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Posts Tagged ‘Youtube’

John Hawkins on Israel and the Palestinians – Uncensored!

by 1389AD ( 83 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Censorship, Fatah, Free Speech, Hamas, Hate Speech, History, Islam, Islamic Supremacism, Israel, Judaism, Palestinians, Political Correctness, Terrorism at May 30th, 2011 - 4:30 pm

Waving Israeli Flag

John Hawkins: Why they really hate Israel

John Hawkins reveals the real reasons why many people hate Israel, and naturally, the reasons for this hatred have nothing to do with Israel or the Jews themselves.

Click Here to View John Hawkins’ Banned YouTube Video on the Palestinians (embed code does not work on Blogmocracy; please click the link to view the video)

Also see:

John Hawkins’ YouTube Channel

Also published on 1389 Blog.

E-Jihadis Shut Down Vlad Tepes’ Counterjihad YouTube Account

by 1389AD ( 3 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-Jihad, Censorship, Dhimmitude, Free Speech, Headlines, Islamic Supremacism at April 28th, 2011 - 11:44 pm

Gates of Vienna: YouTube and Vlad Tepes

Reprinted with permission.

John Work has this feature on the latest shut-down of Vlad Tepes’ You Tube account:

I’ve frequently featured or linked to the Vlad Tepes counter-jihad website here on my blog. I go to Vlad’s site because it is always a treasure-trove of information and videos about what’s really going on inside the World of Islam – items that you will never read or watch on Good Morning, America or on CNN’s nightly news.

Tonight I made my regular trip over there and found an announcement that YouTube has shut down Vlad’s video account, purportedly over a video copyright violation issue that is over six months old and, according to Vlad, should be moot.

However, I am also informed via an e-mail that there is a move on within the cyber-space war zone to shut down several counter-jihad websites by repeatedly flagging them as offensive. The al-Shamikh forum, which Vlad tells me is a password-protected Muslim jihad site, has apparently issued a fatwa against three counter-jihad sites – one of which is Vlad Tepes.

They call themselves The Jihad Smack-Down Crew. Vlad Tepes is one of them. And they’re all on the jihad hit-list.

You can draw whatever conclusion you may wish to draw about what’s going on. Me? I’m suspicious that Google and YouTube have come under some pressure from the World of Islam and decided to knuckle under rather than risk who-knows-what…

It’s another overt submission to Islam – pervasive and perverse, and YouTube doesn’t care. For small fry like Vlad, if you’re in a public forum, there’s nothing much you can do about it.

Is there a safe public venue where people like Vlad can post their video materials without being attacked, hacked, and backed against the wall by haters of whatever stripe?

Participate in the comments at GoV here.

Connecting The Dots: Google, Obama, Egypt, and the Muslim Brotherhood

by 1389AD ( 130 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Breaking News, Censorship, Egypt, Jihad, Koran, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Muslim Brotherhood at February 8th, 2011 - 2:00 pm

I have already blogged about some of the ties between the Obama administration and the anti-Mubarak uprising in Egypt (see Obama Supports Islamist Takeover Of Egypt). The Muslim Brotherhood is waiting to take over the government in Egypt as soon as the opportunity presents itself. (See Egypt: “Populist Revolt” or Muslim Brotherhood?.)

The Jawa Report has figured out that Google has a connection with Obama, the anti-Mubarak uprising in Egypt, and the Muslim Brotherhood.

That is no surprise. I have discussed issues with Google Blogger here and here. Suffice it to say that Google Blogger has repeatedly deleted or restricted access to legitimate counterjihad blogs. In addition, despite the notable successes of the SMACKDOWN Corps, Google’s YouTube continues to be a favorite spot for hosting jihadi videos.

From The Jawa Report:

February 07, 2011

Connecting the dots: Googles former Google CEO Eric Schmidt Obi Ones Tech Czar

In 2008 Schmidt stated he would not serve as technology czar in Barack Obama’s administration if he was asked.

In 2009 Obi One names him as one of the tech czars

In Jan 2010 Schmidt resigns as CEO of Google. He will still continue “as the executive chairman of the company and act as an advisor to co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin”

In 2010 State Dept lifts ban & issues visa to Tariq Ramadan Tariq Ramadan’s grandfather founded the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

In Jan 2010 Googles ME exec Wael Ghonim went missing in Egypt. He was detained by Egypt gov and was released today

More than a week after his mysterious disappearance in Egypt, Google executive and political activist Wael Ghonim has been released from government detention on Monday, the State Department told the Wall Street Journal[…]

It remains unclear what role, if any, Ghonim played in organizing the Jan. 25 protest movement itself, the largest Egypt has seen in more than 30 years. However, he played a prominent role in online activism in the months ahead of the historic protests.

Last year, Ghonim was one of four administrators running the first of the major Facebook pages that became a virtual headquarters for the protest movement, according to a collaborator in the political opposition, and also according to an Internet activist familiar with the situation. Mr. Ghonim also set up the official campaign website for opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei and volunteered as a tech consultant for other opposition groups, according to Ziad Al-Alimi, a senior aide to Mr. ElBaradei.

