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Posts Tagged ‘David Duke’

Ex KKK Leader David Duke Endorces Ex Black Panther Charles Barron

by Phantom Ace ( 4 Comments › )
Filed under Communism, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Nazism, Progressives, Special Report at June 21st, 2012 - 8:06 pm

The Klu Klux Klan are White Supremacists who hate Blacks. The Black Panther are Black Supremacists who hate Whites. Yet Their common Jew hatred unites them when politically convenient. Ex KKK leader has endorsed Ex Black Panther Charles Barron for a New York City Congressional seat.

The Democratic Party is facing an awkward problem Thursday because white supremacist David Duke has endorsed a leading candidate in the Democratic Party’s primary race for a New York House seat.

Duke says he’s endorsing Charles Barron, the leading candidate for the 10th district primary on June 26, because of their shared emnity toward “zionists.”

Barron is an African-American city politician who has been slammed as an anti-white racist and as a Jew-hater. However, he’s already got the endorsement of the retiring Democratic congressman, Rep. Edolphus Towns.

Duke, who was once a leader of the Ku Klux Klan, and who established the National Association for the Advancement of White People, decried Barron’s support for affirmative action, and his controversial statements that endorse violence against whites.

“I certainly disagree with Barron’s extreme racist, even violently, anti-white rhetoric,” he said, while blaming “Jewish extremists” for racial divisions.

African-Americans and whites “want the same thing — they want the right to associate together in their schools and communities,” he said.

This speaks volumes about the Democratic Party. Let’s not forget that the KKK was an arm of the Democratic Party. They are economic Progressives. David Duke is allies with Hugo Chavez. So of course he will support  Democrat.
David Duke’
s support of Charles Barron is not really a shock. Both want racial separation, a Socialist system and hatred of Jews. They have more common than not.

Kathy Griffin Says ‘D-Word’

by DJM ( 7 Comments › )
Filed under Open thread at January 3rd, 2009 - 2:01 pm

This is news?

I was going to respond with more, but, hell, I’d have to use d-words and h-words, and r-words…Shit, I’d have to use words starting with all sorts of letters!

Screw it. Instead I’ll just post some pictures of a few DICKS:


Colbert King Plays the White Supremacist Card

by Phantom Ace Comments Off on Colbert King Plays the White Supremacist Card
Filed under Barack Obama, Election 2008 at August 17th, 2008 - 3:24 pm

The Washington Post’s Colbert King compares Clinton strategist Mark Penn to white supremacists, frantic to prevent Barack Obama from being elected: Memo From a Poison Penn.

Say you find yourself seated on the train behind two white supremacists who are beside themselves over the possibility that Barack Obama could become America’s first black president.

They are so fired up, they fail to notice you.

The men are discussing the urgent need to derail Obama’s candidacy.

The obvious strategist of the two says that Obama’s defeat can be brought about by hitting him hard, where it hurts the most.

We’ve got to launch an attack, he declares, on Obama’s “lack of American roots.” Paint him as a guy with an exotic background who’s present in mainstream society but isn’t really a part of it.

He asserts, with a snicker, that Obama has “a very strong weakness.” We’ll drive home the argument, he says, that Obama’s “roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited.”

Just one problem with King’s overheated scenario; the real white supremacists are very much in favor of Barack Obama.

So you think the chorus of white hate groups is seething with rage that Barack Obama could become president? Think again.

Members of the knuckle-dragging set are taking a rosier view, judging by their Internet posts. They say the possibility of a biracial president is helping their recruitment efforts.

“It will be a beautiful day when the masses look at the paper and truly realize they have lost their own country,” according to one of the postings spotted by Mark Potok, who monitors hate groups at the Southern Poverty Law Center. “White people aren’t going to do a thing until their toys are taken away from them,” says another. “So things have to be worse for things to be better.”

So much for the question of whether Obama will be able to reach beyond his core liberal constituency.

Even former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke has taken time from his international network of Holocaust-deniers to blog: “Obama is a visual aid for white Americans who just don’t get it yet that we have lost control of our country, and unless we get it back we are heading for complete annihilation as a people.”

(Hat Tip: Charles the Cult Leader)