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Posts Tagged ‘Peace’

~Open Thread: Friday Evening Edition~

by WrathofG-d ( 47 Comments › )
Filed under Judaism, Open thread, Religion at July 24th, 2009 - 4:25 pm

Much of this week’s Torah portion consists of Moses rebuking the people for a variety of mistakes, including the Golden Calf, Korach’s rebellion, the complaints about meat and water, and more.  But, why did Moses choose the final days before his death to deliver 40 years worth of pent-up rebuke?

Leviticus 19:17 states:

“You shall rebuke your neighbor, but not do a sin in the process.”

Rebuke is fine, but not if the effect will be negative. If the other person will get defensive, angry, or not accept the criticism, then it is better left unsaid.

If a person feels you have your own self-interest at heart – and not his – he won’t listen to what you’re saying. Rebuke must clearly be for the benefit of the other person. He has to know that you care about him, are on his side, and want what’s best for him.

That is why Moses specifically delivers the rebuke after defeating Sichon and Og in battle (see Deut. 1:4). He had just reaffirmed his dedication to the people. So they knew that if Moses had criticism, it was only coming from a place of love.

A look at the original Hebrew clarifies this concept. The Torah says: “You should give toch’acha to your neighbor.” Toch’acha is from the same word as hoch’acha, meaning “proof.” The Torah is telling us that the way to get our neighbor to change is not through harsh rebuke, argumentation, or clever persuasion. The only way to convince anyone of anything is by way of a clear and obvious proof. As the Talmud (Brachot 7a) says: “It is better for a person to realize the truth for himself, than to have it beaten into him with 100 lashes.”

Of course, nobody likes to be on the receiving end. But do you think you’re perfect? Of course not! If you want to reach your potential, look for constructive criticism. Go ask for help to get rid of your mistakes. When a person is committed to reaching a goal, he’ll accept incredible doses of nagging, harassment and insults.

No doubt this is what King Solomon meant when he said, “Give toch’acha to a wise person ? and he’ll love you!” (Proverbs 9:8)

If you really love someone, you can’t stand to see him living a misguided life. Who gives you the most criticism? Those who love you the most – your parents. It’s because they love you that they can’t simply ignore you by saying, “He’s wasting time but I don’t care.” Similarly, humanity is one. If one person hurts, we all feel it.

So, what is the best way to correct each other? By being better role models.

Giving toch’acha does not mean criticizing, throwing stones, or shouting louder than the next guy. Real toch’acha is demonstrating through action and deed.  If secular people do not appreciate the warmth and sanctity of G-d, it is because religious people are not modeling G-d in the right way.  If we were truly projecting the beauty of G-d, then the truth would be obvious to all.


Hopefully this was a bit of food-for-thought.

For those Jews who keep it, have a meaningful Shabbat.  For those who do not, have a wonderful weekend.

“Moderate” Fatah Official: “Our Goal is Not Peace, but Rather Palestine”

by WrathofG-d ( 36 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Fatah, Gaza, Hamas, Islamists, Israel, Jihad, Judaism, Middle East, Palestinians, Politics, Religion, Republican Party, Terrorism, United Nations, World at July 13th, 2009 - 10:47 am

Photo:<!--###IMAGE_BRIEF###-->Palestinian Media Watch once again proves that the terrorists from Fatah (“Moderate” Mahmood Abbas/Abu Mazen’s Party and the ones the U.S. are building a professional army for, with your tax dollars), openly admit their true intent, and state that any “peace” created will only be a means to their ultimate goal of destroying Israel.



This discussion on public “Palestinian” T.V.  again proves that despite the West’s continuous desires, Fatah is no less committed to Israel’s destruction than Hamas.

Kifah Radaydeh, the deputy head of the Jerusalem chapter of Fatah, says openly that the PA will resume violence and terror against Israel when Fatah is “capable,” and “according to what seems right.” “It has been said that we are negotiating for peace,” she further stated, “but our goal has never been peace. Peace is a means; the goal is Palestine.”

Just like their founder Yassir Arafat, they know to say one thing to the usefull West, and to work for another with their fellow Arab Muslims.  Kifah Radaydeh however is not a lone “extremist”, as her statements are part of the overall Fatah policy.

