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Posts Tagged ‘Florida’

George Soros is Gunning for Allen West; Rep. Allen West (R-FL) Orders Chick-fil-A food for the Congressional Black Caucus, and six months later, they’re all still offended!; Racist Ad against Allen West

by 1389AD ( 22 Comments › )
Filed under Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Marxism, Military, Patriotism, Politics, Progressives, Republican Party, Tea Parties, The Political Right at August 9th, 2012 - 5:00 pm

 George Soros is Gunning for Allen West by 1389

From Stella [team member at 1389 Blog]:

I remind all of you of the FAX I sent to Representative West about the truth of what was happening to the Serbs and he sent the following hand-written note to me:

Congressman Allen West – FAX – The Balkanized States of America

Bill Dorich left a wonderful comment at the 1389 Blog Counterjihad!

Please read the following message, “George Soros is Gunning for Allen West.”

We need to keep Allen West in office!

From: “BAMPAC” info@bampac.org
Date: August 7, 2012 1:46:53 PM EDT
Subject: George Soros is Gunning for Allen West
Reply-To: info@bampac.org

BAMPAC email header

Dear Patriot,

Congressman Allen West is being attacked from all sides.

First, the Republican Party political establishment is trying to defeat him in Florida’s GOP primary.

And now, ultra-leftist billionaire George Soros is funding a new super PAC specifically to defeat Allen.

Will you please make a special generous contribution of $35, $50, $100, $250 or more to help reelect Congressman Allen West and other true conservatives?

Allen’s primary is in just a few weeks and the GOP establishment is throwing everything it has against him.

A whole lot of “moderate” Republicans want him gone because he doesn’t believe that compromising with Barack Obama will help save America.

And the liberals absolutely hate Allen West because he such an outspoken and effective champion for conservative values. They will do anything and everything to defeat him this fall.

That’s why BAMPAC is going all out to support our good friend. We are going to pay for phone banks, ads, mailings and whatever Allen needs in order to make sure he wins this primary and gets reelected this fall.

Just consider what Allen West is facing:

His “Republican” primary opponent, Bob Crowder, is a RINO who won’t commit to repealing ObamaCare. Instead he says that he’ll stop the “polarizing partisan rhetoric” surrounding the government-takeover of health care and calls Allen West “irresponsible.”

His Democratic opponent, Patrick Murphy, is a big liberal who is raising money like crazy. His stated campaign strategy is to personally destroy Allen West and save ObamaCare.

Then there is this new “Dump West” super PAC.

Nancy Pelosi personally ordered it to be formed and it is being funded by leftist billionaire George Soros. The Dump West super PAC will spend millions and millions of dollars attacking Allen 24 hours a day!

No other Congressman from either political party has to combat such an onslaught.

It seems that every non-conservative political figure or organization in the country is gunning for Allen West.

So, it’s up to BAMPAC to help him. BAMPAC is one of the top 25 PACs in the country. We provide the funding and other campaign support that conservative candidates need… Especially when they are under attack like Allen West.

And right now Allen West’s primary is just weeks away and both the Republican and Democratic Party political establishments are throwing everything they have at Allen West.

Please make the most generous contribution you can to help reelect Allen West and other conservative candidates.
He really needs you.


Alvin Williams
President and CEO

More here.

Rep. Allen West (R-FL) Orders Chick-fil-A food for the Congressional Black Caucus, and six months later, they’re all still offended! By Bob in Breckenridge

All-American Hero

Typical liberal crook

Of course, we know that the libs are perpetually offended by almost everything, but c’mon now, it’s not like he stiffed’em and made them pay the tab! Only a liberal would have done that (or most likely charged it to us taxpayers). But I digress.

Col. West paid for it, darn it!

Now, this happened not yesterday, not last week, nor last month, but SIX MONTHS AGO! But the black caucus supposedly never forgot about this “insult” and is still upset about it! And it has NOTHING to do with the current Chick-Fil-A situation about supporting traditional marriage, so don’t even think that, you doubting Thomas’s!

Listen to disgraced former federal judge Alcee Hastings (Dumocrat-FL) pictured above (with Hillary and Tom Dashle), who was impeached by the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives, for bribery and perjury, by a vote of 413-3, and was then convicted in 1989, by the United States Senate, becoming the sixth federal judge in the history of the United States to be removed from office by the Senate.

