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Posts Tagged ‘Media’

Letter to the Editor: Obama’s “Achievements”

by 1389AD ( 2 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Economy, George W. Bush, Headlines, Healthcare, Media, Misery Index, unemployment at May 27th, 2011 - 9:08 pm

Obama has put us in a deeper hole

Patriot-News (Harrisburg, PA)
Published: Friday, May 27, 2011, 12:24 AM

In response to “Obama has done a lot during his time in office” (letters, May 22), the author offers a “short list” of President Obama’s achievements.

The theme of the letter was that Republicans are the party of “Wall Street,” yet it was President Obama who bailed out Wall Street, Goldman-Sachs, GE (that made a profit of $14 billion yet paid no taxes), the car industry, the mortgage industry (Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, who are responsible for the deep economic recession we are experiencing today) and the banking industry, all at the expense of the American taxpayer.

Before touting President Obama’s achievements, take a further look at the following: One in seven Americans lives in poverty and is on food stamps. The latest government figures show a poverty rate increase from 12.7 percent to 13.2 percent or 39.8 million people. Unemployment is at its highest level since the Great Depression.

Furthermore, rather than being in two wars, President Obama has put us into three, the latest being Libya, and even now is fighting against congressional controls of the War Powers Act that he supported when George W. Bush was president. And this is the President Obama who was in office less than two weeks when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.


The last paragraph to Stella Jatras’ letter was deleted:

“I strongly recommend that everyone see the movie “Atlas Shrugged” which depicts the dangers of an overreaching federal government that picks winners and losers in the private sector, just as President Obama is doing today. Almost 20 percent of Obamacare waivers went to Nancy Pelosi’s district in California while Harry Reid’s entire state of Nevada received a waiver to opt out of Obamacare Other waiver recipients were labor unions which supported Obamacare being rammed through a Democrat Congress. To top it all, our President sides with the Mexican government against his own American citizens in the state of Arizona while his Department of Justice selectively decides which federal laws it will defend. Ironically, “Atlas Shrugged” was written over 50 years ago by Ayn Rand but we are living the nightmare today.”

Whitewashing Muslim Wrongdoing In Bosnia

by 1389AD ( 100 Comments › )
Filed under Bosnia, Crime, Islamic Terrorism, Media, Political Correctness, Serbia at April 20th, 2011 - 8:30 am

With a side dish of surreptitious Serb-bashing, as is usual for the mainstream media.

Bill Dorich Responds To ‘Two U.S. Citizens from Bosnia Held in Wartime Killings’

William Dorich

April 14, 2011
Letter to the Editor
Los Angeles Times:

In your article, Two U.S. Citizens from Bosnia Held in Wartime Killings, the Times once again reveals the ugly ‘partisan press’ that your newspaper perpetrate throughout the Bosnian Civil War when these pages never published one single article during the breakup of former Yugoslavia that was written by a Serbian journalist, author, scholar or political leader. Your one-sided reporting has been contemptible.

Your so-called journalist, Stephen Ceasar is equally culpable of a lack of ethics and morals. If these were two Serbs accused of these war crimes the headline would have surely screamed SERBS! But because these alleged killers are Muslims your reporter and this newspaper hoodwink your readers leaving the obvious conclusion that these two criminals are Serbians.

Your reporter knows full well the identity of these monsters but like the Times lap dog he grovels at the feet of some sick editor who continues his campaign to paint Serbs with collective guilt – a pox on all of your houses. Your subscribers deserve to read the facts and the truth and determine for themselves if the identity of the accused deserve protection by a major metropolitan newspaper. Shame on the Times.

Do I expect this letter to appear on your pages? I am not that stupid or gullible. But it will be published on every Serbian website around the world to expose the Los Angeles Times’ continued ugly and irresponsible display of yellow journalism.

William Dorich
Los Angeles, CA

The writer is the author of 5 books on Balkan history including his 1992 book, Kosovo.

Mr. Dorich is also the founder of GM Books.

20 days of leftist threats and thuggery in Wisconsin

by Bob in Breckenridge ( 186 Comments › )
Filed under Academia, Barack Obama, Communism, Crime, Democratic Party, Education, Elections 2010, Elections 2012, Fascism, government, Healthcare, Media, Politics, Progressives, Socialism, Tea Parties, Unions at March 19th, 2011 - 4:30 pm

Remember a couple months back, right after the shooting of Congresswoman Gabriele Giffords, when the libs got their bloomers in a wad over the Tea Parties and Sarah Palin’s website “targeting” libs that we needed to defeat, and their almost non-stop pontificating about how it was this kind of tone that led to the violence committed against Giffords and the other victims?

As we all now know, the shooter had no connection whatsoever to the Tea Party and/or the GOP, and was, in fact, (yet another) leftwing whackjob.

But now, when their union thugs not only start using signs targeting politicians they disagree with (see example above), but actually physically threatening the lives of those whom they disagree with, and even their family members, their wives and children, we hear nothing from any of their “leaders” condemning this way over-the-top violent rhetoric.

The dimocrat politicians, along with most of the dimocrat voters, and the members of MSF’inM were so quick to blame the Tea Parties for the shootings of Giffords and the others, before their was one shred of evidence that the shooter was a Tea Party supporter, and even before the bodies of the victims were cold.

Now? We hear nothing from any of them

Breitbart has an excellent timeline of the incidents of lefty union thugs attempting to intimidate and threaten, including using bodily harm, and even death threats, against the Republican Governor and Senators for fulfilling the promise they made to the citizens of Wisconsin last fall.