Fatah MP Najat Abu Bakr said in a PA TV interview last year that Fatah’s goal remains the destruction of Israel, but that their political plan is to focus on returning to the 1967 borders. He stated “It doesn’t mean that we don’t want the 1948 borders,” Abu Bakr said, referring to all of Israel,” but rather that “our current political program is to say that we want the 1967 borders.”

Also, just four months ago, senior PA official Mohammed Dahlan stressed that Fatah adamantly refuses to recognize Israel, and that even the Palestinian Authority’s recognition is only for the sake of receiving foreign aid: “…the Fatah movement does not recognize Israel, even today… [such recognition is] required of the government but not of the Fatah, so that this government will be able to offer the necessary assistance, to carry out the necessary reconstruction, to offer assistance to the sick, to bring relief to needy families… This can be dealt with [only] by a government that has relations with the international community, one that is acceptable to the international community, in order that we can work together and benefit from the international community.”

{A Related Article From Arutz Sheva}


The terrorists of Fatah/PLO have been lying to the West, and getting away with it, for decades.  It is never the Arabs whom state that they are going to accept a “two-state” solution, or “peace” as their ultimate goal.  This is simply what the West, including our current administration, wants to hear – so they do. Even today the West demands a “settlement freeze” from Israel, stating it is a requirement for “peace” even though the Phakestinians openly state that this won’t make a difference.  On these confused beliefs of what the Phakestinians want, and what will bring about a resolution to the Arab-Israel conflict, despite the Arab’s own statements to the contrary, the EU is even calling on the UN to impose “peace” on Israel.

If the world listened to the actual words of the Arab/Muslims, and not just what they want to hear, they would see why all of their attempts at gaining “peace in the Middle East” have failed miserably.  The Arab/Muslim goal since the increased influx of Jews to the region, (even before 1948) has always been the same: destroy Israel (kill the Jews).  Carl in Jerusalem posted a brilliant video showing how little the aims of the PLO and Fatah have changed over the last sixty years since Israel’s creation, and another evidencing how the charges Israel was being called to answer to fifty years ago are remarkably similar to the charges made against her today.

The PLO/Fatah/Abu Mazen/Mahmood Abbas policy hasn’t changed, and was placed on paper, and made “official” in the 1974 PLO Phased Plan.

They keep saying it……so when will the West start listening?

Hamas Ready For Peace…With A Muslim Israel

by WrathofG-d ( 31 Comments › )
Filed under Gaza, Hamas, Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Supremacism, Islamists, Israel, Jihad, Middle East, Palestinians, Terrorism, World at June 25th, 2009 - 10:48 am

The Obama Administration, along with most of the Western world, continues to fool itself into thinking that the Arabs want peace with Israel, and two states living side-by-side.  This is despite the fact that the Arabs themselves have never explicitly said so.

Here is Hamas’ most recent example.


http://infidelsparadise.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/hamas_rally.jpgHamas head Khaled Mashaal gave a speech Thursday evening in response to a policy speech given by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu several days earlier.  Mashaal proclaimed that Hamas is ready to cooperate with the international community in order to reach a deal with Israel, but only under conditions it deems favorable.

Specifically, Mashaal rejected every proposal supported by Israel, including Netanyahu’s insistence that the Palestinian Authority recognize Israel as a Jewish state.  Hamas will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state, because it hopes to see millions of descendants of Arab residents of pre-state Israel “return” to the area, potentially turning Israel into a majority-Arab state, Mashaal explained.

He rejected Netanyahu’s proposal that the PA form a demilitarized state within Judea, Samaria and Gaza. “A demilitarized state is a miserable state, not a serious entity,” he stated.

Mashaal also insisted that an Arab state in Judea and Samaria be granted Jerusalem as its capital.

While stating his readiness to cooperate, Mashaal compared Israel to Nazi Germany and expressed support for terrorism. “[Israel] failed in its Nazi war on Gaza, just as it failed in Lebanon,” he said. “This was due to the resistance, not to dialogue, which serves only to hide the true face of occupation.”

Mashaal praised United States President Barack Obama for “using new language” with Israel, but called on the U.S. leader to do more. “We’re hoping for real pressure on the Israelis,” he said.

{The Rest of The Article}


What the Arabs want is not two states living side-by-side in peace, but instead a Phakestinian State created so it can be used to destroy Israel – all according to the PLO Phased Plan.

