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Posts Tagged ‘rape’

Colorado Democrat makes stupid comments on Rape.

by Phantom Ace ( 56 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Progressives, Socialism, Tranzis at February 19th, 2013 - 9:06 pm

Colorado Democrat Paul Rosen has entered Todd Akins territory. Unlike Akins who got no slack for his rape comments because he was a Republican, Rosen will get no grief because he is a Democrat. In remarks that are worse than anything Akins said, Paul Rosen tells women to stay disarmed and helpless during a Rape situation.

Paul Rosen is openly advocating women to be disarmed and be rape victims. his is despicable, but he will face no consequences. Being a Democrat allows you to say and do what you please.

Zenster Explains Why Islam Is Not Worth Salvaging

by 1389AD ( 21 Comments › )
Filed under Islam, Music, Sharia (Islamic Law), Special Report at July 5th, 2011 - 5:00 pm

Before we begin…

Please submit your links on the requested topic!

Do you have links or citations on sexuality in Islam?

A recent post at Gates of Vienna, Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil, announced that Ann Barnhardt will be the keynote speaker at the Center for Strategic Analysis annual seminar in Las Vegas on Saturday, September 24th.

If you have links or citations regarding Islamic sexuality, please forward that information to Ann Barnhardt at the email address on her website.

Zenster weighs in:

In the comments on the blog post cited above, Zenster explains how Islam brings physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual ruin to every individual and society that embraces it:

Comment #4:

I think it is important to note that whatever passes for “love” in Islamic culture may well be a far cry from the romantic intimacy by which we define it in the West.

Way too much of Muslim sexual interaction involves subjugation, ownership, denial of vulnerability, outright force and a host of other behavioral motifs that simply defy, if not prohibit, the development of healthy attachments or constructive interpersonal bonding.

As Pat Condell has noted, Islam is a culture of rape be it hetero or homosexual. The entire practice of purdah (female confinement), is a strong driver in both male and female homosexuality while ensuring that whatever matches do occur are usually driven by political or commercial interests instead of for true love.

As a flip-side to all of this, imagine how any attempts at actually establishing a healthy romantic relationship must be done secretly and in total opposition to all social norms. The taint that this must cast upon an individual’s valiant efforts to defy such abnormality can only serve to further warp the substrate of interpersonal exchange.

The whole concept of marrying off children to people they have often met briefly or not at all means that a disproportionate number of Islamic marriages are coerced and potentially loveless. To imbue something so physically and emotionally intimate as marriage with an undercurrent of detachment is not just an abomination but serves to desensitize a culture overall.

This desensitization is manifest in the way that cruelty is so commonplace and barely given a second glance. The Islamic obsession with death is another facet of this same anti-life frame of mind.

If one examines how Islam imposes the death penalty for both adultery and apostasy, it becomes readily apparent that this ideology is nothing but a spiritual and psycho-sexual gulag.

Consider these other commonplace aspects of daily Islamic life:

No dogs for children to play with and learn from about unconditional love and devotion.

Illiterate mothers who cannot read a bedtime story to their children or help them learn how to read.

No freedom of speech that permits healthy discussion and critical analysis of current events.

No freedom of religion that is so vital to a pluralistic society.

No graphic depiction of most living forms which curtails artistic creativity.

No public displays of affection that lend a romantic atmosphere to daily life.

No pork or other haram foods that widen the diet and give variety to sustenance.

No beautiful or shapely women proudly strutting their stuff on the street.

No non-liturgical music to break up the monotony of constant religious worship.

No alcohol to unwind with and enhance convivial gatherings.

No co-ed intermingling that allows young people to refine their social skills.

Now, imagine how barren and loveless such a world must be. From all indications, it would seem that healthy loving relationships would be the exception and not the rule. If one reflects upon the monumental amount of misery and human suffering that Islam has inflicted throughout its entire history, the sheer existence of this inhumane ideology becomes a blatant affront to all Western traditions of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Comment #7:

Jewel: [#5] Other than the muezzin’s five times a day call to worship, there is no music allowed.

My qualification was to prevent nitpickers. In reality, you have only further cemented my case. Thank you for the constructive input.

As someone who is self-taught on several instruments, performs publicly and also composes and writes lyrics in a wide variety of styles, I cannot imagine living without music.

Astonishingly enough, even cynical old Friedrich Nietzsche said:

Without music, life would be a mistake.

