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Posts Tagged ‘raaaaacism’

So, Someone Else Labeled Me a Racist, So What!?

by Flyovercountry ( 37 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Politics at September 27th, 2011 - 11:30 am

It happened again this past weekend. It happens so often in fact, I am beginning to become numb to it. That, is the true tragedy, that the charge itself is becoming meaningless to me, and I suspect, many other Americans. I woke up on Saturday morning to discover that yet another person who has achieved fortune and fame for his ability to entertain the rest of us has, without meeting me, labeled me a racist. His evidence, not that he needs any, is that I disagree with the President’s politics. There are two video clips below, and I promise that we will get to those soon enough, after I have said my piece about a couple of things.

First, the charge of racism in this instance amounts to nothing more than our old friend, the ad hominem attack. For those of you, who might once again need this particular debate tactic defined, I will indulge. When someone is losing a debate, or plainly unable to articulate arguments sufficient to counter those of the debate partner, they serve up an attack to discredit the debate partner, rather than fight against his/her positions. The example before us is this. The Tea Parties are a grass roots movement who’s aim is to reign in government malfeasance and monstrous growth. The Tea Parties believe in free market principles as being the best and most humane way to help people in the lowest social echelons of our society improve upon their lot in life and indeed climb to other social echelons. The belief is that the best way to help people in lower classes is to eliminate the distinctions between those classes entirely. Capitalism is based on the concept that the people who make up a society are able to keep the capital that they produce, and decide upon their own destinies. The argument is hard to defeat, and I would argue impossible, especially since it has worked everywhere and every time it has been tried. Conversely, the economic destruction of Socialism has been just as complete, each and ever time it has been tried. So absent an actual argument, Morgan Freeman, labeled half the country racists.

Another problem of course with all of this, and often the problem overlooked, is this. Level this charge enough, and it will become meaningless. If you continue to label me a racist simply because I disagree with a political figure you like, it will not be long before two things happen. One, your words will become something I ignore completely, and two, any charges of racism will fall on deaf ears, even though they may be accurate in the future. I am not black, and by no means am I an expert on the topic of racism. It is a very sensitive subject in America, and rightly so. The charge currently carries a sting, as it represents that which everything our great country was established to put an end to. There was a realization by many during our founding that slavery was going to be a potential cause of our eventual downfall, and indeed it became a lightning rod some 87 years after our founding. A war was fought to end the practice, and that war took a toll of life that even today has to its credit the largest loss of human life and casualty than every other war America has been involved with combined. The ravages of that war were indeed not enough to heal us from that horrible mistake of having a class of citizen such as slaves. Here we are some 150 years later, and we are still having an argument about it. The way to heal us of this damaging part of our history is to find actual racism and put a stop to that. Using the charge of racism as a bludgeon to cajole our populace into voting for your chosen political candidate is counterproductive to your cause.

Open debate is the single greatest sign that our political system is healthy. All of this pap about a new tone and the need to come together is nothing more than a cheap attempt to silence those of us on the conservative side politically. I also have news for you Mr. Freeman, and any other leftists out there, you are only proving my point about everything I believe you represent with your attempt to silence all debate. The need for limitations on the power and scope of government has never been more clear to me. As Americans, we have the guaranteed right to disagree with our political leaders, and further the right to put up our own candidates who will oppose those your choose. There needs to be some leeway to allow for dissension with your views that does not denote mental sickness or aberrant behavior solely based on not believing you to be correct. If you would be able to provide one scintilla of evidence that equates a limit of the power of government to actual racism, then by all means, let’s talk it over and determine if it is true and if so, what might we do about it.

Racism as a charge, is impossible to disprove. The very act of attempting to disprove it appears as defensive and itself promotes the concept. That is why charging people as racist indiscriminately has been such a powerful political weapon for the Democrat Party since the 1960’s, This, is also the very reason for our innocent until proven guilty form of judicial system created with our nation’s founding. It is almost impossible to prove the negative. It is incumbent upon those leveling the charge to show that it is true, and I can not help but notice that not a single one of these entertainment stars who have leveled this charge has provided even the flimsiest bit of evidence to support their accusations. I have personally been called a racist for pointing out that Barack Obama is a Socialist. There is literally a mountain of evidence to support that claim. His entire 3 years in office so far have served as the very definition of Socialism. Our entire free market economy is under assault, with massive government takeovers of about 20% of our economy so far. My charge has a basis, yours, Mr. Freeman, does not.