Yet the brain-dead parasites who make up his district still voted to elect this POS crook to the U.S. House. As Soviet-born comedian Yakov Smirnoff first said, about forty years ago, after defecting here: “What a country!”

And this is a great country, when a crook like Hastings can actually garner enough support to get elected to congress numerous times, although if his district was made up of working Americans, rather than welfare-collecting parasites, I doubt he’d ever get elected dog catcher.

Anyway, here’s what that moron Hastings said about Col. West’s generosity:

“We have fried chicken. And we have catfish and BBQ. We do not have watermelon, although sometimes people will have fruit. We serve a full course meal with collard greens. We have Jamaican beans and rice,” Hastings said. But West “sent Chick-fil-A with biscuits. Ok?” “That was an ‘in your face.’ Every member of the Congressional Black Caucus that was there was offended,” he said.

Now, we all know that Hastings, being a typical lying liberal, is so full of shit with his and the CBC’s feigned outrage of something that happened six months ago, that he probably has to buy enemas by the gallon to “relieve” him.

A new ad is airing against Allen West. It clearly is racist as it shows Allen West beating up White women.

It is hard to think of an attack ad lower than the one essentially blaming Mitt Romney for a womn’s death, but we may have just found one.

It’s from Florida, and it depicts Allen West (R-FL) in a boxing ring with red gloves on. The cartoon-like video then shows West punching an old woman, a young lady and seemingly a family with children. He also steals cash from the hands of the family and pockets it.


The ad is starting to garner attention from critics, including one who thinks there are some racial undertones.

This is racism pure and simple.

Quinnipiac University Florida Poll: Romney 47% – Obama 41%

by Phantom Ace Comments Off on Quinnipiac University Florida Poll: Romney 47% – Obama 41%
Filed under Barack Obama, Elections 2012, Headlines, Mitt Romney at May 23rd, 2012 - 9:58 am

As a Florida resident I can testify to the accuracy of this poll. Many Floridians are tired of the Pharoah and his lies. His flip on Gay marriage did him damage here. Although many Floridians even those on the Right like me are OK with Civil Unions/Domestic Partnerships, Gay Marriage is a red line. Plus the economy sucks and Floridians have had it with the god-king. This has propelled Mitt Romney to 6 point lead.

Gov. Mitt Romney holds a 47 – 41 percent lead over President Barack Obama in Florida, where 63 percent of voters say the president’s support of same-sex marriage will not affect their vote, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Another 25 – 11 percent of voters, including 23 – 9 percent among independent voters, say Obama’s support of gay marriage makes them less likely to support his candidacy.

Adding Florida U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio to the GOP ticket would give the Republican Romney/Rubio team a 49 – 41 percent lead over President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

Romney’s lead in the horse race compares to a 44 – 43 percent tie in a May 3 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University and a 49 – 42 percent Obama lead March 28.

Florida registered voters say 52 – 44 percent that the president does not deserve a second term in the Oval Office and by 52 – 44 percent give him a thumbs-down on his job approval.

“Gov. Mitt Romney has slipped into the lead in Florida and that standing is confirmed by his much better numbers than the president when voters are asked whether they view the candidates favorably or unfavorably. They view Romney favorably 44 – 35 percent, while Obama gets a negative 45 – 50 percent favorability,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant vice president of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

“The overall picture in Florida is positive for Romney, who is ahead 50 – 37 percent among men, while women are divided 44 – 45 percent. And the president is getting just 33 percent of white votes, compared to 85 percent of black votes and 42 percent of Hispanic votes.”

Romney is doing OK with Hispanic voters in Florida at 40%. He’s still under-performing with the Florida Hispanic vote, but odds are the undecided Hispanics would break for him, thus pushing him over 50%. Florida is not a battleground state. It should be moved into the lean Romney category.
(Hat Tip: Huckfunn)

Dr. Terry Jones Coming to Sanford FL for George Zimmerman’s Constitutional Rights Saturday, April 21, 1-3pm

by 1389AD Comments Off on Dr. Terry Jones Coming to Sanford FL for George Zimmerman’s Constitutional Rights Saturday, April 21, 1-3pm
Filed under Headlines, Political Correctness, Racism at April 12th, 2012 - 12:27 am

Dr. Terry Jones coming to Sanford for Zimmerman’s Constitutional Rights

Published on Apr 11, 2012 by StandUpAmericaNow

Rally will be held:

Saturday April 21, 1-3pm
Criminal Justice Center
101 Bush Blvd. Sanford, FL 32773

Contact Stand Up America Now for more information: 352-371-2487

Allen West on the US Military: Monday, January 9, 2012

by 1389AD ( 51 Comments › )
Filed under Military at January 11th, 2012 - 11:30 am

Dear Patriot,

Greetings to our constituents, fellow Floridians, and all Americans, it is time for our first weekly update of the new year. This will undoubtedly be a crucial year for the future of America.