Comment #52:

The list in my original comment (#4), was from a long time ago and omits one very important thing:

Any society populated by a majority of females who have been genitally mutilated can only be one that is so devoid of sexual fairness, true mutual pleasure and anything even remotely resembling gender equality as to be permanently and irreversibly dysfunctional.

It is impossible to imagine how anyone who advocates or defends FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), can possibly talk about any sort of wholesome, functioning community.

A woman who has been subjected to FGM is essentially being raped every day of her life. Intercourse or no intercourse, fulfilling, satisfying lovemaking has been permanently denied her ― as it often is for many victims of rape ― and that is perpetual rape of a most heinous sort.

Any culture that countenances FGM cannot possibly claim to have “normal” or “healthy” sexual mores. It is a physical impossibility. A man who advocates or defends FGM is unworthy of a woman’s attentions and deserves, at best, to live a solitary and involuntarily celibate life…

Comment #57:

Hesperado: [#54] In Muslim countries, Muslim women are mainly the practitioners of FGM on the little girls.

Which is why I lost all sympathy for Muslimas a long, long time ago.

Muslim women are not salvageable. They are thoroughly brainwashed co-dependent enablers of their victimizers. There’s no hope of a Lorena Bobbit movement arising from them in any numbers sufficient to make a difference.

You are, once again, preaching to the choir. It is not just “Muslim women [who] are not salvageable”.


This is the point I was making in the “A Pathetic Badge of Honor” thread. To wit:

I have long maintained that, even if it were possible to disregard terrorism ― and it most certainly is not ― shari’a law’s institutionalized misogyny is still an ultimate deal-breaker with respect to ever allowing Islam to participate as an equal on the world stage.

Neither do I believe that Islam can be rehabilitated. Just rendering equality for women would make Islam alien unto itself. Abject Gender Apartheid is an unspoken “pillar” of Islam.

There is so little in Islam that is worth salvaging and such intense internal opposition to any such thing that reformation or rehabilitation is rendered nigh well impossible to the point where there is no way to even visualize how it might be achieved.

To close, imagine how much more peaceful and less hostile or miserable this entire world would be if Islam simply did not exist. What more damning thing can be said of Islam?


Catholic NGO ‘Caritas’ Shelters Nazis, Libels Serbs and Jews

by 1389AD ( 6 Comments › )
Filed under Albania, Balkans, Bosnia, Holocaust, Islamic Invasion, Islamic Terrorism, Israel, Kosovo, Serbia, Special Report, World War II at June 26th, 2011 - 11:10 pm

The recent death of Nazi Milivoj Asner in a Caritas nursing home in Austria (see Another one bites the dust…) inspired Julia Gorin to do some further research.

It turns out that it is no accident that Caritas sheltered this aged Nazi. Caritas has been corrupt from the get-go:

WWII Nazi Dies in Austria, in the Care of Catholic Charity Caritas

Posted by Julia Gorin

From Monday:
Anger as WWII ‘killer’ dies in Austria

Austria has been branded as a “paradise for Nazis” after it emerged that an alleged war criminal deceased in a care home in Carinthia.

A spokesman for a Caritas retirement centre in Klagenfurt confirmed newspaper reports claiming that Milivoj Asner passed away today (Mon). He said the Croat perished aged 98 in the institution last week.

Asner is suspected of being behind the deportation of hundreds of Serbs, Roma and members of the Jewish community in Croatia’s Ustasa movement during World War Two (WWII). Asner changed his name to Georg Aschner after fleeing to Austria when the Communists took over his homeland in 1945. He received the Austrian citizenship the next year.

Asner lived in Carinthian capital Klagenfurt to his death. Austrian prosecutors opened a case against him due to occurrences in WWII in 2004 before Croatia demanded his extradition one year later. However, Asner was spared a trial due to his mental condition.

Juridical decision-makers in Austria asked a German expert to examine the suspected war criminal in 2009 after they were accused of having acted biased as several expert opinions established by Austrian doctors suggested Asner was not fit for legal procedures.

The debate over how to handle the issue intensified in 2008 when British journalists claimed Asner – who allegedly suffered from dementia – must be strong enough to go to court after spotting him at a fan zone in Klagenfurt during the European Football Championship.

Now Efraim Zuroff, the director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s office in Jerusalem, Israel, has claimed Austria was a “paradise for Nazis.”

“His decisive role in the killing of hundreds of Jewish people, Serbians and Roma in the Slavonian city of Prozega is evident,” the historian said today (Mon) after being informed that Asner has died.

