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Posts Tagged ‘Barack Obama’

New Charity Idea: Big Person Pants For Democrats.

by Flyovercountry ( 59 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Politics at September 9th, 2011 - 11:30 am

So the latest head scratching theme from the left of center camp is that the Republicans are not showing the President proper respect by not offering a response to his campaign speech thinly veiled as an address to a joint session of congress this evening. Litterally, my mind is racing with a plethora of possible responses to this, but the overwhelming theme is is pretty constant, and that is grow up already. If you are going to feign insult, at least feign insult for something actually insulting.

A question to get things started. When did official opposition party responses become more than an annoying tradition? I can remember the first off party response, it was LLoyd Bentsen answering Goerge Bush’s first State Of The Union Address. It was not meant as a sign of respect. It came across as a Democrat temper tantrum being thrown in response to losing 3 straight Presidential elections. Somehow, our republic managed to survive for over 200 years sans an opposition party response to any address of congress.

Next question, why is this address even being given in front of congress anyhow? Addresses to joint sessions of congress have in the past been limited to State of the Union Addresses and matters of vital national security import only. In Obma’s 34 months in office, he is already the record holder for non SOTU addresses to congress. What makes this even more silly, is that tonight’s speech will have exactly zero deviation from what he has been reading off of his teleprompter since he began running for the Presidency back in 2007. We, all of us, have heard this speech before, and just like every Disney and Don Bluth kids movie sold on video cassette from years ago, I bet we, all of us are able to repeat it word for word today. I believe the term I am searching for here is, Narratum Verbatum.

Third Question, is the badly produced Kabuki Theater worthy of respect? The office of the Presidency deserves respect, but respect is also a two way street. Whatever respect the office deserves should also be paid by the person who holds that office. That is a major source of the lack of respect President Obama is receiving. He does what ever he can to diminish his office, our nation’s standing in the world, and even himself as a leader. Campaigning for reelection is one thing, using a ginned up address to a joint session to deliver the same exact stump speech which has been delivered ad nauseam for 4 years now is something else. Bear in mind that this, “jobs,” program has been promised since January of 2009, and he felt it so important recently that he put it off until after his vacation. Many of us on the right keep waiting and hoping that the man who is the least qualified person in any room that he enters will at some point rise to meet the occasion. Before you say, that’s foolish, bear in mind that even the President who came straight from Tammany Hall, Democrat Chester A. Arthur, by all accounts treated his office with the respect it deserves. Barack Obama’s regime has engaged in activities which include arming the Mexican Drug Cartels, closing down American manufacturers who disagree with him politically, inciting groups of American citizens to engage in violent activities against other groups of American citizens, and using his office as our chief executive to promote the most demagogic class warfare in my memory.

Fourth question, do you democrats really have a problem with your man having his forum with out any type of counter argument? For gosh sakes, any debater in the world would love to have the opportunity to present their case without rebuttal. Your man asked for the forum, and this is his moment in the spotlight. his chief complaint for the first 2 years of his Presidency was that the GOP refused to become complicit in his lunacy and bevy of bad ideas. What would he possibly have to gain from having the same responses to the same speech as we have seen for the last 34 months. In a slight twist however, the GOP congress critters have taken to inviting independent entrepreneurs who have been ravaged by Obama’s policies to the address tonight, including the CEO of Gibson Guitars. This is the tribute that Barack Obama so richly deserves.

What this comes down to, is a panic driven temper tantrum with the realization that they are losing their tenuous grip on power being played out by the left. They campaigned as center right pragmatists in 2006 and 2008 in order to capture both houses of congress and the Presidency. When they in fact governed as Socialists and Marxists once in power, people got angry. No, the Republicans are not perfect, but at least they do not try to obfuscate their positions. When you elect a Republican, you pretty much get the warts you knew were there in the first place. I have no problem with the Democrats governing as Marxists, I do have problem with them promising not to be Marxists and then governing as such. Based on the 2010 election, and what is coming up for them in 2012, it appears as though most other Americans have a problem with this as well.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Moar Publk Werx Prjx Plz

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 124 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Cult of Obama, Economy, government, Humor, OOT, Open thread, Politics at September 8th, 2011 - 11:00 pm

Yeah, I listened to Obama’s campaign speech earlier. For those of us in the private sector, we’re screwed if he’s able to pass his latest government spending boondoggle that’s not a boondoggle according to dear leader.

Look on the bright side – the middle class (that he neglected to define) will have a $1,500 tax break to keep them out of foreclosure. Yep. $125/month should do it.  It’ll almost cover the wine and beer budget, unless you and your spouse  earn over $40K or so.

Last night was “GOP Debate Trash Talk Night.” Tonight is “Take Out The Trash Night” on The Overnight Open Thread.

Hopety Change Defined: It Means Chicago Style Politics.

by Flyovercountry ( 114 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Politics at September 1st, 2011 - 5:00 pm

The optics of Barack Obama’s Presidency have moved from bad kabuki theater to downright bizarre.  Besides the plethora of softballs the Obama team has been lobbing to us righty bloggers, he has served up the opportunity for even juicier bits of red meat.  Due to the fact that I am growing tired of listing the entire littany of Obama stumbles on a daily basis, we’ll use as an example of his incompetence and demagoguery his latest foray into the world of the absurd.  After campaigning on, and then lecturing us on, a new tone in Washington politics and civility, Barack Obama scheduled a joint session address to congress for the same night as the Republican candidate debate, which had been scheduled for months.  Just to put that into perspective, he rescheduled his joint session address to ask for permission to go to Libya, a full month at least after he was already in violation of the War Powers Act, so that his address would not conflict with Fox’s Dancing With The Stars.  The reason for his urgency over his address next week?  Well, it is a campaign speech thinly disguised as the long awaited jobs program.  That’s right, the same one he promised to give us in short order for the last 31 months.  The very same one he was thinking of right before he went to sleep each night, and the first thing he thought of when he got up in the morning, and apparently for not even a nanosecond in between.  The very same one by the way, he put off most recently so that he could hang with the Jet Set in beautiful Martha’s Vineyard for 10 days of fun in the sun.

