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Posts Tagged ‘Ben Bernanke’

Ben Bernanke Is An Idiot

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 8 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Charity, Communism, Corruption, Democratic Party, Economy, Education, Elections, Elections 2012, government, History, Marxism, Media, Nazism, Politics, Progressives, Religion, Socialism, Special Report, World at September 15th, 2012 - 11:00 am

How does a country that is epiglottisly deep in debt get out of it? Soak the taxpayers. Raise taxes and depress the economy even more. Keep investors hunkered down. As if things aren’t bad enough, what Bernanke’s proposing is likely to create inflation – that fortunately has been stagnant for years. Yeah, that’s the ticket to prosperity.

Anyone notice that big money players (like Warren Buffett, George Soros, George Paulson & Vladimir Putin) are buying up gold and precious metals like insane cat collectors? There’s a reason. They all know what’s coming down – a world-wide depression, thanks to an insane U.S. fiscal policy, set up by the Democrat-controlled Congress under the Bush administration, then promoted and promulgated by the Obama Regime.

And it IS a Regime.

Although the regime is sometimes hidden and not in front of the cameras of the general public, it has been aiding and abetting the radical left for decades, with a very patient step-by-step procedure. Although the names change, the mission is the same.

China didn’t fall to communism overnight. Neither did Russia fall immediately. Even the National Socialists began as an unpopular splinter group in Germany. It took decades and more before these evil regimes were accepted as a bunch of good guys looking out for the best interests of the populace.

Infiltrate the universities and schools. Check.
Indoctrinate the next generation. Check.
Infiltrate the main stream media. Check.
Install radicals in high positions of authority. Check
Create a large class dependent upon government for subsistance. Check.
Demonize the wealthy and successful. Work in progress.
Attack and ban religion and charity. Work in progress.

Once those simple tasks have been accomplished, the elites can take over and may God help us.

May God have pity on the rest of the world too, because if what this Regime wants comes to pass, the United States of America, the most successful nation in history, the most charitable nation in history, the most powerful nation in history, will not be able to help them any longer.

And Ben Bernanke is providing one more step on that path to the economic destruction of this great country.

Federal reserve announces QE3

by Phantom Ace ( 1 Comment › )
Filed under Economy, Headlines, Inflation at September 13th, 2012 - 2:26 pm

The United States just moved closer to 3rd World status today. The Federal Reserve has announced QE3. This time it will be unlimited until they feel economic stats are better. In other words, they want to lower American’s standard of living by printing money.

The Federal Reserve decision is out, and it’s a biggie, causing the Dow to surge 155.

There are two main components.

The first is that the Federal Reserve has extended its guidance for low rates through 2015.

The second is that there’s going to be open ended quantitative easing.

The Federal Reserve will buy $40 billion worth of Mortgage Backed Securities without end.

Whereas in the past the Fed always announced a specific amount of QE, this time there will be no stop until the Fed is happy with the pace of recovery.

Ben Bernanke is implementing 3rd world style economics. This means the dollar will be cheapened and our purchasing power dimished.

The Obama Boom: FED considers QE3

by Phantom Ace ( 2 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Headlines at January 13th, 2012 - 11:41 am

The media is proclaiming the economy is at its strongest since the 90’s. They are claiming we are in a historic boom that is lifting millions’ living standard. Well if the economy is solid, why is 3rd World style Fed chairman Ben Bernanke considering printing more money?

Federal Reserve officials are seriously considering giving the US economy—and especially the housing market—an added jolt with more quantitative easing.

Fed officials are likely to discuss such a move at their Jan. 24-25 meeting, when the central bank will issue its first quarterly forecast on interest rates under the new communication policy.

Two of the new voting members this year on the Federal Open Market Committee, which sets interest-rate policy, have recently suggested they would support more assets purchases.

San Francisco Fed President John Williams said that sustained high levels of unemployment, as forecast by many Fed members, “does make an argument that we should have more stimulus.”

Another new voter, Cleveland Fed President Sandra Pianalto, said in a recent speech that economic models indicate the Fed “should be even more accommodative than it is today.”

Isn’t printing money great! Clearly Ben Bernanke is trying to get Barack Hussein Obama re-elected.

Fed to provide more “liquidity” for the Euros

by Phantom Ace ( 32 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Transportation at November 30th, 2011 - 11:30 am

Ben Bernanke who is a fan of 3rd World economics is back it again. Coordinating with other central banks, he plans to create more liquidity to prop up the European fanancial system. In other words, he is printing money to bail out Europe’s failed Socialist system.

The Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the Swiss National Bank are today announcing coordinated actions to enhance their capacity to provide liquidity support to the global financial system. The purpose of these actions is to ease strains in financial markets and thereby mitigate the effects of such strains on the supply of credit to households and businesses and so help foster economic activity. 

These central banks have agreed to lower the pricing on the existing temporary U.S. dollar liquidity swap arrangements by 50 basis points so that the new rate will be the U.S. dollar overnight index swap (OIS) rate plus 50 basis points. This pricing will be applied to all operations conducted from December 5, 2011. The authorization of these swap arrangements has been extended to February 1, 2013. In addition, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, and the Swiss National Bank will continue to offer three-month tenders until further notice.

As a contingency measure, these central banks have also agreed to establish temporary bilateral liquidity swap arrangements so that liquidity can be provided in each jurisdiction in any of their currencies should market conditions so warrant. At present, there is no need to offer liquidity in non-domestic currencies other than the U.S. dollar, but the central banks judge it prudent to make the necessary arrangements so that liquidity support operations could be put into place quickly should the need arise. These swap lines are authorized through February 1, 2013.

Read the rest: Press Release

This is the blind leading the blind. Bernanke is once again taking care of his connected buddies at the expense of our living standards. This is criminal and whoever the next President is should remove this gangster as the head of the Federal Reserve. No Conservative should support this looting by the Globalist Crime Syndicate. This is not free market Capitalism, this is criminal activity.