Zuroff criticised juridical authorities in Austria for “assigning benevolent doctors” to judge Asner’s condition. The co-founder of “Operation: Last Chance” said their decisions helped the Croat-born ex-police chief to evade an extradition and a court case.

The historian – who has often been described as the world’s “Last Nazi Hunter” – called on all countries in the world to show “final urgent efforts” to bring WWII era criminals to justice. Asner was on number three of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s list of the 10 most wanted WWII crime suspects. Zuroff stressed Asner’s spot will be occupied by someone else “soon,” explaining that “many people are in waiting.”

Austria – which became part of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich in 1938 – has been widely criticised for allegedly failing to make a clean sweep considering residents’ involvements in wartime crimes in contrast to Germany and other countries. Many former army generals and diplomats suspected of supporting Nazi Germany’s genocide kept their high-ranking positions after 1945 or were reassigned by public institutions.

Isn’t it charming? The old Nazi died in the care of a retirement home affiliated with the Catholic Caritas charity.

And Nazism STILL has nothing to do with the Catholic Church, right? Well, we already know that Caritas doesn’t care much for the Jewish State, and is involved in activism against it:

Caritas poster railing against so-called 'Israeli occupation'
Fence keeping out Jew-killers: No good.

From NGO Monitor:

According to the Simon Weisenthal Center, The production and distribution of such political material may place Caritas in violation of its charitable tax status on donations made in North America, Western Europe and Australasia.”

The Simon Weisenthal Center also noted that the poster undoubtedly exacerbates Middle East-related antisemitism, justifies further attacks on Jewish targets under the sanctification cover of the Holy See and impugns Caritas’ credibility as an effective relief and unbiased relief agency.

And this:

CESR coordinates research projects on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from its New York City and Gaza regional offices with a variety of organizations, including LAW , Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights, B’Tselem, Palestinian Ministry of Education, UNRWA, Birzeit University, The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Defense of Children International/Palestine Section, as well as Caritas, Center on Housing Rights and Evictions, and PENGON. As past NGO Monitor reports have documented, many of these NGOs are active in promoting the Durban strategy of demonization against Israel.

And this:

The “NGO Statement on International Protection”, drafted by “a wide range of NGOs” was presented at the Executive Committee in October. The NGO participants in the UNHCR Executive Committee session included Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, CARE International, CARITAS International, Oxfam International, BADIL and World Vision International, among others. The statement called on “all actors to redouble their efforts at addressing this [protection] gap for Palestinian refugees, beginning with their right of return in keeping with UN General Assembly Resolution 194, including the right to restitution and compensation.”

But let’s see what we can come up with in our Balkans file about Caritas. Why, here’s something:

Feminists in the U.S. were treated to a propaganda blitz about rapes allegedly carried out by Serbs. It had an electrifying effect. In the end, the radical group “Madre,” which previously supported Central American women, launched an emotional campaign to save thousands of Bosnian Muslim women allegedly raped by Bosnian Serb soldiers. Gloria Steinem lent the story respectability in Ms. Magazine. The N.Y. Times wrote that 20,000 to 50,000 Bosnian women had been raped, despite the fact that there was no substantiation for such numbers – except, of course, from the Bosnian Muslim “Ministry of Information.” Despite doubts expressed by Helsinki Watch, Human Rights Watch and respected individuals such as Simone Weil, the president of the European Parliament, the American media relied on the Bosnian War Crimes Commission and Caritas, the Catholic charity connected to the Croatian government, for verification of these outrageous claims…

– Alvin Dorfman and Heather Cottin, “U.S. Jews and the Balkan Situation,” Jewish Currents, April 1996

Caritas is also present in Kosovo, ministering to the minority Catholic Albanians there. That would seem reasonable, except when you consider that this ancient Orthodox-Serb land was marked for conquest by the Vatican from the beginning. Or if you consider this:

Vatican’s charity Caritas smuggled weapons to KLA, incl. mortars stolen from NATO bases in Germany. The consignee was a parish priest in Italy. One of three drivers of the convoy arrested by Italian customs had links to BND. Before Kosovo “independence” declaration, pope Benedict stated that Vatican would heed the international community. While using extreme Albanians to break Serbian-Orthodox influence, as Berlin did, high-powered Catholic clergy declared, “a new phase” can begin “with the independence” of Kosovo.