Let me end your undoubted suspense over the jobs speech which will now be held on Thursday, due to Republican stupidity in handling the Obama gaffe.  (If the Republicans were smart, they would have agreed to let the little boy speak on Wednesday, and then held their debate immediately afterward.  That way, they would have had an 8 man nationally televised destruct Obamathon in which to rebut the President’s idiocy.)  The President’s speech will consist of the following.  You should hate oil company executives, and bankers too.  You should hate all insurance companies while you’re at it.  The rich, who you should really really hate are not sacrificing enough to ease the burden of those who, not only don’t sacrifice at all, but actually are living on the public dole.  Some people, who are not named Barack Obama are actually flying around on private jets, and you should definitely hate them.  If those people would just allow him to spend like a drunken sailor, then we could invest in infrastructure again.  We need to repair roads, bridges, and to build our Universities, and that will get our economy really humming this time he promises.  Let’s not forget about those green jobs, which really do exist, and not just in his imagination.  The recovery is coming along slower, but he can see the corner being turned, really.  It was Bush’s fault, and is the shared fault of all Republicans in the House and Senate who have stopped passing his suicidal legislative packages.

So, while he is telling us all of that, click this link to read what his Administration is really doing to help create jobs in America.  President Obama’s Justice department has made the decision to raid Gibson Guitars for allegedly violating the Lacey Act.  It appears that even though India is fine with exporting their rather rare and high quality rose wood, Eric Holder has taken it upon himself to act as a proxy for India, who clearly is incapable of making rational decisions for themselves.  The ironic thing is, not only did C.J. Martin not get charged with the highly dubious law, but Michelle Obama herself has been giving away Gibson Guitars as gifts to foreign dignitaries.  As it turns out, the CEO for Gibson is a Republican, while the CEO for C.J. Martin is a Democrat.  Say hello to Chicago Politics America.  If you donate to my political adversary, I will punish you by destroying your livelihood.  Question for those of you keeping score at home, how many jobs have been lost at Gibson so far due to the Obama thug tactics of performing his duties as President.

We all know what happened earlier this year to Boeing, who spent $2 Billion to build a new plant in South Carolina to produce their 787 Dream Liner passenger jet, only to be disallowed to move into the facility because it seems that the Obama Administration does not wish to reward right to work States.  So, for the roughly 1000 would be employees of Boeing in South Carolina, hard cheese for you.  Just continue to hold your breath and wait for a green job to save you.  Unfortunately for you however, that green job won’t be with Solyndra, as that company is now bankrupt, despite the small fact that they received over Half a Billion Bones in stimulus money.  Don’t feel too bad for Solyndra however, since that company is owned by the  wealthy Obama fundraiser, George Kaiser.  He has plenty of other businesses which also received stimulus money.  Like I said, Chicago Style.  This is clearly the most ethical Administration evah!

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Some Bailout Numbers Revealed.

by coldwarrior ( 49 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, government at August 22nd, 2011 - 11:30 am

These numbers are just staggering.

Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2T in Loans

Citigroup Inc. (C) and Bank of America Corp. (BAC) were the reigning champions of finance in 2006 as home prices peaked, leading the 10 biggest U.S. banks and brokerage firms to their best year ever with $104 billion of profits.

By 2008, the housing market’s collapse forced those companies to take more than six times as much, $669 billion, in emergency loans from the U.S. Federal Reserve. The loans dwarfed the $160 billion in public bailouts the top 10 got from the U.S. Treasury, yet until now the full amounts have remained secret.

Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s unprecedented effort to keep the economy from plunging into depression included lending banks and other companies as much as $1.2 trillion of public money, about the same amount U.S. homeowners currently owe on 6.5 million delinquent and foreclosed mortgages. The largest borrower, Morgan Stanley (MS), got as much as $107.3 billion, while Citigroup took $99.5 billion and Bank of America $91.4 billion, according to a Bloomberg News compilation of data obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests, months of litigation and an act of Congress.

“These are all whopping numbers,” said Robert Litan, a former Justice Department official who in the 1990s served on a commission probing the causes of the savings and loan crisis. “You’re talking about the aristocracy of American finance going down the tubes without the federal money.”
Foreign Borrowers

It wasn’t just American finance. Almost half of the Fed’s top 30 borrowers, measured by peak balances, were European firms. They included Edinburgh-based Royal Bank of Scotland Plc, which took $84.5 billion, the most of any non-U.S. lender, and Zurich-based UBS AG (UBSN), which got $77.2 billion. Germany’s Hypo Real Estate Holding AG borrowed $28.7 billion, an average of $21 million for each of its 1,366 employees….

The $1.2 trillion peak on Dec. 5, 2008 — the combined outstanding balance under the seven programs tallied by Bloomberg — was almost three times the size of the U.S. federal budget deficit that year and more than the total earnings of all federally insured banks in the U.S. for the decade through 2010, according to data compiled by Bloomberg…

‘The Cheapest Source’

Herring, the University of Pennsylvania professor, said some banks may have used the program to maximize profits by borrowing “from the cheapest source, because this was supposed to be secret and never revealed.”

Whether banks needed the Fed’s money for survival or used it because it offered advantageous rates, the central bank’s lender-of-last-resort role amounts to a free insurance policy for banks guaranteeing the arrival of funds in a disaster, Herring said.

An IMF report last October said regulators should consider charging banks for the right to access central bank funds.

Please Read the Rest here, its a long article with some very very good information.