To Defend ScienceRevolution #78, February 11, 2007. “The signs of this are everywhere. The attacks are coming at an accelerating pace, and include frequent interventions by powerful forces, in and out of the Bush Administration, who seem all too willing to deny scientific truths, disrupt scientific investigations, block scientific progress, undermine scientific education, and sacrifice the very integrity of the scientific process itself–all in the pursuit of implementing their particular political agenda.”


Just to be clear, my intent is not to infer that those that advocate the theory of evolution are all communists (even if they so happen to walk, talk, and sound like just a Marx reading duck), but instead to show those who make the “Creationism” = Islamism argument how intellectually stunted they really are.