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Posts Tagged ‘Jesse Jackson’

Grievance theater isn’t about race, it’s about power and money

by Mojambo ( 63 Comments › )
Filed under Crime at March 30th, 2012 - 8:00 am

The Knish brilliantly dissects  the Trayvon Martin case and writes that we have seen this movie (actually theater) before in the Jena 6, Howard Beach and  Bensonhurst  cases and so many others. The same actors – Sharpton,  Jackson,  Spike Lee aided by wannabes such as Jazzy X and the whole MSNBC crew i.e.  the whole plethora of race hustlers and baiters – have the drill down pat. It is not “justice” that they want (that is a concept they have no idea about), but power and money.

by Daniel Greenfield

The Trayvon Martin case is a wholly familiar one to residents of any major urban city. If you live in Chicago, New York or Los Angeles, then it’s only a matter of time until an incident between a law enforcement officer, or more rarely a civilian defending himself, and a member of a minority group flares up into a citywide grievance theater complete with angry reverends on the steps of City Hall, women with stony faces holding up banners calling for justice and a media-driven debate about police tactics and racism.

This sort of thing happens with depressing regularity in cities where even the most liberal residents have to choose between police overreach and being murdered. It never leads to meaningful debate or a resolution.  Instead it peters out with the best actors in the grievance theater picking up money and influence, the media selling a few more papers or ads for nasal polyp relief on the drive time news and everything going back to the way it was.

The grievance theater is never really about the specific case, the specific shooting, it’s about the links between the social problems of the black community, the compromises of civil liberties necessary to keep entire cities from turning into Detroit, and the inability of the media to address the sources of crime as anything but the phantoms of white racism. It’s about a black leadership that is more interested in posturing as angry activists and shaking loose some money, than in healing their own community’s problems. And so the same story repeats itself again and again without an honest dialogue or anything meaningful coming out of it.

But grievance theater has been going national. It’s no longer just extraordinary cases like Bernie Goetz’s Death Wish moment on the number 2 train that briefly catch hold of the national conversation. The obsessive coverage of the so-called Jena 6 case, an incident of so little internal meaning, signaled that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would no longer just be able to drive a local controversy, they now had the freedom to drive national controversies any time they wanted to.

Trayvon Martin is their big moment. It’s no longer just grievance theater being used to influence the political fortunes of a municipal election, the way that Howard Beach was used to bring down Mayor Koch and replace him with the execrable David Dinkins. Now it’s being used as part of a presidential campaign on a national level.

The fortunes of too many black politicians have been tied to white guilt and black rage

The fortunes of too many black politicians have been tied to white guilt and black rage. The worst sort of black politician channels black rage to score points with black supporters while playing on the guilt of white voters, promising to heal the social conditions that bring about that anger and protect them from its ravages. But never before has that game been played out of the Oval Office.

The last two Democratic presidents were Southern governors, but the current occupant is a veteran of the corrupt urban political machine where there are only two games in town and when the money runs out, this is the one you play. The money is running out, the polls are running down and accordingly we have been treated to an episode of grievance theater, with our beloved leader in the role of healer and inciter.


It’s Community Activism 101 to divide and conquer the electorate by breaking them down and feeding local anxieties

It’s Community Activism 101 to divide and conquer the electorate by breaking them down and feeding local anxieties, whether it’s about birth control or racial injustice. And it’s a win-win for Obama, who at worst gains a distraction from economic turmoil and a few thousand guilty voters and at best, upends the national dialogue by asserting the dominance of the racial narrative. While his associates wield the bullhorns, he carefully plays healer and if there is violence, then his currency as racial healer increases.


Our racial dysfunction has always been secondary to our political dysfunction, and now our political dysfunction is second to none

Our racial dysfunction has always been secondary to our political dysfunction, and now our political dysfunction is second to none. We have the best government that Warren Buffett’s money could buy and that ACORN’s election fraud can achieve. And we have a national government that is starting to look like the dysfunctional urban governments at the center of the grievance theaters.

Chicago nearly went bankrupt in 1930. New York nearly went bankrupt in 1975. But states have bailed out cities and the federal government has bailed out states. When there isn’t enough money to keep the dysfunctional political machine built on corruption and subsidies going, there’s always some larger entity to foot the bill.


That is the lesson that has yet to be learned from the cities whose dysfunctional politics have been transplanted to the national government. Along with the politics has come the grievance mob, the outrage machine, the outpourings of self-righteousness, the class warfare fought by corrupt pols and the rest of the bread-and-circuses show that have blighted the American city for a century and a half.

Grievance theater isn’t about race, it’s not about slavery, police brutality or separate lunch counters, it’s about power and money. Black politicians are not fundamentally different from white ones. They have more in common with their white colleagues than they do with their own communities. The only difference is that they are playing with the race cards they have been dealt.