The Arabs have never wanted “two states”, and have honestly never stated such.  “Two states” is simply what the West wants to hear, and thus we pretend that it has been said.  Every act by the Arabs regarding Israel (as acknowledged again by Hamas) is in furtherance of their goal to destroy Israel.  They want Judea, Samaria and Gaza to chip away at the body of Israel, and they insist on Jerusalem as their capitol because they know it will destroy Israel’s heart and soul.  The “demand of so-called Return” is to create a cancer within the Jewish state.

Every Arab act of “peace” is to destroy Israel.  It is about time the West (especially the U.S.) woke up to this fact.

President Obama Meets With Abu Mazen

by WrathofG-d ( 104 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-Jihad, Barack Obama, Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Invasion, Islamists, Israel, Jihad, Judaism, Palestinians, Religion, Terrorism, United Nations, World at May 28th, 2009 - 12:49 pm

Today, President Barack Obama met with Phakestinian “President”, and leader of Fatah terrorist organization, Abu Mazen (now being called Mahmoud Abbas).  The numerous reports around the globe are stating that Abu Mazen/Mahmoud Abbas will be discussing with Obama how they can work together to “stop all Jewish ‘settlement’ growth” in Judea, and Samaria, and force Israel to accept a “Palestinian” state within their borders despite any legitimate security concerns that they might have.

Following are numerous news reports that do just that:  Al-Bawaba, Christian Science Monitor, ABC, Allheadlinenews, AP, Ynet, Politico.  There are many more.

The main issue that the U.S. now seems to be concentrating on is Jewish “settlements” as being the core stumbling block in our eternal quest for Jewish-Islamic Middle East peace.  This claim is ridiculous, as the building of homes is not nearly as much as an international concern (or it should be) as the murder of innocent civilians.

The concentration on “settlements” however is not new -it has been the Arab talking-point from before the modern state of Israel was founded.  It was originally a complaint about Jewish settlement in pre-1948 that the Arabs used as an excuse to murder Jews, then after 1948 it was Jewish settlement in general (the Creation of Israel).  This caused many conflicts, much violence, and ultimately the 1967 Six Day War.  Only thereafter did the Arab complaint regarding “Jewish settlement” come to refer to post-1967 Jewish communities in Judea, and Samaria. (as a starting point to getting back to fighting about the “settlement” pre 1948)

Accordingly, it seems that the U.S. has now bought into the Arab campaign to end Jewish “settlement”, and thus work for the destruction of Israel in general (whether the U.S. is aware of it or not).  The concern is not the health, or safety of innocent civilians (Israeli or Arab) through the ending of terrorism, but now a campaign against Jewish ‘settlement’ and specifically growth.  With zero emphasis on whether or not this tact is even going to end the conflict, or save lives.

In fact, as is evidenced by the articles above, the U.S. has actually taken a policy against Jewish “natural growth”.  But hey, why not concentrate on the building of homes by Jews among Islamists as the core reason there is no peace – we saw how much peace was achieved from ethnically cleansing Gaza of all Jews, and Jewish settlement.
“natural growth” of ‘settlements”

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Obama Administration are leading the charge against what they are calling “natural growth” of Jewish neighborhoods in post 1967 Israel.  But what does “natural growth” mean?  In short, natural grown is the normal expansion of communities due to natural events such as marriage, and child birth.  Therefore, the U.S. is taking a policy against marriage, and child birth for Jews living in Judea, and Samaria.

Could you imagine if this demand was made on Muslims in pre-1967 Israel? (or anywhere else in the World for that matter?)

You can read all about this issue on Israel Matsav, Israel National News, and many other sources.  Thus, I am going to concentrate on a group more vilified in the world by the MSM, EU, U.S., and UN than anyone else – Jewish Residents of Judea & Samaria.  Who really are these “settlers”, what do these “evil” “settlements” look like, what is this illegal “outpost” or “settlement”?

One of the most spoken/complained about “settlements” is Hebron.  Also for reference, here are a few pictures of those “evil” “settlers” – the ’cause of all the strife in the middle east’, and who now no longer have a right to procreate.

Jewish "settlers" celebrate yom yerushalayim 2006

Jewish settlers in the West Bank: "We expect these people to obey the law."

(More info to follow within the comments. Expect continuous updates as time permits.)