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Posts Tagged ‘Michael Savage’

Michael Savage calls for a new Nationalist 3rd Party

by Phantom Ace ( 11 Comments › )
Filed under Conservatism, Headlines, Tea Parties, The Political Right at January 6th, 2013 - 7:45 pm

When it comes to foreign policy, I am very disgruntled with the Republican Party. Learning the wrong lesson from 9/11, the GOP now has Nation Building as one of it’s core ideological tenets. American interests are no longer the Party’s concern. It’s all about Global and Islamic interests. Like the Democrats, The GOP supports the agendas of the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.

Radio host Michael Savage has had enough. He is now calling for a new Nationalist Party to challenge the GOP from the right.

The conservative radio host Michael Savage Sunday called for a third, “nationalist” American political party to challenge the Republican Party on the right of the political spectrum.

“We need a nationalist party in the United States of America,” said Savage on Aaron Klein’s WABC radio show.

“You have the rudiments of a new party in this country called a Tea Party. They need to restructure their party. They need a charismatic leader, which they don’t have,” he said. “When you say Tea Party no one knows who the leader is because there is no leader. No man has stepped forward who can lead that party.”

Savage is the third-most widely heard radio talker in the country, and a leading voice among conservatives seeking an alternative to the Beltway Republican Party.

I agree with Michael Savage. Some may cringe at the term Nationalists since the Leftist Nazis used that term. Nationalism just means putting your national interests first.

Personally, I wish the Republican Party would adopt a national interest based foreign policy. But just like the Democrats, they are Transnational Progressives who do the bidding of Islamic interests. When someone challenges the The GOP’s Pro-Globalist/Islamic foreign policy, they get called isolationist and areshunned.

Despite Michael Savage’s call I don’t see anything changing. Too many Republican voters blindly support any military action whether it’s in America’s interest. One day the American Right will wake up and realize they have been fooled.  A strong defense does not mean getting involved in conflicts on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi Arabia and Gulf States.

More *ss-in-the-air submission by the United Kaliphate

by 1389AD ( 2 Comments › )
Filed under Free Speech, Headlines, Islamic Supremacism, Liberal Fascism, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, UK at May 26th, 2011 - 11:07 pm

Conservative radio host Michael Savage is still barred from entry into the UK, i.e.: the United Kaliphate.

The WorldNetDaily link is below. The gist is this:

1) The United Kaliphate accuses Savage of in general of making statements that constitute “a threat to public security”, but will not cite specifics;

2) As ‘proof’ of their position, they then claim that he has not proven the negative of not having made those unspecified statements;

3) They claim that his name was added to the barred list to “balance” the preponderance of Muslims already on it (pssst! – he was added because he is white and non-Muslim); and

4) The United Kaliphate continues to allow in the actual threats to public security: fighting-age male Muslims.

The quote attributed to the British “home secretary” at the end of the article was no surprise: Savage is “considered to be […] fostering hatred which might lead to intercommunity violence.”

Gee, I wonder which “community” they mean.


Originally posted by Chuck at 1389 Blog..

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder Rap Song

by Phantom Ace ( 88 Comments › )
Filed under Liberal Fascism, Music, Open thread, Progressives at April 17th, 2010 - 3:30 pm

As many of you all know I am a hardcore Hip Hop head. I have been into Rap music since the early 80’s when I was a young kid growing up in Queens, NY.  I DJ’d Rap music in the early to mid 90’s when it was truly raw street music. I understand many Netizens here don’t like the music and unlike a certain Jazz Musician I never impose my tastes on any of you. I may post videos from time to time but its more for me to reminisce and share a part of my identity with you.

Blogmocracy Netizen Mr. Paul Revere brought this video by Conservative rapper Infidel where he pays tribute to Michael Savage and totally destroys the Tranzi progressives as mentally sick.

Here is Michael Savage’s interview with the Rapper Infidel.

This is an Open thread for a Saturday

(Hat Tip: Mr. Paul Revere)

The Reason for Michael Savage’s UK Ban

by Phantom Ace ( 25 Comments › )
Filed under British Islamic Jihadists, Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Invasion, Islamic Supremacism, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Political Correctness, UK at July 26th, 2009 - 10:59 am

The formerly great nation called the United Kingdom of Great Britain is now a Dhimmi nation of Islam. They had a ban list that forbid Radicals from entering the UK. This list was put together by the Former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith to keep these radicals out. The list was dominated by Muslims, and to “balance” that, Michael Savage was placed on the list. Savage who has exposed the Islamist influence in the UK and American governments was put on the list to appease Britain’s Muslim masters.

Former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has suffered a major setback in her legal battle with American ‘shock jock’ Michael Savage after her officials were accused of banning him from the country on racial grounds.

Emails written by Home Office officials privately acknowledged the ban on Mr. Savage would provide ‘balance’ to a list dominated by Muslims – and linked the decision to Gordon Brown and Foreign Secretary David Miliband.

This is a big legal win for Michael  Savage in his case against Jacqui Smith. This also exposes the Appeasement mindset of British and American leaders. It is obvious that the establishment of the UK and America fear Islam and will bow before them. How pathetic this because the Chinese have shown, Muslims can be crushed. I have more respect for China right now than the American and UK governments.