– Piotr Bein, “Mass Deception on Mass Violence: The Case of Serbs,” prepared for the International Comparative Genocide Research project of the Hiroshima City University, 2009 [Worth reading; there is plenty of dirt about Vice President Joseph Biden at that link as well!]

A similar note from UK blogger Neil Clark:

The Vatican gave massive diplomatic support to anti-Yugoslav forces & provided both money ($2 billion from the Knights of Malta to Tudjman) & weapons (Caritas was caught smuggling mortars & ground to air missiles allegedly stolen from NATO to the KLA). Their motivation was purely religious. Their ancient conflict with the Orthodox Church.

And in less recent but searingly relevant history, we have this declassified U.S. Army index card filing from 1953:

Pavelic, Ante
War criminal, who is believed to be in Argentina or Italy. Former ustasha leader, who directed the Croatian nationalist movement; this movement has sponsored an “information collecting agency” for operations in Yugoslavia and Austria under cover of the various Caritas offices in Austria.

– Unknown Document, U.S. Army, declassified, June 24, 1953

(Note: The introduction on the page where this document can be found online reads, “From the US Army File on Ante Pavelic: Another of the small, index card-sized files mixed among the papers of Pavelic’s dossier, this refers to a piece on Ustase subverting the Catholic refugee agency Caritas.” It is certainly possible that the charity was being “subverted,” but unfortunately it is just as possible that the misuse of the charity was done with the knowledge, collusion, or blind-eye-turning of its administrators. Much like all those Islamic “humanitarian organizations” that piled into Bosnia and Kosovo and were “subverted” by jihadists, right? H-ll, why limit it to Bosnia and Kosovo? One could say the same about virtually any Islamic charity operating today: jihadist fronts. Other fascinating documents from the immediate post-WWII era here.)

Croatian Caritas was founded by Cardinal Stepinac himself, that great savior of a handful of Jews and Serbs who were trying to escape the Croatian genocide of Jews and Serbs which he oversaw, by a regime that he helped put in place.

The word “caritas,” of course, means love for all people, and here it is being used in context in an email from author Gabriel Wilensky, responding to a comment left under my 2010 article about the Vatican’s WWII role in genocide (the comment: “Can’t we just forgive and forget?”):

Yes, That JPost comment is remarkable. What is perhaps little known and equally as remarkable is the tremendous and effective effort of the Catholic Church to get war criminals out of Europe and to have the sentences of the ones caught either commuted or reduced. It is quite revolting, actually, to know that clergymen pushed the Allies very hard — supposedly in the spirit of Christian caritas — to get these savages off the hook. Same argument: too much suffering, can’t we just move on? they argued…

Catholic Caritas, then, makes little distinction between the killed and the killers, especially when the killers are promoting the “right” agenda.

And in the modern, NWO incarnation of Hitler’s vision, the word apparently plays a role as well:

The Nobel Committee’s award to Obama has been viewed by many, on the left and right, as a surprise. But it makes perfect sense. The committee noted that Obama “has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play.” All of this is true. Obama has built up the power of global institutions at the expense of the United States.

While the Vatican statement congratulating Obama was also seen by some as a surprise, it too makes sense. The Vatican expressed the hope that “this most important recognition will ultimately encourage such a difficult but fundamental commitment for the future of humanity, so that it might bring the expected results.”

The “expected results” are evident when one considers that Pope Benedict, the leader of 1.2 billion Catholics, had endorsed a “World Political Authority,” a form of world government, in his recent encyclical “Caritas in Veritate.” This world political authority, in the Vatican view, is supposed to “manage the economy,” bring about “timely disarmament,” and ensure “food, security and peace.”

– Cliff Kincaid, “Vatican Backs Obama’s Global Agenda,” Accuracy in Media, Oct. 12, 2009

Who was actually raped in the Balkans? Does anyone care?

The evidence shows that the actual victims of rape in the Balkans have been Serbian girls and women.

How very inconvenient for those who have a vested interest in continuing to libel the Serbs, so as to have an excuse for continuing the persecution and killing of Serbs and the occupation and theft of Serbian lands.

The Rape of Serbian Women

by 1389AD ( 108 Comments › )
Filed under Bosnia, Crime, Islamic hypocrisy, Media, Serbia, United Nations at October 5th, 2010 - 8:30 am

Jihad Watch: The Rape of Serbian Women

by Stella L. Jatras
(Letter to Phyllis Chesler of Chesler Chronicles)

Dear Phyllis,

I apologize for the length of my letter, but there is so much to be covered on this subject in order to do it justice.