The ghetto farms black communities for votes and more importantly for subsidies

When you look closely at where the school property tax money goes, why health care is so expensive, and why so much money has to be spent on housing, a big chunk of it goes here. It’s the hole in our budget ozone layer and it can never be filled, because it is designed never to be filled. For a sizable number of influential people, both black and white, the black community’s social problems are a cash cow. The grievance theater is their way of collecting protection money and making sure that no one pays too much attention to what’s really wrong.

The problem isn’t limited to the black community. The same phenomenon crosses over different minority communities and some white ones as well, but the race card is still the best card in the deck. It carries too many emotional triggers, too much guilt and too much hope not to use it over and over again. The moral power of the civil rights movement still isn’t exhausted as long as hopeful white people smile at the sight of a black man in the White House as if his political power testified to their innocence.


Grievance theater, like light-hearted musicals, is one of those forms that works best when the economy is bad and everyone has trouble making ends meet. But while people voluntarily go to see musicals, or at least they used to, they have to be dragged to attend the latest grievance theater, the production numbers broadcast live on CNN and MSNBC, the programs printed in every paper that still hasn’t gone out of business, and breathless announcements of the latest developments broadcast in between Dunkin Donuts commercials.

The local productions of grievance theater have gone national and we are all compelled to watch it play out. No matter what happens to George Zimmerman or what we learn about Trayvon Martin, the country has been turned into unwilling participants in a national drama that places a distorted idea of race at the center of our identity for the benefit of the same hucksters and politicians who have destroyed the city and are hard at work destroying the country.

Read the rest –  The Bankrupt Race Card

Racist Black Nationalist Jesse Jackson threatens Black Congressmen

by Phantom Ace ( 134 Comments › )
Filed under Communism, Liberal Fascism, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Progressives, Tranzis at November 19th, 2009 - 6:35 pm

Black Nationalist Race hustler Jesse Jackson is warning the Black Congressional Caucus. He is claiming that voting against Obamacare would make them race traitors. He even says that voting against it would not make a person Black. This is a racist view and he must be called out for his Black Nationalist views.


The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Wednesday night criticized Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.) for voting against the Democrats’ signature healthcare bill.

“We even have blacks voting against the healthcare bill from Alabama,” Jackson said at a reception Wednesday night. “You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.”

The remark stirred a murmur at the reception, held by the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Foundation as part of a series of events revolving around the 25th anniversary of Jackson’s run for president. Several CBC members were in attendance, including Chairwoman Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), who’d introduced Jackson.

Read the rest.

Jesse Jackson has a history of Radicalism. He is a supporter of Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. In the 8o’s he supported the Sandinista Regime in Nicaragua, who were aligned with the Soviets. There is not a 3rd World/Anti-American Movement that he has not supported. Yet  due to his blackmailing of Companies and politicians, he is treated as legitimate.

Jesse Jackson is the Black version of David Duke, a vile racist who divides Americans. Jesse also is Anti-Semitic and called NY Hymietown. Jesse Jackson is not just a Black Nationalist, he is also a Progressive Socialist. His Racist and Socialist views makes him a Black National Socialist.

Kathy Griffin Says ‘D-Word’

by DJM ( 7 Comments › )
Filed under Open thread at January 3rd, 2009 - 2:01 pm

This is news?

I was going to respond with more, but, hell, I’d have to use d-words and h-words, and r-words…Shit, I’d have to use words starting with all sorts of letters!

Screw it. Instead I’ll just post some pictures of a few DICKS:


Jesse Jackson: ‘Zionists Who Control America’ On the Way Out

by Phantom Ace Comments Off on Jesse Jackson: ‘Zionists Who Control America’ On the Way Out
Filed under Anti-semitism, Barack Obama, Election 2008 at October 14th, 2008 - 1:25 pm

Amir Taheri talks with Jesse Jackson at the World Policy Forum in Evian, France: The O Jesse Knows.

Jesse says Barack Obama is going to really change things in America.

PREPARE for a new America: That’s the message that the Rev. Jesse Jackson conveyed to participants in the first World Policy Forum, held at this French lakeside resort last week.

He promised “fundamental changes” in US foreign policy – saying America must “heal wounds” it has caused to other nations, revive its alliances and apologize for the “arrogance of the Bush administration.”

The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where “decades of putting Israel’s interests first” would end.

Jackson believes that, although “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades” remain strong, they’ll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.

“Obama is about change,” Jackson told me in a wide-ranging conversation. “And the change that Obama promises is not limited to what we do in America itself. It is a change of the way America looks at the world and its place in it.”

(Hat tip:Chas)