20 Days of Left-Wing Thuggery in Wisconsin: When Will Obama, Democrats, and MSM Call for Civility?

Below, you’ll find a compilation of 20 days worth of the death threats, vandalism, and intimidation practiced by pro-union thugs opposed to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s budget repair bill. Wisconsin is my home state. I lived there until I was 27 years-old in 1993 and most of my family, including my parents still live there. For that reason and because the issue of education and teachers unions has been a passion of mine for going on two decades, I’ve been following this story very, very closely. My original intent was to compile all of this earlier in the week, but after reading Lee Stranahan’s superb editorial I decided to wait and see if that might have some effect on the national and local Wisconsin media in moving them towards giving the ongoing violence, intimidation, vandalism, and overall thuggery occurring at the hands of union activists and their supporters, the coverage it needs and deserves.
Click here to check it out

Lib journalist: Lara Logan rape was “funny”

by Bob in Breckenridge ( 107 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Crime, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Media, Politics, Progressives at February 20th, 2011 - 5:00 pm

A couple of weeks ago, we had white “progressives”, you know the type- enlightened, caring, and tolerant, of others with different views, calling for the cutting off of body parts and the lynching of Justice Clarence Thomas, who, as we all know, is black, or that he should be “sent back into the fields to work”, and also saying that Justice Alito should be hanged or “sent back to Sicily”-

Then earlier this week we had yet another compassionate lib call black conservative and possible 2012 GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain “a black garbage pail kid” who “entertains and perform for their White Conservative masters”, and is “a monkey in the window”.

His rambling, racist statement was mostly incoherent gibberish, as if it was written by a third-grader, which most likely means he’ll soon have his own show on MSNBC.

And as usual, it drew the same response from the civil rights crowd such as the NAALCP, and civil rights activists frauds/shysters such as Je$$e Jack$on and Al $harpton, as it always does when it happens to a black conservative, which is to say none at all.

As we all now know, CBS News correspondent Lara Logan was brutally physically and sexually assaulted this week by a mob of muslim savages shouting “she’s a Jew, a Jew”, while she was covering the events in Egypt last week.

And in yet another show of liberal compassion, Nir Rosen, who has written for Time, Harper’s, The New Yorker, and the New York Times Magazine, referred to Logan as a “warmonger” and said that her being raped was “funny”.

Yeah, he apologized, then made more idiotic and disparaging comments about it, and apologized again, saying this time in his emailed apology that he really truly means it, before resigning from his position at NYU.

And we heard all the women’s rights groups and activists such as the NAG’s (National Association of Gals, as Rush calls them), I mean NOW, condemning both the assault by the muslim savages on Ms. Logan and the absurd remarks by Rosen, right? Wrong. Not a peep from any of them.

But we damn well know that if any of these comments had been made by Tea Party members or any conservative group or well-known person, the libs would be howling about how this proves we’re all racist, sexist, and bigoted homophobes, for days on end, and demanding that someone be fired.

Nir Rosen, U.S. journalist slams CBS’ Lara Logan on Twitter after sexual assault in Egypt, resigns

While the world reels in shock over CBS reporter Lara Logan’s sexual assault in Egypt, another American journalist is causing a different kind of outrage, calling Logan a “warmonger” who was simply trying to outdo Anderson Cooper.

Nir Rosen, an NYU fellow who has extensively covered the Iraq War, made the insensitive remarks during a Twitter rant on Tuesday. He has since resigned from the university’s Center on Law and Security.

“Lara Logan had to outdo Anderson,” Rosen tweeted, referring to the CNN correspondent, who was reportedly punched in the head multiple times while covering the recent demonstrations in Egypt.

Rosen went on, insisting it would be humorous if Anderson too had been sexually assaulted.

“Yes yes it’s wrong what happened to her. Of course. I don’t support that. But it would have been funny if it happened to Anderson too.”

From there, his posts only got worse.

The tweet, “Jesus Christ, at a moment when she is going to become a martyr and glorified we should at least remember her role as a major war monger,” was followed by, “Look, she was probably groped like thousands of other women.”

Last week, Logan, a “60 Minutes” correspondent, endured a “brutal and sustained sexual assault by a mob of men while covering the Egyptian uprising,” CBS News said on Tuesday. She was eventually saved by a group of women and about 20 Egyptian soldiers, the network reported.

The 39-year-old is now back in the U.S. and recovering. Sources told TMZ that Logan plans on going back to work within weeks, describing her as “unbelievably strong.”

Rosen, who has written for a number of prestigious publications, including Time, Harper’s, The New Yorker and the New York Times Magazine, later offered a half-hearted apology, after deleting many of his previous posts.

“Ah f–k it, I apologize for being insensitive, its always wrong, that’s obvious, but I’m rolling my eyes at all the attention she will get.”

Shortly after that, he offered half a dozen sincere condolences on Twitter.

“As someone who’s devoted his career to defending victims and supporting justice, I’m very ashamed for my insensitive and offensive comments,” he wrote, apologizing to Logan’s friends and family.

“I am deeply ashamed because they do not represent who i am, and i would like to convey my most heart felt apologies to Ms. Logan, her family, her friends, all women and too everyone I have hurt, angered and disappointed,” he added in an e-mail.

Rosen resigned from his fellowship from New York University’s Center on Law and Security on Wednesday, according to Karen J. Greenberg, the center’s executive director.

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