In your commentary of 28 July entitled, “Is Marital Rape a Crime in America or Is It a Muslim Religious Right?,” Chesler Chronicles, you wrote: “In this regard, rape was declared a crime against humanity by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. [ICTY] I was tentatively supposed to testify about Rape Trauma Syndrome in the case in The Hague, but there was no funding to either protect or relocate the women who were prepared to testify, and thus, these trials were canceled.”

My concern is the distorted application of the rape declaration by the ICTY. Anything from the ICTY, a bought and paid for tool of the western powers, can only be seen in light of the objectives of those powers, especially Washington. A major objective — which was achieved — was to make the Muslims the victims in Bosnia and Serbs the villains. Paradoxically, that contrived victimization is itself a weapon in depicting any concerns about Islam here — including victimization of women, not as helping protect human rights, but as a propaganda tool to justify discrimination, racism, etc.

In that context, the accusations of mass rape – and specifically of “Serb rape camps,” which were never shown to have existed anywhere — was part of a calculated campaign of depicting Muslims-white-hats and Serbs-black-hats. I draw your attention to a letter written by Herb Brin of Heritage Southwest Jewish Press to President Clinton on 14 April 1994: “When I visited the Serbian front a year ago, I learned to my dismay that the rape story was a total concoction. In wars, rapes occur–but in the hundreds of thousands and as a means of so-called ‘ethnic cleansing?’ This was incredible and false.” Certainly rapes are committed in wartime, even worse in communal wars. There is no evidence that Bosnia was any worse (or better) than anywhere else where comparable conflicts have taken place. Tragically, the crime of the actual rapes that occurred was compounded by the use of false accusations of rape as a propaganda weapon, which is what the west and the Muslims did. Such false accusations both paste a damning accusation on the party not guilty of the wrongdoing, while devaluing the horror of actual rapes committed.

The fact that the ICTY declares rape a crime against humanity — a fact obvious to any normal person, ICTY or no ICTY — should not be given much weight, given the source. In fact, it serves to devalue the problem of rape during wartime because the ICTY shamefully used what should have been a principled legal finding as a blatant political propaganda weapon.

There is no question that even one rape is unspeakable, but with all due respect, I would like to present the other side of the story regarding the rapes that occurred in Bosnia, specifically the rape of Serbian women which were deemed to be insignificant by the media and by The Hague…

Unnoticed by the media was the submission on December 18, 1992, of the length report #S24491 by the UN Security Council to the General Assembly. The report included depositions by Serb rape victims.[emphasis mine]

Read it all at Jihad Watch!

What has been done about this?

Absolutely nothing whatsoever.

Some years ago, when it proved impossible to substantiate any of the rape-camp allegations against the Serbs, those stories simply vanished from the newspapers, magazines, and television screens, with no apologies and no retractions. The upshot is that the Serbs, including these Serb rape victims, are off the world’s radar screen. Susan Sontag, Christiane Amanpour, and many other journalistic and political whores built (or revived) their careers on Serb-bashing during the 1990s and early 2000s. Not a single one of them was ever called to account for the damage done by the lies they told. Thus far, none of these journalists have been a big enough person to sacrifice his or her career by repenting of those lies, telling the truth, and demanding justice for victimized Serbs.

It’s all too common for people who don’t have all the facts about an accusation to insist that “When there’s smoke, there’s fire.” Bzzzzt, wrong! Even smoke can be fake, as any special-effects artist can tell you.

Another mistake is to split the difference by assuming that the truth must be somewhere in the middle; for example, by claiming that all sides in a war have committed atrocities. Here again, that is not necessarily so, and so long as there is no proof that one side committed atrocities, then it behooves you to assume that they did not.

It is time to form (or reinforce) the habit of automatically doubting the nonsense spewed by government officials, journalists, or anybody else who has widespread access to the media. False accusations are everywhere, and so are people who serve as vectors for false accusations by uncritically repeating them. Just about every evildoer tries to evade punishment by pinning his or her own misdeeds on someone else. More ambitious evildoers can fabricate wrongdoing on the part of their opponents, and then use the media to manipulate others to do their fighting for them. In the case of the war against the Serbs, the jihadis and their allies fooled America and Europe into taking the wrong side in that conflict and fighting most of their battles for them. The same Muslim enemies who were active against the Serbs in the Balkans are now using the same tactics against Israel and the US.

Don’t fall for it!