Mohamed ElBaradei has Muslim Brotherhoods support.

Obama stated in his interview with O’Reilly ‘some factions strains of the MB ideology are against the US:

“The Muslim Brotherhood is one faction in Egypt. They don’t have majority support in Egypt, but they are well organized and there are “strains of their ideology that are against the U.S., there’s no doubt about it,”

MB is against the US, democracy and all things Western. They want the Islamic Caliphate to rule the world and make no bones about it on their website.

“Allah is our objective; the Quran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations.”

Read it all.

Originally published on 1389 Blog.

We Must All Stand Fast – No Backpedaling!

by 1389AD ( 156 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2010, Elections 2012, Free Speech, Health Care, Healthcare, Progressives, Tea Parties at November 8th, 2010 - 2:00 pm

A Backhand to Backpedaling

Posted on Burn the Koran for Freedom 11/06/2010 by Chuck

Reposted here by author’s request.

There is a new and very important attack on the Tea Party.

“Teabaggers are socialists too.” “Teabaggers are anything but libertarian.” Suddenly this is popping up in forum posts all over the internet. I don’t know where the commie-bots get their programming updates, but they sure do get them.

They’re not being stupid. This thing is a calculated strategy. They’re trying to trap us into a hypocrisy that they can then use against us by getting us to renounce unalienable individual rights. They hope we will backpedal rather than send sacred socialist cows like Social Security and Medi-blah to the slaughterhouse. Today a YouTuber admitted it:

“This is a precursor to what will come once the Republicans take over: the Tea Party BACKpedaling and then getting deleted. Enjoy your movement’s fifteen minutes.”

A forced backpedal is what Rachel Maddow tried against Rand Paul regarding elements of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Paul’s answer to her was substantively correct: yes to prohibiting discrimination by government, no to prohibiting discrimination by private business. But he spent several minutes guiltily diluting it with hemming, hawing and diversions, and those moments ended up being the replay clips from that interview. Stating his meaning outright would have deprived the Left of those clips.

If our new Tea Party politicians backpedal, they become mere Republicans, only without being in the in-crowds, and without any friends among the other Republicans. That is how the Tea Party would be either “deleted” from the solution, or assimilated into the problem.

Do you think the Tea Party has a lot of Republican friends? Our YouTuber above claims to be a “right-leaning Independent”.

The going may get tough. The Left is counting on it. They will try to force us into either accepting socialism, or making the most politically incorrect statements imaginable, such as defending anti-black racism or killing an untouchable sacred cow that keeps someone’s mother alive.

Don’t be a vegetarian. Slaughter that cow, roast it, have it for lunch, and save me a piece.

“Yes, I fully support the right of all private business to serve or refuse to serve anyone they choose, for any reason they choose, so long as they commit no force or fraud in implementing their choice. If a black-owned diner doesn’t want to serve me because I’m white, that is their right of “free association”, which is covered under their First Amendment right of peaceable assembly. Let them advertise their standards up front. I want to know if they hate me before I eat what they bring.”

“Yes, I fully support ending the immoral and insolvent Social Security ponzi scheme. Money promised to those who have paid in will still be repaid as promised, but no new promises will be made. The final act of that ponzi scheme will be dissolve itself once those last debts are paid. The market can take over in the meantime as it sees fit – and it will. Social Security is retirement insurance, and capitalists love to sell you every bit of insurance they can.”

“Yes, I fully support ending all forced contributions to the health-care of other people. Your need does not give you the right to rob me any more than my need gives me the right to rob you. Coverage already promised to specific people will be given AS promised, but no new promises will be made. The market can take over in the meantime as it sees fit – and it will. Medical professionals go into medicine precisely because they want to heal people, as opposed to all the other equally-paying things they have the brains to do. Keep them honest by keeping them accountable to the market.”

We must stand up for our unalienable rights even when the going gets tough. The enemies of freedom will do all they can to ensure that it is tough. Defy them. A free people must always defy tyrants. The one we don’t defy is the one who enslaves us.

And if we renounce our unalienable rights even once, we fail to defy. Rights are unalienable or they are not. No middle-ground is possible. So if we agree to any socialist scheme, we agree to all of them.

Which is how we got to The Obama Years.

Of course right now most of the Tea Party is still learning about fundamental principles of freedom, so there will inevitably be ignorant concessions to things that must not be conceded to. So just say “my bad”, and backpedal them.

For the first time in many decades – if not since our Founding – the new trend is toward freedom, toward reclaiming our place as unalienably righted free individual Americans.

Welcome to the revolution. Fight righteously. Make the enemies of freedom compromise to its defenders. Make them compromise time and time again, until none of them are in positions of influence, and all of them are shamed into silence.

I now return you to the fire pit. Koran to ashes, sharia to dust.