I think that Herman Cain, Tea Party candidate and winner of the Florida GOP Straw Poll has the best exit question for Morgan Freeman: Have you ever been to a Tea Party?

Also of note, there is an active and well documented movement which has been organized by the Moveon.org people. This effort is to paint the Tea Parties as racist by getting Moveon leftists to show up at Tea Party Rallies and pretend to be examples of what they are claiming we are. The Tea Parties are so not abut racism that the opposition has to show up and pretend to be both Tea Partiers and over the top racists in order to give this charge the appearance of truth.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Herman Cain on the Economy and More

by 1389AD Comments Off on Herman Cain on the Economy and More
Filed under Barack Obama, Economy, Elections 2012, George W. Bush, Headlines at July 23rd, 2011 - 6:14 pm

Dick Morris TV Lunch ALERT! Herman Cain on the Economy

Herman Cain’s classic line “I LEFT THAT DEMOCRAT PLANTATION” – Watch Out Wannabe Master Obama!!

Herman Cain on Crazy, Nutjob, Racist, Babbling Idiot TX Rep. SHEILA JACKSON LEE playing RACE CARD!

It’s Time To De-Fund NPR

by 1389AD ( 347 Comments › )
Filed under Breaking News, Censorship, Christianity, Islamists, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Media at October 21st, 2010 - 4:10 pm

Also published on 1389 Blog

Your tax dollars at work:

NPR fires Juan Williams for telling the truth

Juan Williams

NPR Ends Williams’ Contract After Muslim Remarks

(h/t: Nevergiveup and gulfloafer)

by David Folkenflik

October 21, 2010 NPR News has terminated the contract of longtime news analyst Juan Williams after remarks he made on the Fox News Channel about Muslims.

Williams appeared Monday on The O’Reilly Factor, and host Bill O’Reilly asked him to comment on the idea that the U.S. is facing a dilemma with Muslims.

O’Reilly has been looking for support for his own remarks on a recent episode of ABC’s The View in which he directly blamed Muslims for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Co-hosts Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg walked off the set in the middle of his appearance.

Williams responded: “Look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”

Williams also warned O’Reilly against blaming all Muslims for “extremists,” saying Christians shouldn’t be blamed for Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.

Read the rest.

NPR logo with red slashed circle

Yahoo News has more:

…Williams often appears on Fox as the liberal counterpart to one of the network’s conservative hosts or guests. But some NPR listeners — an audience certainly more left-leaning than Fox’s conservative one — don’t see Williams as an advocate for progressive politics when he appears on the cable news network.

Last year, NPR ombudsman Alicia Shepard wrote that Williams had become a “lightning rod” among NPR’s staff and noted many complaints from listeners after an appearance on O’Reilly’s show.

Williams had described First Lady Michelle Obama as having a “Stokely Carmichael in a designer dress thing going,” a reference to the militant African-American activist. After those comments, NPR executives asked that NPR’s logo be removed when he appears on Fox News.

It can be expected that Fox hosts, especially O’Reilly, will have something to say about NPR’s decision.


Bernie Goldberg, a Fox News contributor and author of several books on what he describes as liberal media bias, offered his take Thursday morning in an email to The Upshot.

“So Juan Williams is fired for saying something the liberals at NPR find controversial?” Goldberg said. “One more piece of evidence that liberals have forgotten how to be liberal.”

Goldberg continued: “These are the kind of people who brag about how open-minded they are — as long as you agree with them. And here’s the dirty little secret: lots and lots of liberals feel the same way Juan does when they get on an airplane. And a lot of those liberals work at NPR. Juan’s ‘crime’ was saying it out loud.”

Weekly Standard Editor and Fox contributor Bill Kristol also had some choice words for NPR, which he dubbed “National Politically-correct Radio.” Kristol concluded a post about the firing by saying: “NPR — unfair, unbalanced … and afraid.”…

Yahoo News points out that NPR is being pressured by CAIR:
(h/t mjazz for pointing this out)

…The Council for American-Islamic Relations sent out a press release Wednesday afternoon calling on NPR to address the matter. Nihad Awad, the organization’s national executive director, called the comments “irresponsible and inflammatory” and said they “should not pass without action by NPR.”

They certainly didn’t. NPR took action Wednesday night and put out a statement regarding the severing of Williams’ contract: “His remarks on ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ this past Monday were inconsistent with our editorial standards and practices, and undermined his credibility as a news analyst with NPR.”…

Read it all, and view Juan Williams’ remarks.

Why does NPR hate Black People?