As I reflect upon a year ago, I remember what many termed the “Arab Spring” when referring to the hoped-for birth of democracy across the Islamic world. However, today we now clearly see this as the “Arab Winter,” especially when one considers that in this month the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical Islamists groups shall have a 60-65% control of the Egyptian government.

Radical Islamists are promulgating their anti-Western, anti-America message and goals all over the world, not just in the Middle East and in Southwest Asia. Please read here about the latest terrorist threat on our own soil- this time in Tampa, Florida- mere hours from our Congressional District.

If that isn’t enough to worry about- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be traveling through Latin America this very week strengthening alliances in the region. Does everyone remember the Monroe Doctrine?

We have a 28-year-old “4-Star General” now in charge in North Korea and he will likely want to take some action to prove his “street cred.” As well, China is expanding its strategic military capability by way of its maritime and air forces. Need I remind you all the last time that occurred in an Asian nation?

With all of this as a backdrop, President Obama made an unprecedented trip to the Pentagon to release his “strategic vision” for our military – a vision which is a nightmare. The President fails to realize the “enemy has a vote” and is preparing to set up America up for another Kasserine Pass or Task Force Smith. We cannot have the United States Military as the bill payer for the fiscal irresponsibility of Washington D.C. Currently, our Department of Defense spending is around 19.6% of our total budget. In terms of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) we are only at 4.5% in defense spending, and that includes funding support to operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In contrast, our mandatory spending (net interest on the debt, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, and Social Security) makes up 62% of our federal budget. In Fiscal Year 2011 we saw a 6.7% increase in MEDICARE spending, but less than a 2% increase in defense spending.

With President Obama’s vision, we shall see defense spending over the next ten years drop to 2.7% of our GDP, while mandatory spending grows closer to 12% of GDP. One has to ask, what does President Obama believe to be the essential task of the federal government?

My recommendation is simple: develop a National Security Strategy of “Engage, Deter and Strike”, and from there enact a threat assessment across our geographic AORs (Areas of Responsibility) which looks at threats in those regions for the next 15-20 years. Then develop the requirements, capabilities, and capacities necessary to meet that strategy.

Other evaluative criteria for this strategy: eliminate nation-building or occupation style operations; move from a forward deployed to a power projection platform military; eliminate sustained deployments in a combat zone longer than eight months for our troops and allow for a two-and-a-half year “dwell” time back at home. In addition, we should reduce weapon system procurement and acquisition development timelines down to five to seven years and enact a 10-15% cut across higher headquarters staffs.

No President gets to decide where this country will fight, the enemy will make that decision. The Commander-in-Chief needs to be able to protect this nation and our interests abroad.

I am constantly reminded of Alexander the Great’s famous quote, “I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.” America always must be led by a lion with a vision of “peace through strength.”

My other concern coming out of this past week is not just about the “recess appointments” made by President Obama, but rather the accompanying rhetoric. Our Founding Fathers established a Constitutional Republic rooted in the rule of law and a system of checks and balances between coequal branches of our Federal Government. America is not an imperial monarchy and no one gets to bypass Congress to implement his ideological agenda. I hope America is now realizing that elections have consequences.

I am pleased the unemployment rate dropped to 8.5%, but let us not start dancing in the end zone yet. We need to have a consistent drop and never forget that we have millions of Americans who have dropped from the rolls because they are no longer seeking employment, as well as many more who are underemployed. I want to be assured this drop from 9% to 8.6% to 8.5% is not just a “seasonal bump.” Only free market-oriented, private sector, fiscal, monetary, tax, and regulatory policies will create the conditions for sustained economic and job growth. Furthermore, a year from now, Americans must realize that we could see the most massive tax increases in our history.

I want to close with a quote from Alexis de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America” which was written in the mid-1800s: “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”

In this critical election year, beware the individual who promises more spending to placate the electorate and expands the level of dependency upon the State. That person, truly a Statist, will end the longest running Constitutional Republic the world has ever known, our America.

Steadfast and Loyal,