By doriangrey

…Now truth be told, as a conservative I find it distasteful to stand up for Juan Williams, because make no mistake about it, Juan is a liberal. However that said, as a conservative I find injustice even more disgusting than standing up for a liberal who has been unfairly treated and maligned. I usually disagree with Juan, however unlike most liberals I do find Juan to be an honest man with integrity, something quite rare in liberals.

To see one of the few genuinely honest intelligent and forthright liberals in America treated with such disrespect is more than I can bare and sit quietly by and watch. I have no choice but to rise in Juan’s defense and denounce in the harshest terms possible the politically correct demagoguery which led National Propaganda Radio to dismiss him. The management at NPR should be fired immediately and NPR defuned by congress and forced to become a regular for profit company having to defend it’s agenda in the commercial arena of idea’s alongside the conservative talk radio and radio news outlets.

The time has come for NPR to sink or swim in accordance to their merits in the market place of ideas.

Read it all.

It’s long past time to stop all taxpayer funding for the grotesquely biased NPR. If American members of the leftist/jihadist contingent still want to watch and listen, let them pay for it themselves through the infamous NPR subscription drives, a/k/a “beg-a-thons.” The rest of us should not be taxed for what amounts to enemy propaganda.

Oh, and by the way, the main telephone number for NPR is (202) 513-2000 and their fax number is (202) 513-3329. A contact form is here.

Hard-Left George Soros Front Organization Funds NPR

With Grant, NPR to Step Up State Government Reporting
(h/t: Michelle Malkin; thanks to eaglesoars for letting us know)

NPR has received a $1.8 million grant from the Open Society Foundations to begin a project called Impact of Government that is intended to add at least 100 journalists at NPR member radio stations in all 50 states over the next three years…

As eaglesoars points out: “The Open Society Foundation is, of course, George Soros.”

Vote in the Poll at HuffPo

Click here to vote so that we can “add some balance to that bad boy.”
(h/t: m)

A change in Juan Williams?

I used to HATE seeing Juan Williams on Fox News. But recently, I’ve noticed he’s slowly become less and less proggy. I think, and hope, that one of those politically incorrect and now-prohibited incandescent light bulbs is starting to illuminate over his head.

I would also suggest that it is time to add Juan Williams to our prayer list. He needs the Lord’s help to give him wisdom, same as one hundred percent of the human race, myself included. But while he faces persecution for having told the truth, Juan Williams is in particular need of the Lord’s help.

Also see:

Added by m, from our very own MacDuff:
NPR: Unworthy of Taxpayer Support

Refuting a Swedish Lesbian “Bishop”

by 1389AD ( 190 Comments › )
Filed under Christianity, Dhimmitude, immigration, Islam, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Sweden at October 14th, 2010 - 2:00 pm

Lesbian “Bishop” Bashes Swedish Counterjihad

GOV: Heaven Frowns on the Sweden Democrats

Ugly face of Eva Brunne

…Our Swedish correspondent LN has compiled a report on Bishopgate, as translated from various media sources. First, from Berlingske Tidende:

…The bishop’s speech also quite clearly referenced the fact that Sweden now has an immigration-critical party in Parliament.

“The racism that says that you are not worth as much as me, you do not have the same rights as me, do not deserve a life of freedom due to our being born in different parts of our world — it is not worthy of a democracy like ours to make such differences between people,” said the bishop…

Read the entire article at Gates of Vienna.

By the way, that “immigration-critical party” is Sverigedemokraterna (Swedish Democratic Party). It is blogrolled in the sidebar of 1389 Blog.

1389AD’s Manifesto in rough draft

I left this comment at Gates of Vienna:

If someone is born in some other part of the world and they do not have a life of freedom, maybe it’s their own fault! Maybe they espouse an evil ideology, such as Islam or socialism, that is incompatible with freedom and incompatible with prosperity and incompatible with civilized life, not to mention incompatible with the salvation of one’s immortal soul.

Maybe it is that person’s OWN responsibility to clean house in the place where that person was born, rather than spreading their country’s errors worldwide.

Oh, and BY THE WAY, Islam is NOT a race. It is NOT a religion. It is an expansionist, totalitarian, enemy political philosophy that seeks to rid the world of everything but Islam. Islam is inherently and irredeemably evil, has no legitimacy, deserves no Constitutional protection, and is undeserving of existence.

Zero tolerance for Islam!

And while we’re at it, zero tolerance for lesbian bishops and for “liberation theology.”